Note: This is a concept I have been pondering for a few months. After the finale, AU fics have become my lifeblood so I have decided to go ahead and give it a shot. It might work. It probably won't. We won't know unless we try though. This is based on the movie, "Sliding Doors." At the end of this chapter, the story diverges into two separate universes. I will try to keep from skipping back and forth between universes in the same chapter. I will label each chapter as either "A" or "B," as in Universe A or Universe B. I hope this makes sense. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy! I apologize for any mistakes. They are all mine.

Note 2: Season 3 post 3.11ish didn't happen. Season 4 and 5 didn't happen. Blair stayed at NYU, and the gross IP never happened. CB are still together, but she isn't as obsessed with him. DV romance never happened, so they are still friends. Dan and Blair are both seniors at NYU. I think that covers it all.

Sometimes, the smallest things can change the course of our lives.

**October 2012**

Blair took a drink of her mediocre coffee even after four attempts, the incompetent barista couldn't get order right, and looked down at the letter she had received earlier.

Dear Miss Waldorf,

We regret to inform you that, while we appreciate your interest in our publication, we will not be not be using any of your articles. We decided to go in a different direction. We are confident that you will find another outlet for your intense opinions and colorful advice. Best wishes to you and all your future endeavors.

Deborah K. Dottles

She stared at the words and took another drink. She played with the clasp of her bracelet as she re-read it over and over. She didn't know what was worse, the fact that a low tier teen magazine dismissed her with such a lackluster rejection letter we regret to inform you, seriously could they be anymore cliché, or the fact that she had really wanted to work for this low tier teen magazine and their quick rejection of her work stung.

Ok, so maybe she shouldn't submitted the article about to get revenge on strict teachers, or the one that ranked wearing tights as pants below Hitler but slightly above killing puppies, and she really should have listened to Dorota about editing the section where she referred to hipsters as "the head lice on the scalp of our generation." She could have changed things, she could have done better, if they had just given her a chance- if any of them had just given her a chance.

Blair had submitted samples to eleven magazines, five didn't respond at all, three had called her to tell her they weren't interested, the others had sent letters like the one she was holding in her hand, and none of them had asked for a second set of sample articles.

A loud group of people sitting at the table next her broke her out of her trance. She started gathering her stuff together, but stopped when she recognized a voice. She looked over to the new group and saw Dan Humphrey telling some joke and several of the members of the party laughing and leaning in closer to hear whatever tedious anecdote he was spewing. She rolled her eyes and let out a small, quiet grunt. Somehow, over the last four years, he had managed to become popular, was always invited to best events, and had even hosted a couple, of which she had not gone to. Though she had grown to really love NYU, a fact that she would admit to no one, Dan Humphrey's high social standing was something that made her question how low the standards for acceptance were.

Blair gathered her things to leave, the last thing she needed was spend the next twenty minutes hearing about lonely boys from Brooklyn and their golden goddess muses.

Her movement must have drawn his attention, because he asked, "And how is Blair Waldorf doing this very fine autumn's day?" The sarcastic cheer in his voice set her on edge.

"Well, I don't live in Brooklyn, so better than you."

"That was weak, Waldorf."

"So, how's Cedric doing?" she turned to the blonde girl of course it's a blonde who had been moving closer to him during the conversation and said, "Have you met Cedric, his Cabbage Patch Kid? He's been Dan's best friend since childhood, and for most of high school, Cedric was his only friend."

Blair saw she had made him sufficiently uncomfortable, turned back towards the door and made her way out onto the busy street. She was in the process of trying to get a cab when she heard his voice calling her name. She turned to see him jogging up to her.

"Sorry, I already gave my monthly donations to charity, and I don't have any change."

"Here. You left these on the table when you left." He handed her a bracelet and the letter.


"I'm sorry, Blair," he turned around and went back inside before she could respond.


She watched him go in, and then looked down at the bracelet she had almost forgotten. It had been her grandmother's, and Eleanor would have never forgiven her if she had left it in a random coffee shop. Apparently Humphrey had a least a basic notion of human decency. She put it back on as raindrops began to fall. She sighed loudly and ran towards a taxi that slowing down up the street. When she was about twenty feet away, a small child, in the midst of a tantrum, broke free of his mother's grip and ran right into Blair. The mother pulled the child back. The whole incident had taken less than 30 seconds, but it had been just enough time to let a sleekly dress businessman hop into the cab she had been moving towards.


She watched him go in, and then looked down at the bracelet she had almost forgotten. It had been her grandmother's, and Eleanor would have never forgiven her if she had left it in a random coffee shop. Apparently Humphrey had a least a basic notion of human decency. She put it back on as raindrops began to fall. She sighed loudly and ran towards a taxi that slowing down up the street. When she was about twenty feet away, Blair saw, out of the corner of her eye, a small child fussing and trying to pull away from his mother's hand. The mother tightened her grip and pulled the child closer to her. Blair focused her attention back ahead as she neared the taxi. She grabbed the handle and opened the door much to the chagrin of the man in the $2000 suit who was reaching towards the door as she slid in smoothly.