I am very sorry that this took so long to write. I hope that it was worth the wait, and that there is still people reading this. If so please leave a review and I hope to get the next chapter started.

And now without further ado, here is the latest chapter!

Chapter 15

It took a while week of Alison having to stay in bed for her to go officially stir crazy. She hated being useless, helpless, she didn't like being vulnerable. When her fever had broke and returned to a semi normal level her eyes had began to itch and burn. She was forced to wear a blindfold that was covered in some kind of ointment that Carlisle had designed to help with the pain.

At the start of week two she decided that she wanted out, the blindfold was removed and Alison's vision had improved, infact it was so good that she could see the tiny little dust particles in the air. She sat herself up in bed, Bella was there also, so she naturally began to protest.

"You can't be out of bed yet." She said looking over at Alison, peering over a book that she was reading.

Alison decided to ignore her (even though she still couldn't speak very well because of her throat feeling like it was sandpaper) she tried to repress the memory of her calling her 'mommy' in her fevered state. That was one embarrassing memory she didn't want people knowing. But things seemed different after she had said that. It seemed to Alison like the ice was broken, her 'walls' were slightly broken, like now it was easier (slightly) to move on, to let go of some of the resentment she held toward Bella and Edward. She didn't think that she would ever call them 'mum' and 'dad' but at least it was a step forward. Then again she wasn't sure if she even wanted to forgive them.

Alison climbed out of the bed and stood...then her legs buckled under her and she fell flat on her face. Bella sighed and went to help her back onto the bed. She begrudgingly let her help, her bones and mussels still felt like they were run over by a truck. She wasn't in the bad five seconds before Edward was in the room.

'Damn it people, knock!' she mentally yelled at him, he only smirked.

Alison noticed that both he and Bella were stationary, like statues most of the time and were twitching more, very slight movements like eyes darting and fingers twitching like someone coming off a high, eyes were a dark black. They were starving themselves to make sure she was okay. Damn it, she hated feeling guilty. She knew that both of them were not leaving the house because of Alison, because she was still sick and the future of her recovery was too uncertain for them.

'If you don't go out and kill bambi's mother to sate your thirst, then I am going to throw myself out of that window and you will have no choice but to leave the house. Besides as cruel as it sounds, it is part of the story, she has to die.' she told Edward.

"It doesn't work like that. We are going to stay here until you are well, now stop trying to force yourself out of bed, you will get better, when ever that happens" He said sitting next to Bella on the bed.

'You have no idea when that is.' she retaliated 'It could be today, tomorrow or next month. I don't want you to stay here waiting for me to stay the same. It has been a week and I have only been getting better'

Edward pinched the bridge of his nose, something that Alison also did, and knew that he wasn't going to win this fight. Alison had on the same look that Bella had when she became stubborn. It was something Edward hoped that she hadn't inherited. "Fine, if we go out and hunt, only if you will stop trying to force your body to move before it is fully healed." He asked.

It was a fair compromise; Alison got the guilt off her chest and gets a few hours away from the 'doting parents' and they got to stop starving themselves.

Bella and Edward left along with Alice go to hunting after Carlisle came back. He assured them that he would look after Alison and Alice was only going to make sure that if something happens she would be able to let them know almost immediately. Jasper was currently keeping Alison company, his powers of emotion were helpful to keep her heart rate down. And he was generally fun to be around.

Her heart was one of the things that Carlisle was most worried about, there was a large bruise on her chest right over her heart. It seemed that the pressure her heart was under, pumping nearly three times as fast as it should, was too much for her body. The only plus side was that it was the same speed as Renesmee's was, so Carlisle assumed that it meant that Alison's recovery was nearly finished.

At this point Alison was now finished yet another book, and she was running out "Hay, Jasper?" She asked to get his attention "Why are they so fixated on staying here?"

He didn't need to ask who, it was clear that she was talking about her parents "They are concerned. As any parent would be."

"But it is overbearing! They are going too far." She sighed, Jasper was too easy to talk to.

He laughed at her, she was overreacting "Do you want to leave the room? I could take you downstairs?" He offered.

Alison was hesitant she wanted to leave the room but she also didn't want to admit that she needed help. Jasper sensed what she was feeling and immediately tried to stop it.

