Final chapter, enjoy~ The lyrics came from three songs by Loreena Mckennit, I figure I should probably label the song titles. In order: "Full Circle", "The Mystic's Dream", and finally "The Old Ways". Watch for the sequel, it will be coming soon. I've had a really really really awful week, so I've been super unhappy lately. Reviews will brighten this sad writer's day? Thanks for reading

turning to go, as you call out my name.
like a bird in a cage, spreading its wings to fly.
'the old ways are lost', you sang as you flew
and I wondered why.

Nothing interesting happened. He was part way home, about to stop for the night. As he was relaxing behind a small fire, he heard the hoof prints of someone approaching, and stood quickly. His sword was in his hands and he got ready.

Instead of a bandit or a creature, it was just Merlin.

He bit his tongue until he tasted blood. Forcing away that smile that threatened to appear was more important than anything else right now. "So you did miss me" He stated smugly. "I knew it."

Merlin rolled his eyes. "I figured that after this trip, you'll need someone to polish your armour and dress you. It's not like you can do that yourself, right?" He teased right back, only to earn a swift punch to the shoulder.

"Gather some more wood, the fire's running low." And here it was, back to their usual status. But something felt different as Merlin sluggishly walked away. He sat down once more on the patch of rock he had uncovered for the fire, and waited.

Merlin didn't take that long, thankfully. He had started to grow bored once more, yet he didn't bother greeting Merlin when he game back, a slightly impressive armful of wood deposited by the fire. "Merlin, how were you able to gather so much in such a small amount of time." He asked calmly.

"Oh, well, I just found it lying around. Must have been from another camp or something."

He frowned, well, that worked he supposed. But there was still something nagging him, something in the back of his mind that told him something was amiss. "Right. Well come on then, there's still a bit of food left, can't have you die on me."

"Yeah, you still need me to dress you." Arthur flung a twig at him as Merlin chuckled.

They settled side by side once more, "Merlin.. did you, by any chance, remember to bring something to sleep on?" He asked slowly.

"Oh, uh." Merlin threaded his fingers through his hair, scratching a section briefly. "I didn't, no. I was kinda in a hurry."

Arthur sighed softly, placing his palm against his forehead. "Merlin, what am I going to do with you?"

"Pay me?" Merlin asked hopefully. A light punch to his arm, Merlin staggered where he sat, chuckling cheerfully.

"Shut up" Arthur commanded, Merlin just sat there smiling.

At some point, Arthur rolled out the bed and lay back, adjusting himself so that he was near to the fire. "Here" He stated, tossing his blankets towards his servant. Merlin blinked stupidly.

"A-are you sure, sire?"

"Take them before I change my mind."

Merlin's expression softened, "Thank you."

Arthur said nothing as he rolled to his side, pulling his cloak over him to keep him warm. All at once the smell of his cloak overpowered him, quite nearly making him dizzy. All he could breathe was Merlin. It was a dusty and foreign smell. He couldn't place the scent, and he certainly couldn't pull it away from him. Merlin settled beside him, he could hear him squirming around until he relaxed. Arthur closed his eyes, his heart racing in his ears.

This time, he couldn't sleep for entirely different reasons. Reasons related entirely to the warm form lying next to him, just far enough away to be untouchable, but close enough to be pulled over if he wanted. Of course, there wasn't anything he wanted to do, other than sleep. He chewed his tongue, concentrating on the fire in front of him, shoving his cloak down enough so that he would stop breathing in that smell.

When he woke up, Merlin was bundled up in his blankets, looking far too comfortable for his own good. Arthur was cold, the fire had gone out, and the thin cloak did nothing to keep him warm. He was considering grabbing one of the many blankets off of the other and using it for himself. But then he would have to deal with that scent, the smell that kept him awake, lost in muddy thoughts of suspicions and other things he really didn't want to think about.

Eventually, he was still cold. It was still too early, Merlin was still sleeping as if he didn't care about anything but himself. Grumbling under his breath, Arthur grasped the top blanket and tugged it over to him, wrapping himself in it. It was beautifully warm, having been kept heated by a person all night. Merlin grumbled something under his breath, something that sounded close to an insult. Arthur smiled to himself, the new sheet smelled a bit less like Merlin and a bit more like things sheets should smell like.

