Still Breathing

Chapter 11


Couple notes real briefly. I'm in the middle of a move (second since I started this fic, can't believe I'm almost three years with this!)

I'm back to loving on the westcoast, been away a long time since I had to move when I was still a teen with my parents. I have missed this place.

Thanks for the readers who've stuck it out with me, and thanks to the new readers on both fanfiction and archiveofourown. You guys have seriously kept me motivated (even if a few people were more than a little annoying about it)

Anyway, once into the new place there will definitely be back to near daily updates again! (Boy do I look forward to that!) as I will have time and lack of people bothering me to be able to get back to my writing and drawing schedules. Although I am limited by my access to internet and monies to be able to pay for things like internet at the moment. It'll get better once we're settled more. I'm looking at a few possibilities.

I am actually working on a couple original novels as well, which is making me happy. I love inventing races, cultures and worlds. (sometimes I have more fun on that than writing the actual story…)

Anyway, bottom notes will hold the new playlist, as I got a request for how it's changed, and realized that its changed a lot over the course of these fics!


"We repeat, hand over the young Empress, and we will not kill everyone on board." The voice over the intercom sounded.

Nothing but hisses answered the announcement from the children. Feferi looked enraged, Eridan looked both mad and rather insulted.

Well likely because it seemed at least one of their attackers was a waterdweller like himself. Although not likely a Prince. There had not been too many surviving Princes from their homeworld, the former Empress had been rumored to have been hard on her companions.

Karkat cursed as something jammed his phone "Looks like we're on our own for now." He responded, when there came a knock on their door.

It was Beleza who decided to answer, ready to strangle whoever was there if they proved a danger.

Standing there, dressed in riot gear was a familiar face. It took Hope too long a moment to connect the cute guy that Jade liked from the crew to the fellow standing before them. Jake.

He was also coat check from Trillian's. One of the Grand Highblood's people.

"Hello my dovies. Looks like we have a bit of a rough patch here. " and he tossed a duffle on the floor. Hope wondered if it was rather sad that she could recognize the sound of artillery hitting the ground. The kids swarmed it. Most of it was the guns and bladed weapons that they had to leave in luggage.

"Get hooked up, we have a couple more guys who are moving." He said and paused as the voice still talking their demanded over the intercom shouted "Who the fucking hell are you?" right before there was gunfire and the sound shorted out.

"And that will be our queue" Jake said cheerfully.

Bags over shoulders, weapons in hand, the group quickly followed Jake. Hope realized why she hadn't immediately recognized him, (aside from being out of it for several months that is) he looked very different with the thicker lenses he'd put on, and the different way he'd styled his hair. Let alone he'd laid on the foreign accent a lot thicker. Just all the tiny little things he'd done and he'd seemed a different person from the usually quiet fellow who checked IDs and coats at the door of Trillian's.

Seriously, it was pretty trippy, he was like James Bond or something mixed with Steve Irwin.

As it was, at the moment he was all James Bond as he lead their group down the halls and checked corners before letting them go on. He had the same trained air to him as Jade. Who at the moment was holding up the back of the group, keeping the same sort of eye out that he had been keeping at the front.

Hope was starting to feel her head spin a bit of sudden flood of possibilities and took in a long breath to fight down the sudden feeling of nausea.

In her mind it was playing out like an old arcade game she played once. It had caught her eye because it was animated. But you chose a direction with the main character who was a knight trying to save a ditzy princess from like a dragon or something. Hope never made it that far, but it had been fun. Especially watching the main character die.

It wasn't so fun though at the moment when the horrors playing in her head had things like Karkat going over the side of the boat and being ripped to shreds by a seadweller about as fast as a feeding frenzy of sharks.

She rubbed her face and tried to clear her thoughts. Up until Jake was about to take them towards the kitchens. "No!" every possibility screaming at her involved nothing but death that way. Ending with the image of little Feferi held tightly by Eridan and bleeding out. Eric's color fading out with her life.

The others all looked at Hope and it was Feferi who seemed to read the inability for her to get anything else out. "Lately she'd been right on with her hunches. Let's go a different way."

