It's another hot summer night in southern-central Michigan of the lower peninsula. I have been up for almost 32 hours now, so I'm getting ready to go to bed. Between dealing with Hunter and JJ, two of my friends, and catching up with the new episodes of MLP from Season 7, I have been preety busy for the past day and a half. I recently moved into my own house, and was happy with the results. I moved into a nice country home, about ten miles from a industrial noise, but there's a small town nearby, with a store. I own about ten acres of land here, and about an acre of that is woodery. I have gone on several walks back there. I've run into a few friendly animals. I saw a raccoon once, that was coming towards me, and I was going to run thinking it'd attack me, but it acted like a cat, so every day since then, I've brought it a couple slices of bread. I decided to call her Rachel. She's my favorite of the animals back there. Of course since I'm usually alone back there, I'll let my imagination run wild while waiting for my raccoon buddy. I just went to bed now. I decided to dream about what I was thinking of today. My raccoon friend and the 'Mane 6.'


I shot up in bed. I looked at the clock. 3:42 A.M. I rubbed my eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. I was just thinking whatever I heard was just my imagination. I walked back across the hall and crawled into bed. I almost fell back asleep, but I heard the sound again. I got up again and listened. There was some shuffling. It sounded like it was coming from my room. I followed the sound. It lead to an open drawer. I pushed some clothes around. I heard the sound of an animal. I turned on the light and looked in there again. It was just my raccoon buddy, whom snuck into my house again.

"Come, on Rachel. You need to go back to your kids. They don't stand a chance without you,"

She made some noises and walked to the window. I opened it and she left. With her gone, I went back to sleep, only to be awoke again five minutes later. This time I heard multiple noises. They sounded like they were coming from the closet. I never believed in monsters in the closet, but I still didn't like noises coming from one. I picked up the bat in the corner, turned on the light again, and slowly approached it. As I put my hand on the handle, I heard a slight whimper. I opened it up, jumped back and put the bat up. I stopped when I saw what was in there. Actually, to be a little more accurate, I dropped the bat...on my head. I saw six figures. All white females. Two had purple hair, one that was curly, and the other was straight with a pink stripe. Another had rainbow colored hair. One had blonde ponytails and a cowboy hat. A pink haired one and, the one that scared me, one with poofy fuchsia hair. I could only mutter out, "My...little...pony," and then I fainted from the bat hitting me.

I woke up much later. I did what I always do when waking up. Look at the clock. It said 10:58 A.M. this time. I rubbed my head and tried to remember what happened last night.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're all right," I heard a timid voice say in the doorway, "He's alright, girls,"

"About time he woke up," The rainbow haired one said.

I looked at the door and watched them walk in.

Then the straight purple haired one came up to me, "Could you tell us where we are?"

"Sure. One thing though," I said trying so hard, yet failing, to not look in their direction.

"What is it?" She asked.

"If it's not to much trouble, could you get some clothes from the closet and put them on," I said looking as red as a tomato, "They may be a little big."

The purple haired ones and pink haired one walked over to the closet. The pink haired one got out my high school uniform, and put it on. A perfect fit. The straight haired one just threw on one of my baggier shirts and called it good. It was so big it went down to her knees anyway. The curly haired one didn't even try anything on and just stayed the way she was. The other ones didn't even bother, so that made things a little difficult. But then again, why should I be complaining?

"Anyway, where are we?"

"Actually, could I get your names first?" I asked.

They one by one explained who they were. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. I thought for a second, thinking I've heard those names somewhere before.

"I'm William. You can call me Will."

"Alright, Will, mind telling me what you were doing with the bat when you found us last night?" Rainbow asked pushing her face against mine with an angry look.

"Huh?" I looked at the floor in front of the closet and chuckled nervously, "Well, you see I thought maybe you were a thief or a wild fox."

"So why'd y'all faint when ya' saw us?" Applejack asked pulling Rainbow back.

