Disclaimer: Grimm is owned by NBC. I'm just borrowing the characters for a while. I don't own the pictures either.

Please read and review! I love every one I get!

A/N: This was intended to be a short one-shot to go along with my Little Red Riding Hood stories. But the muses had other plans. This is my version of how Juliette found out about the Wesen world, since in Never Tick Off a Woman with Claws she and Nick are engaged, so she knows about the wesen world. It starts in the 'BigFeet' episode. Some of the lines come from that episode. I own none of that. Hope you all enjoy.

I love this Fandom!

Dinner the next night was tense affair. Nick had agreed to try and tell Juliette by himself first. Take her to the trailer, try to explain the strange attacks, show her the books and things, and if that didn't work, then he'd bring her to them. Of course it wasn't going to work. Who would believe such a story? Both Katie and Monroe sat rigidly waiting for the knock they knew was coming.

"Did.., did you always know that you were going to be a blutbad?" Katie asked finally. "I mean, I can't remember not being able to see Wesen. So, Mom told me early on why I could see them. She also told me that I shouldn't let them know I could see them."

"Nick asked me that same thing once," Monroe said. "I guess there's nothing about that in Marie's Blutbad book, huh? No. I didn't. I mean, we knew there was a good chance. Both of my parents are, but wesens can produce non-wesen children and vice-verse. You never really know until they woge the first time."

"When does that happen?"

"It's different for every species. Klaustriechs and Hundjagers start showing traits just after birth, Selventonvogels don't woge till they're grown. Blutbadden start fanging out when they're about eleven or twelve. You know, whenever they hit puberty. As if that's not hard enough, let's add in the fact that you're turning into a monster at unexpected times. Fun. Let me tell you."

"I thought Holly fanged out and fought off that jerk when she was seven," Katie replied.

"Well, yeah, but I think that must be because she was under extreme emotional stress at the time," he said. "That must have triggered it as a protective device or something. I've never known anyone else who was put into such a horrible situation so young to know for sure though. I just know that for every other Blutbad I know, the change came during puberty. I was eleven, I think. J.D. was about eleven as well. Sunny was ten and Chris was twelve. I had already moved out by the time Hope and Jase went through it."

"So, does it just happen or..,"

"It happens with extreme emotion," Monroe answered. " I was fighting with J.D. He was aggravating me, poking me or something and I told him to stop or I was going to smack him. He smarted off something and the next thing I knew Dad was fanged out and throwing me to the floor. J.D. was up against the wall looking terrified and in awe. My mouth was bleeding, my pants were ripped. Then Dad shifted and smiled. That's when I figured out what happened. It was scary. I mean, I had no idea I had done it. I didn't have control of it back then. All I could do was try not to get upset. J.D. started when Opa died. Sunny, well, I'm not sure what cause Sunny's first woge. She was always upset about something and kept some drama going all the time. With Chris it was because J.D. and I were being good big brothers and teasing him about not being a Blutbad."

"You said some wesen have non-wesen kids. Can those kids see wesens?"

"They can see their families but not the others. Okay, so my cousin Carl that came over a few weeks ago? He's human. He's Uncle Richard and Aunt Susan's kid. One that took after her. He could see me as a blutbad, but he wouldn't see Hap as one. It's like if you're an accepted part of their pack, and they are too because there are some wesen parents that don't accept non-wesen children, then they can see you, but if not,

they can't. Like Carl and Rick can see Becky as a fuaschbau because as J.D.'s wife, she's part of our pack, but when Hope was dating a Klaustriech, they couldn't see him because he wasn't part of it," Monroe explained. "It's like they can accept their kin because that's all they've known, but not others."

"Do you think Jules is going to accept all this?" Katie asked nervously.

Monroe sighed. He knew what Katie wanted to hear, but he just wasn't hopeful. The only humans he knew who could accept wesen had come into contact with the wesen world in some violent way like Aunt Susan's attack. The time to tell Juliette would have been after she abducted by the Demonfruer or the Seigbarste attacked Nick. Instead, Nick had woven together some lies about Ariel being an obsessed badge bunny and Stark was only after Hank and they just had the misfortune of getting in his way. He shook his head. "I'll be very shocked if she does and doesn't go insane. It just doesn't happen, Kate. Humans, true humans, just can't accept this. Why do you think its stayed hidden for so long?"

"Our dad did and he was human."

"Do you know that for sure, Katie? He could have been wesen or a Grimm, or just completely in the dark."

