Chapter 9: War of Cryptids Version II

Hollyleaf: Hey everyone. Sorry if I haven't updated like I use to but at least try to look at my poll on my profile. I want to write other stories but I honestly don't which you want to go on my profile please! Okay so disclaimer… Have to find some- Oh Cody!

Cody: NO!

Hollyleaf: Why not?

Cody: 'cause I have heard what you do so I won't even do it.

Hollyleaf: What about your guns?

Cody: *gulp* I can buy new ones.

Hollyleaf: Hmmm, what about Abbey?

Cody: Don't you touch-

Hollyleaf: Do it or else I will blow her up!

Cody: Fine. *Huff* Hollyleaf does not own TSS or me or Holly. We belong to Bdog. Also any other OC belongs to Holly. There happy!

Hollyleaf: Yeah. Now go on!

Cody: Be glad to!

3rd Person POV

Chloe opened her eyes and saw that a girl with short black hair was over her.

"Why the hell you kill him!" She was yelling at Chloe.


"Why did you kill Kaz!"

"I didn't kill him."

"Yeah sure!" A fist collided with Chloe's face. Chloe instantly woke up and went onto hyper drive. Chloe kicked her in the gut and the girl clutched her stomach while Chloe escaped her. Chloe went over to Drew but was knocked down by the girl.

"You are not getting any help bitch!" Chloe rolled away while the girl punched the ground leaving a small crater.

"What the hell?" Chloe yelled as random things were being thrown at her like knives, books, pipes, pizza, waffles, tacos, shuriken, kunai, etc.

Where does she even put all of this stuff? Chloe thought while she dodged all of these things. Holly reached down and began to throw bombs.

"You are crazy!" Chloe yelled at her.

"But you killed Kaz!"

"No I didn't!"

"You didn't?" she said stopping throwing stuff at Chloe.

"I told you that."

"Really? Oh, my bad. I guess I missed Kaz." Too much, Chloe added.

"My name is Chloe Saturday."

"Holly Leaf."

"Funny I have a cat named Hollyleaf but it is put together," Chloe said.

"Really? Cool. So let's get your family out of there," Holly said pulling out a kunai and started to pick the lock.

"Why don't you use a bobby pin?" Chloe asked pulling out one from her hair.

"Because it wouldn't be as cool," Holly said unlocking Doc. Chloe smacked her forehead. Holly went to go work on Tyler while Chloe worked on Cody. After everyone was unlocked, Chloe and Holly sat down and waited.

"When did you meet Kaz?" Chloe asked.

"I meet him a while ago. You see, he was traveling with Komodo when I found him in the jungle where I was doing my ninja training. I talked to him and we ended up hanging out. I actually fell in love with him and so um yeah. I heard he was in London from ninja sources and went into the sewers and found Kaz here dead with you passed out and everyone else chained up. I of course thought the worst so yeah. Sorry about that. So why were you here?" Holly asked.

"We were here to save Abbey over there. We ended up in here and someone killed Kaz. His name is Kur. I have to make sure he is under control, because it is my job," Chloe said.

"I understand, want a chocolate chip waffle?" Holly said holding out one.

"It is frozen!" Chloe shouted.

"So, I like frozen ones," Holly said eating hers.

"I'll just toast it," Chloe said taking it from her. Chloe snapped her fingers and a small flame was just above her finger. Chloe toasted her waffle and ate it.

"That was so cool!" Holly shouted.

"Yeah," Chloe said.

"What happened?" Cody said waking up.

"Hi! Wait, Cody!" Holly shouted.

"Ninja girl!" Cody shouted.

"Yep, that's me."

"You know him?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, we meet up quite a while back too," Holly said.

"Yes, the only one that can sneak up on me anywhere I am," Cody said.

"Also I steal stuff then give it back. You wouldn't even know I was there," Holly said twirling a green ribbon. Chloe's left side ponytail fell down.

"What the-"

"I told ya, here is your ribbon back," Holly said holding it out. Chloe snatched it back and grumbled while she put her ponytail back up.

"So what happened while I was out?" Cody asked.

"Kaz is dead, Zak is evil to damn Kur and now he should be destroying the world with all the cryptids. I been keeping some on my side while I was unconscious but my influence over cryptids is equal to Kurs. It is a real struggle. Anything else you need to know?" Chloe asked.

"What do I need to do to help?" Cody asked.

"Keep these people company," Chloe said. Chloe made sure that there was enough fire to last them and to follow out of the sewers. Chloe spread out her wings which Holly looked at amazement and flew off.

"Did she always had that?" Holly asked.

"How am I supposed to know, I only met her yesterday," Cody said.

Chloe flew out of the sewers only to see the real damage that has begun. Smoke was raising and Chloe flew over towards it to see that the cryptids were desperately trying to fight against each other. Chloe saw Tsul'Kalu and flew down towards him.

"Do you know where I can find Kur?" Chloe asked.

"Kur? Don't you mean-"

"No, Kur has taken over so do you know please, I need to end it," Chloe said.

"Try the naga's," he said.

"Thanks," Chloe said and flew off. She flew towards the river and dived in. She swam in until one of the naga caught her and dragged her down further to the water. Chloe closed her eyes and then she was dragged onto a hard surface. Chloe coughed up water and looked up. It was Kur.

"What are you doing here?" Kur asked.

"I am here to save Zak!" Chloe yelled between breaths.

"Zak made that mistake when he entered that cave," Kur said.

"What! Damn it!" Chloe shouted.

"Ah, but you can Zak, if you just-"

"I won't do as you say. But I know what I can do," Chloe said. She made her fist into a one long blade covered in crystal.

"What are-"

Before Kur can say anything more, Chloe plunged it into her chest, piercing her heart. Chloe fell to the ground with a soft thud.

"Stupid girl-"

"I am not stupid. I am going to take you back with me," Chloe said. Chloe dived into Zak's body and came out dragging a serpent's tale out of Zak. Zak and Kur started to scream while Chloe dragged out every part of the serpent and she cut off the head leaving it in Zak. Chloe put the serpent into herself and disappeared.

All over the world, the cryptids stopped attack while, the Saturdays, and everyone else, watched.

"Chloe did it?" Doc asked.

"I don't know," Cody said.

Zak woke up and saw that Chloe was dead again.

"Is this some kind of cruel joke!" Zak yelled. Chloe's body disappeared again and Zak left the lair. When he breached the water, Drew was on the boat smiling half heartily at Zak.

"Hi honey," Drew said.

"She did it again," Zak said.

"We know," Drew said. Drew got him out from the water and they went over back to the home.

Everyone that knew what happened was saying their thanks to nonexistent soul.

Hollyleaf: End!

Holly: Hey why do I only appear in this chap?

Hollyleaf: Cause-

Holly: No fair!

Hollyleaf: I will figure out something so say the ending okay!

Holly: NO!

Hollyleaf: Not even for a frozen chocolate chip waffle and a taco?

Holly: Damn it, okay I give up! Please review for Holly! Now give me my waffle and taco!

Hollyleaf: Here.

Holly: YEAH!

Hollyleaf: Okay….