
"Well kids, time for you all to go to bed." Tenzin said, getting up from the dinner table. Pema and the kids stand up too. "You all should get some rest too," he says to Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin. "It's been a long day." Tenzin and his family leave the room, their stomach's full.

"I'm heading out as well. I'm so tired from all that fighting!" Asami said, getting up and leaving.

"Yeah! You kicked some major butt, Asami! Bolin said, giving her a thumbs up before she left.

"I'm with Asami, I'm beat. I never knew how much energy you use up when you try to fight a bloodbender!" says Mako, still taking in everything that had happened today. He leans over and gives Korra a gentle kiss on the cheek before he gets up and leaves. Korra blushes, waving at him as he leaves.

"Well I see you two have worked things out…" Bolin says to Korra, trying to hide the sadness of Mako and Korra actually being more than friends. He's happy that she's happy, but he just wishes she was happy with him rather than his brother. He always felt like Mako was the stronger, more independent brother who always got the girl and was the one who saved the day, whereas Bolin was just the goofy little brother in the background. He just wished for once things would turn out the way he wanted them too.

"Well, sorta." Korra says, looking down at her plate. She was still so confused. Yes, she loved Mako more than anything. But she can't stop thinking about how she hurt both Asami and Bolin in the process. She feels selfish for not putting their happiness before hers. Besides, isn't that the Avatar's job?

"What do you mean sorta? You two are happy! You're happy, Korra! Is that not a good thing?" Bolin asks, worried.

"Well…I'm just still so…confused. Can I ask for your advice, Bolin?" Korra says, looking at Bolin.

"Of course! Anything, Korra. I'll always be here for you," he says.

Korra shows a slight smile. "I just don't know what's really going on. So much has happened. Don't get me wrong, I love Mako to death," Bolin swallowed. Just hearing it made his heart hurt. "But I just don't know if we are dating or if he wants to or if he just wants to-"

Bolin cuts her off. "Korra," he says in a calm voice, "everything is going to be okay. I can tell you Mako loves you so much. You're all he ever thinks about. Don't worry about it, Korra. Things will turn out eventually. He loves you, you love him, right? That's all that matters."

"I know, but I feel bad because I hurt you and Asami in the process of all this. If I start dating Mako, I don't know how Asami will react or if she will still want to be friends or not. And you, well, I wouldn't…I…" she trails off, not knowing how to put the rest of her thoughts into words.

Bolin leans over and gently puts his hand on Korra's. "Korra, don't worry about me. If you're happy, I'm happy. And trust me, I've talked with Asami enough to know that she is over Mako and won't be mad if you two start, you know…" He pulls his hand away, knowing that no matter how much he tries, she will never be his.

"Bolin, I…thank you. So much. You always know what to say." She says, smiling at him.

"No problem, Korra. Besides, that's what friends are for, right?" he says, giving her a smile back.

"Well, it's getting late. I'll see you in the morning. Thanks again, Bo. I owe you." Says Korra, getting up from the table and leaving.

"That's what friends are for…" Bolin repeats to himself once the Avatar is gone. "Just friends. That's all we'll ever be." He whispers, slowly getting up. He heads to his room, opening the door slowly, not wanting to wake Mako.

"Bo? Is that you? Says Mako, sitting up in his bed. "Were you in there with Korra? What did you guys talk about?" he asks.

"Oh, nothing really." He says, getting into his bed. "Hey, Mako, can you do me a favor?" he asks.

"Sure. Anything." Says Mako.

"Don't ever hurt her."