Hey guys! MoneyMan538 here! I wanted to try out this story while I waited for a response to my authors note. I hope you guys like this, it's a one-shot (I think that's what it's called?) for a story that I really would like to try. This is something I've been waiting ages to try out and I think it's ready. I won't be doing many of these chapters unless you guys request it, writing two stories will be hard work. Anyway, enjoy! (Spoiler alert! This is not a human in Equestria fanfic.) And please comment and critique.


(God I love that game.)

I do not own MLP FIM or Kingdom Hearts.

Chapter 1: The end?

June 26, 2012.

The day I died.

Or at least,

The day I should of died.

I don't know why, or how, but I was given a second chance.

A chance to keep going even after it seemed like I was at the end.

My end.

Let me tell you how it was that day…

(June 26, 2012, 8:29am)

Blip blip! Blip blip! Blip blip!

"God fucking damn it all…"

A young man, in is mid to late teens, lazily reached an arm out to the clock that was on his night stand.

"Where are you, stupid off switch?" Were his thoughts as he furiously brushed his hand against the opposite side of the clock, desperately trying to cease the annoying noise that came from the clock, or at least, what he thought came from the clock.

He paused when there was no noise and peered up from his pillow, his eyes crusted from sleep. Upon closer inspection you could tell that he had hazel eyes, a shade lighter than brown, and an even darker brown of messy hair that occupied his head. He had hair stubble protruding from his chin.

"What the…?" I replied groggily.

Yes, me. This is how I meet every day of my life. Groggy and sleepy.

"I didn't turn the switch off…" I replied slowly while looking at the clock. It read 8:30 am, and the alarm was off.

"You got to be kidding me, so I just imagined for it to go off?"

A slight groan graced my throat as I smacked my head against my pillow, praying that its cool embrace would ease my waking suffering.

Suddenly, though, several noises could be heard downstairs. For some strange reason, no matter where, I could hear almost everything from my room perfectly clear. It was horrible, especially when your mom snores like a monster truck down the hall. Or in this case, getting up on a non-school day and not being able to go back to sleep because some people enjoy friendly talk in the morning.

"Might as well get up…" I thought, my mind still not in gear yet.

I walked over to my closet that was across the room, careful to make sure as not to be seen in my underwear, and changed to my morning pajamas. I then went back to my desk drawer and stuffed my hand inside, stopping when it felt something metallic and pulled out my favorite watch. I don't actually need a watch all the time, there's usually a clock nearby, but I liked wearing it a lot. I thought it gave me character. I only had it since November but it was already scratched from me wearing it all the time. It was silver with a blue center where I could read the time. It was simple, only having four numbers on it and several tick marks for the hours but I didn't mind. For fifteen bucks it was a steel.

I stood straight up and twisted my back, sighing at the relief of stress that came with a satisfying pop.

I then started out of my room to the computer in the hallway and turned it on to see if any new chapters on the story's I've favorite on Fan Fiction have updated yet. I scanned down the list, all but one of them were My Little Pony related.

That's right, I'm a brony, got a problem with that? I've been into My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic for months now. I've known about it before but it never perked my interest since I read "The 7th element" online about four months ago. Ever since then, I've been reading Fan Fiction almost every day. I rarely find anything good but when I do I get really into it. I've even tried writing a story of my own but I still have a long ways to go for it to make a name on the internet, or at least be known.

"Sigh, nothing new. And I was hoping that there would be an update today for something."

I reloaded the page, praying that there was something that would magically update but no luck. I then shut the computer down and looked over at the open bedroom door of my sister's room. She still appeared to be in it, fast asleep.

"Lucky bastard…" I thought to myself, jealous that she was still sleeping in.

Mackenzie, my younger sister, was two years younger than me. She may be annoying at hell sometimes, and at others I wish she was banished to Celestia's sun, but I still love her. No matter how many times she says that she thinks I want her dead, I really don't. I just can't take her personality sometimes. Unlike her, I prefer to be alone then with others. Though one thing we have in common is that we both love video games.

"Meh, she needs it." I thought as I made my way down the stairs, taxidermy lining the entire wall. My Dad was into hunting and was a master at it. Or, at least he made it look like that. He would take me hunting but I never really got anything. Hunting with me is like taboo, no matter what you won't get any sign of prey while I'm around. What I seem to be good at though was fishing. As I turned a corner and made my way into the family room the mantle over the fire place was lined with pictures taken of me and several catches I made during my life. One of my favorite in particular was me holding a fish that was almost as big as I was. I was eleven at the time and the fish was 32 and a half inches. I remember all the statistics perfectly. That was one of the proudest moments of my life.

