Hello, Hello mates~ well since some of you spoke here on and on Tumblr urging me to write more or to continue the story. I might as well give it to you guys. I would like to thank all of you who reviewed the original One Shot, you're all so kind and I am glad you all enjoyed it, It meant a lot that you read!

Also anyone reading this story should read The One Shot Ride to Freedom because this will pick up where that left off. I hope you all enjoy this Three Chapter story all in Snow's Point of View.

Disclaimer: I do not own Snow White, or the movie. I am in no way affiliated with the creators and/or actors. I especially do not own the Huntsman which is a damn shame….


Tha gaol agam ort . . .

So many weeks had passed since that night, since those words had been uttered and translated to me and yet the sound of his voice whispering those words to me still resonated in my mind.

After the battle and Ravenna's defeat (which let me tell you was something painful to me) I couldn't forget those words but a lot had changed . . . a lot had changed.

Despite what Ravenna had done I don't think I could completely blame her for how twisted she had become. I could see the sadness she possessed in her eyes as I dug the sword into her abdomen, in a sense it was almost as she thanked me as her body fell limp against the wall after moving away as if to protect herself from me. As if I had been the one to cause her the most pain and damage in all her life, that image I don't think I will ever forget it. Taking a life was a horrible feeling, the guilt tore away at me and for a while I couldn't find my grasp on reality. I didn't know how to deal with taking the life of another.

While the whole kingdom rejoiced for their new found freedom, I found myself trapped again in a new Prison . . . My Mind.

I began to understand how Ravenna could turn so cynical and twisted in her own mind. I mean how many lives had she taken? How much guilt and self loathing had she been living with? No wonder she wanted eternal beauty, if only she could see herself beautiful on the outside because she already knew that within her the beauty had vanished.

I couldn't let her go because I could still feel the warm texture of Ravenna's blood on my hands. Its metallic taste in my mouth as some of it had splashed onto my lips. When you took a life . . . when you killed someone, it was almost like you lost a part of yourself you could never regain. I spent weeks with the guilt. I couldn't find the rest I needed, sleep would either evade me or over take me and some mornings I would wake up completely sick to my stomach unable to eat anything.

I had to remind myself that I wasn't Ravenna, that I could not let my own self loathing and guilt take me to that dark place, I was stronger.

He said I was….

At least in my dream he said I was strong and for now that was the only thing I could take hold of. Perhaps at first I had believed that it had been real, that I was being duped into believing it had never happened, but along with the guilt of Ravenna's death I began to doubt that it ever happened. I couldn't think of a time when the Huntsman had given me real reason to believe he had wanted me. One kiss was not enough I later reasoned, to make him want me.

I would often remember our first meeting, when we were in the dark forest and he had just agreed to take me to Hammond's castle. He had just taken a drink and came at me, tearing away the skirt of my dress. I had thought for a moment he had come at me for something more but he scoffed in my direction and drunkenly slurred.

"Don't flatter yourself"

His eyes mocked me as he ordered me moments later to stay close. I found that I had become a burden to the huntsman who had agreed to journey with me and take upon the task of guiding me only for the money. He left me didn't he, he had left me in that village even if he did come back out of pity or guilt or whatever, but he had still left me there. Maybe I had made the whole situation between myself and the huntsman seem romantic because the honest to God truth was I wanted and needed so desperately someone to love, and someone to love me back.

William, he loved me. I know he did, I could see it in his eyes and it pained me so much that I could not return the feeling. Not anymore, not after what Ravenna had done. Regardless, William was no longer an option for me and sadly the more I rationalized what my relationship with the huntsman was, the more I realized he didn't love me. He loved who I represented to him. He loved who I reminded him of, he loved his wife. Unfortunately that meant that everything that had happened, the whispered words and heated touching was nothing more than a vividly cruel dream.

I however did love him. It was something so strong and real and pure and it'd be a bit clichéd to admit or say but this love saved me. It might have been a dream but what I felt was alive and it was real and it pulled me out of my mind. It's hard to explain how The Huntsman saved me without really doing anything. I mean I knew that it was no secret to anyone how hard I had taken the death of Ravenna; I was literally the only person who mourned Ravenna. I was the only one; after my coronation, that couldn't stomach the celebration and festivities.