Merlin woke up before he did, so when he finally woke up, there was a bright fire burning and all of the blankets had been tossed over top of him. Merlin was sitting there, staring into the flames. "Ready to go, sleepy head?" He chirped brightly. How could he be so insufferable all the time? And how could he find himself driven half mad by thoughts of him?

Merlin had somehow become an impossibly large part of his life.

Arthur led the way back to Camelot, still distracted, still lost in thought. He didn't respond to most of what Merlin said, even though he had been babbling on about whatever came to mind.

Merlin, realizing that he wasn't getting anywhere, eventually shut himself up. It was something Arthur almost felt bad about, that is, until they made their way through the streets. He was finally home, and the two of them could return to their normal lives.

Their normal lives, of course, meant Merlin taking care of pretty much any little thing he could think of. Though he didn't really tell him to do anything, Merlin did it himself.

He was partly grateful for it, and on the other hand, he almost wanted Merlin around more. He wanted him to be at his side, which was insane. He had feelings for Gwen, didn't he?

As soon as he saw her, her beautiful shy smiles, her raven hair, her pretty eyes – he realized that something had seriously changed. He felt nothing for the girl he had once longed to be with. He awkwardly shuffled away from her, not sure what to do. He ran his fingers through his hair as Merlin returned to his chambers, a bundle of clothing in his arms. His heart raced as he got to work on putting them away.


Arthur snapped himself out of it, straightening. "Make sure the folds are in the right places, last time you were dreadful." He commanded, Merlin nodded, getting back to work. His back was turned to him, and Arthur dragged his eyes across the curve of his neck, the way his ears stuck out from his head, that little bit of hair sticking straight up at the top of his head. How could one person look so constantly messy?

This was getting to be too much for him. His skin felt hot. "I'm going for a ride." He declared, standing abruptly.

"Do you need me to get anything?" Merlin asked gently, turning those large eyes towards him.

"No. I can do it myself." Arthur didn't look at Merlin as he left, heading to the stables and gathering a horse. Riding into the woods as fast as the animal could take him. He needed the fresh air, he needed to be away from Merlin.

But this had all started because he didn't want to be without Merlin.

None of this made any sense to him – he didn't know how to react to it. The cloak that still smelled faintly of his servant, somehow he hadn't asked him to wash it yet. It was starting to become an obsession; it was beginning to get under his skin.

When he got back, Merlin was asleep in one of the chairs, his cheek resting against his fist. Arthur went about his business as usual, not giving too much care to the sleeping servant, who jumped, startled, at Arthur's arrival.

He looked panicked. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I just thought you'd be back soon, so I was going to wait for you then I guess I just.."

"Fell asleep"


Merlin at least had the decency to look ashamed.

There was to be an execution. A woman had been found using magic, she had been out for a stroll, a man had tried to take any valuables from her, he had pulled a sword and she had used magic to defend herself. The thought made Merlin sick to his stomach. Had she wronged someone? No, she had been defending her life. Arthur paced through his room, even Merlin looked a bit paler than usual. Their eyes locked for a moment, and maybe he thought he understood. That look in his eyes – they felt the same about this. They both knew that Merlin wouldn't be here because of magic, they both knew that this wasn't right. They also knew that there was nothing either of them could do about it.

He sucked in a deep breath as the two of them went into the courtyard. Uther stood in front of everyone, his eyes hard, he gave his usual speech. The black cloaked man held the axe. Merlin stood half behind him, the crowd pushed them close together, it made him sick that some people would cheer. This wasn't right. He felt Merlin wince when the axe went down, his head bowed, nearly pressed against his shoulder. Arthur remained quiet, and slid his hand to Merlin's shoulder, guiding him away before he could see the look of glory in his father's eyes.

In silence, they returned to Arthur's chambers. Merlin scampered off to gather something to eat, he stood against the window, leaning against the frame and staring at the commotion outside. Merlin returned, still looking unhappy.

"It's unfair, isn't it?" Arthur breathed, Merlin strode closer to him.

"I knew her" Merlin eventually choked out. He breathed shakily, his eyes focused on the window and nothing more. "She was a good person" His voice shook. "She didn't deserve this. She—"

Arthur simply laid his arm across the slightly taller boy's shoulder, "I know".