As I made my way over to the table at the center of the room I heard footsteps to my left. When I turned I saw my Dad making coffee and my Mom cooking hash browns and sausage.

"Today's going to be a good day." I thought confidently, seeing the breakfast about to be served as a sign of good fortune.

My Dad was a fairly tall man, not as tall as me but the way he walked he carried respect, a certain "authority" you could say. His hair was silver from age and his hair was thinning but his eyes had a sort of gleam that showed the years of wisdom that he has encountered.

My Mom was shorter than my Dad and had long brown hair that went past her shoulders. On top of her head her hair started to go a silvery grey. She died her hair a lot because she didn't like the grey, though I never admit it I think she would look cool if she left to turn silver. She was supposedly an awesome cook from what I could tell, I'm too picky to eat any of her fancy stuff, but I do admit that it sometimes smells good.

"Sup' Spence-man?" She calls over her shoulder to me.

Spence-man, that's what she would call me sometimes. Truthfully, I hated it. My real name was Spencer. If somebody else other than her called me that name I might of kill them but she was my Mom. It seemed right for some reason when she called me that.

"Hey Mom, Dad." I said.

"Morning" My Dad replied groggily, not yet having his first cup of coffee yet.

At the sound of my voice a little black dog with its tail cut off came running up to me, trying to jump up and lick my face.

"Hey Bow, how's it going?" I said to him as I bent down to rub him behind the ears.

Bow barked happily a couple times before running back to Mom and sitting down, hoping to get a second round of breakfast even though he already had his serving.

I stood up as my Mom came by and slid over a plate filled with hash browns and sausages. As I began to dig in my Mom filled up her own plate.

"Is Kenzie still sleeping?"

"Yeah." I mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"She's been doing it a lot lately, I know she needs to sleep in longer but she's going to need to eat breakfast soon." She replied as she and Dad sat down.

Dad opened up the paper and took out his reading glasses while my Mom already had hers on and was reading the ads from the paper.

I replied with a grunt when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw my sister walk into the room wearing pajamas and glasses as well. I mentally grinned.

"Good morning." She replied curtly as she went to serve herself up as well.

Out of almost all the family members of my whole family I was the only one that didn't need glasses for anything. Everyone on my Dad's side needed them while everyone but a couple of cousins on my Mom's side didn't wear them. They were younger than me so I was the oldest that didn't have to wear any. I was also lucky enough to not have any allergies while my parents and sister on the other hand did. I could almost brag that I was the perfect example of a healthy normal human being if it weren't for the fact that I had exercise induced asthma. I could still run but not for very long before I felt out of breath.

As we all ate our breakfasts in silence I noticed Mom looking at me.

"What's up?" I said as I got up to put my dishes in the dishwasher.

"I need to head to the store later on today; do you both want to come with me?" She said, glancing over to Mackenzie as she talked.

I thought for a moment. "Maybe, depends what I'm doing at the moment when it's time to go."

She gave me a hard stare.

"Alright, I'll go. Sheesh…" I stood up and went upstairs to take a shower.

As I made my way up the stairs I heard my sister reply with a yes. She sounded excited, probably something she wanted to get really badly.

I showered and went over to my room, my hair still wet from the relaxing shower. My clock read 10:17am.

"Man that felt good." A plus side to summer vacation was that I could take long relaxing showers and enjoy my morning instead of rushing to go out to meet the bus on time to do boring assignments.

I put on some clean clothes, brown plaid shorts with a dark brown T-shirt. As I started making my way downstairs my sister stood with her hair rolled up in a towel.

"She must have used the other shower and finished before me."

"Hey, when are you going to finish Kingdom Hearts 2?" She asked. "You haven't played it in a while and I want to see what happens next." For some reason she likes to watch me play video games…

I paused in thought. "I got nothing better to do today, been avoiding it for a while now…"

"Sure, why not? Need to kick Xenmas's ass anyway." I replied confidently.

We both made our way into the basement where the game systems were and I pulled out the game disk. The T.V. was a pretty big one so it was great to play games on or watch movies. As I loaded up the old PS2 I sat in a wheel chair a meter or so away from the T.V. and began to play. My sister sat in a couch that was to my left to get a front row seat of the game.

2 hours later…

"OHMYGODYESDIDYOUJUSTSEETHAT!" I exclaimed out loud as I jumped up from my seat and held my arms in the air for victory.