For days, I had been lost in the fears of my mind and the endless thoughts and nightmares that featured Ravenna. I couldn't sleep or eat, I felt sicker and sicker every day. The more ill I became the more my chamber maidens became worried until they called for a doctor to come see me. He simply prescribed I stay in bed saying that it was nothing too important but he must have lied because he took my head maid to the side and spoke with her in hushed but serious tones. To be honest I didn't even care enough to eavesdrop, but after that it seemed all my maids and servants were overly watchful of me.

Yet still, I felt like I had no one left even if I was surrounded by so many people who loved me. But I didn't love me, and the more I hated me the further into my own depression I sunk. I was lost, confused, and tortured. Nothing was real to me anymore, no one's words reached through. In my mind I was completely alone.

The only thing that kept me sane in those days was the memory of the dream. I held onto that dream so desperately even though everything inside of me was telling me how foolish I was for relying on something that wasn't real to keep moving forward. I had, however; reached a point where I needed whatever little bit of hope and love I could find to keep my sanity. Even in death Ravenna was setting out to take my heart and corrupt it and I was waging such a desperate battle against her and the darkness.

At some point I had felt so entrapped and lost within the walls of my own castle and kingdom, that in the dead of night I took a horse and rode out of my Kingdom and out into the world. I left behind a small note, quick and to the point. It read:

Do not come after me.

I need to find myself.

I will return.


I had ridden in the darkness of night into the dark forest, rode hard against the fear I felt and the power of the forest coming alive through my weaknesses. I rode past the darkness, through the land a whole days ride far from the Kingdom, and Ravenna, and the memories. I rode further than I could let my thoughts carry me until my horse stopped from sheer exhaustion near a river. The meadow we ended up in was vast and open, flowers and trees everywhere. The moment I stepped off that horse I was doubled over regurgitating, the smell was so over powering that I had to get into the river to rinse off. The river was refreshing, almost felt when I stepped in like it washed away all of my sins and sorrows.

I sat in that river for I don't even know how long. My mind dwelled on nothing and then occasionally it would think of Ravenna. I watched the water stream by me, rushing against my skin. I began to wonder what would happen if I just let the current take me and I just let the river do whatever it wanted with me.


Thinking that way couldn't be an option.

I looked around and for the first time realized how far away from anyone or anything I was.

Where was I? I had wondered as I looked around with no one to tell me my location, I stepped out of the river and looked towards the white stallion who had been watching me while grazing.

"Do you think I could I find my way back?" I asked the horse who huffed at me annoyed but I could do nothing but smile. At least for that night I wasn't thinking of returning, so I made a fire and lay beneath the stars with my steed as my protector.

As I lay there, in the grass with the small fire warming me, looking up towards the night skies filled with endless stars that shone brilliantly, I finally let my mind wonder back to my kingdom and my people. Would they be alarmed that I was missing? Would Hammond's men and William be looking for me? What of the Huntsman? Was he worried for me? Truth was we hardly spoken in the four weeks since my coronation. They must all be worried, I supposed. I was after all their Queen and I had just taken off and run away.

Run Away…

Is that what I had done? Had I been so much a coward that I couldn't take the darkness I was sinking into that I ran? I thought of Ravenna, thought of the monster she had become as she drowned in her own darkness and hatred. In her quest for power and beauty when her insides were rotting away, she had let the darkness consume her and if I didn't do something quickly the darkness would consume me too and Ravenna would have won. She would have taken my heart and corrupted it.

I would not allow for that, because I would not allow myself to become what she had, but how? How could I stop myself from drowning in the darkness? And what would they think? I wondered. My people, what would they think of, if they knew the thoughts that ran through my mind? Would they still think me worthy to be their Queen, would they still think me pure? Was I, the way I was now, even worthy of one man let alone a whole kingdom. I bet Sarah wasn't this weak…she must have been so strong and beautiful…so much better than me.

I'm sure Sarah deserved Eric.

I wonder what their love was like, was it something strong and powerful? Something beautiful. I'm sure Eric was capable of a very pure and strong love and I'm sure he deserved Sarah just as much as she deserved him…I didn't deserve him. I felt the tears fall as I laid there looking at the stars.

He deserved so much better than me…I was so weak and he needed better than me. Besides his heart would always be Sarah's, I could never be someone he loved in that way because he would always love Sarah….but maybe he loved me as a friend.