He breathed deeply, "Magic has been used against us countless times. I can see where he comes from. But." He stopped, just staring. "Is every use of it a crime?"

Merlin said nothing, he was upset. He was shaking under his arm. His jaw trembled as he clenched his teeth, he could see the fury mingling with the hurt.

"Eat." Arthur commanded, lightly nudging Merlin towards the food he had brought in. The servant shook his head. Arthur led him to the table, forcing him to sit. Forcing some of the food towards him with a quiet "You're too thin, I saw, you need to eat more. I can't have you collapsing on me."

Reluctantly, Merlin ate. Just a little bit, but it was better than nothing.

There was still something nagging at him, Merlin made to leave and, with his hand on the door, Arthur called his name.

"Yes, sire?"

"Merlin, if-" He broke off "If there's anything you need to tell me. Anything at all." He left it at that, Merlin shook his head quickly.

"No sire, there's nothing."

Arthur nodded, Merlin departed, he returned to his spot by the window.

Merlin woke him up in the morning, apparently back to his usual self. But his expression was lacking the usual mirth it contained. He didn't seem entirely happy, but Arthur shared that feeling.

They went about their usual activities. Nothing worthwhile happened. Arthur lost no sleep for the next few nights. Having Merlin around calmed him, even if half the time his heart raced.

They were going hunting again. This time a few other knights joined them. Merlin bumbled around as usual, it was a simple overnight trip, it wasn't supposed to be this hard for Merlin to prepare. But apparently, that's how it happened.

They set off into the woods, little words were spoken, and once they arrived at their destination, they set up camp. Once that was done, they split into groups, a bit of a challenge to see who could bring back the largest kill. Merlin was his usual self, apparently no longer distressed about the woman from last week.

Spending time with Merlin outside was always somewhat enjoyable. Merlin was on his toes, for once, though he couldn't explain why. He wasn't usually this alert. They weren't really tracking anything, not yet, just conversing on their way through the woods. He missed their time in Ealdor, back when he wasn't so concerned about what this thing rumbling through his blood was. Obviously the cause was Merlin, the same irritating rumbling held the desire to keep Merlin close.


He didn't want the answer. Not right now, and not any time soon. The winter was coming quickly, and Arthur wondered vaguely if Merlin had brought enough clothes to keep warm overnight. He also wondered if Merlin even had anything warm to wear. He supposed he could spare a few. His servant's thoughts were focused more on Arthur than himself. He was foolish.

They kept walking, but there was nothing in the area. At least, nothing until Arthur spotted a piercing ebony feather among the leaves. His eyes widened, he grasped Merlin's hand and began dragging him in the opposite direction. "What's going on?" Merlin called as they ran.

"The same thing that attacked you near Ealdor" Arthur returned, pulling Merlin along as fast as he could.

Arthur stopped, Merlin paused to catch his breath. Arthur kept a firm grip on Merlin's hand, ready to pull him away. He wasn't going to let either of them get hit again, there was no one magical around here who could help. His heartbeat thudded in his ear from the rush and fear (not that he would admit it) of running.

There were two of them. They lurked in the shadows, one of them emerged, eyeing Arthur's sword carefully. The other went around to the other side of them, "Whatever you do" Arthur started slowly "Don't you dare get hurt."

They both launched themselves at the same time, Arthur barely had time to react, Merlin clumsily waving his sword at the Kleeia. Merlin didn't wear armour, he was good at staying out of the way. But not this time, this time Merlin was a target.

Arthur killed one as it made for Merlin's back. The other sunk its claws deeply into Arthur's arm. The pain was intense; his breath was knocked completely out of him. The next thing he knew, he was on the ground and Merlin was kneeling over him, peeling back the chainmail to look at his arm.

Their eyes met, Merlin's hair was damp with sweat, worry was etched into his features. "We don't have time" Arthur growled. "We need to warn the others. They have to know what's out here."

Merlin's eyes were moist, "There isn't a sorcerer around, Merlin." The reality of the situation hit him, there was nothing he could do. He was going to bleed out and for a moment, panic bit at his lungs. He rest his head back on the leaves, Merlin was shaking his head, his eyes were fogged and he kept glancing around them. He closed his eyes, fighting back the true fear that gripped him. The cuts were large, he could feel the blood running down his arm. There's no way he would be able to get back to Camelot, let alone find someone who could help him.