Jake paused, seemed to be consulting the map in his head and took them up the stairs instead. Heading for the deck, "There are some life rafts this way. We can snag those if we need to. The Highblood's reinforcements should be here shortly."

Gamzee gave Hope's shoulders a brief hug against his side. Comforting and a solid presence that calmed the human enough she could actually speak again, shaking the last of the horrors out of her head. Now that the attack was upon her everything was moving much faster.

Just as Jake got to the door she didn't quite shout again, but made a noise that had everyone looking back at her "Possibly two groups, one tormenting some of the waitresses."

Jake rolled his eyes "Geeze, we in a hostage situation and there are still losers trying to get a date. This is worse than work." He checked the safety on his gun, and Gamzee moved up next to him, a blood thirsty smile on his lips.

"Well we should just up and motherfucking show them how they should keep their priorities out of their pants in war."

Before Jake could check the door Gamzee just burst it open with a kick of his boot and launched himself out of it with a yodeling battle cry.

Jake was left blinking as on the other side was the group Hope mentioned, who had cornered some of the ship crew, a group of pretty girls and a young man.

At least one of the girls were armed with a fire extinguisher, and when the attackers turned to see what the horror terror coming at them was she ripped off the seal and let loose with the extinguisher, spraying form all over the attackers. The young man picked up the ax that likely came from the same place as the extinguisher. He struck at one of the fellows with a wide eyed terror in his gaze as the other was trying to breathe having caught a face full of foam.

And before they could fully react to the defense from the crew, the attackers were hit by angry juggalo.

Angry juggalo who was charging full force followed by laughing terror of his powers.

The crew after their initial bravery pulled back in terror from the one man wrecking crew going through their attackers like they were tissue.

Behind them the rest of the group were just staring. Jade did lift her gun and shot one fellow in the head with a single shot as he tried to crawl out of the pile of screaming trolls Gamzee was laughingly turning into swiss cheese.

"Well now." Jake said eyes wide. "He seems a little more, um… Cheerful, than the Highblood when doing that."

"Very likely because the Highblood managed to stay sane and he is very much fucking Not." Karkat replied, but he still looked very calm. Admittedly he was a little proud of Gamzee right now. He was using the Chucklevoodoos and not a bit of it was leaking outside of his targets.

Of course, just watching him didn't exactly inspire anything but fear as well, if he turned those juggling pins towards his friends if he was still on a high.

Then the second group Hope mentioned came to see what was going on.

The guy in the front had three holes and an arrow in his face falling backwards looking understandably stunned. Jake, Eridan, Eric and Jade reloaded.

With a spin of the two hooked blades in his hands, Karkat dove into the group and with a tumbling roll Nepeta went with him, the two fighting in concert as if they had been doing this for ages.

Beleza cracked knuckles and grinned, the target she had gulped and fumbled with his gun. Which lost him time and earned him a fist to the face from the Queen. Ghosting in and out of the edges of Gamzee's spear of fighting was Ana and Tavros.

Hope kept Feferi back behind the snipers, behind them Sirius kept a close eye on their backs and the grubs that the jade blood Vierge was keeping rounded up and safe while the others battled.

Feferi kept a close hand on her own weapon and looked around. She bumped Hope and indicated what she saw with her head.

Hope blinked and then grinned, the emergency glass broken for the ax and extinguisher had another item.

A fire hose.

Gamzee saw movement and managed to reach out with his hands to half tumble Tav and Ana back just as the fire hose unleased fury down the hall and hit the remaining attackers square on. He grinned wider turning to see Hope and Feferi holding the hose. Hope gave a human salute and the water pressure eased off right before she turned it off.

Before the attackers recovered Gamzee and the kids jumped them.

It wasn't too much longer before they were left with Nepeta and Karkat checking for survivors, Jake was speaking to the trapped humans and the kids had taken control of the grubs. Sitting on Sirius's side as the larger lusus relaxed blocking the hallway behind them.

"There were some people asking about you Jake." One of the waitresses said. She was for the moment the most held together of the group. Also the one holding the fire extinguisher. "They said they were going to be setting up an escape route."