I wiped the tears away and sighed. I didn't feel like the same girl I was when I meet him, maybe she deserved him but the me right now wasn't even worthy of his friendship. I didn't want that…I wanted to at least be worthy of his friendship, I wanted to be someone he was proud of, a Queen he could pledge his loyalty too . . . if only that.

Yet I had dug myself so deep into a dark hole that I had no idea how to pull myself out of. I closed my eyes and tried to stop my mind from working. I needed to rest, one night of real rest without thinking of Eric, or Ravenna or the Kingdom. Nothing, just sleep, surprisingly my wish was granted as I slept soundly through the night and well into the afternoon. I awoke feeling fully rested and not sick for the first time in weeks. It was refreshing really.

When I woke up though strangely enough I found fruits gathered in a neat little pile next to me. Someone had picked my breakfast for me. I sat up quickly confused and looked around. Anyone else would have thought themselves alone in the open meadow of the forest I had found myself, but I knew better. . . I had seen them before when I was in the enchanted forest.


They lived in the animals and plants. Quite and pure creatures that only revealed themselves to those pure and worthy enough, I smiled at myself perhaps I wasn't as lost as I had thought myself to be. I took an apple from the pile and stood, looking around to see if I could see them. I saw nothing but I felt them.

"Thank You." I said out gently and looked down at the bright red apple. I hesitated at first the last time I took a bite of an apple I had fallen into a deep slumber but I figured if I was going to free myself from the darkness I had to let go of Ravenna and my fears.

Closing my eyes I took a bite of the apple, tasting it sweet juices as it filled my mouth. The crunchy yet soothing texture of the apple in my mouth as I chewed, it tasted so sweet and soft. I swallowed and waited but after a moment I opened my eyes and saw that I was still very much awake. I smiled and quickly took another bite of the apple. Strangely enough the more I ate that apple the more I felt a heavy weight lift from my heart. I lost myself in the taste of that apple, as if I had never before eaten one and it was the most delicious thing in the world.

When I opened my bright green eyes I was startled to find a small fairy resting on the back of a butterfly smiling at me contently. I smiled back at it and it pointed behind me. Slowly I turned my body only to stop in wonder as they emerged from every direction. From the trees and the grass, from the birds and the fish even the flowers that were brightly blooming.

All of the different faeries bowing down to me in respect and loyalty.

I was so completely overwhelmed with emotion I felt the tears fall. My body trembled as the animals of the very forest came out to bow down before me as well, the small rabbits, the foxes, the wolves, bears and deer, small birds and squirrels. I watched them all bow and acknowledge me as Queen of the land and I could do nothing else but cry. I fell to my knees and cried before them feeling touched and saddened at the same time. Touched that I could be deemed worthy; sad because I could not see in me what they saw.

"Hello Snow White." The voice was deep and empowering it. My head shot up and I looked into the beautiful dark eyes of the stag I had encountered in the faerie sanctuary. He was so beautifully magnificent. Pure and white in color, its large antlers curled and strong, he inclined his head at me with respect before stepping closer. I couldn't speak I was just completely awe struck by him, he was beautiful. "My name is Eldred."

"Hello." I managed to croak and stumbled up to my feet so that he and I were looking into each other's eyes. I clumsily wiped the tears away and straightened up as I stared into his soft eyes. It was weird being in his presence almost felt like I was standing before my mother or father, I felt such respect towards him and at the same time as if I was protected and safe here.

"What brings you here Queen Snow White?" He asked me gently, his voice deep and powerful.

"I'm not sure." My response was honest.

"I sense you are in turmoil young one." I inhaled and slowly nodded my head. "What is it that troubles you?" I looked around to the creatures who now watched me curiously. I thought a moment, would my troubles seem childish to this legendry animal?

"I have blood on my hands." I whispered before turning to look at him. "I had to kill in order to free the kingdom of darkness, but now I fear the darkness is trying to take me." I felt my body shake as I finally admitted it out loud for the first time. "I don't know how to stop myself from sinking into the darkness. . . I don't want to be like Ravenna."

"You are not." He said, if Eldred had been human perhaps he'd be an older man with graying hair, his eyes a deep hazel in color and his smile would be gentle. I felt like he was smiling his gentle smile at me now. The tears fell from my eyes without permission and I stared into the eyes of the stag. "Queen Snow White you are nothing like Queen Ravenna, who was filled with hate and malice." My heart beat wildly in my chest.