"Arthur, please. We can get you back in time, there has to be someone." He said in a hushed voice.

Arthur shook his head, "No, Merlin. There isn't enough time. It's more important that we warn everyone. These creatures will kill us all if we're not careful."

"I can't let you die! Get up, we have to go!"

"Merlin, hush." He said calmly, trying not to think about what death was going to feel like. Or what his father was going to think. Or what Merlin was going to do without him. He brought up one hand, the one that was still seeping blood, and pressed it to the back of Merlin's neck. The man bowed his head towards him, trying to stifle a sob.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Merlin choked out, his cheeks wet. "Arthur, please, we have to move."

"I've already told you. I'm staying here. I'd rather" Arthur hesitated "die here." He had come to terms with the fact that he was going to die one day. He had not expected it to be today, or so early in his life. He had already made the choice once to die, for Merlin's sake. "Warn everyone." His voice was quiet. "And stop crying, you look foolish"

A half-hearted smile touched Merlin's face, "I'm not leaving you. I'll stay by your side. I'll carry you back." The devotion in his voice struck him, he sat up slightly, his hand still on Merlin's neck.

The rumbling was roaring in his ears, the blood was leaking down Merlin's shoulder. "Merlin, shut up." He said softly. They were close, he could smell his hair, he could feel the way he trembled.

Arthur kissed him.

His mouth was salty, and Merlin's hands grabbed his collar forcefully, one palm pressing hard against his face. As if he never wanted him to let go, even though he knew he would have to soon. He could feel himself becoming weaker, his vision was weak, the kiss ended and Merlin's shaky breath fanned across his jaw. Their foreheads were together, Merlin leaned forwards, pushing Arthur to the ground. He felt dizzy, the cut was bleeding out, and Merlin kissed him again. Here he was, dying out in the woods, and he was kissing Merlin. There was no other way he would have wanted to go, now that it came down to it. He almost wished he would have noticed exactly what it had been long ago, before it ended up being too late. So maybe he could have enjoyed this.

This had been what had rushing through him for so long. Merlin had somehow crawled under his skin, he had sunk into his very core and made a home for himself. It had only taken him three days to find him, three days for him to unknowingly realize that he needed him more than he needed air.

His strength left him.

Merlin felt like collapsing.

There were times he had told himself he was going to tell Arthur about him. Back when they first went to Ealdor, for one. There were times that he knew he had been found out, times he thought that he was going to be in trouble. Arthur had never noticed, maybe he was too thick to figure it out.

He knew Arthur's views had changed; his own life had been saved by a sorcerer. But would that be enough for the Prince to forgive him? He had known as soon as the blood rushed from Arthur's arm that he was going to have to use magic. He had used it to destroy to Kleeia, and had been at Arthur's side.

The thought of revealing himself to him was terrifying. He couldn't stop his hands from shaking, and he hadn't been able to think clearly. Arthur was his world. When he had shown up in Ealdor, his heart had raced. One, because Arthur nearly caught him boiling water with a spell, and two, because Arthur was there.

He was still kissing him when Arthur's arm went slack. When he broke away he watched his eyes slip closed. "Arthur" He called, his voice cracked down the centre. "Arthur!" His hands on his chest, trying to shake the life into him. "Arthur!" Nothing. No reply, he pressed his head to the other's chest, listening for that weak heartbeat.

Merlin had to wait until the last second, but as soon as Arthur stopped responding, Merlin panicked. He couldn't wait, he couldn't let Arthur die.

"I-if you can hear me" Merlin muttered through his shaky breath. "I can't wait any longer. Please don't listen to what I'm about to say, please please don't think any different of me."

Merlin had heard muffled voices, snatches of conversation, Arthur might hear it too. But he couldn't wait, he had clung to the possibility of taking Arthur somewhere else so he wouldn't have to take this risk. Arthur had prepared himself to die, why would he do it do soon? Why would he just give in? Couldn't he at least try?

