Gwaine caught his weary companion as he stumbled once again. Ignoring the sneers from their escort, the knight kept a firm grip on his friend's arm. Concerned, he tried to catch Merlin's eye, but his gaze remained riveted on Morgana. Anger burned in Gwaine's eyes as he followed Merlin's gaze. Whatever had been done to him after his capture had left its mark, not only in the dark magic that had sought to overcome him. The knight made a silent promise that he'd protect his friend from going through something like that again, or die trying.

Reaching the hall Gwaine surveyed the gathered mob with calculated eyes. You didn't get involved in weekly tavern brawls without knowing a thing or two about strategy no matter what Arthur said. Even inebriated, Gwaine had learnt how to know the probability of coming out unscathed. The knight knew that had he been faced with half this number without a few tankards and a sword he'd have scarpered. All the same, he tried to remain objective as he sized up his numerous opponents. His calculation were somewhat thrown askew once Morgana had their wrists clasped in manacles. Gwaine and Merlin now had to remain at each others sides, no matter what.

Once she'd turned away, Gwaine glanced over to the sorcerer beside him to see how he was coping. Merlin's expression was now guarded. Gwaine would have been surprised at his composure had he not known his secret. As it was, he thought Merlin could probably take out the whole room without a lot of effort, should he need to. He also knew wouldn't, not with Morgana present and smirking. Gwaine winced slightly. Merlin probably wasn't going to like this.

"Merlin, hold my hand," he said to him quietly. Merlin glanced at him, frowning in bewilderment.

"You're kidding right? You pick your times to joke, Gwaine," he retorted. Gwaine remained completely serious.

"If I need to get you out of the way it's going to hurt like hell if I pull you by the manacles. Trust me and take my hand." Merlin huffed at the cliché and gritted his teeth.

Howls of laughter and wolf whistles erupted in the hall as the two manfully gripped each other's hands.

"Need your mummy little man?"

"He's quaking in his boots!"

"They'll be kissing next!" Merlin was rigid and his ears reddened as their taunts grew more suggestive.

"Arthur never hears about this. Ever," he hissed.

"Agreed," breathed Gwaine.

"Behold!" yelled Morgana, her voice rising above the crowd. The gathered men lowered their voices yet Merlin noticed they didn't completely die down. They weren't there in respect of her after all, only the money of her ally. "A knight of Camelot, famed as the greatest knights in the five kingdoms," she grinned wickedly, challenging the mercenaries and knowing they'd be up for the fight. "And a pet serving boy," she sneered in Merlin's direction. His expression remained still as stone, his eyes piercing into hers.

"Let's see if they're up for the challenge," she said softly, turning back to her stolen throne with one last glare. One man with a mace and pickaxe barged through the crowd, cheering to the crowd like a gladiator savouring a battle already won. Merlin surveyed the man, checking to see which straps he could sever, what weapons he could tamper with. With a discreet flash of his eyes, the steel of the pick axe dislodged itself from the wood, rendering the weapon useless.

The mercenary swung towards the pair suddenly, Gwaine grabbing Merlin's shoulder just in time to force him to duck out the way. As the mercenary continued to attack them he seemed to slip over thin air, the straps of his belt and shoulder guard snapping loose and tightening in just the wrong places. His thrusts and swings were clumsy and didn't come close to causing either of them harm. Gwaine lunged forward as the man slipped again, wrenching the club out of his grasp.

"Is that all you have? We were promised a decent fight," Gwaine jeered as they dodged another swing. He swung the club around, keeping it clear of Merlin but challenging the mercenary mockingly. "You're a very angry man, I can see that," he said, mock squinting. "It must be hard being so ugly!" Gwaine sneered, pulling Merlin behind him. "Women are crying, children are screaming."

"Are you trying to make them kill us?" Merlin hissed over his shoulder and watching in trepidation as another larger man with a massive axe barged his way through the crowd.

"Angry men are dead men, Merlin," Gwaine returned, easily parrying the clumsy swipes of his opponent with his own club, almost laughing in triumph as the man's pickaxe fell apart to one violent swing. Merlin looked the man in front of him up and down.

"Erm, blimey. Was your nose born that shape or did your mother have to smash it first?" Merlin asked him nervously. Gwaine snorted at that and looked over once he'd finished his man off. His eyes widened.

Merlin found himself tugged out of the way as the large man's axe came crashing down where he'd just stood. Gwaine fiercely tried to beat the angered mercenary back.

"Leave the angry men to me, Merlin," Gwaine suggested lightly. Merlin narrowed his eyes at the axe that had been aimed at his head.

"Let go of my hand, I've got an idea," he muttered to him. "It's not like he can hurt me Gwaine. I'm surprised he can see past his beaver's nose, yet alone aim at anything," Merlin called tauntingly, his voice carrying over the ruckus around them. As the man's face reddened Merlin tried to disentangle his fingers only to find Gwaine still trying to tug him back.

"If you care about me, let me go!" Merlin hissed, throwing another cliché his way. With another glance, Gwaine did so, only to find the large angry man had caught him off guard and smashed Gwaine's stolen mace out of reach. Merlin pushed them both to the side, wincing as the manacles did indeed cut into the skin of his wrist. His gaze was pinned on the axe that came towards them.

Making sure Morgana had a clear view, Merlin raised his chained wrists to meet the axe over their heads, now watching it in slow motion. He knew the blunt weapon wouldn't be able to cut through in one swipe. He also knew it would seriously damage both their wrists even if he could meet the axe's swing but Morgana didn't need to know that.

"Snaedes," he hissed, just as the axe reached the target. The chain snapped and the axe passed between them, only scraping Merlin's shoulder slightly. Dodging to the side, the mercenary slipped at another flash of Merlin's eyes. His fist shot out to the back of the man's head, hitting a pressure point behind the ear and sending him unconscious. Reaching down, he grabbed a knife from the man's belt and scanned his surroundings.

Amongst all the shouts and yells, none of the men moved forward from the circle they'd formed. Meeting Gwaine's eyes, Merlin sent a quick smile of satisfaction and the knight chuckled wryly. The noise dimmed as a slow clap from Morgana sounded.

"Very good Merlin," she purred, a steely glint in her eye. Merlin and Gwaine glared at her with their heads high, united in victory. "I have a deal to make with you, which is more than you ever offered me." Merlin glared at her stonily, ignoring the accusation in her tone. Gwaine glanced over once curiously.

"I can give you your freedom. I'll even let you take Gaius. All you have to do is swear loyalty to me, tell me where my brother is hiding and the people you love will stay safe," Morgana offered. Merlin glared at her.

"I would never betray Arthur," Merlin replied resolute. Instead of anger, Morgana smirked cruelly and mock sighed in disappointment.

"It's a shame. And Ealdor was such a nice village."


What's this? An update? :O Well, I felt guilty that I'd left it. It's been aages.