I can't say sorry enough for not updating in so long. I'm finding it difficult carrying on with this story as I'm not as into it as I was when I first began it and I don't have much time on my hands with my GCSEs going on. However I'm going to try to keep writing this story for you guys and hopefully I'll get back into it. I'm also a little stuck with ideas so if any of you have any ideas of what I can throw at these guys please review and tell me. Hope you like this chapter, if so review (Remember I hate Flames so if you don't like don't review, it's that simple!)

All characters belong to JK Rowling and Stephanie Meyers!

Chapter 10

When we finally entered the Slytherin Common Room we were bombarded with questions from our 'gang' (Draco, Tori, Crabbe, Pansy, Blaise, ect..) and all of the questions were basically asking what happen on our visit to Malfoy Manor. As it was quite early in the morning I shushed them all as they might wake the entire Slytherin House.

When they finally became quiet I said, "Guys seriously shut up! You're going to wake everyone up. So lets all sit down and I'll answer the questions one at a time." They all nodded in agreement before taking a seat. I noticed though that Draco and Tori looked closer than usual so I raised my eyebrows in question while a grin made it's way onto my face. However the only answer I got was them both bowing their heads with a bright blush making it's way up both of their faces. I shook my head, letting it go for the time being, then turned to Pansy, who looked as if she was about to burst. As my eyes met hers she exclaimed, "What happened!? Did it go well?! Did you use protection?!"

My mouth was agape at her last question but I quickly collected myself and answered, "Well in answer to your first question, Rose and Em met Aunty Trixy and Tom. Don't worry they both approved of them. To answer your second question, I believe it went very well, oh and of course, Tom's contraceptive charm is flawless." The girls giggled at my last answer while the boys looked a little uncomfortable. "Any more questions, or did Pansy cover all of them?" I asked, looking around at the group.

While most shook their heads, signalling that they didn't have any questions, Rose nodded so I gestured for her to ask. Rose smirked wickedly before asking, "So Bells, what positions did you and your honey try last night?" The gangs emotions were varied, some were grinning, others wide eyes and my favourite was the identical expression on Draco and Emmett's faces, they both looked as if they were chocking while looking repulsed. I turned to Rosie and said, "Rose though I love you, I'm not going to answer that question as it's very personal but I will say that it was pure bliss." Most of them looked relieved that I didn't actually answer the question, though Rose looked a little disappointed.

Just then a group of first years came down into the common room and they were followed by a large group of third years. We took this as our queue to head out to the great hall for breakfast. Luckily the group were already in their uniforms, so we took off strait after the third years left.

We were sat in D.A.D.A with the Gryffindors and I have never been more annoyed. Today the Cullens were even more annoying than usual. I'm really pissed as I've had such a nice day up until now. I had double potions with Sev and we had the pleasure of watching him shout at the Hufflepuffs, a tall girl from Hufflepuff even burst out in tears when Sev told her that she had made the potion incorrectly, how pathetic. Next was Flying with Madam Hooch, I loved that lesson as Draco and I literally flew circles around Potter, while chanting how stupid he was, childish I know but it was so fun. Anyway the day carried on in that fashion but now the last lesson with Mrs C was putting a bump in my day.

At first it was bad enough with having Pixie, Edweirdo and Mommy Vamp staring at me but it got worse. Mommy Vamp insisted that Draco and I were talking so she moved me to sit next to Eddie. Then he started going on saying, "Bella love, please stop this nonsense and return to normal. I miss your sweet, shy nature. And why have you turned Rosalie and Emmett against us, we're all one big family and your childish behaviour is tearing us apart. Esme is sick with worry as is Carlisle and.." I cut him off before he could say anymore, standing up in rage and then shouting, "Shut the Hell up! I'm sick of you and your delusional family. I hate you all and this is the real me! Rose and Emmett finally see how weird you and your family are and they hate you as much as I do!"

The class looked both shocked and scared of my outburst. Pixie then piped up from the front, dragging Jasper with her and squealed, "Bella, don't you dare talk about our family that way, Emmy and Rosiepoo love us and you're being so mean. Tell her Jazzy!" I chuckled loudly, smirking at how ridiculous she looked, stomping her little pixie feet and talking like a child. Em and Rose glared at her before Rose screamed, "Don't call me Rosiepoo you bitch!" Before Emmett could stop her Rose jumped at Alice, yanking her to the ground.

Pixie started screaming for her Jazzy but as I turned to Jasper he looked indifferent and then smirked lazily at me. I cheered quietly in my head, the God of War was finally showing his face and I was glad. In the end it was Eddie who separated Rose and Pixie, while Momma Bitch dry sobbed in the corner, weak little bitch, and Dr Vamp rubbed her back, I didn't even realise him coming in he probably rushed here when he heard is wife weeping and then he looked down on Rose in disappointment, self righteous prick.

Anyway, one pixie steadied herself she turned to Jasper and screamed, "Jazzy! Why didn't you come and save me!? Bad Jazzy!" I also turned to Jasper and he looked vicious, I'm not a fucking puppy you bitch! You're a bloody bitch and I'm fed up with putting up with your crap!" The class looked at him, shocked, as they had never heard Jasper speak with so much anger.

