Edited over the course of October 2015. I haven't completely fixed this chapter, but it's a little less cringe worthy now. My writing wasn't the best back when this was written, and I always put more work into my originals than I do into my fanfics...I think...maybe I don't, but I hold a higher writing standard when working on my originals at least.

I recommend ignoring all the general rubbish that can be found in my writing style back in this early day. Or just enjoy it.


Ok, this is sort of a one, maybe more, short story, heavily focused on the action. Everyone has seen one of the HULK movies or Avengers, right? Even if you haven't I am sure you will understand the idea. The sort of destructive battles at the climax are awesome. As in huge, destructive, city crunching brawls full of explosions and one of the most popular film cities getting trashed. And so I thought, "What if Naruto was pit against the modern military?" and with a lack of these fics I decided I would do one. I can't say I succeeded in that respect, as it very rapidly morphed into something more, but nonetheless, it's certainly enjoyable to write.

Of course I wanted to be original instead of just doing a cross-over. That gave me the idea to throw little chunks of my daily daydreams and boom, I am sculpting my own Universe for this to take place in. Now it's pretty similar to our own, including earth but with one difference, it's a superverse. There are people with powers, and even creatures that rival Bijuu so it's not like Naruto won't be challenged. It is also around 50 years in the future to give technology a bit of a combat boost.

Old part of the AN: (To people that say Naruto is overpowered for the time frame, look at how powerful he became in Shippuden. He only took what was most likely a few weeks to two months max to get enough control of wind chakra to use the Rasenshuriken. As far as I know in the manga he is still the same age as the beginning, and we haven't had some awkward birthday filler. That means that Shippuden has taken place over roughly a year, give or take. Looking at that I would say for a time frame with constant fighting, Naruto isn't too OP in my fic. Besides, even if he is there are still enemies in this fic that would even give any Bijuu under the 5 tails a lot of trouble.)

Addendum: To anyone that's seen the end of the war, or the 'Last' movie, you will see that when this story was published, my Naruto was much more powerful than the manga counterpart at the time. Now, however, the cannon Naruto is an insanely powerful god-like being. Mine is definitely weaker.

Also as a not Naruto does not have the full Rinnegan. Thanks to the Konoha elders he was gifted the Deva path's eyes for the war, which means he has the weaker forms of gravity control.

Now this is based on the Manga as far as May 2012 but I may add things from the newer ones as I go. Now this will obviously have spoilers, but I made it sort of an AU from the may 2012 manga as in the war went my way. I decided to put it this far forward because Naruto is now stronger than ever. Yeah we all been complaining about Sasuke's repetitive power-ups but to be honest Naruto could now kick Sasuke's ass within minutes.

One thing I have realised about myself while writing this. I struggle to write more than one fight going on at the same time in the same place, and with strange odds.

No, he won't just be in the future randomly, or have lived that long, and thus he will know fuck all about technology and modern weapons. Not a good thing when you are pitted against them, eh?

I don't own Naruto, New York or any super weapons. Yet. Also my fire form of the rasengan is not entirely owned by me, it was inspired by Kenchi618 but it is pretty different. I don't own that.

I do own my lightning rasengan concept to my knowledge but not the actual rasengan or whatever.

apparently decided it doesn't like my line breaks. I'm working to rectify the issue on all chapters.

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'Damn you Madara. Damn you to hell.'

The war was at a stalemate. After one year so much had been lost. Thousands of men, women, children and white plant Zetsus lay dead around the Elemental Nations. Even the plant army felt some degree of sadness, as being individual life forms for so long had changed them in unforeseen ways. The Edo Tensei soldiers were still going strong. They never tired, and since they could only die when under crippling emotional pressure -such as having to kill their own family- they were still strong in numbers. Sure, with a normal army there might be more family members to put that kind of pressure on them, but this was not the case. As ninja, many of them died in the line of duty. Training to become a ninja was often inspired by a family member being a shinobi, who would also die at some point, so the family groups were often resurrected as a bunch, leaving no one to stop individuals. There were techniques that could permanently destroy the soldiers, but they were rare and dangerous, often being at least A rank, more often S rank. With this came the fact that the ratio of ninja with that amount of chakra to the amount that didn't wasn't exactly in their favour, and any ninja that did have the chakra for an S rank jutsu likely only had a few shots.

