He was nervous but ready, he was determined, besides what choice did he have?

Let his parents get killed?

The Dark Lord would kill him too, would he not?

Draco looked around the Great Hall; he saw the Gryffindors in their house clad ready for today's game.

Draco sighed, he loved Quidditch… but he also loved his apple so what good was that?

Depressed, Draco looked down at his plate, it was empty but he didn't care as he was too nervous to eat.

Looking around he saw Goyle stuffing his face with toast and Crabbe who was forking fried egg after egg into his mouth, spraying bits and pieces all over the bowl of apples…apples?

Draco grabbed the bowl from further harm looking inside he saw several apples but only one that stood out from the rest… green, bright, and shinning.

It looked just like his past lover.

He picked it up and looked at it with loving eyes.

They were together again at last.