Update: 5/8/13

A/N: Hi world. Working on Chapter 6 now. But after rereading my chapters for the first time since I originally published them I feel that they could definitely use a bit of work. So here is the revised version with no big plot changes, but considerably better story telling.

A/N: Welcome to An Alien in the Yearbook or (AitYB). I am warning you now that an OC plays a major role in this story and I ask you not to judge or abandon this because of that. This OC is not a Mary Sue and this story can't be told with out her presence. Nya is a mutated Namek and because of this fact will not be paired up with anyone. Also, do not judge this story on my previous attempt, Nya and Kilo: Purpose and Perfection. That story was not high quality and this story is completely different and will hopefully be an extreme improvement. Unless I need him at some point in this story, Kilo will not exist. This story is actually one of Videl, Gohan, and Nya in a world where aliens get a little more attention. My mind just couldn't comprehend humans letting go of something like a group of identified aliens destroying two cities and a large portion of the military. My solution was to create this world.

Here are some differences. Explanations will be provided in the story, but they are here for your reference ahead of the time.

Nya's gender is due to the fact that she is a Mutant Namek like Drum, Piano, or Tambourine. Nya does resemble a normal Namek much more than any of the previous Mutants, but all of that will be explained later.

Android Sixteen never existed.

Gohan, Piccolo, and Nya share a familybond (a psych link), meaning that they all have their own independent thoughts but all those thoughts exist in one mind space. Everyone can here what ever anyone else is thinking.

Due to reasons that will be gone into, neither Gohan nor Nya has stopped training. Gohan, however, is still a pacifist who avoids really fighting when possible.

All the movies existed except for Cooler's Return (Cooler died when blasted into the sun in Cooler's Revenge), and this story takes place three years after Bojack or four after Cell.

Enjoy. XD

WARNING: This story has a Teen rating for fairly aggressive racism against non-humans displayed by multiple characters. If this will offend you in any way, use your own judgment on whether you wish to continue.



Videl grumbled as she rolled out of bed, hitting the alarm more aggressive than necessary. Today was the first day after Golden Week* and she was not looking forward to school. It was the day that she had been dreading since the start of the school year. The day an alien joined her class.

Videl could barely stand thinking about it. After everything aliens had done to this planet, the people of Earth had still decided to let one into school, near helpless teenagers. As good as she was at what she did, Videl knew it was going to be a challenge protecting everyone when something went wrong.

It was King Furry's fault. Ever since he had signed the contract to join the Confederacy of Free Planets to "ensure the planet's future safety", Capsule Corporation had been taking advantage of situation and becoming filthy rich by combining alien tech with their own. Now, they had pushed something called by the news as "Project Assimilation" on to her class.

"Beep. Beep." Videl's watched went off signaling the police needed to contact her.

"Miss Videl, sorry to wake you, but we have information the two criminals who escaped last week will attempt to create a hostage situation in the Satan diner. We have information that Mrs. Briefs is eating there with her young son." The police chief said.

"No problem, Chief. Message received. I'll be there in five minutes." She quickly changed into her more sport shorts, oversized t-shirt, and biker gloves. She grabbed her bag from her desk chair and ran to her jet copter on the roof.


"Anyone else bothered by the fact that every pair of eyes in this place is on us." Gohan said swallowing a Saiyan sized bite of eggs and toast.

"What are you talking about Gohan?" Trunks said with chewed French Toast still very visible in his mouth.

"Trunks, I swear. How many times do I have to tell you to chew with your mouth closed?" Bulma reprimanded her young son.

"Moooooommmmm." The five year old groaned still without swallowing.

"Trunks, for the last time, close your mouth. I swear Gohan you are the only Saiyan I have ever seen who manages to eat with some table manners. I can't even imagine banquets on Vegeta-sei were like."

Just then a waitress came up struggling with a huge tray with two more plates pilled with French toast. "Here you go Mrs. Briefs. I do hope you enjoy your meal. "

"I believe that will be all, can you bring us the check?" Bulma said. Trunk audibly groaned at the prospect of no more food.

The waitress left, but not before casting a less than subtle glance toward the member of the party sitting in the far corner of the booth.

"I am being serious Bulma." Gohan interjected after the waitress left.

"Everything is going to be fine, Gohan. The King Furry authorized security for the school. They were instructed not to let anyone in that is not a staff member or a student. No paparazzi, I promise. The worst you'll have to deal with are some biased teenagers. I know you have faced worst than that." Bulma said.


"No one even knows who you are Gohan. You don't have any connections to this besides happening to join the class on the same day as Nya." Bulma said referring to the odd looking Namek who was quietly drinking her water.

She doesn't get it. Gohan thought.

Nya heard this and thought back, Bulma hasn't left Earth since Namek. She wasn't on Wid or Carrum or Capital. It makes sense that she doesn't understand why you are nervous. But Gohan, you need to remember that this is Earth. Humans can't harm my dad or me in any way. That is why I am publicly announcing my heritage and not yo-

A flash from the dinner startled Nya. She had known what she was getting into when she agreed to go to human high school, but that didn't stop the staring and constant pictures from irritating the normally positive Namek. If it wasn't for the guards standing at the end of the booth, she was sure they would have been swarmed by reporters with cameras by now.