"That was so awesome!" Mackenzie said next to me. The entire time I was fighting the boss she was at the edge of her seat.

"Hell fucking yeah!" I said again but I immediately quieted down when the ending cut scene began to play. "Shhhh! No talking and look at the screen!" I said out loud and pointed excitedly at the screen.

My sister and I patiently watched as the ending cut scene played through. By the time it ended I was over my little excitement.

"That is why this is the best game series ever made." I said pointing to the T.V. again. "They always have the ending down perfectly, always leaving the audience begging for more."

My sister nodded. "Yeah, I like the part where Sora and Riku had to deflect all of those beams of light."

I nodded in agreement when suddenly a voice came from upstairs.

"I'm going to go now; do you guys want to come with?" Mom called down.

I glanced at my sister and she nodded. "Yeah, we'll be up in a sec!"

Mackenzie got up and made her way to the stairs as I started putting the game away and shutting the system down, replaying the cut scene over and over in my head so as not to forget.

I then quickly ran up the steps two at a time, being six foot two made it easy to go upstairs fast since one at a time seemed strange, and went all the way up to my room. I quickly sifted through my drawers, grabbed my wallet and bolted down the stairs to the main floor to put my shoes on.

I began fumbling with the laces. "Hurry up, I'm not going to wait all day!" Mom called from the garage.

"I'm putting my shoes on!" I tied the laces on firmly and went into the garage.

To my left was Dad working on making arrows for target practice. "Hey, when you come back do you wanna practice with your bow and arrow in the back yard?"

"Sure Dad, gotta go. Bye!" I said closing the door to the house.

I heard persistent barking coming through it.

"Sorry Bow, not today." I then ran over to my Mom's van and got in the shotgun seat.

"About time." Mackenzie said from the seat behind me.

I Ignored the comment and buckled myself in as we pulled out of the drive way and started for the store. I looked out the window at the many trees and houses that went on by.

"Today's been an awesome day so far…" I said out loud as I looked back at the road.

I began to hum the menu song from Kingdom Hearts when something on the road caught my eye. There was this car, an old yellow Volkswagen Beetle and it was serving dangerously on the opposite side of the road heading toward us.

"That looks unsafe." I said out loud pointing at the car.

My sister looked over my seat. "Drunk driver?"

Suddenly, the car swerved toward us. The driver's head seemed to be on the dash board.

"Holy shit it's heading toward us!" I screamed.

My Mom instinctively tried to swerve at the last minute but I knew it was too late so I threw my left arm over her to shield her from the impact and griped the armrest hard with my right. There was a sudden jerk when the cars collided and my Mom's head hit the steering wheel with less force then it should have because of my arm. I nearly hit the dash board but because I braced myself I found my face mere inches away from it. Glass flew everywhere, some getting in my arm protecting Mom while others bounced off of my shirt. A moment later her airbag activated and her head shot back up to the headrest. All in all though, except for the fact that she was unconscious she seemed alright.

"How the fuck did we survive?" I looked through the broken window in front of me and saw that the little Volkswagen was totaled. There was blood in the driver's seat and the airbag was up.

"Better off than that guy." I voiced out load.

I heard a moan behind me. "Augh, what just happened?"

I looked behind and saw that Mackenzie seemed fine besides the fact that there was a baseball sized bump on her forehead.

"Congrats, we just survived our first car crash.

Mackenzie looked up and saw Mom. "M-Mom?" She asked worriedly.

"She's okay, just unconscious." I reassured her.

I then heard a horn blare from a truck to my right. When I turned I noticed we were at an intersection and ANOTHER careless driver was heading right for us in a giant semi-truck. The guy was looking down, probably texting.

"God fucking damn it!"

"Kenzie!" I shouted.

"Ye-yeah?" She asked.

"Quickly unbuckle and see if you can get out of the car." I tried to undue my seatbelt but it was stuck.

"Come on! Come on!"

"I got it off but the door's jammed!" She said, starting to panic.

"Shit!" I said under my breath. "O.k. try and get over to the seat behind Mom and buckle in, got it?"

She started moving and began to buckle in. I looked up when I heard the horn again and this time the guy finally noticed that there were car's in his way. It looked like he tried to stop but it was too late. He gave a look that said he was sorry. I gave him one that said are you serious?

"Hey Kenzie."


"I love you." I stated and looked back to her, a tear in my eye.

"What are you-" She stopped when she saw the truck coming for us. The way we were angled was that it would hit me first head on.

