
Through the mystical forest a woman was running with a bundle in her arms. The baby was only 4 months old. The lady wore a beautiful dress but is was dirty and ripped from the running. The crown on her head showed that she was the Queen of a beautiful kingdom. I must put him in a safe place. The kingdom is in danger! He can't live here. The queen reached a place where there was hardly any light. The place was mysterious and powerful. The place had a lake. In the middle of the lake there was a cave that held tremendous power. She quickly hugged her child and gave a necklace. In it was a picture of a strong man with the queen who was holding a child. She smiled at the sight of the King who was her lover. She quickly took out an egg and put it with the child. ``He will be your guardian and friend." She said in a whisper.

She then started to talk towards the cave, ``Please Argon the kingdom is in danger! Take my child somewhere safe for him to grow and learn. He will help us one day but not now for he is only a baby." As she finished the lake started to bubble and out came a dragon. The dragon was the eldest of them all. The lady was not frightened since kingdom held friendship with the dragons. The dragon looked at the queen then at the child. ``Ah Queen Leviana. To what the pleasure do I owe you for visiting me?" ``My kingdom is no longer safe for the child. Since the attack my kingdom was taken over. Winsferd went with his solders to stop the attack but they were defeated. With no one to lead them the leader of the army who was a man took over the kingdom. I came here as quickly as I can to protect my son. The cruel king won't stop to kill him. So I beg of you please can you take him to another world where he will be safe." ``I see but what of you?" ``I won't leave my kingdom for they need to know that their Queen is still alive." ``Very well. I will send him in a world where he can train and fight. In time he will return to you." ``Thank you." She gave her child one last kiss on the forehead knowing that she won't see him until many years later. She gave her child to Argon. As she watched her child taken away from her she said, `` I will see you again soon Percy Jackson son of King Winsferd and Queen Leviana." She turned around and returned to her kingdom with sadness but pride knowing that her child was safe.