A/N: Finally! Here's the part 2 of chapter 6! Thanks again for your great reviews! It motivates me to write more! Well, some of you really want Tokiya and Otoya to be together already. . . Don't you want Otoya and Syo to be a couple? XD

Anyway, this part contains yaoi scenes so be ready! Enjoy the second part of their trip! ^^

Disclaimer: I don't own UtaPri! I only own the sweet yaoi moments here! *squeals*

Chapter 6: Easing the Painful Bridge (Part 2)

"What happened between you and Shizuka?"

Masato's eyes widened up in surprise. He thought that Ren would ask about something else but he kind of expected this question a bit. Before answering, he crossed his arms and looked away from his back.

"Didn't you hear it already from Shizuka? She's supposed to be my fiancée. That's all."

"Really? Then why is she having a troubled look whenever she's looking at you?" asked Ren while he turned around and moved closer to Masato with intimidating eyes.

Acting tough, the blue-haired idol glared at him even if he already felt intimidated. Ren glared back at him seriously and trapped him between his arms. Unable to escape, Masato just supported himself by putting his back against the trunk of the camphor tree. Remembering this position when they had the same serious conversation made him blush furiously. How could he forget about that?

"There's definitely something happened between you two if she's acting like that, no?" continued Ren, moving his head closer to Masato's so Masato could see how serious he was. However, it made the blue-eyed idol feel nervous. Without thinking twice, Masato blurted out, "Are you jealous?"

Hearing that, Ren was surprised. Expecting a mocking laugh or a sarcastic reply, Masato didn't look at him as he waited for Ren's reply. But, he heard the most unexpected reply from the feminist after a minute.

"So what if I'm jealous?"

Slowly, he stared at a blushing Ren with astonished eyes. For the first time, he saw the orange-haired guy with an embarrassed look. Was he really Ren, the confident ladies' man who couldn't be moved easily?

Masato smirked mockingly, "You started to like Shizuka as well, right? Don't worry. Nothing happened between us. She just liked me back then so she's-"

"I like you, Hijirikawa," interrupted Ren honestly, causing Masato to be speechless. After a moment, the blue-haired guy laughed as if what he heard from Ren was only a joke.

"What nonsense are you-"

"I like you so badly so I'm jealous," he cut off Masato's statement right away. Masato's blush became worse when Ren said it firmly. Feeling more anxious, he tried to say more needless things.

"You're just playing with me, aren't you? You like to fool me every now and then, Jinguji, so I don't believe-"

Ren interrupted him again, "It's not a lie. I like you."

Still doubting, Masato countered madly, "You like Nanami, right? Calling her 'little lamb' and 'my lady' affectionately . . . and giving her flowers and the likes-"

"So you're jealous, too," he countered back calmly by whispering to Masato's right ear. The blue-haired guy trembled, feeling his heart beating faster. Grinning triumphantly, Ren added seductively, "Then do you want me to call you 'my honey' privately and give you something nice everyday?"

Feeling embarrassed, he refused flatly, "No. And I'm not jealous about you treating Nanami like that . . . Don't get it wrong."

"Hmm? Then why are you complaining about that to me? Do you care so much about my love life?"

Unable to think more logical answers, Masato's face started to become red. His confusing feelings for Ren began to swirl on his mind again. To defend himself from Ren's next move, he stuttered madly, "I-I don't care a-about your love life! It's yours so it's up to-to you how you will succeed-"

Suddenly, Ren interrupted him as he kissed him passionately just like last time. Masato tried to push him away but in the end, he gave up and let Ren kiss him deeply. After a few minutes, Ren pulled away and smirked while observing Masato panting and blushing.

"Did I succeed?" he whispered teasingly near Masato's ear. Masato bit his lower lip with a flushed face while averting his eyes from him. He couldn't believe that he's losing to Ren again. He felt so weak . . . and hated that fact. Unexpectedly, it triggered his grim experience with Ren during his childhood days. It's a memory that he had forgotten long ago but the effect of that experience still remained as a scar in his heart . . .

"I want to see Ren, father!"

"You can't! He's the son of our biggest rival, the Jinguji Group! You better not see him from now on!"

"But why?! He's my important -"


"You insolent brat! Stop wasting my time! If you have time fooling around, then just use that time to support the family!"


That vague conservation echoed inside his head when he tried to recall it. He did cry a lot when his father would scold and slap him if he's making a childish request. And the worst thing that he last remembered was Ren's angry expression when he didn't make it on time at their first meeting place. He didn't want to remember that again . . . It broke his heart . . .

"I . . . I've always wanted to be with you, Jinguji . . . ever since we played at the lake . . . But you got mad when I didn't show up again there back then . . . ," he began murmuring sadly, tears flowing out from his eyes. Ren was too stunned to see Masato like this. He didn't know that Masato was still having troubles with their past. Since he felt how hurt the blue-haired guy was, he embraced him gently and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Hijirikawa . . . Sorry for hurting you . . ."