Everyone but Naruto Uzumaki, Konoha's Demon Sage Spirit.

He had used the rasenshuriken so much within the past year that he could form the jutsu at any size and anywhere on his body, often giving interesting results. This was mainly a result of the chakra arms of Jinchuuriki mode, but over time he now had equal chakra control throughout his whole body. As powerful as he had become, he could not stop the army. One fact that did not help was that Kabuto was able to resurrect a ninja through Edo Tensei if they were killed, and if he still had a DNA sample he could revive previously killed ninja again and again. This meant that every ninja the Elemental Nations lost had a chance of coming back against them, which hardly served to increase morale.

Naruto had gotten so close last year. After barging in on the fight of Sasuke and Itachi versus Kabuto it looked to be a certain, merciless win, until the Madaras came. Both the resurrected Madara and Tobi. The team of Sasuke, Itachi and Naruto had put up a good fight, but the odds were not in their favour.

This time would be different. After six months of war, and taking a break for six months of training he could use a unique Rasengan of every primary element. It put a rather impressive strain on his body, and it was only due to the Kyuubi that he could use some of the elements that were against his own, but he was sure he had a method of ending the war. Hopefully, with the boost of Sage Mode, things could be brought to a close.

He had seen time and time again on the battlefield that if a C-rank jutsu from each element collided the results were on the top end of what one would expect from an A-ranked jutsu. What if all five jutsu were already high S-ranked? He theorized that such a combination would be an attack more devastating than even a Bijuu bomb.

Then again, theory was never his strong point. He learned by doing, and what better way to find out the power of a combination of five S-ranked jutsu than to throw it at the enemy?

With his plan in motion he prepared for the fight of his life. The only thing he didn't like about the plan was relying on Tobi to be rather fatigued after fighting Kakashi earlier, and with any luck it would take him longer to become intangible.

He strode down the long cavernous hallway in his full Sage outfit. Over the war he had made a few additions to the clothing. Each piece of the outfit had thin Haraishin seals woven into them, along with various storage seals containing copies of his father's special kunai. He also had a small number of the Haraishin Kunai in his pouches and hanging inside the jacket for rapid access.

He approached a massive, no, gargantuan cavern. It was at least a mile long, and roughly similar in height. There was no way it was natural, it looked like it could house most of Konoha in an emergency.

There were three thrones ahead. Upon these thrones sat the trio of war criminals: Madara, Tobi and Kabuto, each in their usual combat outfits. There were differences though. Both Uchiha had deep red glows about their eyes. The cause of this was them each taking one eye from Sasuke and Itachi. Kabuto had Rinnegan eyes, due to him taking the eyes from all of the paths but the Gravitational Deva path. The reason for him not having taken the main paths eyes was that Naruto took them in retaliation, drawing attention to the Jinchuuriki's now blue rippled eyes.

The tension in the air felt like it could physically ignite at a moment's notice. Then again, when you have two Uchiha opposing a nine tailed demon with strong links to fire, spontaneous combustion was a very real possibility.

'This is it Kyuubi. Are you ready for the plan?' His mental link with the Kyuubi was a strong comfort to have when going to fight three opponents at once that were all listed as flee on sight. 'Yes, Ningen, of course I'm ready. I'll start to split now, but don't ever ask me to do this again. It's like that dream of yours where each clone became its own person. It's a disturbing feeling, but I think I can make an exception this once.'

As the three glared at the teen he felt his rage boil to an all new level after remembering what they had done recently. His chakra thrummed and vibrated with the sheer intensity of his emotions. Unseen waves of power rolled through the air, pulsing as his body began to release its shackles on his own power. It was a common thing amongst S-ranked ninja to have to restrain their power outside of combat.

A similar feeling emanated from his dangerous foes. Despite two of them sharing a relaxed posture, they were more than ready to fight for their lives, and undoubtedly kill him if he slipped up.

Naruto could already feel tendrils of Kurama's chakra fending off the illusions the Uchiha were trying to immobilise him with.

"You...You bastards! This has gone on way too long! So many people...so many people have been hurt and killed, including my friends!" By the end of his screaming he had thrown his arms out to his sides, his long sage coat billowing.


The three criminals tensed.

