A sigh was heard from the backseat of the limo. The man holding the sparkling champagne took a small sip and glanced at his wrist watch. Another pointless party he just had to attend to. His social advisor, Mr. Tanaka suggested that this would both get him out of the office for some fun and help his stance in the media, not to mention strengthening the bond between his company and the Yusa's company (the boss, Lau Yusa, going to be at the opening).

"Are we there yet?" Sebastian Michaelis asked patiently. "The sooner this nightmare starts, the sooner I can leave and go back to work."

"Yeah, yeah, hold ya horses," his driver Bardroy called out. "About two minutes, boss." A brief silence consumed the limo before Bardroy spoke again.

"Ya know boss, this might be a good thing for you."

"A good thing?" Sebastian scoffed from the back seat. "Please-"

"Now, hear me out," Bardo interrupted. Sebastian sighed. 'I swear, if any other employer heard his driver talk to his like this, he would be kicked out of the car while it was moving.' Sebastian thought to himself.

"You've been working your tail off for weeks, closing the deal with Trancy corp., and you deserve to go off and party a little! Relax a bit, have a drink!"

"I can have a drink at home." Sebastian sighed again.

"But you can't socialize at home!" Bardo argued.

"Who says I want to socialize?" Sebastian said, his red eyes narrowing. "This is a club opening, not a gala, not a sophisticated party. A dance club opening. I doubt there will be anyone here (besides Lau) that I would have any interest in."

"Ah, come on," Bardo called from the front, easing into a red light. "Doesn't your friend, Mr. Undertaker, run the club?" This fact produced another sigh from the black haired man. Jim Reaper, or 'The Undertaker', was a very powerful and influential man in the corporate world, though he has nothing to do with it. He was crazy and loved a good laugh- but was a complete terror otherwise. He is a man collecting information- he basically knows everything about everyone in the business world. Undertaker runs a line of clubs- dance clubs, exotic dancer clubs, golf clubs, you name it. They are all very exclusive and very high end. This club opening was his newest creation- the Coven. It was an average club- with the addition of under dressed employees and a creepy theme. And it happened to be the last place Sebastian wanted to be.

"Yes, but he is not my friend. A close asset perhaps, but not a friend." Sebastian said, downing the rest of his champagne. Bardo simply rolled his eyes.

"We're here boss."

"Great. Don't go far. I'll stay for an hour and call you for a pick up." Sebastian said briskly, adjusting his sleeves. He gave a quick look down at his pressed black pants and red collared shirt. He wore a black vest to go over top and a pressed black tie- a little too formal for a night club, but Sebastian wasn't planning on staying long.

"Hey, at least there's free booze," Bardo grinned. Sebastian gave a small laugh and waited for someone to open his door. He heard a small click from outside, braced himself and stepped out of the limo.

A shower of camera flashes went off. He smiled and waved happily at the crowd, putting on a show. Some random people started screaming for him and waved their arms, declaring their love for him. Just because Sebastian worked in business, doesn't mean he shyed away from publicity. He was a highlight in any gossip magazine for his overall sexy appearance, great success, awesome power and influence, and the fact that he was available helped a little. He poised for a minute at the limo, and started making his way in. He stopped along the way, shaking people's hands and poising for more pictures. He took off his shades and squinted up at the florescent sign. 'The Coven' was written in purple on top of a coffin and would 'fall' into the coffin before showing up again on top. He shook his head and smiled, walking towards the bouncers. Two large beefy men, only a couple of inches taller then Sebastian, but about three times the width. They looked over their sunglasses, checked a guest list, and let him past the velvet rope, passing him from the street to the world of the elite.

The moment the doors opened, Sebastian was hit with a low bass, pulsing through the club. The lights were dim, except for a few choice spot lights wandering in an undetermined pattern over the club. A DJ's table was up off the main dance floor and two sets of stairs led up to the second and third level floors. The club was full of dancing bodies, all grinding together. It didn't matter if you were innocently standing by or dancing on the floor, you were connecting with somebody. Sebastian craned his neck a little and spotted the bar off to one side. He quickly maneuvered his way through the crowd and found his way to the bar. He motioned to the bartender, a red-headed boy with a pixie hair cut.

"What can I get cha, sir?" he asked with a light Jersey accent.

"What can you make?" Sebastian asked with a loud voice, his voice barely heard over the bass.

"Anything sir," the bartender said with a wink. Sebastian mentally slapped himself. The Undertaker would only hire those who could make every drink in the book. He wouldn't overlook a detail like that.

"Then make a Devil's Advocate, shaken over crushed ice." Sebastian ordered. The boy gave a curt nod and skillful grabbed the necessary bottles.

"So~ you enjoying yourself Sebassstain?" a voice whispered right in his ear. Sebastian forced his skin not to crawl at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Yes, Undertaker. Yet another place where horny, alcohol driven people can come and grind together in public." Sebastian smiled, turning towards him. The Undertaker wore a classy, slightly too big grey pinstriped suit with a blood red tie and a skull tie pin. His silver hair was almost too long for a normal human being to achieve and keep straight. It brushed over his eyes in such a way that Sebastian often wondered how he could see.