"He knew what I was. He all but told Nick. Just in a way that he could understand. He never hunted with Mom and he wasn't a wesen or I would have seen him," Katie said.

That was true. No wesen could hide what they were for 6 years from someone in their family. "Your mother could have lied to him. I hate to say this, but that seems to be a great strength in Grimms. Think of all those fantastical lies that Nick has told this year. A 'BigFoot' mask? An eye melting siren? Adalind slipped Hank a mickey then got scared when he reacted badly to it and took off? Obsessed badge bunny? I don't even know what he told everyone about Stark being shot with a bullet that was made a hundred years ago. Then there was Holly, that she didn't kill the pot guys, just tripped them with her hair and they caused their injuries falling. Oh, and he found Ditmarsch's lair by following boot prints from the middle of the city way out into the woods? I'm amazed he's gotten away with it for this long."

"Well he obviously can't lie to Juliette. You two should have just stuck with the story that you were a private investigator Nick called for help occasionally, instead of trying to tell her how. That was painful to even watch," Katie smiled. "It's a good thing Jules liked you anyway. Point being, I don't think Mom could have lied to Daddy like that for so long."

A banging on the door made them both jump.

"Well, that sounds like its going well," Monroe quipped as he got up to answer it.

Nick looked frantic and Juliette looked terrified and bewildered.

"Hello, Nick," Monroe said, cautiously.

"Monroe, you have to show her. You and Katie, y'all have to tell her and show her that I'm not crazy!" Nick exclaimed.

"Monroe, I'm so sorry. I have no idea what he wants you to do," Juliette said, worried. "He's been talking crazy. He says Adalind Schade is a witch and Aunt Marie was some kind of monster hunter and they're all these creatures like BigFoot, the big bad Wolf, and that Red Riding Hood was a real person? Katie, he needs help. We have to get him to a hospital." She stared at Katie.

"He's telling the truth," Katie said, quietly.

"What?" Juliette back up a few steps. "Not you, too. You can't possibly believe all this, Katie." Suddenly, her expression changed to hurt and betrayal. "You're lying for him. I know you two stick together, but I never thought.., just tell me the truth, Katie."

Katie looked at Nick, confused.

"She thinks I made all this up to cover the fact that I'm having an affair with Adalind Schade," Nick said.

"Why else would you be so upset about her dating Hank?"

"She's a witch," Nick practically yelled. "She tried to kill Aunt Marie! She tried to kill Hank, not to mention, ME!"

"Let's just all calm down," Monroe said, stepping between them. "Kate, take Juliette into the den. Nick, come with me."

Nick looked like he was going to protest, but Monroe put his hand on Nick's shoulder and steered him away.

"Dude, you have got to calm down," he said. "You're scaring her to death. If I was to fang out in front of her now, she'd go insane. Asylums are full of people who have see things they can't explain. How did this end up being about Adalind anyway?"

"She's been meeting her for lunch and coffee since they met a couple of months back," Nick said. "Adalind told her not to tell me because I was upset with her for how things ended between her and Hank. I never told Jules about the 'drugs' and neither did Hank. Well, today that witch upped the ante and told Juliette that we'd been sleeping together since Hank and I saved her life over a year ago and Juliette believes her. I don't even know why she'd do that. I mean, what is there to gain by that?"

"Taking something away from you," Monroe replied. "Probably the only way she still can. You took her powers. She can't get revenge by some Hexenbeist voodoo, she can't go after you physically without going to jail herself, so she went after Juliette."

"Well, it worked," Nick sighed. "Juliette confronted me at the door when I came in from work. It through me off. All the things I had planned to say just left me and I tried to tell her that Adalind was a witch. Of course she didn't believe me, so I took her to the trailer. Now she thinks I'm making all this up to hide my affair with Adalind." He shuddered at the thought.

That certainly explained why Nick was so frantic. "If you don't calm down, she's never going to believe you."

"Juliette, Nick is not cheating on you with anyone, especially not with that thing," Katie said. She put her arm around Juliette's shoulder. "I know what he's telling you is hard to believe, but it is true."

"Katie, I know he's your brother and you have to defend him, but you can't actually believe that crazy story," Juliette said. "Its insane. He can see people turn into monsters? When no one else can? He needs help. He's lost it. Why can't he just tell me the truth? She told me they were having an affair."

"Of course she did. That's what she does," Katie said. "She causes trouble. It's what her kind does."

"Her kind? You think she's a witch too?" Juliette demanded.