"Stop doing this, Jinguji . . . ," replied Masato, sobbing on Ren's shoulder.

"But I like you! Why are you so stubborn?"

Abruptly, Masato pushed him away and answered him miserably, "Because I'm not like you. I can't run away from my responsibilities . . . That's why, after this trip . . . , I'm going back home, and leave the group."

Ren became speechless after he heard that loud and clear. Since it was Masato's life, he couldn't force him anymore to stay for his selfish reasons. They're different from each other despite of their upbringing but they somehow managed to get along well within this year. And this year was worth it all even though it was short . . . because he became brave to admit that he had fallen in love with Masato. He realized it when they grouped together as Starish. To not miss this last chance to be with the blue-haired idol, he finally decided to make a bolder move. When Masato was about to leave, Ren gripped his wrist immediately and pushed him down. Masato released a slight yelp when he fell on the grassy ground suddenly and thus, he protested, "Wha-what are you doing, Jinguji-?!"

Then Ren put himself on the top of Masato's body slowly with a determined look while saying, "Hijirikawa, before you leave . . . , I want this trip to be full of memorable memories with you . . . So, will you be mine for a week?"

Masato blushed feverishly as he listened to him. He wanted to refuse but he just couldn't keep his feelings hidden anymore. This moment right now was a chance . . . So he tried to believe now that maybe this time, everything wrong that happened between them back then . . . would become right.

"Yes . . . ," agreed Masato timidly while he stared at Ren's sky blue eyes. Hearing his reply, Ren smirked and, slowly yet passionately kissed him again in the midst of grasses and colorful flowers.

Meanwhile, Natsuki walked towards the room while wondering why Ren was so serious when he wanted to talk with Masato outside. So speculations started to appear on his mind. Did they fight before the trip? Or was Ren curious too about Masato's past relationship with Shizuka?

When Shizuka's shy image came to his mind, he giggled softly, "Shizuka-chan is so cute . . ."

Daydreaming, he didn't notice that he already bumped someone.



Natsuki got distracted and came back to reality upon hearing a familiar voice. He was shocked when he looked at the person he collided with.


"Oh . . . , Shinomiya-san. It's you . . . I'm sorry. I'm not watching where I'm going," she apologized with a bow shyly.

Panicking, Natsuki shook his head with a flushed face. "Ah . . . You're not supposed to apologize, Shizuka-chan! I'm the one who must apologize for bumping a cute girl like you! I'm so sorry!"

He bowed many times and the red-eyed girl blushed after hearing something unexpected from him.

"I-I'm cu-cute . . . , you say?" she stuttered while covering her pink-hued cheeks and averting her eyes from him.

Without hesitation, he nodded his head cheerfully with a bright smile, "Yes, you're cute, Shizuka-chan! No doubt about it!"

Blushing harder, she thanked him softly, "Thank you . . . for the compliment."

Wondering why she's walking alone, he questioned with a worried look, "Oh, by the way, why are you walking alone, Shizuka-chan? It's dangerous to wander on your own, right?"

"You're right, but I'm not wandering . . . I just want to see . . . if Masa-kun is doing fine for awhile," she answered shyly while fidgeting her hands.

"Ohh . . . Too bad, he's talking with Ren-kun now outside."

She gave him a surprised look, "Eh? With Jinguji-san?"


"I knew it . . . ," she mumbled sadly, making Natsuki puzzled.

"Huh? What's wrong, Shizuka-chan?"

Upon realizing her sudden mumble, she smiled quickly to hide her depression and shook her head, "No-nothing! Since Masa-kun isn't here, will you mind me helping you in posting the protective charms inside your room?"

"Really? Are you willing to help me?"


"Thanks so much, Shizuka-chan! I appreciate your help! Shall we get started?"

"Yes," she nodded her head enthusiastically, causing him to smile brighter as they entered the room. After twenty minutes, they were almost finished in posting the protective charms on the walls when Shizuka began to ask a question.

"Is Masa-kun doing fine on his career?"

"Hmm . . . I guess he's having a great time, Shizuka-chan," answered Natsuki while posting another protective charm near the painting.

She showed a sweet smile after hearing it, "I see . . . He does like music, huh?"

Natsuki halted for a second as he stared at her cute face. He began to wonder again why Masato didn't seem to like Shizuka. She's cute, kind and all so how could he ignore her?

"Shizuka-chan, do you really like Masato-kun?"

"Uhh . . . I . . . ," she began blushing with a hesitating look.

Natsuki was troubled by her expression so he quickly added, "Ahh . . . Don't force yourself to answer me if you don't like to. It's fine not to answer me, Shizuka-chan!"

