So close. So close to writing who it is. FFFFFFFF You'll have to wait for the next chapter, though, for the reveal of who it really is.

So in this chapter we have much anger and a very protective Mako.

I hope you guys like it and review at the end! Reviews make me write faster.

Korra woke up to the sound of a closing door and stirred to her feet. Or at least tried to. Her limbs still felt heavy, refusing to move at her command. She glanced around weakly and saw that she was in a wooden cell. A groan caught her attention and her gaze flickered down off the door and to the floor, where she could see the rest of her friends lying on the ground. Tenzin, Lin, Bolin, and Mako were there, locked in the cell with her. Where was Asami? Had they captured her or was she the mole all- no. She couldn't think that way. Asami had promised and she had trusted her. The groan came again and this time Tenzin stirred, weakly trying to push himself up to a sitting position. Korra rolled onto her stomach and finally managed to push herself up. Tenzin rubbed the back of his head and looked around, his eyes meeting hers in the dark.

"Where are we?" She whimpered and he only shook his head in reply before he moved to wake up Lin.

Korra scooted over to Mako, shaking his shoulder lightly. He woke immediately, his eyes blinking open in the dark. Running a hand over his face, he glanced up at her, his body relaxing as he recognized her. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before she moved toward Bolin. By now Lin was sitting up, stretching her limbs and looking all around for anyway they could make an exit, but they had removed all metal from the vicinity. Bolin was breathing as if he was just sleeping in his own bed, though the slight clench of hands every once in a while and whines that escaped from his mouth let her know that it was not a happy sleep.

She cradled his head up into her lap, running a hand down the side of his face to try and gently rouse him. A presence fell over her and she turned to see Mako kneeling behind her, staring over her shoulder at his little brother. She turned back and leaned down, murmuring Bolin's name. He stirred in his sleep, his brow furrowing for a moment, but his eyes didn't open. Mako sighed and reached around her, slapping his brother lightly on the cheek. When that didn't work, he just slapped his brother harder. Finally Bolin's eyes snapped open and he jolted up, his forehead almost colliding with Korra's chin on the way up, but she snapped back at the last second.

He blinked once at the back wall before he turned to look at them, "I just had a horrible dream that-" he stopped, his eyes taking in their surroundings and his features instantly sagged as he came to the horrible conclusion and a sound of defeat left his lips, "Oh."

Shuffling away, he sat up more fully and let his eyes travel over all of them before he blurted out the question that was on all their minds, "Where is Asami?"

Mako glanced down at his hands, running his fingers over the fabric of his gloves, "She never came back to the fight," he finally said softly, "She said that she was going to go get her glove so she would be of more help in the fight, but she never came back."

"Because she's a traitor," Lin said, running a hand over one of the walls of the cell, still looking for any metal in the materials, but finding none.

"Lin," Tenzin said with a warning tone and Mako stood up so he was no longer beneath her, his brow furrowed in anger.

"You don't trust anyone, do you?" He hissed, stalking forward, "You don't trust anyone but yourself. No wonder you're so alone. Who do you have in your life? No one. I wonder why that is? Tenzin used to be in your life, but now he's nowhere near it. What exactly did you do to make him run away? Why exactly do you want no one in your life? Is it because you're afraid of getting hurt, of-"

"That is enough out of you, young man," Tenzin suddenly bellowed, air blustering around him, accenting his words, "You know nothing about our past. You have no right to-"

"And you have no right to call Asami a traitor. You don't know her like I do, you haven't even taken the time to speak to her, let alone know her. She was devastated after the incident with her father. She was quiet for days, just stared out into nothing. She hardly even acknowledged me! But then she came back, she could her resolve. And when she came back, she came back stronger, better than she had before. She came back with a resolve to find out why her father did what he did and to stop the Equalists at any cost. So don't any of you act like you know her to way I do."

His fist was on fire and his eyes glinted like flames themselves as he glared both of the older adults down, daring them to say another word. Korra and Bolin just watched in shock, neither of them wanting to get in the way of these two, in fear they would be caught in the crossfire.

"If you truly want to know why Tenzin and I fell out, then I shall tell you," Lin stepped forward and placed a hand on Tenzin's chest. He was still frowning, but the air around him stilled, "It was because we wanted different things in life. He wanted kids, to save the Airbenders from extinction. I wasn't ready for kids. I never was, never will be. The reason I think your girlfriend is the traitor is because of her father. She had the closest ties to the Equalist and I'm sure they can say something, show her something to get her on their side."

The flames on Mako's fist flickered and died, his stance relaxing a bit, but his shoulders were still drawn back and his face was still pinched in anger. They stared at each other for the longest of times while Korra and Bolin climbed to their feet, their fingers entwined without them realizing it. Finally Mako growled and looked away, walking to the far wall to lean against it, his arms folded across his chest. He kept his eyes down, he gaze locked on the floor.

"Tenzin," Bolin finally spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "Your family… are they-"

"I got them out of there in time. They're fine."

A relieved sigh left Bolin in a whoosh. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, having been knocked out by Amon so early in the fight. Really, with the time he had been in it, he didn't think he could even call the encounter a fight. More like him stopping a few Equalists, then getting his butt whooped in seconds. He wiggled his fingers, then glanced down in shock as he realized that he was holding Korra's hand. She looked down, too, at the sensation of his moving fingers and a slight blush blossomed on her cheeks, but she tightened her hand around his, leaning over against him. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes, relishing in his warmth for the moment. He leaned his head against hers and closed his eyes as well.

Mako glanced him, his eyes drifting over to his brother and Korra. When he saw them standing next to each other, hand in hand, eyes closed in mutual comfort, he couldn't stop the small smile that quirked the corners of his lips. So they had finally just gotten together, huh? It had taken Korra long enough to see Bolin's feelings. He looked away from them and out through the front of the cell. He could see the door leading into the room their cell was in. The entire room they were in was made of wood. He could try and burn their way out, but they room would easily go up in flames if he tried, and he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Bolin's free hand was twitching, flexing and relaxing at odd intervals. It was a nervous straight he had developed over the years. He snapped his eyes open again, taking in the scene in front of him, before he looked out of the corner of his eyes at Korra, leaning against him, her eyebrows drawn together. He reached up, running his fingers lightly down the opposite side of her face, watching the tension drain out of her by his touch as she slouched against him even more, her face pressed into his bicep.

"Korra," his whispered, but his voice was loud in the quiet air and the others shifted at the noise, glancing over at the two of them for a second before returning to their own thoughts.

She tilted her head up to look at him, "Yeah, Bo?"

He leaned down, his nose brushing against her cheek as his lips met hers. She melted into him, turning to bring an arm up, fisting his shirt in her free hand. This kiss was soft and sweet, full of unspoken words and emotions swept inside. Just from the feel of her lips and the grip of her hands, he could feel the unbridled terror brewing inside her. He pressed his hand against the small of her back, rubbing circles into her shirt with his thumb. She relaxed further, pulling her lips from his and snuggling into his chest, her face pressed against the side of his neck. He felt her eyes close again and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, their fingers still tangled together.

They stayed like that for a while, just using the other as support and comfort. Everyone in the cell knew there was no way out of this place until one was presented to them. Without even having to exchange words, they all knew they would have to jump the Equalists that entered the room eventually to get them out. Korra was already itching for a fight and, as she pressed up against Bolin. Last time she had been locked up, she had been alone and terrified. But now she had everyone with her. She wasn't quite sure yet whether that was a good or bad thing. Only time would tell.

The next chapter is the big reveal!

Please review and all that cool stuff! :D