In an instant Naruto was crashing through Kabuto's suddenly empty throne with an extended fist. Using the momentum, he planted his fist on the floor and spun around going for a kick on Tobi's throne. His foot passed through the intangible man, leaving him sat on a stone stump as Naruto's foot crushed the back of the seat. Using the downward motion of his kick he bounced back up in a rather acrobatic display as he aimed to land a falling axe kick on Madara. Once again he found himself destroying an empty throne.

As the teen settled into a fighting stance Tobi vanished, appearing next to his two allies.

"Clone rasengan storm!" With that first cry a few dozen Shadow Clones appeared in the air ahead of him holding his signature swirling blue orb.

"Shinra Tensei!"

With his palm outstretched the entire battalion of blonde warriors were launched forwards at break neck speeds. Holding their blue swirling orbs ahead, they impacted the general area of the trio and turned the entire area into a mass of craters and smoke. Naruto remained alert and resisted the urge to rub at his slightly stinging eyes.

In a blur Madara appeared in front of him, back exposed towards the blond, and reached over his head to grip his neck. The man flipped the blond over his shoulder, intent to smash him into the floor. Just as Naruto hit the stone floor he lashed his foot up, at the same time as a remaining clone axe-kicked the Uchiha in the back of the head. The result was the man's head being crushed between sandaled feet and left an ashen stump.

Naruto grunted as he was helped up by his clone, brushing off his jacket.

"Still the definition of a one man army I see, Naruto-kun." Kabuto cheerfully stated while he pushed up his glasses.

"Taking after the creepy snake paedophile Kabuto? Then again, I can't see any kids in this cave, where'd ya hide them?" Naruto's voice was filled with more venom than even the deadliest of creatures could muster. The sheer killing intent being generated was like a steel file on their nerves, grating in the worst possible way and making their bodies urge them to flee from the danger.

Next Madara spoke up as his head reformed. "Don't get cocky, boy. You could maybe face a single one of us, maybe even two with the help of the your demon, but do not think for a second you can defeat the three of us. We know almost every ninja ninja trick, every one of you moves. Don't underestimate us, you insolent whelp."

"Let us even the odds then, shall we? Hehehe."

A deep, booming malicious chuckle filled the cavern, and Naruto let a feral grin spread across his face. Demon chakra started to bubble from his pores, growing until it resembled a four tailed fox shroud. Then, to the surprise of the trio, the cloak stepped back, alone, separating from its host.

It looked remarkably like a bubble separating from a blower.

A few seconds after the cloak split from the boy it started to morph as the viewers watched in awe. The cloak thickened, with the ears shrinking to be only half the size, continually changing before it reached a human body shape and thickness with four tails and short fox ears.

There was a red flash, and then something else was stood in its place. Madara paled, knowing what had happened, and the other two did the same as it was not hard to guess the outcome.

There stood a figure around six feet five, with a long mane of red spiky hair and two fox ears extending out the top. He had a cocky grin, red slit cat eyes and three thick whisker marks. He wore a black sleeveless Gi with red trim and a red belt, the Gi partially open on the chest. The man had the body of someone that lived for combat, making for an intimidating figure. His body was toned to near-perfection, openly displaying the contained impressive strength whilst still lithe enough to outpace most men in combat. With no shoes, his toes squirmed on the bare rock as he stretched his arms out.

"Hey fox, you came!" Naruto said with a hint of humour whilst a smirk touched at the edges of his scowl. In the background the trio readied themselves.

"'Course I did. I can't leave my little host to face a sexually deprived grandpa, a masked horror reject and the human gecko paedophile, can I?" The rather vulgar Kyuubi growled.

The figure now known as the Kyuubi turned to the mentioned three.

"Besides, it's been years since I had a good party. Ha!" With a cry the demon launched his fist out, and as a response to his yell a gigantic sphere of golden fire launched from his fist.Unfortunately the three vanished the instant before the conflagration hit, missing the massive explosion that came with the orb's impact. The fox suddenly launched his fist straight up, impacting the face of Madara who was going for an overhead hammer fist. In return, the man was launched, barely catching himself against the roof up above, hundreds of meters above. His cheek was littered with cracks as it slowly repaired itself. Madara Uchiha did not bother restraining the loathing in his glare aimed at the Kyuubi.