She immediately braced for the impact and I tried to cover Mom's body with my own.

"Worst day-" My thoughts were cut off when I felt something impact the car. A sharp numbness entered my spine and went up my head before I blacked out.


(Mackenzie's pov)

"No no no no no! How can this have happen! They got to be okay, they just got to be!"

It's been about two days since the accident. Dad was there, his eyes red with tears. Ever since I came too in the hospital he's been watching me very carefully. I survived the crash quite well apparently, only a few scrapes, a bump on the head and my right arm broken. My head was currently bandaged and there was a sling for my right arm. Bandages graced my body, making it itch all the time. We were waiting to see how my Mom and Spencer were doing.

Suddenly a doctor in a white coat walked in through one of the big doors that lead to the patient's room.

"And you two are?" The doctor asked in a mellow tone. He stood tall and proud, giving the feeling that he could change people's life at a single word or command. He had brown hair and seemed a little young to be a doctor.

I immediately stood up, but my father got up more slowly. "I am Alan Cochran, this is my daughter Mackenzie Cochran." He gestured toward me. "We're here to see my wife, Lisa Cochran and my son, Spencer Cochran."

At the mention of my brother's name it seemed like the doctor did a quick inhale of breath.

"Well then, lucky for you Lisa is actually ready to see you." He smiled warmly as he stepped aside to reveal my Mom in a wheel chair being pushed by one of the hospitals nurses. She had a cast on her right leg and there was also a bandage on her forehead. Her eyes brightened when she saw me and Dad waiting for her.

"Mom!" I cried out as I ran over to hug her.

She gladly returned the hug. "Where's Spencer?" She asked.

"Wasn't he with you?" I asked.

I then noticed the doctor and my Dad talking. He had a look of sadness and appeared to be on the verge of tears again.

"Is, is he okay?" I asked the doctor.

He exchanged a worried look with Dad. Mom also started to look concerned and wheeled closer, next to me.

"Sweetie, I don't think-" I cut him off.

"It-It's okay." I stated, tears forming around my eyes. "I-I want to know how bad it was."

The doctor rested a hand on my shoulder. "You're a strong girl, but are you sure you want to hear this?" He said in a caring tone.

I nodded.

He straightened up and the nurse handed him a clipboard.

"Spencer Cochran, age 17, died of a shard of glass piercing his brain. He died instantly and painlessly so he wasn't in any pain." He said, slowly looking at the family that was staring at him. We were all crying, Mom was holding me tightly while Dad had a hand on my shoulder.

The doctor continued. "Other than a sprained left hand he had a total number of 27 glass shards in his back and 5 in the back of his head." The doctor then looked over to my Mom. "We figured that the reason why you were so lucky was because paramedics found his body covering yours. If it weren't for him, you both may be dead. He used his body to shield yours so he obviously cared about you a lot to sacrifice himself like that." He commented.

Mom nodded slowly, crying into my side.

"You sure it wasn't painful at all?" Dad asked.

The doctor gave a sad smile. "Yes, he died without having to be in agony for any longer than even a second."

Dad nodded. "Thanks for everything doctor…" He trailed off.

"Who" He held out his hand for a shake. "My name is Doctor Who."

Dad took the shake and started to wheel my mother out to the entrance.

"Err, hold on." The doctor put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him for the last time of my life.

"Can you keep a secret? It's about your brother." He leaned in close to me.

I nodded, unsure what he would say.

He looked back and forth before looking at me and whispering in my ear.

"He may no longer be a part of this world, but at this instant he is in another, alive and well."

He pulled back and smiled before walking off. I had no idea what he meant but for some reason I trusted him.

"Mackenzie, it's time to go!" My Mom shouted.

I turned to where they were. "Just a sec!"

I looked back at the doctor but he was no longer there.

"What the… He was just here, wasn't he?"

I stayed there for a minute before running back to my parents.

"Wonder what he meant by that…" But for some reason his words gave me peace.


In a space, void of any life was a giant pillar that seemed to stretch for eons. It was made of stained glass that had beautiful markings along the sides. At the top the ground of it was made into a large stainless glass window depicting the planet Earth. On it stood 13 figures in dark hoods stood in a circle around the pillars round circumference. A warm soothing light that had no source was the only thing lighting the area. One of the figures stepped forward.

"Let the meeting begin." He said, his voice devoid of life.

"First order of business," Another figure stood forward. "Is to decide which of today's lot gets the lucky "second chance"?"

"I think this one." Said a feminine voice holding out a card that a picture of a handsome looking man, obviously he was some famous movie star or something.