She interrupted abruptly, " . . . Yes, I like him so much, Shinomiya-san . . . So much that I even let go of him . . . so he can be with someone whom he cherishes."

His eyes were wide open upon hearing it. "What . . . ? You let go of him . . . ?"

She nodded with a gloomy look.

"That's very brave of you, Shizuka-chan . . . but what about your own happiness? You can't just give up someone you love so that person will be happy forever," he said seriously, trying to make her realize that she must fight for her love.

"Are you telling me to lock him up so I can be happy?" she countered defensively as her tears started to fall from her eyes. He became speechless when he also considered her other reason. However he didn't like Shizuka to believe that 'by loving someone, you'll take away his/her freedom'.

"Is that what you believe when you love a person? Do you really believe that the person you love will not love you back? So instead of forcing him to love you, you just let him go?" he pressed on, making the red-eyed girl to stare at him in astonishment.

"But I have no choice, Shinomiya-san . . . Masa-kun doesn't love me!" she shouted, covering her ears while shaking her head. After a second, Natsuki patted her head gently to calm her down. Puzzled with his action, Shizuka halted and tilted up her head to look at him. With a consoling smile, he said, "But somebody loves you, Shizuka-chan . . ."

"Really? Who?" she asked with a hopeful look.

Blushing, he scratched his head while answering carefully, "Well . . . , I . . . I love you and everyone else! So don't be sad, okay?"

After listening to him, she began to giggle sweetly. Natsuki blushed more because of it.

"You're not so honest, Shinomiya-san . . . ," she teased after posting the last protective charm near the door. Before she walked out the room, she added with a gentle smile, ". . . but thank you. I'm glad that I met you."

Natsuki's heart skipped a beat as she left the room. His green eyes were still staring at the door. He felt this weird feeling before but he couldn't recall it. Abruptly, his thoughts were disturbed when somebody knocked the door outside.

Knock! Knock!

"Umm . . . Who is there?" asked Natsuki curiously.

"It's Tokiya."

"Ah, Tokiya-kun! Wait a second . . ."

He opened the door quickly and saw the dark-haired guy standing in front of him.

"Welcome to our room! Unfortunately, Masato-kun isn't here to welcome you, too," he said with a goofy grin.

"No, it's all right, Shinomiya-san. I'm just looking for Ren. He left me alone to do all the work in our room, after all. Speaking of him, do you know where he is right now?" questioned Tokiya with a dreadful expression on his face as if he's about to kill somebody. Natsuki gulped nervously as he noticed this. To avoid some deadly war from happening, he would try to calm him down.

"I-I think Ren-kun is talking to somebody from his family about some important business . . ."

"So what? I don't mind him talking privately to his family in our room. I won't listen anyway . . . unless he cooperates with all the chores," he countered with crossed arms.

"But Ren-kun told me that it's top secret . . . ," lied Natsuki but on second thought, Ren's conversation with Masato was top secret, wasn't it?

Tokiya growled as he gave up from asking Ren's whereabouts, "Whatever . . ."

"Hey, since you're here, Tokiya-kun, would you care enough to join me on my tea time?" he asked kindly so Tokiya would stop from searching.

"Okay . . . I'll accept your offer for now, Shinomiya-san," he answered reluctantly because he was really in bad mood. If he sees Ren later, he would definitely kill him!

At the other room, Otoya and Syo were finished in posting the protective charms on the walls. They're currently putting their packed clothes inside the closets. The red-haired idol was humming happily while doing it but the blond-haired guy had a troubled face. Otoya noticed it when he looked at him for a moment. Worried, he approached him.

"Syo, are you okay?" he asked with a pat on the shoulder, causing Syo to jerk nervously.

"Go away from me, you ghost!" shouted Syo, showing Otoya the protective charm. There was a long silence when Syo realized that Otoya was the one who touched him. Embarrassed, he bit his lower lip with a red face. After a couple of minutes, Otoya laughed.

"Geez . . . Are you really afraid of ghosts, Syo?"

"No, I'm not! I just freaked out. That's all," he protested while averting his gaze from Otoya and hiding his protective charm behind his back.

Otoya patted his head as he said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid to admit it, Syo. We're friends, after all! I'll accept you for who you are so, be honest!"

"But I don't like to be called a coward . . . ," mumbled Syo sadly when he sat on his bed. Otoya sighed and sat beside him. Knowing Syo's point, he tried to explain something so Syo would understand.

"Syo, someone told me back then that having fears doesn't mean that you're a coward. It's one of the factors why you become braver. A real coward is someone who just runs away from his fears and problems without even facing them."

Syo grimaced, "That means I'm really a coward . . . I'm always running away, Otoya."

"That's not true . . . You're not running away from everything, right?" he replied with a smile, making Syo stunned. Thinking about it deeply, Syo realized that Otoya was right. He did face the obstacles to become an idol despite of his frail health, right? And not only that, he finally overcame his fear of heights because they helped him. For others, achieving some of them was very difficult. Knowing his achievements, he felt relieved. He's not totally a coward, after all . . .