At the same time as this Kabuto appeared next to Naruto, aiming a chakra coated knife strike to the neck, and Tobi for a kick from behind. Luckily Naruto had just dropped a haraishin kunai on the way in, and was able to disappear in a yellow flash, before appearing again at the cave entrance. The cave entrance was coincidentally only a few feet from his earlier position. With a wave of his hand a Rasengan formed. His attempt at plunging it into Kabuto was foiled by the man dispersing into snakes. Tobi used this opportunity to ascend from the ground, becoming solid once more.

Before Tobi could land a single punch, a harsh side-kick aimed at his stomach forced him to cross his arms.

Across the cave Kyuubi was facing Madara. Without special modes, he was the strongest of the lot. Factor the addition of the Rinnegan into the equation- as well as the skills of one of the greatest Uchiha- and he would be extremely dangerous if left alone. That didn't matter though, as they weren't going to kill the trio here, they had something better planned.

He leapt into the air, launching a small flurry of golden fireballs from his hands towards the Uchiha, all of which were dodged. Madara was very thankful that he wasn't affected by the sweltering heat generated by the attacks.

The next thing Kyuubi saw was a large fireball over ten feet flying at him.

"Please brat. I made stronger fire jutsu before I hit my first century. Firaga!"

The Kyuubi expelled a fireball more than five times the size of Madara's from the palm of his hand. Madara's jutsu was engulfed as Kurama's fireball detonated.

The explosive heat of the jutsu rocked the cave foundations and significantly increased the temperature.

As Madara came from within the smoke, the two fighters launched into a fierce duel of both ninjutsu and taijutsu. Madara was only able to keep pace due to the Rinnegan prediction allowing him to react early.

At the same time, the Kyuubi struggled with the variety of strikes and grapples, and occasionally left openings in his defence. It had been many years since he'd fought properly in this form. He wouldn't be so confident in his victory if not for how overwhelmingly fast he was.

The fight took place dizzyingly fast. Kurama brutally cracked Madara's right arm, only to have the same arm reform and split his cheek with a lightning powered punch. Kurama used one of his tails to stop a knee-strike, only for the same tail to be used as leverage to slam him into the ground. Madara was then set alight by fire ejecting from the tail, and the Kyuubi's tail was numbed by a flash of lightning chakra.

The deadly dance moved at a speed impossible for most to keep up with as the two men brutally assaulted their opponent without restraint.

In a spur of the moment attack Kyuubi grabbed Madara by the neck before pumping him full of demonic fire chakra. Flames burst from the man's mouth and eyes, before he was reduced to a blackened mess. He would reform soon after, but it got the two heroes the time they needed.

Tobi leapt at Naruto with lightning crackling around his fist, ready to plunge it through the boy's head. It didn't look like the blond had time to defend, but he still looked calm.

A distant pop sounded, which was probably accompanied by smoke.

Naruto's irises turned yellow and his pupils into cross bars. An orange pigment appeared around his eyes.

Tobi's eye widened.


There was a flicker, before Naruto was in the finishing position for a devastating haymaker punch, enhanced with sage strength and speed. There was no Tobi in sight.

'Wait for it… Wait for it'… BOOM

There we go. Now Tobi was in sight, in a very large crater.

Naruto used a Shunshin to get over to the Uchiha before he could recover from his stupor and grabbed him around the throat. At the same moment the Kyuubi appeared next to him holding a reforming Madara by the throat.

"It's now or never brat" The demon looked bloodthirsty, his devious grin cried for the death of his prisoner.

Naruto nodded.

They could not end the Edo Tensei by killing Kabuto, so they would get rid of the other two threats first. They could extract the information from the snake at a later date.

By all rights they should not have won the fight so fast, but hitting right after a skirmish with most of the surviving Konoha forces had tired them out. Even the most dangerous men in the world tired, if not physically then at least mentally.

The fact that Sasuke, Itachi and Lee were also on the level of Kage's helped greatly. The Kazekage Gaara, The Hokage and the Tsuchikage had also taken part in the battle. The battle had also been overseen by Shikamaru, his tactical prowess reducing losses and putting serious pressure on the opposition. Kirabee had tired himself out greatly due being in his eight tailed form for an extended amount of time.

To top it all off the rest of the surviving Konoha 12 been on the frontlines of the clash along with their Jounin sensei.

There had been some near deaths and the attacking force was heavily hit, but the undead army had not come out unscathed.

It all went to plan. Get them tired, and then send in one of the strongest ninja alive to brutally finish them off.

