You know those days when you are sitting in your room wishing you knew someone? Today is one of those days for me. If you had a chance to branch yourself out and get to know someone you admired would you take the chance or shy from it? I'm going to Comic Con this weekend with my best friend Kaylah. I've known her since my first year in college. While she studies business I'm an education major. It's all a bit crazy in our apartment – which is located in Florida. So yes, we have driven the 2,300 and something or other miles to get here. Why would someone do that, you ask? Matt Smith of course! I may very well be a gigantic Doctor Who film, but I have seen most all of Matt's other screen appearances. He's lovely. I'm not going into this hoping to meet him (that's a gigantic lie), but I am going into this hoping to see every panel he is in. My friend is excited for the three dances over the days. I guess I could get excited for the human chess match as well, but really…it's Matt. It always has been. I mean he's a Scorpio and I'm a Pisces – what could possibly go wrong?

"AMELIA! Hurry up! You're going to miss your husband's panel. Quit sitting and thinking," my best friend screamed at me. She's an Aries, fitting because it almost rhymes with scary. She has a very…bold personality to put it lightly.

"I'm coming. I'm already dressed. No reason to get your britches in a twist," I replied standing up and stretching. My tummy was swirling at the fact that I was soon to be able to listen to Matt Smith talk, in person and for a whole hour. What in the world did I ever do to deserve this? And how can I make sure it happens every year?

We popped outside and began walking from the hotel to the convention center, amusement playing on our faces.