"No. A Hexenbeist." Katie said. "I can see them too."

"What did you call her?"

"A Hexenbeist. They're witches, yeah, but there is so much more to it than that," Katie said. "It is not like anything you've heard. Very little of it is. They use recipes intended to cause certain reactions."

"Like magic potions?" Juliette asked sarcastically.

"No, more like poison or drugs," Katie replied. "Okay, first off, forget everything she told you. Nick is not having an affair and I wouldn't defend that, if he was. Listen to me. I know this sounds crazy. It is crazy, but its true. Think about all the strange things that have happened since Aunt Marie died. She was attacked all those times. That was because she was a Grimm. That girl that kidnapped you? She was a Daemonfruer. A dragon. She didn't kidnap you because she wanted Nick. She kidnapped you so that Nick would fight her father to get you back and hopefully kill him honorably. Remember that girl on your trip to the cabin? Her boyfriend? They were wesen. She is a type of bird and he was an alleycat. They're mean and vicious, but they're also very charming. That's why she would stay with him, just because he said he loved her. Remember.., remember the repairman? The one that ran away when he saw Nick, then came back and fixed the door and brought you pie and blanket? He did that because he was scared of Nick. All the gifts from him and others a few weeks ago? That was because Nick got rid of a threat to their community."

"What threat?" Juliette's features had softened a bit, but she still looked skeptical.

"Hassliechs. Troll like wesen. Bud and his kind are Eisbibeirs. Beaver-like creatures and apparently they have been bullied for generations by Hassliechs."

Juliette rolled her eyes. "I don't know why I ever expected you to tell me the truth. You're just as twisted as he is."

Monroe had succeeded in getting Nick to calm down slightly. He was no longer ranting, but he was still fidgety and nervous.

Juliette was starting to change. The repairman. Bud. His wife. The gifts. She hated it, but it made more sense than the alternative. That the whole family was stalking her and Nick.

Monroe sat down beside her. "Juliette, I'm going to show you something, but you have to remember that, no matter how it looks, I'm still just Monroe. I'm just me and you know me. I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid. You have to stay calm."

"Don't tell me you believe this asinine story too," Juliette said.

"I do. I have to. It's the story of my ancestors," Monroe said. He let his eyes turn red.

Juliette gasped, but didn't jump up or faint. So far, so good.

"What.., how..," Juliette started but couldn't find the words to finish.

Slowly, Monroe shifted to his wesen form. "I'm a Blutbad. Most of my family is this way. But, we're not all bad. We're not all good. We just are. Most of us just want to be left alone." He shifted back.

Juliette looked around at Katie, then Nick. "So, this is true? I'm not going crazy?"

"No. You're not," Nick said. "I felt the same way when I found out. I thought Aunt Marie had dementia and that I was going insane."

"And you hunt down these..., creatures," Juliette asked.

"Just the ones that are causing trouble," he replied. "Monroe helps me, so does Katie and others."

"Okay." Juliette said. "Okay. If you say this is your life and its really happening, then I believe you."

Nick let out a deep breath and smiled. He stood up and started towards her, but Juliette got to her feet first, she held out her hand.

"Stop. I believe you, but I'm not sure I want this. I don't know that I want the rest of my life to be as scary as the last year has," she said. "I just.., I need some time to figure this out."

"Okay," Nick said. "Take all the time you need. I'll wait for you."

"Goodbye, Nick. I'll call you when I'm ready," Juliette said, hugging him. She left.

Nick sat down hard. "I told her the truth and she still left. This was a wonderful ideal, Kate."

"Well, Nick, this isn't exactly normal truth," Katie said, sitting down beside him and put her arm around his shoulder. "At least she didn't scream or faint."

It took three weeks for Juliette to call. During that time Nick had been staying at the trailer and hanging out at Monroe's a lot more than usual.

"I have to see you," she said.

"Name the place."

"I'll come to Marie's trailer. Katie said you've been staying there."

Twenty minutes later, she was knocking on the door.

"Bud," she said as soon as he opened the door. "Bud is a wesen isn't he?"

Nick nodded.

"He and his wife told me what you really did for them today. They also told how different you were from others and how they felt safe with you around. Bud says they can actually see a future now," she said. "I don't know if I believe all this. I'm still not sure that I'm not crazy, but I want to be there for you. I want.., I want to help you for as long as you need me. If you still need me."

Nick smiled and wrapped her in a hug. "I'll always need you, Jules. I'll always need you."

The end. Hope you all enjoyed it!