"Oh come now Sebasssstain," the Undertaker smiled. "You of allllll people know the benefits of releasing stresssss." Sebastian opened his mouth to retort but a nudge on his elbow stopped him.

"Your devil's advocate sir" the bartender said, placing a red drink in front of him.

"Thank you…" Sebastian looked closer at his nametag "Elliot." Elliot grinned at him and winked yet again. Sebastian moved to grab his drink when he noticed the napkin his drink rested upon. It had a number and Elliot's name written inside a heart. Sebastian looked at it blankly and quickly downed his drink. A burn down his throat reassured him that this is reality. He sighed and put the napkin in his pocket. He would never call the boy, unfortunately for Elliot, but he couldn't just leave the number out in the open. He would dispose of it later. Sebastian took a quick look around the dance floor before a group of boy busted in through the door. Sebastian immediately whipped his head around at the loud group of boys.

"Undertaker, I thought this was a VIP party." Sebastian scowled.

"It isss."

"Then who in the name of God are they?"

"Some of them are sons of important business men."


"The invite says you can bring a maximum of two guests." Sebastian sighed. This was going be a long hour.

The boys proved to be a group of skilled partyers. Sebastian got a look at one of them as he ordered drinks from the bar. They looked about 17 or 18, barely out of high school. 'They shouldn't be in a place like this' Sebastian thought. But then again, the Undertaker didn't care too much about age difference. If one of the sons happens to make a fool of himself, then one could possibly blackmail the father if one needed to. Sebastian turned back to the bar, happy to see a blue haired girl instead of Elliot. He waved her over and ordered a Blue Cowboy. Just as he went to pick up his drink, a body knocked into him and thereby knocking his 'cowboy' over.

"Would you mind-" Sebastian said, whipping his head around. He meant to glare at the culprit with eyes filled with ice; however one look into the person's eyes and his glare melted away.

The eyes were a rich blue- almost a like a deep sapphire. Long black eyelashes framed the round eyes. Such an innocent colour and shape, and yet were full of maturity and caution. Sebastian leaned back slightly to see the pair of eyes belonged to a boy. The bluenette had such a childlike face, but a stony expression. He wore a midnight blue tee shirt and black vest, with a grey and black stripped scarf around his neck. Skinny black jeans made his legs look lean and long (even though he was short, a little more than a head shorter than Sebastian) with a pair of black converse sneakers on his feet. Multicoloured bracelets decorated the boy's milk coloured arms. A single silver ring on his thumb.

"Sorry, some idiot pushed me." The boy spoke with a level voice, so sure of himself. Sebastian felt something awaken in him.

"These things happen at clubs." Sebastian smiled. The boy made a small sound- "tch"- and sat on the barstool next to the older man. He put a book on the counter and opened it.

"A book at a club?" Sebastian asked.

"I have a report due in a few days, and I want to finish it." The boy replied, not looking up. He was silent for a moment, flipped a page and continued. "Those idiots over there demanded I come tonight." Sebastian figured he meant the other boys. As soon as the thought occurred to him, a blond haired boy ran up and snatched the book off the counter. Both Sebastian and the boy looked up.

"Ciel~" the blond boy whined. "Why are you reading?" Ciel, thought Sebastian What a wonderful name for the boy.

"Because, Alois, I have to finish it before Thursday-"

"You've read this thing like 12 times already," Alois groaned. "Come dance with me~!"




"I know! You always happier when you're drunk! You, bartender! Get him a Kinky Orgasm, stat!" Alois ordered loudly. Ciel blushed at the name and scowled.

"Alois, must you be such an-" But the blond boy ran off into the crowd. Ciel sighed as the drink was placed in front of him. Sebastian grinned.

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?"

"For your information, sir, I am almost 18." Sebastian gave him a look. "… in 9 months." Ciel muttered, grabbing the shot glass. He sighed and downed the glass. He gave a small shudder and asked

"And you are how old? 30? A little old to be clubbing?"

"I am 24, not like it matters." Sebastian said, lazily trailing his eyes over Ciel's body. Ciel felt his gaze and chose to ignore it. "You enjoy your drink?"

"No, it was repulsive, like Alois," Ciel muttered harshly.

"Someone needs to loosen up."

"Says the guy in the business suit."

"Does the little boy want a real drink?"

"Does it have the words 'kinky' or 'orgasm' in it?"


"Then yes."

"Bartender," Sebastian said to the blue haired girl "Two shots of 666, please." She nodded and presented the pair with the drink.

"Bottoms up, boys." she said coyly. The two grabbed their drinks. Sebastian motioned to toast, but Ciel quickly downed the drink. Sebastian gave a slight laugh. The boy was eager. The boy shuddered and Sebastiam smiled.

"You don't drink often do you?"

"No, drinking turns even the most respectable men into scoundrels and dumbasses." Ciel promptly said.

"But here you are," Sebastian retorted.

"Yes," Ciel said quietly. "Here I am…"


Okay, this is my first installment of this fanfic. It was getting a little long, so the next chapter should finish it up. The next scene will be very smexy ;D Planning a lemon, so those underaged or still pure, you may want to leave the theatre.

This is only the second fanfic I've published, and it's unbeta'd, so please ignore all spelling and/or grammer errors. I'll have the second half posted before the end of the week, promise.

Until then,