"Would you rather stay in this room? With nothing to do, stuck in this bed?" He asked.

She thought about it for a few moments before conceding to being carried down to the living room. Being carried was much better than staying in this room one more minute. Jasper hooked his arms under her legs and around her shoulders and (as gently as he could) lifted her up. He heard a little whimper of pain but, for her sake, ignored it. He took her downstairs and gently put her on the couch.

"Anything you need?" he asked

Alison taped her throat.

"Water?" Jasper asked, she gave him a strange half pout, half scolding look "Tea?" she nodded and smiled. He went off to get her drink.

She sat with Jasper as she drank her tea, it was very unsatisfying and that was strange, usually she loved tea. He was just flicking through the channels, not really seeing what was on before he changed onto the next one. All through the day Alison felt strange, her stomach felt oddly hollow and her throat was dry no mater what she drank.

A few hours had passed before the others had made it back home. Their eyes were a bright gold again, and they seemed less ridged than before, the only thing was, both of them had blood on their shirts. Alison turned to them and began to say hello when something in her mind snapped. Her throat burned like someone had shoved a hot lump of coal down it.

"What is happening?" Edward asked seeing the look of distress on his daughters face.

Bella was calling for Carlisle and he was in the room in a flash. He immediately set to work asking what was wrong and if she could describe her pain. She relayed the information through Edward.

"We have been expecting this. We think that your vampire half is finally becoming active. What you describe is normal vampire thirst, and because you have never had blood before you are experiencing everything at once." Carlisle explained "You need to hunt."

Alison didn't really know what was going on. All she cared about was the pain.

Jasper, Bella and Edward had decided to quickly help Alison and get her outside. She was a little disoriented as Edward carried her as fast as he could away from the house. The only thing she was sure of was the rush of air past her face and the sound in her ears.

He stopped and put Alison back on her own two feet "Okay, now listen what Jasper and I have to say. If you can, try and focus." He silently mentioned for Jasper to take over.

Alison was still glaring at Edward 'You try focus through this pain!' she thought to her self.

"It's as Edward said, try and ignore the pain and let your instincts take over." He advised, pushing her slightly in the direction of a heard of deer grazing not far from where they had stopped.

"Just listen and run."

She did as instructed and ran toward the direction the others pushed her toward. Alison hardly noticed that she was running much faster than a normal human. Still nothing to a vampire. She stopped at the edge of a small clearing where a herd of deer were graving, completely unawares to the imminent danger looming in the shadows. With a quick calculated glance, Alison leaped and wrapped her arms around a yearling whose antlers were only just appearing. She clamped her mouth around its neck and easily sheared through the fur, her mouth filled with its blood and coated her tongue with the most beautiful, sweet tasting liquid she had ever drank.

The poor deer was struggling in Alison's grasp, but her arms were unrelenting, its struggles gradually ceased as it died. The drained carcass dropped to the ground with a dull thud in the now empty clearing, the other deer having ran off as soon as Alison descended on her prey.

Strangely, Alison felt much better. Her stomach felt full, she hadn't realized how 'hollow' it had felt. Looking down all her front was covered in blood... It dawned on her that an animal had died by her hand. As she was thinking on the moral consequences of killing a living thing Bella, Edward and Jasper rushed into the clearing, their eyes were instantly drawn to the carcass on the forest floor.

"I killed a living thing..." Alison mumbled to herself.

Someone came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Looking behind she saw that it was Edward, he had a strange look in his face, the look of someone that is being very careful of what to say encase they cause unwanted panic, or cause a frightened animal to attack.

"You only did what was natural. You eat meat right? Think of this as the same, only you see the whole animal and not the piece on the plate." He reasoned to her.

"But I liked it..." She said with a slight euphoria.

The others looked at each other, not knowing if Alison taking to the blood was a good or bad thing. She could easily loose sight of her humanity and begin to hunt humans...

Before they could debate their thoughts Alison continued "It tasted a little strange, not as satisfying."

Edward immediately stepped forward and took charge "Well that is because deer are herbivores, there blood would be different. Why not try something that will be more satisfying?" He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around his daughter. "Just close your eyes, like last time, and listen for something else, something bigger than deer."