Bulma noticed the jump and asked, "You know. I have always wondered. Why do Nameks hate getting their picture taken? It surprised me. I mean you and your dad I could totally understand just not like being in the limelight, but even the Nameks that stayed with me never let me take pictures of them."

Gohan smiled. He looked at Nya and said, "Do you want to tell her or do you want me to?"

Nya suddenly lowered her head in embarrassment and said, "Go ahead." She remembered the fist time she had heard the story. It was only a half a year after Goten was born and it was their first time in space.

Before they had become Earth's ambassadors, she and Gohan had gone out to Namek unaware of what else might be out there. They had stayed for a month of Earth time and Nya had learned so much of her ancestry. She loved the stories Moori told her, but this one always made her cringe in embarrassment whenever it was brought up.

Gohan smiled. Nya might not like the story because she thought it made her instinctive fear seem a little silly, but Gohan thought it was a really cool legend. "It actually has to do with this really old Namekian Legend. It talks about how when the first Dragon Balls were created a Super Namek made a wish to be able to control his brethren whenever he held their image."

Trunks eyes lit up at the possibility of controlling someone with just a drawing. The limitless pranks he could pull would be hilarious.

Bulma was simply intrigued, "Why their image? Why didn't he just wish for complete control?"

Trunks giggled at that as if the answer was obvious. To the little hybrid, it was.

Gohan and Nya shared a look. This wasn't exactly the easiest thing to explain to a non-telepath.

Gohan took over agains saying, "Namek was a lot more populous back then. Complete control over his victims like the Super Namek desired would have been way to much for his mind if he had it over all Nameks. Nameks have really strong minds, but that means he would have been able to manage complete control over four Nameks maximum."

"Plus," Nya said. "Nameks believe that an image harbors a piece of your soul."

Bulma absorbed the information quickly. Years of housing aliens had made information like this not in the least sup rising. Fascinating, yes. Surprising, no. "So what happened next?" She asked.

"He used his power to start enslaving the Nameks to his will. Eventually someone figured out how he was doing it and the Nameks destroyed all of the pictures. The Super Namek was banished, but to this day Nameks hate having their image on paper."

"Does that mean that if Goten drew a bunch of pictures of Nya, Piccolo, and Dende and the other Nameks than we could control them?" Trunks said with a bright smile.

"Of course not." Nya said wanting to shout, but knowing she couldn't in such a public place. "The spell doesn't still work. It is just an unconscious precaution."

"Here is your check Mrs. Briefs." The waitress interrupted timidly. "Is there anything else you require?"

"No, that will be all. We have to get these two to their first day of high school. Thank you." The heiress said.

When the waitress left, Bulma mumbled to herself, "I will have to give that girl a good tip. I think we intimidated her a little bit."

"She is probably just not used to serving famous people." Trunks said in a bored tone.

Gohan and Nya looked at each knowingly. Their moods doing a complete one-eighty. They had both seen that face to many times before. That wasn't someone star struck. That was someone afraid for her life.

Then out of no-where a voice shouted, "I need everyone to put their hands up now!"

Every person in that diner turned to the direction of the voice all with varying degrees of confusion in there eyes.

A man was standing in the front of the diner armed with a shotgun. He was dressed in old ripped jeans and a worn t-shirt. He was far from clean shaved and Gohan and Trunks picked up on the scents of the blood of at least three others. It was mixed with garbage and smoke that didn't come from a fireplace. The fighters picked up on the very slight limp in his posture. Two others flanked him, both wearing clothing in similar condition. A quick glance around the room told all that similar dressed men and a few women were now standing in front of each exit.

The speaker shouted again waving the gun around, "I said put your hands up. You," he said pointing at a random diner near him. "Call the police. Bulma Briefs, please come towards the front of the diner with your hands in the air."


Outside the diner, Videl had just arrived. One of the police officers walked up to her. "Videl, we have information that the escapees plan on holding Bulma Briefs and the entire diner hostage. We are waiting for the call with their demands."

"I am going in. If I can get inside, then I can gain more information. Hopefully we can coordinate so no civilians will get hurt."

"We have people stationed at every exit, but we are led to believe they do also. You have one opening through the back kitchen window. It is small, discreet, and most likely unguarded. You need to be careful though Videl. The city can't afford to have you injured."

"Got it chief. No one is getting hurt on my watch, not even me." Videl said as she said as she ran off toward the back kitchen window.


The silence of the diner was painfully sharp. The heads of every single person in the diner excluding the one instructed to call the police turned towards the back of the diner where the heiress was sitting. Her son was eagerly about to attack when she mouthed 'wait'. Trunks tentatively backed down.