"You only picked him because he's hot. Have you even checked the memories?" Spoke a gruff voice across from her.

"Say's you! I know there are some bad things but I think he deserves a second chance." She said, staring sweetly at the card.

A cocky voice spoke up next. "You do realize he's married and has two girlfriends, right? Got it memorized?"

"Err, never mind." Said the feminine voice again, the card disappearing in a burst of flames.

"Ha ha ha! You need to be more careful next time, Number 12." A scratchy voice spoke up next.

The cocky voice laughed at the remark.

"Shut up Number 2, Number 8!" Number 12 replied with her voice laced with venom.

"Enough you two." Another robed figure stepped up. "Since it seems that I have the superior intellect here I say we go with this one." He held up a card that showed a picture of an old man that seemed incredibly wise. He must have been a big scholar during his time.

"I'm afraid I'll have to disagree, Number 4." Spoke out the figure next to Number 4.

"What? Number 10, you disagree with me? I thought you would accept my answer immediately!" Replied Number 4, surprised.

This time a figure on Number 4's opposite side spoke up. "Our objective is to select someone who deserves a second chance, not one who is similar to us," He glanced over to Number 12 "or one who we would wish to make out with."

At this remark Number 12 gritted her teeth and lowered her hood over her face even more from embracement.

"Number 9 is right, how about this candidate. His memories seem appropriate and it looks like he's earned today's chance." This time the shortest of the group spoke up and held out a card. His voice was that of a teenager and it took him a minute to walk to the center of the circle where 12 other cards appeared and floated to the hooded figures. On the card was the picture of a 17 year old teenager that had hazel eyes and dark brown hair that reached down to his eyes.

"Hey, check this out Number 6, this guy likes to play card games like you!" Replied Number 2.

"Really? Let me see!" Number 6 walked over to Number 2 so that he could look at the memory.

"Hey, that's a pretty big fish he's got here for his age!"

"How old was he?" Inquired Number 8.


"Really? Wow! Gonna need to memorize that."

"The important part is the end of his memory; I think he's earned the second chance. Right Number 1?" The robed teenager looked over to Number 1 who was silent during the entire discussion so far.

"I agree Number 13. How about all of you? Do you think this young man declares a second chance?" He held up the card.

Some of the robed members discussed quietly with each other before nodding.

"Then it is agreed. Number 13, if you will."

Number 13 gathered all the cards up till they became one solid gold card. Out of nowhere appeared a double sided door that showed two alicorns. On the left side was a white alicon that had a flowing rainbow mane. Behind it was the sun. On the right side was a dark blue alicorn that had a mane and tail that was also dark blue. The door glowed and opened up slightly, revealing an open space that held a mystical light. Number 13 let go of the card and watched as it floated through the door, disappearing in a bright flash of light. The door slowly closed and disappeared.

"So, where's his new start? Same world as before?" Questioned Number 12.

Number 13 shook his head. "I sent him to a world that he's been hoping to be in for a long time. I even let him keep his past memories."

Number 12 stared at him in shock before bursting out laughing. "Y-you sent him there! Ha ha hah. That place is so stupid though!"

Number 13 then looked back to where the door used to be. "Nobody's dream is stupid…"


I awoke with a start to the sudden feeling of being in a dark, cold, place.

"Wh-where am I!" I tried to say but no noise came out of my mouth.

"Help! Is anyone there?" I said again, but no noise.

It was beginning to get hard to breath and I was starting to panic.

"Come on, there has to be a way out." I thought, reaching a hand out to the darkness. I felt something hard where my hand should have been but I paid no mind, there was a wall here and I had to get through fast.

I tried to hit it with all my strength but it didn't budge, and now I was gasping for breath. "This isn't working!"

I then tried something else; my prison I figured out was shaped like an egg so I rolled onto my back and readied my legs. I had no upper body strength but I could lift coffee tables when I was 3 with my legs so they were a lot stronger.

"One, two three!" With all my might I kicked with both of my legs at the wall, causing it to finally crack and a little light to come through.

"Now we're talking!" I then sat up and pounded the wall with all the strength I had in my arms, causing it to break and me to tumble out of my cold prison. I blacked out as soon as I hit the ground due to the lack of oxygen.

"Made it…"

There, hope you like it! I spent a long time on this first chapter, not sure if the others will be as long. Anyway, please review. It would be interesting to see what you all think about it. And tell me whether or not if it's just as good as or better than the other story that I'm currently writing.