Alison did as she was instructed, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and listened. Her senses were a thousand times better than before, it was like she had found a 'Hi Definition' setting for her body and it was turned on.

She could hear the sound hearts pumping precious blood a few kilometres northeast of her position. Alison opened her eyes and smiled then she turned and sprinted toward the sound. The whole world was moving past at a ridiculous speed, yet it was not a blur, everything was crystal clear. If Alison wasn't so focused on the sound, she would have been amazed at the newfound power she had obtained from the blood. Her vampire side was becoming stronger now that she had blood.

Having crossed a few kilometres in a few seconds Alison had nearly zeroed in on the blood source, she could smell it and it smelled much better than the deer had. Stopping practically on the spot she looked around and listened for the source. Her eyes darted all around the ground and the trees, she spotted the source of the sound and smell.

It was a mountain lion, sleeping peacefully on a high tree branch.

Using her new strength she jumped up and ripped the Cougar off its perch. Having been rudely awakened and in a state of shock, the mountain lion immediately began to swipe at Alison with claws and teeth. One paw managed to get a hold of Alison's arm and the claws dug deep into her flesh. Clearly her skin wasn't as tough as her sisters yet.

Alison wasted no time in pinning the overgrown cat down and exposing its neck. With strange precision she clamped her mouth down on its neck easily piercing through the fur and into the artery causing the delicious, warm liquid to pool into Alison's mouth. She eagerly drank the liquid, not wanting to waist a single drop as it tasted a million times better than the deer.

The others had caught up by the time she had finished and to avoid any 'accidents' which can often happen when vampires feed, they stayed back in the tree line only approaching Alison when she stood away from the cougar.

Having a respect for life and animals, she hunkered down and stroked the now dead cat. She was sad that it had to die for her, but respected the sacrifice it gave for her to keep living.

"Poor thing." Alison muttered.

"How's your arm? That looks pretty bad." Jasper commented nodding to the arm that was stained red.

Standing she replied "It doesn't hurt much any more. I feel a little bad now."

Bella walked forward handing a handkerchief out to Alison "Don't think of it as bad. Now the deer population will increase, it has been in decline recently. We pay close attention to the area's we hunt in so we don't damage the ecosystem."

Nodding as she cleaned the excess blood off her face Alison looked down and noticed how her clothes were now ruined. "Oh, shit... Alice is not going to let me pick my clothes this time."

That earned a laugh from everyone "Why don't we head home and let everyone know that you're better. I'll race you home."

"You're on old man." She said as she readied herself in a running position.

She twitched and everyone disappeared ahead of her. Alison just slowly walked on wondering how long it would take until they noticed that she was still walking.

Just as predicted, Alice was livid, happy that she was feeling better, but angry that her clothes were now ruined. Alison wasn't even in the door before Alice had pounced on her and dragged her upstairs.

No matter how much she resisted, Alison couldn't escape the death grip. The cries of "NO Don't Let Her Take Me!" could be heard.

After what sounded like a lot of bangs and crashes, Alison was rushing down the stairs in a panic. Before she had cleared the stairs, Alice had raced down after her and tackled Alison to the ground. In her panic, Alison kicked her aunt in the face and her grip loosened and the escape continued. She hadn't even gotten to the door before she was caught again.

"No! Someone Help Me!" She shouted.

The others in the house just continued on with what they were doing. The only one who responded was Carlisle with his very helpful "Just don't fight it. You'll only make it worse."

After a very long and arduous time of Alison being forced into clothes she hated, for reasons she couldn't comprehend, she was allowed walk down the stairs. Alice had somehow gotten her into a some kind of outfit that not only matched with her socks, but her eyes, hair, shoes and any necklaces or other pieces of jewellery she could get onto her.

Listening into the conversations around her, Alison could hear that the others were taking bets on how long she would stay in the outfit Alice picked.

She sat down on the couch next to Bella and Renesmee thinking on how things were going to change. How she was going to change and how she had already changed.

I am very sorry to everyone that this chapter took so long. Things have been unbelievably hectic here. I am planning something BIG for the next few chapters and I hope that I can make the chapters as entertaining as some of the leading authors out their. I do have other stores that I don't want to neglect and MANY more that I have yet to write.