Otoya continued, "Everyone starts as cowards but if you just take one step at a time to become braver, then you'll eventually stop being a coward. You just need to believe in yourself, Syo."

The blond-haired idol agreed with him but something still bothered him so he questioned, "But . . . what if believing in myself isn't enough to overcome my fears, what should I do?"

After he asked that, Otoya started to think of a good answer. He didn't expect that coming up so he must think about it carefully. After a minute, he came up with an answer and placed his hand above Syo's, which was resting on the bed.

"Then I'll stay by your side whenever you feel scared, Syo. I'm always here for you and honestly, I also wanna be with you because I have tons of fun when I'm with you."

Syo blushed furiously after hearing it and feeling the warmth of Otoya's hand. It seemed like Otoya didn't know what he's saying. Was this a . . . confession?

"Do-do you mean it . . . ?" he stuttered, feeling his heart almost bursting.

Otoya nodded cheerfully, "Yeah!"

After confirming it, Syo was about to hug him, but Otoya added suddenly, "That's what friends are for, right?"

"Eh . . . ?"

After a long silence between them again, Syo left the room with a humiliated look while Otoya just stared at him with a dumbfounded look.

"Did I say something wrong?" the red-haired guy wondered.

"Tokiya-kun, do you feel sad when Otoya-kun didn't become your roommate?" asked Natsuki after taking a sip of his tea. He and Tokiya were at the terrace, sitting on the wooden chairs while viewing the vast sea. Tokiya was glad that Natsuki didn't make some of his 'dangerous' home-made food. As a matter of fact, he was praying for his life upon realizing that he accepted a risky offer. Luckily, his prayer was somehow answered.

"Why do you ask that, Shinomiya-san?" the dark-haired idol lifted a curious eyebrow as he avoided holding the teacup from the table. Well, he must still be cautious with anything he might consume especially the food and drinks that Natsuki offered him.

The curly-haired guy chuckled softly, "To tell you the truth, I feel sad when Syo-chan is not going to be my roommate for a week. Well, we're childhood friends, after all. It's okay for me to be with other people but being with Syo-chan is more fun. I bet Otoya-kun will be lucky to have him as a roommate for now. So . . . do you feel the same way?"

". . . Yes," answered Tokiya accidentally when he imagined Otoya being nice to someone else besides him. It made him angry all of a sudden and that feeling bewildered him. Why was he feeling this?

"You're so honest, Tokiya-kun!" beamed Natsuki. He never thought that the serious idol would answer him like that. He knew that Tokiya would avoid answering absurd questions sometimes. Tokiya palmed his flushing face when he noticed his sudden reaction about Otoya being with somebody.

"Since you also feel that, then let's try calling and sending messages to our roommates often," advised Natsuki as he showed his phone to Tokiya. The other guy gave him a puzzled look.

"Why will I do such a troublesome thing?"

"Come on, Tokiya-kun! In order not to lose your bond with Otoya-kun, you must always remind him that you care as a roommate and as a friend. I know that you only have Otoya-kun's number on your phone," he replied, causing Tokiya to blush more in embarrassment.

"Wait . . . How did you know that I only have Otoya's phone number?"

Natsuki laughed, "When you're still hiding the fact that you're Hayato, we always ask Otoya-kun about your whereabouts since he's the only one who has your phone number. I still remember his worried face when he didn't receive a message or a call from you after he tried contacting you ten times and sending you twenty messages."

"That's so him . . . ," murmured Tokiya with a slight chuckle even if those things annoyed him too much. Thinking back again, he missed those irritating actions of Otoya. However Otoya changed drastically after confessing his love to Haruka. Well, he's still the pesky Otoya but he didn't ask ridiculous questions to him anymore, and it made him depressed. While he's reminiscing the old times, Natsuki interrupted him.

"Wanna send a message to him now?"

"No," he refused with a red face.

"Why?" asked Natsuki.

"I don't like to . . ." he grumbled with a hesitant look because he's helping Otoya to win Haruka's heart, not to win his heart. Eager to make the two closer, Natsuki pulled out Tokiya's black phone from the pocket of Tokiya's white pants.

"Hey! That's my phone, Shinomiya-san! Give it back!" he demanded but much to his dismay, Natsuki shook his head with a mischievous look.

"No way!"


Then he quickly made a message as he ran ahead of Tokiya. He typed:

Greetings! How are you right now, Otoya-kun? I miss you.

After that, he clicked send to and chose Otoya's number. When he's about to push the send button on the touch screen, Tokiya immediately caught his wrist and grabbed his phone away from Natsuki's hand. However, he accidentally clicked the send button as he removed it carelessly from Natsuki's hand. In the end, the curly-haired idol achieved his motive.