Pixie looked as if she was about to interrupt but he cut her off by shouting, "I'm the fucking god of war and I won't be treated like a little puppy for you to drag around and dress up. I've only put up with your shit because I was led to believe that you were my mate. But you lied to me about that too you bitch!" The bitch in question pouted and cut in saying, "But Jazzy you are my mate."

He growled loudly at her and yelled, "Shut up and stop lying to me. I know your not my mate as I've been told on who she actually is. Say whatever you want about that crazy old bat Trelawney but she has the odd vision and she saw her!" After that he turned to Edweird and said, "I know that you've known for a while you asshole!" As he got to the door he turned to his 'parents' and added, "Oh and I also know that you two made the hat put me in Gryffindor, but don't worry I'll soon be changing that."

After that incident in D.A.D.A, Jasper has joined our group of friends and he actually had Dumbledick put the old hat back on his head and as expected the house he was supposed to be in was Slytherin. The house excepted him easily and most of us were quite pleased to have him join our house. However, Rosalie and Em were the most pleased with this as they now had their brother back. I like the new Jasper, he's actually quite cool and he has amazing stories from his time in the Vampire Wars. I've even told him about Tom and I, and though he was shocked he was glad that I found someone.

Right now we're sat at the Slytherin table eating our lunch. I'm in the middle of questioning Draco on his and Tori's relationship, while she sat blushing at his side. "So Draco, when did this happen?" I asked as I gestured between them. Draco grinned, then pecked Tori on the cheek, making her smile at him, and he said, "Well we have been dancing around each other for a while but when you left to see the Dark Lord, I finally gathered the courage to ask her out and by some miracle she said yes."

With that said he pecked her on the lips and we girls awed at the cute couple the guys chuckled but I could see some younger Slytherin boys glaring at Draco from down the table. Once they felt my stare on them, they turned to look at me. Most of them winked, until I glared at them, that had them turn around quickly, scared looks on their faces.

However, at that moment I felt someone's eyes focused on me. I scanned the room quickly and I was shocked to find a Ravenclaw girl glaring at me. I didn't take my eyes off her as I said, "Guys, anyone know who that bitch is and why she's glaring at me." The gang turned to see who I was talking about. The moment they turned to look at her she turned away quickly, probably feeling intimidated by having all of us looking at her.

Pansy was the one to answer my question, "That's Cho Chang, she's glaring at you because she likes Eddie boy. She used to have a boyfriend, Cedric who was killed by your beloved, and he looked a lot like Eddie. She's probably pissed that he likes you and not her. Bloody Freak." I growled lowly, quickly building up a small hatred for the bitch from Ravenclaw. I hate Eddie, bloody bitch can have his sparkly pale ass, know one else wants it, like daddy used to say, give your old broken toys to the less fortunate.

After that mishap at lunch, I've been keeping an eye out for the Chang girl. She hasn't done anything yet but, my mother used to say that it's best to keep your guard up. Right now I'm walking back to the common room on my own after lights out. I had been with Sev all afternoon helping him with grading the papers and we had only just finished. Just as I turned a corner I was pulled into a empty classroom. I yanked back to see Cho Chang smirking at me.

I grinned back and said, "Ah, what can I do for you Chang?" She glared at me then she crossed her arms smugly and whispered, "Yes you can help me with something. The guy I want to be with is too hung over your Slytherin ass to see what's right in front of him. But don't worry that won't be a problem soon enough." I raised my eyebrows in question, so she carried on, "I've been watching you closely for a while now and I know your secret. I'm sure everyone would love to here you're shagging the Dark Lord, especially Professor Dumbledore. Now you will do exactly what I say or your secret might not stay a secret for long."

She made an attempt to barge past me but I blocked her and shoved her futher into the classroom. She looked a little panicked and asked, "What are you doing?" I smirked at her slyly and said, "For a Ravenclaw you are quite idiotic. See you've just told me you know about mine and Tom's relationship, threatened me with it and you still expect me to let you leave." She looked very scared now and she stuttered out, "You.. can't.. ki.. kill me. Th.. they would.. know it was.. you."

"Oh poor little Chang, see I don't just have sex with The Dark Lord it's so much more than that, as I'm The Dark Lady." She looked as if she was about to piss herself now, "I'm also a great witch, therefore I can do this easily, by erasing your memory then planting new ones in your head about you being suicidal and to top it all off I'll be killing you with your own wand."

As I finished my sentence did some wand less magic and erased her memory of the past few days, causing her to pass out on the floor, and replaced them with ones of her being suicidal. Then, I summoned her wand and quickly cast 'avada kedavra' killing her instantly. I waved my hand, become invisible to the naked eye and then started heading back to the common room, without a single hair out of place.

I think this is the darkest we've seen Bella so far. If you guys like super dark Bella I might be showing her more often. Anyway I really hoped you liked it, if you did REVIEW! xxxx