"You are much more beautiful and far more worthy of the crown than she ever was. Look around you Queen Snow, all of the creatures in your land can see the strength within you."

"What strength?" I asked softly unable to see what they saw. "Show me so I can see it." I heard him chuckle at me, his chuckle sent a soothing feeling through my body.

"My dear Queen" He began, his voice filled with admiration. "You are truly capable of the one thing Ravenna was never capable of." I was silent as I watched him. "You possess a strength unlike any other, rare and beautiful in itself."

"I don't understand" He took at step forward and all the animals around me did the same.

"You see in others, what no one sees..."

"I do?" I needed him so much to guide me and he was doing just that.

"Yes my Queen. You are still so young but even in your youth you can so clearly see the good in everyone." His words were so wise and calming. "You saw something in Ravenna that made you sorrowful of her death." He was right, when I was younger for a flicker of a second I saw Ravenna's sadness and loneliness. Ravenna had been trapped and she had tried so hard to escape but only sunk deeper and deeper into her own hatred and malice, but I had seen it and I had known she was capable of it . . . of love and kindness.

"I did." I whispered agreeing with him.

"You love so strongly and beautifully my Queen." He seriously sounded like a parent who was telling their child how proud he was of them. "The way you can love so fully, without measures is what makes you so pure. Every living thing responds to the love you give off even the trolls of this forest can be calmed by you." I laughed softly at the memory of the troll that had attacked me and the huntsman only to stroll away when I came up against him.

"You have strength, you're not afraid to go against anything but at the same time you love and cherish, you have respect and admiration for all life." Elderd's words filled my heart with hope and suddenly I could understand what they saw in me. "You are the perfect Queen that this Kingdom deserves and we are prepared to give you our loyalty." My tears continued to cascade freely down my face and my body trembled.

"I am afraid." I confessed as I tried to calm my trembling. "That I will disappoint" I looked down and away from Eldred. "That I am not ready to be Queen."

"You are ready." He reassured and I searched his eyes, he was telling me the truth. "You are more than ready to be Queen. Just rule with your heart and never lose sight of who you are; never let go of the love you have for life." I smiled at him and nodded. He took a step closer and if he had been human it would have looked like he was coming to hug me. He allowed me to reach out and hug him instead, burying my face into his warm and silky neck, he was so soft.

"Thank you Eldred." I whispered against his soft fur and I felt so comforted in his embrace. I spent the rest of the week in Eldred's company. He would advise me and teach me things about the land I did not know. He allowed me to release my sorrows and fears, gave me courage and wisdom. Along with Eldred's companionship I seemed to have made a friend in a small wolf pup whose fur was ginger in color. He reminded me of Gus so warm and playful, so I named him Gus.

Gus's mother and siblings were always nearby and the faeries as well. I felt like I had left the world and gone to a sacred and special place that the creatures of my kingdom had created solely for me. Very rarely did I think of the Huntsman while I was there perhaps his image would invade my mind from time to time but I hardly thought of him. I didn't have room to think of him while Eldred was teaching me so much in my haven, However I knew I had to return back to the kingdom, they were surely waiting for me. As the sun set on the sixth day that I had been there I turned to Eldred and smiled warmly at him.

"I must go back Eldred." My voice was gentle and I reached out to caress my dear friend.

"I know." He replied and I felt my heart sink at the thought of leaving him. "But do not worry my Queen." He said with a smile "I will always be with you, never too far from your side or the side of you heir." I gave him an add look at what he added to the last bit of that sentence, I was hardly thinking of an heir so why would he? Regardless I knew that what he said was true, since Eldred was the spirit of the animals of the forest that presented it in the form of a Stag. I looked down to Gus who nudged my leg.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and Eldred spoke then.

"He wishes to go back with you." I stared at the pup wide eyed and shook my head.

"I cannot bring you back, how can I take you from your mother?"

"It would be a great honor for both Gus and his mother if you took him back with you." I knelt down as his mother who was a beautiful brown color approached me, inclining her head for a moment before looking into my eyes and I could see the admiration in them as she urged me to take her son. "Gus will be your guardian." Eldred informed me as reached out and lifted Gus off the ground and nestled him safely in my arms.

"Thank you." I whispered to his mother as she approached me and I gently rubbed her head. "I will take good care of him." I promised her before I let her kiss her son good bye and stood to my feet. My white Stallion approached us and I turned to Eldred once more. "Thank you…for everything."

