It wasn't Danny's nervous chatter that grabbed Harry's attention. He did it a lot; words ran over each other in a race to leave his mouth, and it sometimes took a while to put them in correct order but Harry was used to it. No, it was the look in his eyes. They were bright and hopeful, more hopeful than they had a right to be because the reviews were bad and the fans were leaving and Dougie was dating a slut and what gave Danny an excuse to look hopeful? But it was there, that look in his eyes, the one that called 'My glass is half full and if you try to flip it over I'll pour it over your head, dickweed', and so Harry listened (a rare occurrence) to what Danny had to say.
In this particular instance, what Danny had to say was 'I love you.'
And though Danny's messy attempts at romance were pitiful at best and he never knew when to shut up and the band was going to shit, his hope found Harry, and Harry knew everything was going to be okay.
Apart from the dinner Danny tried to cook which ended in a call to the fire department and a hole in Harry's saucepan.
Apart from that, everything was okay.