sathreal's Request BonXRin

Chapter 1~

To say the least, it had happened out of nowhere. One minute he was half-asleep in class and the next he was wide awake with a ragging hard on. The demon practically growling out in frustration at the sudden change in his sleeping plans, as he sat up a bit and lifted his head off the desk. The teen having no other choice than to listen to his younger brother's rant about some kind of medical thingy he couldn't understand, nor remembered from the start of class. He couldn't even remember if they were talking about a plant, or some kind of ointment. Or was it some kind of rock again? Honestly, he didn't know and he could care less. He just wanted to get out of class and find a bathroom so he could take care of the new problem he had grown out of nowhere.

To be honest, he had no idea where in the hell the sudden erection in his pants decided to come up from; but he didn't really care. If he was lucky at all today, he could escape from the classroom between their teacher changes and be back after class. After all, he really didn't want to go through another summoning lesson again. They were going to see if they could summing familiars again, and Rin knew he still couldn't. Yeah. He had Blackie, but that was totally different. Blackie wasn't really his familiar either. The sith cat demon was actually Shiro's and not even Rin could summon the dang cat anywhere he wanted. If he could, then missions would have been a lot easier and he wouldn't be failing summoning class. Not like he wasn't already failing his classes, Cram school or regular school.

"And that's all for today's lesson." Yukio finished off, as he set the piece of chalk he was holding on the chalk tray and faced them. "Any questions?"

When no reply came from the small class, the demon's younger brother started packing away his things and everyone around him started up conversations. The teen glad that Shiemi had changed seats a few weeks back, to sit beside Kamiki, and let out a sigh and he ran a hand through his hair and watched his younger brother. The brunette not even paying any shred of attention to him in the slightest, as he quickly packed his things and slung his bag over his shoulder. His younger brother glancing around the class for a moment, before he let out a soft sigh and headed for the door.

"Your teacher will be here in a few minutes." Yukio called out, even though nobody was really listening and even Rin had to strain to hear his brother's words. "Stay here till then and don't do anything stupid."

At his younger brother's words, the brunette shot him a quick look of warning and walked right out the door. The cherry wood door closing behind him with a click, before Rin let out a small curse and silently slammed his head on the desk. A small thunk barely echoed through the room, before the demon dug his fingers into his black pants and let out a frustrated breath. So much for getting out of the room and fixing his problem. Yukio read through his intention to bail and clearly pointed it out in warning. Now if he left the room he was guaranteed a detention and whatever else Yukio wanted to throw at him, not like Rin couldn't handle it. It just got old after the fifteenth of sixteenth time. Yukio would pile up homework assignments on his desk and lock the door to their dorm room and leave Rin in there for hours. To say it was torture was an understatement, but he was getting used to it now. How long had they been in school now? Three, maybe four months? It wasn't like it would kill him.

"Hey, you alright Okumura?" Bon's voice spoke up, as a hand was placed on the desk space in front of him. "You look like you're going to be sick."

The half-demon didn't speak a word, as he lifted up his head and stared up at the brunette n' blonde in front of him. His mocha brown orbs looking at him in both confusion and worry, as the demon felt his heart instantly sink and gave him a nod. No matter what he tried to do, there was no way he could lie to the teen in front of him. He didn't know when, but at one point the half-demon had fallen hopelessly in love with the other and couldn't slip out of the constant feeling of longing for the older. He had just woken up one morning with a huge crush on the teen and that had been the end of it. Whenever Bon got close to him, is body seemed to give into the older's presence and left the demon hopelessly numb and weak. Love was one thing, but what he felt was almost like an instinct. An instinct he desperately wanted to get rid of.

"I'm fine." Rin mumbled, as he looked away from the older when his heart rate started picking up and the problem in his pants started to get worse. "Why?"

"You just look sick is all, Rin-chan." Shima cut in, as he plopped down in the seat next to the demon and smiled. "You're usually asleep during class and you're never this pale."

To prove his point, the pink-haired teen quickly asked Kamiki for a mirror and flashed it toward the demon. In its reflection was the demon's awkwardly pale face and a pair of tired looking blue eyes. Although after staring at it long enough, the demon noticed an awkward look in his eyes. To say the least, he didn't know what it was; but it kind of freaked him out. Sure he was paler than he had ever been, but the look in his eyes weren't normal. Yeah, they were still blue and all that crap; but those blue orbs seemed to have a slight edge to them. An almost primal edge, an animalistic look, and it scared the crap out of him. Where in the hell was this all coming from? Was his demon half starting to take over? Was he losing control?

