You wake up in the middle of the night to hear wailing. Keira must be crying.

You blink your sleepiness away and get off the bed to drag yourself to the room nearby. You hear your wife's voice the moment you walk out.

"Quiet now, Keira. You're going to wake your mom up."

Her voice is low and gentle; until now, you've only heard it used on you. For a moment, Keira is silent. After that, her crying comes back full force.

You hear your wife chuckle. "Stubborn one, aren't you? At least I know you take something after your mama."

You hear the smile in her voice. You imagine her wearing that look she only uses on you, the one with that slow smile and those large eyes full to the brim with love.

The baby keeps on crying.

"Hush, little one. How 'bout I sing you a song?"

You know what she's going to sing immediately.

"For you, there'll be no more crying…"

Her voice fills the air, and as she continues singing, Keira quietens. You, on the other hand, are being brought back to your junior year in high school. The song brings back memories, memories of pain and hurt, change and acceptance, love and hope. You remember when your wife sang this song to you, looking so open and raw, proclaiming the love that she was hiding for years. You cried then.

You're crying now.

It's not only because of you remembering all the things that the two of you had to go through to find each other; it's also because Santana has only truly loved one person in her whole entire life, and now you're witnessing her loving someone as much as she loves you. Your wife has this heart that's just so enormous, just so capable of loving, and seeing her use it to its full capacity on her flesh and blood, on your child, simply overwhelms you.

You sneak back to bed as she finishes the last lines of the song. For some reason, you don't want her finding out about you listening to her sing to Keira. You feel like you've been eavesdropping on something meant for two people alone.

You hear the shuffling of feet, and you feel the bed dip slightly. Her hand reaches out for yours, and you listen to her as her breath evens out. Quietly, you get out of bed. You enter Keira's room and walk to her crib.

She's asleep, calmly breathing, every bit as beautiful as her mama. Even as early as now, you can see the soft, black curls that cover her head, and her cute, pouty lips. She'll grow up to be a heartbreaker, you're sure.

You bend over and kiss her lightly on the forehead. She stirs a little, but she doesn't wake up. You breathe a small sigh of relief and go back to your room. Gently, you lower yourself on the bed and move towards your wife. She barely moves as you wrap your arms around her and place your ear near her chest.

You want to listen to her heartbeat. It's probably the first thing you and Keira shared, listening to the very thing that keeps her mother, the love of your life, alive.

You slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of things yet to come.