"It has been my deepest pleasure." He bowed down at me. "Remember the ride back to your kingdom is a full day's journey. Stop for nothing keep on riding until you are inside the gates of your Kingdom." I nodded as I climbed the stallion, Eldred looked at me. "You should make it home before dawn."

"Thank you." I said again, unable to say that enough times to him. Once Gus was safely nestled in my arms I took one last look at the Stag who smiled at me once more before he turned into a million butterflies and disappeared then I rode off into the forest and back towards my Kingdom.

The whole ride back home I found myself thinking about Eric. In the last week I had hardly thought of him because I had simply not wanted to think of him but now there was no reason not to think of him and all I could think of was him. I hardly remember the journey since for most of the journey I was asleep and for the other part of the journey my mind was full of nothing but memories of the man I loved. Yes I loved him and I knew now I was at the very least deserving of his friendship. Eldred was right, by the time I reach my Kingdom's gates it was well into the night, perhaps it was early morning.

The guards at the gate did not seem to notice me and that was fine since I had a secret place to sneak back into the walls without being seen. Once inside the walls I took Albus (It's what I decided to name the white Stallion) back to his stable before secretly making my way back into the Castle with Gus still in my arms. The Castle had been restored to the way my father had kept it when he was alive, all of Ravenna's belonging finally removed and there seemed to be such lightness to the atmosphere I had not noted before.

I had not made my way straight to my room as I had originally intended. Curious I made my way to the throne room which was also used as a court room. It was back to its original state, it looked just like it had before Ravenna had changed it. I felt my heart swell and I smiled as I approached the large Throne. It was much taller than I was, towering over me and hiding me as I walked around it. Just as the stature of the chair hid away my small form, footsteps were heard and voices echoed from the hall until they filled the room. I stood rooted as I listened to them.

"We've searched everywhere." This voice was William, he sounded frustrated. I heard the sound of paper rustling and peaked out to see what was happening only to watch William, his father and the Huntsman place a huge map on the table. . . The huntsman. . .

"We've not searched everywhere." When Eric spoke in his thick Scottish accent I felt my heart stop beating and I was suddenly breathless. "We've yet to search the dark forest and what lies beyond those lands." He pointed to the dark forest on the map.

"She would not be so desperate as to venture into the dark forest." Duke Hammond said speaking to the Huntsman as if he was an idiot and that bugged me.

"You clearly don't know how troublesome your Queen is." Troublesome…was I still considered troublesome to the Huntsman? And he said your Queen, not ours or mine but yours. I felt my heart break a little. Even if I left to find myself and make myself more worthy of the man I loved and my Kingdom, in the end I could have the Kingdom but not the man. I exhaled and resigned myself to that fate, I leaned against the back of the chair hiding myself once more from them, not that they had noticed me anyhow.

"Snow is not troublesome!" William defended me, oh dear sweet William how very wrong he was. I was very troublesome, was I not causing trouble right now.

"I should know a thing or-" The Huntsman stopped talking midsentence and I'm not sure why but I felt a very charged silence fill the room. I had no idea what was happening but my body tensed and before I could even react something strong grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out from behind the throne. I honestly yelped a little startled before realizing I had been dragged out of my hiding place and was suddenly before the three men. It took them a moment before they realized who it was the Huntsman had dragged out of hiding.

"Snow!" William exclaimed rushing towards me and pushing Eric's hand away from my arm. Eric just stared at me as William placed his hands on my shoulders. "You're back!" he obviously stated and I turned my eyes to the Huntsman whose expression was unreadable. My body began to tremble under William's hold. Maybe I had done a lot of healing in the forest but not enough healing that I could bear the touch of William's hands at least not yet. I pulled away from his hands and I saw how my actions startled the three men, slowly I stepped further away, tightly pressing Gus further against my chest.

"How long have you been back your Majesty?" Duke Hammond asked as he too hesitantly approached me and I turned to look at him.

"I just got back not more than a few minutes ago." I replied and my eyes found the Huntsman's who like William did not move. I could see the relief filter through all of them even if the atmosphere was tense and charged.

"Where did you go?" William asked me gently careful not to invade my space again.

"Beyond the dark forest," I saw Eric's lips form into a grin as he looked over to Duke Hammond who made a face at him. He crossed his arms in triumph and then turned back to me. "There was something I needed to find."