Meanwhile at room 32, Otoya, resting on his bed, felt his phone vibrating so he pulled it out and took a look at it. His eyes bulged out upon reading the message from Tokiya. Seeing 'I miss you' at the end of the message, he felt his heart beating faster. He never thought that Tokiya cared about him so much. Happily, he replied:

I'm fine, Tokiya! How about you? ^_^

I miss you, too.

"This is so exciting! I'm exchanging messages with Tokiya!" he mumbled cheerfully while flinging up his legs on the bed like a kid after sending his message to Tokiya.

Back to room 39, Tokiya was so embarrassed to look at his phone after viewing the message Natsuki made.

"Thanks for your cooperation, Tokiya-kun," he smiled triumphantly, making Tokiya furious.

"Shinomiya-san, you -"

Ring~! Ring~!

Tokiya lifted up his phone quickly and saw a reply from Otoya. He became more nervous because of this. But he felt excited to know what his reply was. He pushed the read button on the screen and read it silently. After reading it, Tokiya showed a surprised look and then his cheeks became redder than before. Natsuki noticed it and was glad to know that he's seeing a happy Tokiya now. When Tokiya turned around to look at him, he didn't need to hear a word of gratitude from him. Seeing him happy like that was more than enough.

"So how is he, Tokiya-kun?"

"It seems he's fine . . . ," he answered while suppressing how glad he was to receive a message from Otoya. He never expected this . . . really.

"Good to hear that! Did he ask you something?"

"Umm . . . I'm not obliged to tell you that, right?"

Hearing that reply, Natsuki laughed. He couldn't believe that Tokiya was secretive all of a sudden. It reminded him of Syo being secretive about his newfound love interest . . . Wait a second! He recalled Syo hugging Otoya back then. He knew that Syo wouldn't just normally do that to a friend. Plus, he noticed that Syo was blushing when he's talking with Otoya. Could it be . . . ?

"Tokiya-kun, are you against homosexuality?" asked Natsuki with concern before telling the dark-haired guy about his speculation.

Tokiya became stiff after hearing that. Did Natsuki figure out that he's homosexual? Gulping, he tried to hide his shock while answering calmly, "No . . . I'm not against about that. I don't care what kind of people that others love."

"Wow . . . You're such a kind person, Tokiya-kun!"

"Enough of your compliments, Shinomiya-san. Why are you asking this? It's troubling me," he growled as he stared at him seriously. Before speaking, Natsuki sipped his sweet tea.

"Sorry for asking you such a random question, but I think Syo-chan is falling in love with Otoya-kun."

Tokiya's eyes widened up after he heard that. He felt his blood boiling up. "What . . . ? Kurusu-san is falling for Otoya? Are you sure . . . ?"

Natsuki shook his head, "I'm not sure yet. This is just my guess so don't tell it to anyone, okay?"

Tokiya felt relieved after Natsuki said that. However he still felt uneasy when he thought about it. He felt so angry . . . Was he jealous?

Natsuki continued, "By the way, do you think they will be a cute couple?"

Eventually, Tokiya's anger was visible when he gritted his teeth while imagining Syo and Otoya being a couple. With too much strong emotion he felt for his red-haired roommate, he stood up abruptly and slammed his hands on the table madly. He shouted, "NO! I will never allow that! Otoya is-!"

Realizing his sudden outburst, he bit his lower lip to shut his mouth immediately. Natsuki was too stunned to speak after seeing him being overprotective about Otoya. Wondering why, the green-eyed idol only thought of one possibility.

"Tokiya-kun . . . , by any chance, do you also . . . like Otoya-kun-?"

"Sorry, I'll excuse myself for now, Shinomiya-san . . . ," interrupted Tokiya to hide his blunder although it's clearly obvious now that his secret was already exposed.

After that, he left the room quickly with a blank expression on his face while Natsuki just stared at his back with an astonished look. Discovering the dark-haired guy's secret accidentally, he palmed his face sadly.

"My, my . . . I never thought that it will end up like this . . . ," he murmured to himself as he viewed the tea that Tokiya didn't drink.

Lying on the grass, Masato kept on muffling his loud moans as Ren licked his nipples slowly. He felt a bit insecure because they're half-naked right now and somebody might see them having sex. However, Ren already reassured him that the tall trees and thick bushes would prevent others from noticing them.

"Ahh . . . ," he moaned accidentally as he felt Ren's hand caressing the middle part between his legs. He never felt such a sweet sensation like this before.

"Do you like it?" teased Ren alluringly as he pressed his hand harder on that part.

"Ahh~!" he moaned involuntarily again, feeling his whole body heating up with anticipation.

"That's a good one, Hijirikawa. It turns me on."