She stood up and nonchalantly started walking towards the front of the diner. As she walked she said, "You know it is crazy. Fifteen years ago I would have actually been scared right now. It seems so silly what things intimidate you when you are younger. You know what I am talking about Gohan?"

By this point, Videl was hiding just behind a large table in the kitchen. She was listening to Bulma's little speech and was amazed at both her bravery and intelligence. Few others might have recognized it, but Videl had been in enough of these kinds of situations to know that Bulma was drawing attention away from others by drawing it to herself. She was about to use Bulma's distraction to try to get a better view of the situation, when she heard the other voice. It was one of a boy likely around her age.

"I know what you saying Bulma. You remember when I was little and I used to be scared of my shadow. But are you sure you don't want any help?" Videl could hear the nervousness in his voice. Was Bulma brave or stupid? Why would she bring attention to a teenager? Videl had been specially trained for this job and hostage situations were tough for even her to handle. An untrained teenager wouldn't stand a chance. She need to get out there now to make sure no one got hurt.

"Yeah mom, can I get these guys?" A voice that sounded surprisingly like it belong to a young boy. A very excited young boy. Videl quickly glanced around her corner. No one was even looking at the armed criminals anymore. All eyes were on Bulma and the odd group behind her. Even the criminals were openly staring. It was perfectly set up for a coordinated ambush. Videl pushed the button on her watch to signal the police.

At that exact same moment, Bulma must have also realized that surprise of the criminals because she said, "Nya, now."

Nya flashed out from her spot at the back of the booth. Not visible to the average human eye.

Videl jumped from her position to unarm the first man when out of nowhere, a flash of light blue moved in front of her right before quickly moving to in front of the two criminals flanking him.

The police came storming in just as the blur reached the next set of criminals in front of the back door. Videl still keeping her focus on her target, the first three, she saw them all fall to the ground without warning. Videl rushed over to them to examine what had happened. She didn't let her guard drop as she checked the first criminal's pulse. It was still beating strongl, but he didn't respond at all, definitely unconscious. When she looked up, all the criminals were down.

Finally, light blue blur was stilled. Videl saw that the blur had been made by a large sky blue cape. The person wearing the cape had hair a pale green color tied back in a braid and wore a turban over it. Something about the hair looked wrong to Videl, but she ignored it. She turned to the police chief.

"Videl, What happened here?" The police chief asked, then turned to Nya and asked, "Who are you?"

Videl said, "I was following the plan when whoever that is took out the convicts and all of these other men who were involved in the attack. My guess is that these guys are the remnants of the old Gater Gang from three years back. Didn't the convicts who escaped have the tattoo?"

"Yes, you are right Videl. I remember that report."

Nya turned around to face the man who had asked about her identity. Two shocked faces greeted her. While the police officer's face quickly recovered to polite, professional neutrality, the one belonging to the human teenager turned to resentment and anger. I thought that we wouldn't have this problem here of all places. Nya thought dejectedly to no one in particular.

Bulma Briefs who was at this point standing right next to Nya then said. "This is Nya. She is a registered citizen of this planet and is enrolled in Orange Star High School."

Videl was shocked. In front of her at 5' 7", stood what appeared to be a pale green alien dressed in in a simple light brown gi with large light blue cape that was attached to her by shoulder pads. Where some of the more obvious human muscles would have been located her skin was pale pink. She had large pointed ears and an expression was more curious than anything.

Sure, everyone knew that Bulma Briefs, and because of her Capsule Corp, were possibly the largest force of pro-alien power on the Earth. It was only because of her father's anti-alien attitude that the anti-alien campaign hadn't been overwhelmed already by CC's influence. To Videl however, it was different hearing about it versus seeing it in front of you. The most powerful woman on Earth was standing casually with her new alien classmate. It seemed wrong to Videl.

"I apologize for any problems I caused you. I had no intention on interfering in the work of Earth's law enforcement." Nya said. During Gohan and Nya's trips across the cosmos they had run into a lot of problems with intergalactic politics. Mainly that Earth was a half evolved they had given help to anyone who needed it. Eventually they as such she was not allowed to interfere in situations when the native law enforcement were already attending to the issue.

"So you are Orange Star High's newest student." The police chief stated more than asked.

"Yes I am the Namek, Nya. I start school today." Nya said.

"Well you better get going before you are late." He said with a smile. "You too Videl, just remember to come to the station after school for the statement."

"Thank you, Chief. Come on guys we got to get Nya and Gohan to school ASAP." Bulma said as the odd group left the restaurant.

Videl left the scene silently, her day already having taken a turn for the worst.


I hope you enjoyed it. Please R&R.

*For anyone who remembers this little thing I stuck in one of the first sentences, it was right after the words "Golden Week". I am a culture/language nerd. Thus this fic will contain a purposeful fusion of Japanese and American cultures. For example this fic take place in the beginning of May, which for many schools in Japan is a month their school year begins. Golden Week is a basically a period of time with several national holidays packed into a small period of time. Each year schools and many businesses get seven to ten days off.