He took a deep breath and tried to call onto the words he had only heard once, pulling Arthur's arm to his stomach, exposing the gruesome wound. He couldn't wait, he needed Arthur, and he needed him to survive in more ways than one.

He began to speak, trying to steady his voice, speaking as lowly as he possibly could. The wound smoked, which alarmed him, causing him to curse and pull his hands back. But it was beginning to close. Merlin breathed, he had to relax. Arthur would be fine.

Exhaling again, Merlin returned his hands over Arthur's arm and continued speaking. His eyes flashed gold, the wound very slowly began to close, a thin curl of smoke rising from the flesh as the skin stitched back together.

When it was done, Merlin nearly passed out. He wavered, his forehead meeting Arthur's chest for a long moment as he just breathed.

The Prince was still alive, and Merlin could now be facing his own death. He used his sleeves to wipe his face, sniffing as he sat beside him, watching his now sleeping form carefully.

A million things were running through his head, most of them ended with him getting his head chopped off, the rest ended with burning and other gruesome ways to die. Would Arthur be able to forgive him? Was there even a chance, would Arthur's duty come before the law?

He had let the woman go free, but she was not Merlin. She had not been at Arthur's side this long. It was easy to forget a stranger, it was impossible to forget someone one was close to.

Merlin sat for a long time with his face pressed to his knees, trying to calm himself down. He was tired, the spell was a powerful one. At some point, he reached out to grasp Arthur's hand and found that he was ice cold. So he created a fire, lit it with a whispered word, and stripped off his coat and anything else they had with them to lay on top of Arthur. He had to keep him warm, and nurse him back to health.

For a long time, Merlin sat with Arthur's hand pulled to his knee, resting his forehead against the calloused fingers. He would give everything for Arthur to not have found out about him – but it was impossible. He would be dead if it wasn't for him.

Merlin slid Arthur's hand back under the fabric he lay under, and he shifted away from him. He had to stay away from him, at least until he woke up. A part of him wanted to flee right now, but there could be more of those creatures in these woods, he couldn't risk leaving him behind. Merlin was, predictably, a mess.

When Arthur began to stir, Merlin held his breath and stared at his feet, his knees still pulled to his chest. Trying to supress the way his bones trembled. Arthur sat up, he still couldn't breathe properly. He was panicking, worrying, and absolutely terrified.

"Merlin?" Arthur stated groggily. He remained still. "Come here." It was a command that Merlin couldn't quite bring himself to obey. "Merlin. Come here" His voice was strained, but firm. This time he obeyed, sliding closer, but keeping his back to him. "Why did you wait you idiot?" He chided "My head feels like there's an arrow stuck in it."

He really didn't know how to take that. He didn't know what to do or say but Arthur's hand was warm on his shoulder. When he still didn't respond, warm arms circled him. "I knew" He breathed. Merlin's heart sunk, if Arthur had figured it out, had anyone else? Was he that transparent?

"A-Arthur, I—"

"Don't bother. I know what you're going to say." He murmured, "Thank you."

Merlin breathed again; maybe his head was going to stay on his shoulders.

"The old ways end with me" He vowed. Merlin shifted where he sat, turning to face Arthur. The male frowned "You could have at least cleaned yourself up" He stated. "You're covered in blood." Merlin couldn't help the way his expression cracked into a small smile.

"If anyone else finds out, I won't be able to protect you." A warm hand ran against his hair, their foreheads were together.

"Everything I've done has been for you" Merlin breathed, wondering if it were safe to tell Arthur just what he had done for him. "You're my world" He concluded, letting out a shaky breath.

"Don't turn into a girl on me" Arthur stated with some cocky grin on his face. Merlin couldn't quite shake the lingering strings of panic rushing through his veins, but Arthur brought Merlin closer. Maybe he could tell Merlin wasn't entirely done panicking, maybe he realized that Merlin needed just a bit more.

So he kissed him. This time without the shadow of death looming over them, it was gentle and Arthur seemed completely comfortable even while Merlin was still nervous. This was the Prince he was kissing, while Merlin was just his servant.

Later, they would deal with alerting everyone else to the creatures. Right now his hands were in Arthur's hair and he didn't feel like there was anything else he had to hide from him. Not even the way his pale cheeks flushed or that when they finally broke away he didn't want to let go.