After saying that, Ren pulled down Masato's pants and gently held Masato's manhood. He stroked it smoothly, arousing the blue-haired idol quickly. As his manhood became hard and wet, Ren licked it teasingly before putting it inside his mouth. Masato was surprised by this but he wanted it. He could feel Ren swallowing him boldly. When Ren pulled out, he immediately kissed him again and surprisingly, unzipped his pants.

"Oh . . . you're quite brave enough to unzip my pants, Hijirikawa. Do you love me so badly?" asked Ren when he paused for moment to get some air before kissing the blue-eyed guy back.

"So what if I am?" breathed Masato as he pulled out from their kiss and began stroking Ren's manhood, making the other moan.

"I like that," he chuckled. With a mischievous smirk, Masato licked Ren's manhood slowly. Ren just moaned softly as he enjoyed the tingling sensation that Masato gave him. This was the best one he ever experienced. When it finally became slippery and hard, Ren immediately parted Masato's legs and put them beside his thighs. As passionate as fire, he went inside Masato fiercely. The blue-haired idol shrieked a bit in pain because it's his first time but as time went by, the pain became pleasure as he demanded Ren to make him come.

"Ahh . . . ! More . . . Jinguji . . . ahh, more!"

"As you wish . . ."

He did it more roughly as he entered him back and forth rapidly. Masato continued to moan in bliss until they finally reached the climax. Orgasm spurted out from him while his mouth was hanging open with satisfaction. Panting, Ren rested on Masato's chest when they finally relaxed a little after their first intense sex.

"You're wonderful, Hijirikawa . . . Just wonderful . . ." complimented Ren with a chuckle. Masato blushed while smiling as he ruffled Ren's soft hair. He would never forget this for the rest of his life.

"Jinguji . . . I want to tell you something . . . embarrassing," he said timidly.

"What is it?" asked Ren while touching Masato's flat chest playfully.

Before he could utter the words, he got silent all of a sudden when he spotted a kid with messy black hair and hateful, bloody eyes. Ren noticed him being serious suddenly and carefully followed where he's staring at but before he could see it, Masato stopped him.

"Don't look, Jinguji. This kid is trying to lure us."

Ren showed a puzzled look. "Lure us? This kid . . . ? Wait! Is he the one who showed up in the picture?"

"Yes, and like what Shizuka had told us awhile ago, he's quite dangerous . . . I never saw such hateful eyes from a ghost before."

"Hijirikawa . . .?"

As he put on his light blue parka and slid up his dark green pants, Masato stood up and performed hand signs while saying a mysterious chant, "Rin, Byou, Tou Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!"

Releasing a mysterious energy, he intended to banish the ghost away but it immediately disappeared into mist.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Tsk . . . It ran away."

Ren's mouth hanged open after witnessing it and it worried Masato.

"Jinguji, are you fine?"

Still dumbfounded, Ren stared at him with wide eyes. "Umm . . . Could you explain to me what exactly happened?"

Masato was hesitant to tell it but since it was Ren who's asking, he took a deep breath and explained calmly, "I apologize for hiding it from you but I'm also a diviner. Well, to be more precise . . . , I and Shizuka are both 'onmyouji'."

"Huh? Onmyouji . . . ? What the heck is that?"

"We are specialists in divination and in warding off bad spirits. Our families are connected with the practice of Onmyodo, or more commonly known as 'the way of Yin and Yang'. We are in the path of light so we fight off evil rather than doing curses. You could say that's the major reason why I and Shizuka were tried to be engaged."

"Ohh . . ."

"Are you contented now?"

"Not yet."

Suddenly, Ren carried Masato and started to walk towards the hotel.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" yelled Masato, trying to escape from his arms but Ren was strong.

"What else? We'll have a second round inside my room," purred Ren with a teasing wink.

Masato blushed furiously and mumbled, "Pervert . . ."

Time flew fast for Otoya as he still waited inside the room for Tokiya's reply. He and Syo already ate supper in the living room, and maybe everyone else did since the hotel has room services, but his orange phone didn't move an inch. He was excited for nothing all this time and it made him sad. He thought that Tokiya was missing him like he did. To be frank, he missed the dark-haired idol although they're only separated for several hours. He didn't understand why and it bewildered him. He just wanted to see Tokiya's handsome smile and to hear his deep yet gentle voice again . . . Wait! Why was he thinking that?! It felt like he's some creepy fangirl who's fantasizing Tokiya! Trying to forget about that thought, he got up from his bed and left the room to take a walk around the hotel.

"Tokiya . . . , you better reply me back or else . . . ," he mumbled with slight annoyance when he's about to open the door but it was suddenly opened by another person. Seeing the blond-haired guy who opened the door first, he was surprised.