Naruto was a Kage level ninja without any of his power-ups with his new chakra control and physical prowess. Without the Kyuubi messing up his chakra control his hard work truly shone through, being able to learn nearly any ninjutsu taught to him in no more than a few days, like when he had incorporated the Shadow Clone jutsu into his repertoire within hours. Said Shadow Clones had also been fundamental to his rapid increase in power.

Add the blonds' Sage Mode and he neared SS class. Initial Jinchuuriki mode? Solid SS class. His full connection Jinchuuriki mode was just unbelievable. The branching Demon Spirit Kyuubi form was his literal transformation into a Bijuu on the battlefield, and although it was not oft used, it yielded devastating results when used.

(AN: My name for the transformation into the nine tails because it is more of a spirit version of the fox, despite Naruto having the physical chakra if I remember rightly?).

Naruto was without a doubt the strongest single ninja alive at the present. There were nin in the past that could beat him, and they may have made up the current undead, but he was up in their ranks.

Now, back to the point. They had the two that they planned on executing, so the plan was take them far away and do so.

"Haraishin Space time multi warp!"

Naruto felt himself begin to fizzle from existence as he dematerialised. The metallic scent of ozone invaded his nose and made his tongue feel fuzzy as a flash engulfed the four.

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Many ninja stopped and watched as a series of yellow flashes lit up the battle field.

The track of flashes stopped in the middle of the largest battle of the Elemental nations, near the East coast, but any decent Ninja could feel the voice broadcast Jutsu that was actually being transmitted around the nation.

The ninja on the battle field saw the blond hero, Konoha's Demon Sage Spirit, Naruto Uzumaki, stood holding the instigator and leader of the enemy in the war, Tobi, by the neck. The mask wearing warrior looked dazed, but wary. Next to him was a tall spiky haired man that many now recognised as the Kyuubi.

Even now, Naruto was a complete show off when he had the chance.

"Calling everyone in the elemental nations! I hold in my hand now, Tobi, the instigator for this terrible war. Next to me stands my companion the Kyuubi holding Madara by the throat. On this day we will smash the war efforts of these bastards. There are seals set up so that anyone can watch us on a reflective surface. As anyone in the war knows, even now any attempt we make to harm these men will be stopped by their subconscious defence techniques. I am telling you this so no one tries to stop me. We are taking these murderers out to the far eastern oceans, where we can use our most destructive techniques to kill two of the war leaders. Why are we letting everyone watch? Because it will be awesome!" Some of the more professional ninjas involved in the war cringed, the most powerful man alive was also possibly the most immature.

Most people were probably a little irritated at the blonds' attitude towards the whole thing, but there was barely a soul that wouldn't want to watch what would probably be the most destructive battle in the world's history. Three of the strongest men and the strongest demon around brawling to end a nation wide catastrophe. They would want to see this to tell to the future generations. Heck, anyone that had the rare video camera technology was recording already.

Everyone knew of Naruto's dream for peace. This was a key battle in that dream. A shared dream of peace to be accomplished by the pariah of the leaf and the dreaded nine tailed fox A dream sought after by the legendary Sannin Jiraiya and passed onto all of his students. If anything, people would have thought that the pairing of an oppressed prankster and a catastrophic demon would bring about global destruction. Not this time, not ever.

Naruto Uzumaki would bring peace.

Naruto felt Tobi start to gather chakra for what would be presumably some sort of contact technique.

He let off a sad smile.

"Cya folks!"

In a flash the two were gone.


Hinata arrived at the spot where the two previously stood, before collapsing to her knees. Tears streamed down her face. They had been dating over a year, since just after the Pein incident. After she had been put in hospital he had promised her he would end the war before running out to start this battle.

She hadn't even gotten to say goodbye.

"Naruto-kun" she whispered falling to the side. The rest of the warriors from the previous battle arrived beside her, and realised what had happened. Sasuke and Itachi barely standing with transplanted eyes that had been stored but unable to be used by Konoha.

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The four flashed into existence in the middle of the ocean, with some jutting rocks around.

Naruto and Kyuubi dropped their respective captives.

"About time that wore off, eh Kurama?"

The two had been under an odd paralysation jutsu/seal. Anyone that held onto the user for more than a few seconds found it extremely hard to move and thus kill their captives.

