Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Andrew W. Marlowe, though they have found their own way into my heart.

It was a chilly and overcast autumn afternoon. It had started like any other day at work, but for the woman sitting next to Beckett in the Interview room, that Tuesday November 6th, 2012 was the day she would never forget. Hearing the bad news, barely half an hour earlier, she'd fainted. Only Kate's quick reflexes had prevented the woman from falling and hitting her head against a desk.

Kate couldn't help herself. Before she knew it, her arm was reaching out and her hand closed around the young woman's shaking ones. From under those closed eyelids, silent tears fell and streamed down the pale face in front of her. Beckett felt a lump rise in her throat but swallowed it back down.

"He…" the woman choked and a sob escaped her lips. Kate gently brushed back the woman's long, wavy hair. "I've lost my life," she whispered.

Kate was speechless. Nothing she could say would make it better, not even slightly. There was something about this young woman; she wasn't like anyone she'd met before. Her honest and innocent emerald green eyes, her childlike face, her dark brown hair, her small figure…

Two days ago, a body had been found and Beckett had been assigned to the case. A 31-year-old man. He'd been at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Almost. Before being stabbed and receiving a hard blow to the head, he had saved the life of a young girl who was being assaulted. The result? A good man, in the prime of life, died. His 27-year-old girlfriend was left alone.

"Sophie, is there anyone I can call for you?" Kate asked softly. "Someone who'll stay with you at home?"

The woman shook her head almost imperceptibly.

"We just bought an apartment. We were going to move in together next week," Sophie's voice trembled. "We've been together for 4 years." She paused for a second, taking a deep breath to steady her voice. "I've only been with him. He was the first boy that ever kissed me."

Sophie looked up and fixed her watery eyes on Beckett's face. The detective struggled really hard to keep her own tears in check, preventing them from flooding her eyes.

"I had a difficult adolescence," Sophie continued. "I've always been very shy, had few friends. I believed that one day, when it was meant to be, he would find me. And he did. But I didn't find him, see him, not the way he saw me. For two years, he entered very slowly into my life. He was patient and kind, and just like that, one day I saw him with new eyes. I realized I was in love with him, that I'd been all along.

"He cared for me more than his own life. He wanted to share a home, get married, have children and grow old together. I was the one to slow him down, didn't want to rush into things. I… I believed I was being rational…" Sophie's eyes welled up with fresh tears and when she closed them, the tears overflowed and rolled down her cheeks. "Now I regret not living the present." Kate handed her a box of tissues. "About everything, I've always waited for the right time. But now the moment is gone, he's gone, and I've lost my chance. I've always known he was my one and only…and now—" Sophie's eyes came to rest on the coffee table, on the small bag containing her boyfriend's belongings. "I've lost my life," she whispered again in a broken sob.

Beckett made sure Sophie got in a taxi and then rode back up to the homicide floor. She sat on her chair, rested her elbows on her desk and buried her face into her palms, eyes tightly shut. What is wrong with me, she thought. She felt shaky, light-headed and her heart hammered almost painfully inside her chest. She'd never felt so affected by a victim before. Yet, all she saw were those broken eyes, filled with pure pain. Did she see a version of herself in that girl? She, the hesitant woman; Castle, the patient man. He never pushed. He always gave her what she needed, gave her space, gave her time... He let her decide and followed her pace.

Kate tilted her head and her eyes fell upon the chair beside her desk. Castle's chair. It had been empty for the last three days. His occupant was away with his daughter. Since Alexis had had two days off college, they had decided to make a short trip to have some father-daughter quality time. They were scheduled to come back the next day.

Beckett felt exhausted, completely worn out. She had the bad habit of exceeding her hours at the precinct when Castle was not there to dissuade her from the idea that prolonging her workday until midnight was not healthy nor productive. And, of course, it was exactly what had happened with this last case. Now, all she wanted was to take a bath, get into bed and sleep for twelve hours straight. There was nothing left for her to do in the office, so she gathered her things and went home.

As Kate unlocked the door to her apartment and let herself in, she noticed the lights were on. Music was playing softly in the background and a male voice, his voice, was humming to the tune. She dropped her purse to the floor, shrugged out of her coat and slid off her boots, then padded quietly into the living room —the sound of her footsteps muffled by her socks— and stopped beside the stairs leading up to the rooftop.

With his back to her, Castle stood in the middle of the kitchen, cooking. He was wearing a white, stretch cotton shirt, long sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark jeans and socks. And, for some reason, the scene seemed dazzling. There was something so natural, simple, homely and human to the way that Castle moved around her kitchen as if it were his own that made the image endearing.

A smile spread across her face. "Hey," she called softly.

He turned at the sound of her voice and grinned. "Hey yourself! Didn't hear you come in." He stirred the contents in the pan and looked at her again. "You're home early."

"You are home early! Thought you wouldn't get back till tomorrow." Beckett walked over to him.

"Wanted to surprise you."

Castle turned his body slightly toward her. She immediately wrapped her arms tightly around his middle and pressed her face to his shoulder. The loud sound of his heartbeat was comforting, made her forget the emotional roller coaster she'd been on that afternoon.

At first he didn't move, but when she kept holding him forcefully, he set the kitchen spoon aside and put his arms around her. He kissed her hair and rested his head on top of hers. She slid her arms up his back to his shoulders and hugged him even tighter. Closing her eyes, she drew in a deep breath, inhaling the scent his skin gave off through his shirt.

"Kate, what's wrong?" he whispered, slightly concerned, rubbing her back.

"Nothing… I just missed you," she murmured against his chest.

"I missed you too."

Castle brushed his lips over her hair again. This wasn't really like her. He'd only been away for three days. He knew there was something else in her mind, but chose not to press. She turned her head and nestled her face into the crook of his neck. Castle brought his right hand to her cheek and held her close against him.

"Are you staying tonight?" she murmured.

"Of course."

They remained like that for a while, just listening to the other's breathing. Then, slowly, Kate pulled back without leaving the warm comfort of his embrace and looked up at him, locking her gaze with his.

"I want to live with you," her voice so low it was barely a whisper.

Castle looked down at her with astonishment. He searched deep into her eyes, trying to figure if this was for real or a practical joke of some kind. But there was nothing but sincerity behind her straight face. As the truth sank in, a smile spread across his face and she returned the gesture. His eyes glistened as he bent down to press his lips to her forehead. Then he looked at her in absolute awe.

"Is that a yes?" she chuckled.

Castle nodded and spoke, "Yes!" He lifted her off her feet and spun them around. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

When he put her back down on the floor, the dizziness from turning around in circles made him lose his balance. He fell to the floor, dragging her down with him, and she landed on top.

"Are you alright?" she laughed.

Castle's face contorted into an expression of mild pain and a groan left his lips.

"I'll survive," he uttered in a strangled voice. Then he brought her face down to his and kissed her deeply.

A minute later, both gasping for air, they pulled apart and Kate wiped away a tear that had escaped Castle's eye. He cradled her face in his hands and they looked and smiled at each other like two fools in love.

"I'm starving," she mentioned and pecked his lips one more time before adding, "And that coq au vin smells delicious."

Thank you so much for making time in your busy life to read this!