Jake nodded and took the details. At least it was in the general direction they were heading. Above them they could hear sounds like helicopters. "That will be the backup." He said and the group gathered themselves leaving a little hall of painted walls. Gamzee, Ana and Tav all baring little designs and marks added in blood. More than a little freaky, half expected of the juggalos, but Tav was a jade blood, the grin he wore matched his best friend's and mentor's in a way that made it clear he was an accepted one of them.

Getting to the deck was easier and they had cover with the copters. Jake was able to lead them to the side of the ship where there were several smaller vassals, at least two looked to be coast guard, and another was American military. A private ship had a familiar black woman waving from it. They could see another figure behind her. Twin horns and mis matched shades. Also looking small and rather irritated and miserable.

Karkat snorted "They managed to drag his ass out on this." He grinned though at his old friend. Glad to see from here most the Trillian gang was in residence. So it was likely the Highblood's ship, or at least one he rented, waiting for them.

With the military and other forms of armed personnel on call the situation on the cruise liner was quickly coming under control, the attackers either fled and were being chased, or the survivors captured and rounded up to be taken into custody. Their party was to be loaded to the smaller and faster ship, which was going to take them directly to port and from there they were going to be loaded into a private jet to go the rest of the way home again.

They all breathed a collective sigh once feet where upon the smaller Rainbow Pusher (to which Karkat had looked at Unique and said 'seriously?')

It didn't have as much to do as the cruise did, but there was room enough for everyone. About the only person not from the Highblood's establishment was the Highblood himself.

Karkat looked over and grinned to see Equius and Nepeta. The two of them huddled together and talking. Mostly Nepeta patting Equius' shoulder as the larger troll kept bursting into random tears. Karkat looked back towards the monitor that Sollux was showing him about their routes. Sirius, Vierge and Unique had the kids rounded up and were keeping them entertained with the playstation. Eric was the only one not with them at the moment, instead snuggled with his mom. Jade rocking him. Human kids were pretty resilient, but not quite to the level of the troll children. Especially ones like Eric who were not really raised to be so tough.

Hope was leaning against Gamzee who was sound asleep. Head back against the wall and snoring. Hope was reading but had half the cover that had been thrown over Gamzee hanging over her head as she flipped through a magazine.

Beleza was with Unique, the two of them in conversation.

"That definitely worries me." Sollux said suddenly and karkat looked down at his old friend.

"What about it?"

"Those two, are both very… strong." He replied.


"Highblood is rather fond of strong women."

Karkat winced "Oh fucking hell you bastard I did NOT need that mental image!"

Sollux cackled, little sparks around his horns.

Karkat shook his head and leaned against the table top stretching out his back much like the little meowing beasts the humans were fond of. "I am just glad to be out of that mess."

"From what we have been able to figure out from the things that Hope has said in her conversations with the mothergrubs, the European mother might possibly be in the same place as the Empress that they claim to have."

"THE Empress?" Karkat had to ask.

Sollux quickly shook his head "No, thank fuck." His lisp was pretty laid back at the moment, not too bad. "Seems there was one hiding out in Canada of all places. A teenager, she'd been hiding so long that she just never stopped it seemed."

Karkat blinked "The Moon Princess?" he'd heard that a princess had been hiding herself, possibly the rumors said on one of the moons. Keeping herself out of the sight of the Empress who had control of the planet.

He'd always thought it was just rumors by those hopeful that a princess would manage to live long enough to dethrone the Empress.

Then the world blew up, and it really hadn't mattered all that much after that.

"Seems so. She got herself a human mom like Tav over there. A ocean biologist who is seriously freaking out understandably. The boss been in contact with the women, finding out all he can about the young Princess. Her name is Meenah. Seems to be a bit of a number nut and genius. Was working towards graduating and going to college."


Sollux snorted "No, business."

Karkat shuddered. There was a thought, an Empress in the business world. Even if she had no interest in ruling the troll world (which sounded the case if she wanted to go to school and never let anyone know she was there) she would likely still be a shark in the water of the human business world.