Even as the questions piled up, the demon quickly turned his head away from the mirror and mumbled something of a thanks to the older teen. Shima giving him a nod, before he handed the mirror back to Kamiki and ended up getting smacked in the head for winking at her. The demon not even uttering a word, as he turned his attention back to the desk and Bon gave him a kind of frown; which always looked like a scowl to the younger.

"Seriously, what's up with you?" The brunette n' blonde demanded. "You never act like this, and you're usually arguing with me by now."

"Didn't sleep much last night."

Was the younger's mumbled excuse, before he turned his head away from the older and got a hitched breath of frustration from behind him. The demon not paying any attention to the frustrated noise, before a pair of hands grabbed the back of his uniform and yanked him up into a sitting position. The demon finding himself face-to-face with none other than Bon, who looked pissed as hell. Not like he didn't always looked pissed. It was just the fact that the older was touching him, that set off a spark in him and made the erection in his pants a lot worse than it had been. The said erection practically jumped at the sudden attention from the older and the demon did everything he could mentally to keep his face from flushing a bright scarlet. He was as close to the one guy he loved to no end, and he was mentally freaking out in more ways than one.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Okumura?" Bon demanded, as he shook the demon to prove his pissed attitude to the younger.

"I told you I didn't get much sleep last night." Rin simply repeated, before Bon let out a growl and shoved him in his usual act in letting go of the demon.

"Fine, lie if you want, but I'm figuring this out!" Bon yelled, as he stomped over to his desk and ignored the stares the both of them were getting now.

All the demon could think about was getting out of the classroom and fixing the problem he had at the start of the mess. Then he could figure out what was going on with the rest of him, if Bon didn't get to it first.


At the curse, the demon glared down at his now erect cock and growled. The moment class had let out, Rin had been the first one out of the room and down the hall before Bon could even get out of his seat. It was then the demon decided he'd go straight back to the dorms, instead of finding a bathroom, and used his key to leave Cram school. When he got back, he grabbed some clean clothes from his room and went down to the boy's showers in the abandoned dorm in an attempt to take a cold shower and fix the huge problem.

Instead he had spent twenty minutes in a cold shower, and had jerked himself off at least twice now, only to still be painfully hard and now completely horny. To make matters worse his phone had been going off for the past five minutes and the demon couldn't find the willpower to walk over and answer the damn thing. He was already soaked to the bone with cold water and was still painfully erect. Like hell he was walking his ass over to get his cell phone and listen to Yukio blabber on about how he should get his homework done. Hell no, he was perfectly fine with standing under a cold showerhead and freezing to no end. It wasn't like the situation was getting any better.

Just to prove his mental point wrong, his phone went off once more with a different ringtone then the last five. One that Shima had programmed into his phone, so that the demon knew it was him and his younger brother wasn't calling him.

"Kiss me, K-kiss me! Effect me with your love-!"

At that point the demon let out a sigh and shut the water off. The teen grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist, before he walked past the glass doors and grabbed his phone off the bench where he left it. The demon flipping it open without a single regret in his mind, as he answered it and threw a towel over his head to dry his hair.

"What do you need Shima?" Rin asked, as he held the phone to his ear with his shoulder and rubbed the towel into his wet hair to dry it.

"COULD IT KILL YOU TO AWNSER YOUR DAMB PHONE!" Bon's angry voice yelled into the younger's ear, before he jumped and the phone hit the floor. "I'VE CALLED YOU HOW MANY TIMES AND GOT YOUR DAMN AWNSERING MACHINE! DO YOU DO THIS TO YOUR BROTHER TOO?"

"For one, you're killing my ear drums!" Rin yelled back, as he picked up his phone and yelled into it. "And second you've called me five times. Yukio's lucky if I pick up in ten."

An angry breath came out of the phone, as the demon resumed drying his hair with one hand as he held his phone with the other.

"And besides, what are you doing with Shima's phone?" Rin asked, before the line went moderately silent. "He's the only one that wouldn't hand his phone over to let people call me with it."