Syo got nervous as he saw Otoya standing in front of him. Their early conversation back then was still fresh on his mind so he couldn't look at Otoya's eyes directly. He was also awfully quiet when they ate supper awhile ago and even excused that he wanted to take a stroll around the hotel so he couldn't be alone with Otoya. He felt ashamed to admit that he already fell for the red-haired guy and even assumed that Otoya felt the same way for him, too. Who wouldn't be embarrassed about that?

"Y-yo! Otoya . . . !" he showed an anxious smile while waving a hand.

"How's your quick stroll around the hotel?" asked Otoya with bright eyes since he's curious what the whole hotel looked like.

"G-great! It's great!" he stuttered while trying to look everywhere except Otoya's eyes. It was so awkward for him to lie . . . Of course, he couldn't possibly walk far around this huge hotel alone!

"What's wrong, Syo?" the red-haired guy noticed again his weird behavior as he showed a worried look.

Syo's eyes widened up when Otoya asked that. Trying to prevent Otoya from knowing his feelings for him, he lied again and changed the topic, "I-I'm fine! I'm just tired from walking, you see. I'm planning to hit the hay right after a short hot bath. Well, how about you?"

Not noticing Syo's white lie, Otoya answered normally, "Me? Oh! I'm gonna take a stroll around the hotel, too. I did hope that you'll join me . . ."

Syo blushed after hearing it, "What . . . ?"

"Well, you already took a stroll so maybe, next time?"

"S-Sure . . . , if-if it's you . . . ," mumbled Syo timidly while hiding his red face by lowering his hat.

"Okay! Then it's a deal! I'll go out now! Sweet dreams, Syo," said Otoya with a grin as he tapped Syo's head with his backhand lightly before leaving. After the blond-haired idol heard the door closing, he slowly knelt down on the floor while covering himself with his hands and bending down his head. Still feeling Otoya's gentle tap on his head and his own fast heartbeats, he sighed and bit his lower lip.

"I really started to fall for Otoya, damn it . . ."

"Ahh . . . I'm so full!" said Shizuka as she touched her full stomach after eating supper with Haruka, Ringo and Ryuuya. They're currently inside the room of Ringo and Ryuuya since the orange-haired teacher cooked a special stew for them.

"Ryuuya's stew is very delicious! Right, Haru-chan?" complimented Ringo with a sweet smile on his face and faced Haruka, waiting for her agreement. Honestly, the young composer agreed with a nod.

"Yes! Hyuuga-sensei is a good cook just like my grandma!"

The pink-haired idol and the red-eyed diviner looked at each other before laughing loudly at her comment, causing Ryuuya to grumble in chagrin.

"Ryuuya is certainly like a grandma!" teased Ringo.

Shizuka agreed with a mocking grin. "I agree! He's always nagging us when we do something reckless or childish!"

Ryuuya showed a gloomy look as he imagined himself as an old woman. He murmured in misery, "Grandma . . . Am I like a grandma . . .?"

Not knowing how to react with this, Haruka just smiled innocently and tried to cheer him up.

"Umm . . . I think that's admirable, Hyuuga-sensei!"

Hearing that, the orange-haired teacher perked up. "Really?"

"Yes! Being a grandma is really admirable!"

"Waah~! Even Nanami called me that!" he cried in despair, making others laugh heartily. After they had some funny conversation and cleaned up the dining table, they went to the living room and sat on the couches. They became quiet when Ringo grabbed an envelope from his bag and pulled out some old files. He cleared his throat before beginning to speak.

"Since we are here with the diviner, it's better to discuss about the ghost that we need to take care of as soon as possible."

"But what about others?" asked Haruka with concern.

"Don't worry, Haru-chan. We'll just discuss the information that I've gathered this afternoon in the internet. If this information is helpful for our mission, then we'll tell it to others tomorrow."

"Okay . . ."

"So, let's begin. I found out that there's only one building which was built here before Shining Saotome bought this island," said Ringo while putting down a large photo of a white building, surrounded with big plants and trees, on the table so everyone could see it.

Shizuka guessed, "Is that a vacation house?"

Ringo nodded his head, "Yes. This is the vacation house of a famous singer in England, Vivien Fleming. She has a husband and an only child, who went with her here in this island to spend their summer vacation. Unfortunately, they're murdered two years ago. Nobody knows who killed them. Plus, the investigation team couldn't find the body of Vivien's ten-year old child, Andrew Fleming."

Then he placed the picture of the kid, with curly black hair and green eyes, beside the other picture on the table. Haruka's eyes widened up when she recognized the boy's face.

"That's him . . . He's the one who I saw in my dream!"

Hearing that, the others showed surprised looks.

"Are you sure, Haru-chan?" asked Ringo with hopeful eyes.

"Yes!" she replied firmly.

Shizuka smiled as she concluded, "So, Andrew's spirit is wandering here because he wants someone to find his dead body around the island! Okay! We'll try to search for his body tomorrow. We must inform everyone about this."