"Two reasons actually. Maybe three. I think I may have gotten a bit of amnesia when I hit my head. Anyway, I fainted because, One, you all looked like you were scared and I didn't want to hurt you. I think that ties in with the third one, but I can't remember what it was. Whatever, but the second reason, was kind of an unexpected reflex. I was shocked to see you six, young beautiful girls, in my closet, and it didn't help any that you were all naked,"

"Well, thank you for calling us beautiful, darling," Rarity said, flattered.

I was still blushing uncontrollably, trying my best to hide the fact that I was really stiff at the moment.

"Yes, it was very nice," Twilight said nodding, "But it still doesn't tell us where we are, or how we turned into one of him,"

'Huh?' I thought, 'Did she just say 'how we turned into one of me?''

"Could you maybe tell us what species we are?" Twilight asked.

"Y-you're a homo sapien, or a human," I said.

Rainbow burst out laughing, "Homo! That's funny,"

"If yer' taking it that way, yer' saying that yer' gay," Applejack said looking at her with a joking face.

Rainbow stopped laughing and paused for a few seconds, "Not cool."

I was quickly distracted from the two by the fuchsia haired one, Pinkie. She was bouncing up and down, having fun with her newly acquired human body, "Humans may not jump as high, or have as much hair, but now I have two hooves free when I'm walking around. Plus now there's something bouncy on me while I'm bouncing!"

I groaned and tried not to faint again. While focusing my energy on being awake, the other girls focused on what Pinkie was talking about on their bodies. They then looked at me.

"Why doesn't he have any?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"Does it look like I know anything about humans. Maybe it's for nourishment of the young. I mean, we did turn into female humans and he's obviously male. It does make sense that we have them and not him."

"Okay, so what about reproduction?" Rainbow asked.

I shot up, trying to avoid said question, "OKAY! So, Twilight what was that question you had?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, where are we? We come from the land of Equestria. Where are we now exactly?"

I pondered over the familiar sounding name for a second, and then answered her question, "You're on Earth."

They all thought for a second.

"By the way, Pinkie, they're called hands. And what you're walking on are you're feet."

"Hands, huh?" Pinkie said looking at them.

"Will? Would you happen to know how we got here or how we transformed into humans?" Rarity


"Sadly no. Since Pinkie said hooves and where your from is called Equestria, I'm guessing you girls were horses?"

"Ponies," They all corrected.

"There's one thing that ticks me about humans right now. No wings. I miss being able to fly around," Rainbow said looking at her back.

"Wings? Wait, you were a pegasus?" I asked.

"Yep, the fastest one around too," Rainbow scoffed.

"Why? Is there something wrong with pegasi? I mean me and Rarity are unicorns," Twilight said.

"Unicorns! Unicorns and pegasi are supposed to be extinct legendary creatures. Tell me. Were there any alicorns in Equestria?"

"Yes. Our rulers are, Princess Celestia and her sister Luna," Twilight said thinking of her teacher.

"That's odd. It sounds like they're related to the sun and moon," I said thinking over the names.

"They are. Celestia raises and sets the sun, and Luna does the same with the moon," Twilight said.

"Well that is very unusual. On Earth here, and actually every planet in this solar system, the suns and moons raise and set themselves. It's part of nature."

The girls thought about that for a second. While they were, I noticed something on Applejack. Then I noticed it on Rainbow. Then I noticed it on all of them except Fluttershy and Twilight, since they were wearing clothes.

"Hey, what's with the little design on your butts?"

They questioned me.

I sighed, "Your flanks."

They all looked to their backsides and saw the design.

Pinkie spoke up, "That's our cutie marks silly. Don't you have one?"

"No. Humans don't have them. How you kept them, is way beyond me."

"Can't we check to see if you have one? Just to make sure?" Pinkie asked.

"No, I'm sure I don't."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes, now can I get some sleep?" I asked.

"Sure," They all said.