"I took it, cause you can't answer your damn phone." Was the older's answer, as Rin frowned and pulled the towel off his head. "I'll give it back to him later."

"Fine. Now what do you want?" Rin deadpanned, as he sat on the bench and tried to ignore the problem he still had between his legs. "Why the hell are you calling me?"

"Cause I'm going to figure out what the hell is wrong with you." Bon snapped back, as the demon sighed and ran a hand through his damp hair. "Now get your ass over to the front door and open it for me."

"You're at the dorm? Jeeze Bon, stalker much." Rin teased, as he heard the teen on the other end let out a string of insults and curses; before he chewed on his bottom lip. "Do you really want to figure out what's going on?"

"What?" Came out from the other end of the phone, as the question stumped the older for a moment before he caught on. "I mean yes!"

"Alright, keys under the mat your probably standing on." Rin spoke, as he absentmindedly played with his hair. "You going to be able to find it?"

"I can find a damn key, Okumura!" Bon angrily barked on the other end, as Rin rolled his eyes and leaned back with his arm behind him on the bench for support. "Found it, but why in the hell do you guys leave a key under the mat? Someone could get in, you idiot."

"You're talking to the guy who has Yukio as a little brother. Put two and two together smart one."

"Right. I get it."

"Told yah." Rin chuckled, as he heard the door open in the background. "Yukio's way to overprotective in my case and if anyone got in he'd shot them."

"I said I got it, Okumura. You don't need to explain it." Bon spoke, as the door shut in the background. "Now where the hell are you?"

"I told you where the key is, Bon. I never said I'd tell you where I am." Rin teased, as the older let out a growl in frustration on the other end.

"Okumura, if you don't-"

"I'm in the boy's shower room." Rin cut in, as he stood up and stretched. "Happy grumpy?"

A mumbled "yes" came from the other end, as the younger grabbed his shirt off the bench and put the phone between his shoulder and ear. The cell phone hitting the floor the next, as the demon's knees gave out suddenly and a heat wave overtook his body. A gasp escaping the younger's throat, as his knees hit the floor and the demon grabbed the edge of the bench for support. His head swimming and his gaze blurry, as he quickly shut his eyes and set his forehead against the bench. His breath labored, as he tried to breath in a decent amount of air and let out a soft whine.

In a matter of moments he went from freezing his ass off from the shower to, his whole body practically on fire. The demon trying to get himself upright once more, only to find his legs wouldn't move and he was stuck on the floor. His whole body practically buzzing in excitement for no particular reason, and his cock just as hard as it had been back in the classroom. The demon's tail shaking on the floor beside him, as it twitched every few seconds and lashed out against the floor.

"Okumura? You alright?" Bon's voice called out through the phone and through the other side of the door, making the teen panic slightly as he hurriedly searched for his phone and grabbed it off the floor with shaking hands.

"I'm fine." Rin quickly spoke, as his voice came out completely rough and shaky. "I just dropped the phone. Give me a second to straighten myself out. I think I fucked up my ankle."

"I'm coming in." Bon spoke, before the door opened and his classmate walked in as he closed his cell phone shut and saw the younger. "What the hell happened to you? You look terrible."

"I said I was fine. I fell." Rin repeated, as he looked away and tried to get back up on his feet. The younger's legs shaking the entire time, before they gave out again and he fell right back on his ass. The younger immediately getting a frown from the older.

"Fine my ass. You can't even stand up." Bon spoke, as he quickly walked over and gently put the demon's arm over his shoulders.

The small skin-to-skin contract setting off sparks through the younger, as his gaze went hazy for a split second and then cleared right up. A wave of sudden hunger rushing through him, as pleasure rolled through his nerves at the contact and the younger quickly squeezed his eyes shut. The realization hitting him, just as the waves flared out to the younger's breaking point and slowly started to calm as it left the demon panting. The teen carefully opening his eyes, only to see Bon watching him in worry, as he carefully set the demon back on the floor and let go of his arm. His mocha brown orbs watching him, as he reached out and touched the younger's cheek. The single gentle touch sending waves of need and lust wracking through his body in seconds, before the demon forced it all down with a small choke and tried to focus on the teen in front of him.

"Rin, wh-"

"Bon, get away from me." Rin chocked out, as he tried to will his legs to move in any way possible. "You're not safe right now."