He'd almost feel sorry for them. He wondered if he might point her at his employers. Might be interesting to see how fast they would wet themselves facing against a real Royal Blood of their kind.

"So, we need to find out where she is being held and go rescue her?" Karkat commented, changing the subject.

Sollux nodded "As well as the Mothergrub. We have another group who are currently taking back the south American hive. Once that's done we'll have control of two of the main hives. We'll just have to get back the Euro Mother and the idiots trying this damn coupe will have to back off. "

Karkat growled "I fucking hate politics."

"Me too."

Karkat pat Sollux's shoulder "I'm going to go nap, let me know if anything changes that needs my attention."

Sol saluted him with a middle finger and Karkat chuckled sticking out his tongue childishly.

Another day and they would all be home. Hopefully they would have some time to rest before being drug back into the complicated political game.

And hopefully they would have what was needed to get control of things before the world was wrecked by idiots.


Playlist: (I apologize this is going to be a long ass list, as I've added to it, taken away and so on!)

Florence and the Machine- Bedroom Hymns

The Band Perry- If I die Young

Beyonce- Sweet Dreams

Cascada- Evacuate the Dance Floor

Imagine Dragons- Demons

Ib piano medley

Christina Perri- Jar of Hearts

Anna Nalick- Breathe (2 am)

Alice in Chains- Man in the Box

Ib Title Theme (Orchestral)

Cascada- Bad boy

Florence and the Machine – Spectrum

Evelyn Evelyn- Evelyn Evelyn

Chris Garnaeu- Dirty Night Clowns

Imagine Dragons- Radioactive

Creature Feature- The Greatest Show Unearthed

Red- Pieces

Breaking Benjamin- Dance with the Devil

Falling in Reverse- Caught like a Fly

IAMX- President

Assassin's Creed- Ezio's Family

Adam Lambert- For Your Entertainment

Imagine Dragons- On Top of the World

The real Tuesday Weld- Me and Mr Wolf

Gotye- Somebody that I Use to Know

Ana Johnson- We Are

Apocalyptica- Ruska

Shinedown- Her Name is Alice

Skillet- Monster

Mumford and Sons- Little Lion Man

Final Fantasy V- Music Box

My Chemical Romance- Welcome to the Black Parade

Saterllarma – little clown, Troubleing Clown

IAMX- Volatile Times

Katy Perry- E.T.

Little Clown (sober Gamzee song)

Adele- Set Fire to the Rain

Nightcore- Come Little Children

Crystal Castles- Not in Love

Paola Bennet- Soldatino (Nico's Lulliby)

The Carnival (music box cover)

Jen Titus- Oh death

Tool- Prison Sex

Joe Hisaishi- Merry-Go-Round of Life

(okay, I got another couple final fantasy themes, but I don't know their English titles as my player only shows the Japanese characters)

Haunter- Carnival

Gamzee's Theme – The Carnival

Skillet- Hero

The Hush Sound- The Moon

Penatonix- Run to you

Goodnight My Angel (Billy Joel but I have a version from a movie sung by Terrance Stamp)

Sufferer's Final Sermon

Vernian Process- Something Wicked

Grim Grinning Ghosts (remix)

Malukah- Tale of the Tongues

Panic at the Disco- the Ballad of Mona Lisa

The Real Tuesday Weld- The Show Must Go On

Renee Fleming- Still Dream

Disturbed- Another Way to Die

Limp Bizkit- Behind Blue Eyes

Malukah- Age of Aggression

Tangled- I See the Light

Mumford and Sons- I will wait

Orianthi- According to you

Rob Thomas/Santana- Smooth

Malukah- Beauty of Dawn

Enrique Iglesias- Be With You

Beyonce/Shakira- Beautiful Liar

Ballad of the Goddess – Skyward Sword

Zedd- Clarity

Temposhark- don't mess with me

This World Fair- Plastic Soul

Frenchy and the Punk- House of Cards

Malukah- Age of oppression

Katy Perry- Wide Awake

Lily Allen- Fuck you very much

P!nk- Bridge of Light

Pistol Annies- Hell on High Heels

Heather Dale- Mordred's Lullaby

Malukah- three Hearts as one