"All right! I'll send them a message about this," the pink-haired idol said with a wink as he grabbed his white phone with colorful design and began making a message.

"Where are you going, Ichi?" questioned Ren, wearing a white bathrobe, while observing Tokiya going towards the door.

"It's not my responsibility to tell it to an irresponsible person who just went out and had a quality time with a guy rather than helping, right?" answered Tokiya coldly when he turned around a bit to face him. He knew what happened to Ren and Masato because he caught them kissing a few hours ago in this room after he talked with Natsuki. He tried to interrogate his irritating roommate but luckily, Masato told the truth right away without any shame, and saved a lot of trouble in making Ren confess. Truth be told, he was so shocked that Ren and Masato were going out now, and it made him think that he was a coward for not letting Otoya know his true feelings . . . Well, he did slightly back then but Otoya was very dense. He even kissed him! How on earth wouldn't he realize it?!

"That's harsh. After I already apologized to you several times, you won't still forgive me?" he said while putting his left shoulder against the wall and showing a teasing smirk.

Tokiya replied firmly before turning back to the door to open it, "Absolutely, yes."

Chuckling, Ren tried to speculate something interesting to tease his cold roommate. "Hooh . . . Are you really angry about it . . . or perhaps, envious?"

He hit a bull's eye when he saw Tokiya hesitating to open the door.

"What do you mean?" asked Tokiya.

"No need to hide it from me, Ichi . . . You are the same, right?"

He showed a puzzled look. "The same . . .?"

Ren sighed and went close to him. Then, he cupped Tokiya's right cheek and slowly whispered, "You're in love with your noisy roommate, who is clearly a guy, right?"

Tokiya's eyes widened up as he looked at Ren's mocking face.

"I'm right, no?"

"It's not your business," growled Tokiya as he slapped Ren's hand away from his face and opened the door calmly.

"How cold . . . You'll get rejected if you're still keeping that façade of yours, you know," mocked Ren before Tokiya left with a grimace. After closing the door, the dark-haired idol murmured under his breath sadly, "Even if I show him my good side, Otoya will never . . . love me . . ."

While walking through the corridor of the hotel, he spotted the room where Otoya was staying in. He was tempted to enter but, what if Natsuki's guess was true? What if Syo finally confessed to Otoya and changed his mind about going out with Haruka? And, what if they're doing something more private right now? Thinking about those possibilities made his blood boil up so he immediately entered the room without any hesitation and searched the whole room for the red-haired guy. He hoped that nothing happened between the two . . . After opening the door of the bedroom, he saw countless white petals, scattered on the floor, and Syo, sitting on the bed while plucking the petals of a daisy one by one anxiously. Puzzled, Tokiya just observed him while listening to his mumbles.

"He likes me . . . He hates me . . . He likes me . . . He hates me . . . He likes me . . . He hates me . . . He -"

Syo halted when he's about to pluck the last petal with bulged eyes. He couldn't believe it . . . Taking a deep breath, he plucked the last petal with a bright smile.

"He likes me . . . Otoya likes me . . . !" he murmured in disbelief, causing Tokiya to muffle a mocking chuckle. Syo still didn't notice the dark-haired guy's presence as he stood up and paced around the room with an indecisive look, talking to himself, "Is it the right time to tell him how I feel . . .?"

"If I were you, I'll make sure first how he feels about me."

"Oh, I've already done that! I plucked petals five times in a row now . . . Huh?"

Finally noticing that someone was watching him, Syo turned around to face Tokiya with a shocked look.

"T-Tokiya! Yo-You see what I-"

"Yes," answered Tokiya unpleasantly without letting him finish his obvious question. Syo's mouth hanged open in terror. Why Tokiya of all people?! Quickly, he ran to Tokiya and begged, "Don't tell a soul about this, Tokiya! Please, I'm begging you!"

"I won't tell but in one condition . . ."

Desperately, he held Tokiya's arms and shook them as he asked, "What is it? Tell me!"

Tokiya gave the most intimidating glare at him, making Syo shiver with a dumbfounded look. With absolute determination, he replied to Syo fiercely.

"Don't ever lay a finger on Otoya. He's mine."

To be continued . . .

A/N: Phew~! The story is beginning to make my brain go crazy! I also have the infamous 'writer's block' these past few months so I apologize if you wait too much for the update. I'm also sorry if the love story of Ren and Masato had a sudden development. I hope you don't mind that because their relationship is an important part to toughen Tokiya's determination. So, part 2 is finally finished! In the next part, Tokiya and Syo form a love rivalry as they decide to challenge themselves in confessing their love for Otoya once and for all! However, Haruka also decides to warm up with Otoya! Will they still stand a chance? And, will they finally save the wandering child ghost in the island while pursuing love? Find it out on the next part! I'm waiting for your reviews and, wanna guess the other pair of this fanfic? Until next time! (^_^)v