"Did you find it?" Eric's voice sent shivers through my body and I gulped turning to him, pulling Gus impossibly closer to me.

"Yes." I said breathlessly and he nodded looking to the pup in my hands curiously.

"Why am I not at all surprised that you brought back a friend with you?" I smiled at Eric's words, almost like he was mocking me and lecturing me at the same time. It had such a warm and familiar feeling to it. Had I really not spoken to him in nearly a month? I shrugged at him and he chuckled at me, William said nothing and neither did his father.

"Are you tired your majesty?" William asked me, I felt terrible that he was speaking to with formalities but for now I believed it to be the best thing. I shook my head. I had fallen asleep several times on my journey home so in all honesty I wasn't really tired. Aching a bit from the journey but not tired.

"I am hungry though." I saw Duke Hammond nod before turning to leave possibly going off to call someone to bring me food. Once he was out of the room there was silence for a long stretch of time until Duke Hammond returned with my maiden servants and announced that I would soon be feed. My oldest Maiden came rushing towards me fussing over me like a mother.

"I'm so happy." She cried as she enveloped me in a huge hug and held me tightly crushing Gus between the two of us. He made a little sound of protest and she pulled away, her round face red from the tears she was crying. I laughed at her a little she was so cute. She touched my face, my shoulders my abdomen and turned to look at me. It was like was inspecting to make sure I was really Okay. "Are you both alright." Her voice trembled and I arched an eyebrow.

I looked down to her hand and then at Gus who made the same look as I. Both? What she going on about did she mean me and Gus? I looked up to her and nodded. "We're fine." I replied meaning to myself and Gus of course. She sighed and her hand moved from my abdomen to my face.

"I am so glad you are finally home. I was so worried."

"I'm sorry." I said and I looked up to the others who were oddly enough giving me a strange look. Was I missing something? The shock and surprise in their eyes was just strange. I turned to the Huntsman who stared at me with an unreadable expression. The male servants all rushed in with plates of food for me and I was so happy to see them enter the throne room. I was rushed to the table and plates of delicious smelling food tickled my nose. I had not realized how hungry I was until I placed a piece of bacon into my mouth. So crisp and smoky, my god it was delicious.

The word was quickly spread throughout the Castle and the Kingdom was all up before dawn. All of my men now surrounded me affirming the rumors that their Queen had indeed return. Festivities broke out throughout the Kingdom and I smiled. William and his father to my left and Eric at my right, the dwarfs also joined us and greeted me warmly, welcoming me home. I introduced Gus to everyone and they welcomed my new wolf pup with open arms. As we all sat in each other's company for a while someone brought out a plate of apples and set it before us. I reached out and surprised Eric, William and the dwarfs as I picked up the brightest red apple of the pile and brought it to my face, sniffing its sweetness.

"Are you no longer afraid to eat an apple?" William asked me and I smiled at him. I smiled at all of my friends, turning to look at Eric for just a moment before I turned back to William. I felt peaceful, no longer consumed by the guilt and darkness and although it would still be some time before my heart completely heals, at least right now I was much better than I had been a week ago.

"No." I took a bite and looked around as I savored the taste in my mouth. They couldn't possibly understand what the taste of that apple represented to me now that I sat there before them feeling stronger and more alive than I had in weeks. I looked around once more before I turned to look at Eric, my heart swelling as he smiled at me. There was nothing too bad to be afraid of and I took another bite of that delicious apple.

Enjoying the sweet Taste of Freedom.


Alright so this Ends the very chapter of this chapter story. As you guys can see this chapter hardly had any interaction between Snow White and the Huntsman but that doesn't mean that there won't be some in the near future. I couldn't start a chapter on a peppy romantic note seeing as Snow did kind of just go through a traumatic event and I wasn't going to leave those lose ends dangling that way.

I really want you all to understand Snow White's way of thinking and thought process. As much as I want to jump on the Snow/Eric bandwagon right off the bat I still think that there are many complexities that involved not only Snow's relationship with Eric but with her Kingdom.

There were many, many clues in this chapter that hinted to whether or not the night spent between Snow and Eric was real or not, more obviously so towards the ending of the chapter. That will be later explored in the next two chapters.

Thanks for reading ^^b, do tell me what you think and please wait for my next chapter!