"What in the hell are you talking about?" Bon demanded, as he gripped the demon's other cheek and forced the demon to look at him as another round of waves racked the demon's body. "There is no way I'm leaving you alone, when you look like this. It looks like you haven't eaten in days and you're so damn pale."

The older's words seeped in, before the younger stared at him in confusion and his mind came to a halt. Hadn't eaten in days? The demon swore he had eaten lunch over two hours ago with Shima in the courtyard. The only reason he remembered was because his best friend kept pestering him about how pale his skin looked, and if he had gotten sick. As far as the demon was concerned, he was perfectly fine when he woke up his morning and got up to get a shower. He had even taken a quick look in the mirror and at that time he looked perfectly fine. So why in the hell did he go from looking normal like every day, to sickly pale and thin? He was fine a few hours ago, wasn't he?

"Bon, I think you're confused. I'm fine." Rin spoke, as he grabbed the older's hands and tried to ignore the wave of want crashing over him at the touch. "I was perfectly fine at lunch. I just feel a little unsteady on my feet at the moment. I'm perfectly fine."

"Your body is showing me otherwise, Rin. You look-"

"For the love of- Yes, Bon. I get it!" Rin snapped, as the older looked at him in slight surprise. "I look like I'm slowly falling apart from the inside! Well, sorry I don't feel like that right now! It's a decoy my body is giving off apparently, and it only took me a whole hour and a half to figure it out!"

At the end of the older's outburst the brunette n' blonde was staring at him in slight shock, as the demon finally calmed down from his outburst and pulled the older's hands off his face. The teen shoving the older's hands back at him, before he let go of the teen and the want and need started to cool down. The younger letting out a soft sigh in relief, as he slowly messed up his hair and looked at the older. A look of pure shock and worry in his gaze, as he watched the younger with a calculating look and the demon quickly looked away from the stare. That very look was practically picking him apart on the inside and making the whole situation worse.

"So, if that's not it, then what's going on?" Bon asked, as the younger had no choice but to look at his classmate. "You look terrible, how do you feel perfectly fine? You look like you're practically dying."

"Well, how do I explain this?" Rin mumbled, as he messed up his hair. "I'm not sick per say, I've just got another problem."

"Another problem?"

"Uh, yeah." At that the demon pointed down at the bulge in the towel and the older's cheeks instantly turned a bright strawberry red. "That's my problem. Why it's making me look sick as hell is beyond me, but I apparently look terrible."

"Um, why don't you take care of it then?" Was the older's hesitant words, as the younger sighed in frustration. "What?"

"Well, I don't know Bon. Don't you think I would've tried taking care of "it" before you got here?" Rin frowned, as he crossed his arms and the older looked away in shame. "Oh for crying out loud, you're a guy too! Sorry I was trying to be discrete and not make this awkward at all!"

"It didn't help that you just pointed it out either!"

"What did you expect me to do? Take off my damn towel?"

"That's even worse!"

"You got a better solution?"

There was a moment of silence between them, before the older looked away and chewed on his bottom lip.

"I have one, but I don't think it'll make either of us comfortable in any way possible."

"Alright, fine. Tell me what you got?" Rin spoke, as he crossed his arms and frowned at the older. "It's not like this can get any more awkward at all."

"I could help you get rid of it."

Scarlett: *waves happily* hey fellow fans! I have a few new chapters for another request for you all! This is sathreal's request, so i hope you all read it and like it. I'd give you the general theme, but i think i should hold off for later. You'll end up figuring it out in a few chapters.

Rin: *frowning* so in other words, you're not going to tell us what torture methods you're going to use just yet?

Scarlett: *grins* Yep!

Bon: *glares at* if you hurt Kitten-

Scarlett: I won't *puts hands up* I don't need to be cut into itty bitty pieces. I'm won't hurt him.

Bon: *studies, then nods* fine

Scarlett: *grins and waves to camera* enjoy, all!

For more information and Updates about my fanfictions, coming straight from me, visit my author page and look under the Progression and Important Information section. I have updates about my current Ao no Exorcist fanfictions and a new ones that are going to be posted in the future.

Rin and Bon do not belong to me.

These characters belong to Kazue Kato.

And to you guys, I've decided that inbetween some chapters, I'm going to be answering comments and any questions you have. I'll answer anything about the story, plot, realtionships on characters, or you can just me about myself.