Tobi and Madara had already moved to stand by each other over seventy feet away.

"One last chance."

"Give up and we might not outright destroy you. Actually, we're just screwing with ya. You're dead meat."

The two Uchiha stood still, analysing the opposing pair for a few seconds, before bursting into movement.

"Get me time!" Naruto yelled. The Kyuubi merely nodded, before blurring away as well. He appeared thirty feet away, blocking one of Madara's punches with two tails and using one hand for Tobi's kick.

He spun around going for a kick on Tobi and expectedly passed through him, but then used the movement to deliver a blocked jump kick to Madara. He grinned before pushing off and sliding backwards on the water, making sure they didn't use his position to their advantage. They then slipped into a fierce taijutsu duel. This involved Kyuubi keeping up a good offense aimed to try and take on Tobi when he became solid and use of unpredictable combos through his body to hit Madara. So far no one was scoring hits, but that could change soon. He cursed only being able to get through the seal with four tails in this form. Then again for the plan to work his power had to be split. That and he had to try not to destroy the surrounding rocky outcrops. Why? That comes later.

Meanwhile Naruto started to bubble with red energy before it became a two tailed cloak. This stepped to the side and started to solidify the same as before. This time it formed a teen with longish red hair and two tails, relatively skinny and in the same outfit as the other four tails of the demon. He had a bored look on his face and a staff between his two arms and across his shoulders. He watched the Kyuubi fight the two Uchiha, waiting for an opportune moment to jump in with surprise on his side.

Again, Naruto winced at the burning sensation in his navel, and formed a two tailed cloak. This cloak then stepped to the other side of the one he had previously made. The third Kyuubi personality started to form into its human shape. It became a short little girl around ten with two long red pony tails, a little like a young version of his female form. She had two daggers that although short, looked like full length blades for her size. She fell into a fighting stance, doing the same as the last personality and waiting to jump in.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Hinata was running full speed. She was using as much chakra as possible to boost her speed, and had even opened two of the eight gates to try and reach her destination. She was not as good as Lee or Gai, but Gai had broken his own rules and taught her to open the first few gates as a boost for when she needed it. She blazed across fields, lakes and plains, aiming to reach the Eastern Ocean as fast as possible. The girl winced at the pain this caused her semi recovered body.

She knew what he planned to use. A full elemental move combo of SS moves, which would create a move unlike any ever seen. It would be a country destroying move, if not bigger.

She knew what it would do, and that he couldn't survive the blast. She had to save him.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Tsunade watched the solid image on the window. She knew what was planned.

Even the blond couldn't survive the blast, but it would effectively cut the enemy war effort by two thirds. Heck, the blond shouldn't have survived a year after birth. The chances of him dying had probably doubled and doubled again every single year of his life, and he stubbornly refused to pass on.

If he survived so far, there was hope, right?

"Don't die Naruto. I'm still the one wearing the Hokage hat." A tear rolled down her eye as she clutched at her chest over her heart.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Naruto stumbled at the feeling of splitting the chakra from his body. It was a severely painful and disorientating process.

The Kyuubi cloak in the shape of a teenage male burst into action all of a sudden, twirling the staff.

'What's going on?' Naruto struggled to focus his eyes on the scene in front of him as he regained his senses.

He was suddenly jolted from his daze by a metal grating sound. Time seemed to slow. The child Kyuubi had both of her blades held in front of him and stood a metre in front. The teen was on his other side, doing the same with his staff. The two weapons were crossing, and between them was the grating source. An ornate katana was being plunged towards him by Tobi. The katana looked rather unusual- the many layers of seals obscuring the blade likely held some significance- and could probably injure him in Sage Mode. The blade got closer and closer, until the moment it broke the skin of his right shoulder, time seemingly froze.

Tobi had slipped past the two demon forms, and was in the air, in a position that suggested.

Naruto heard every insult ever thrown at him. He felt every glare ever sent his way.

He realised, this was it. This was the battle that decided who he was, whether he would live and the future of the very world itself. He knew what he had to do. His Rinnegan eyes flickered into life, combining with that of a sage, forming yellow ripples in Sage mode.

He turned to the side, causing Tobi to continue the slash across his chest, making the wound quite deep. The teen grabbed Tobi's leading arm and yanked him to the side, boosting what momentum he had to make him go past. However instead of letting this happen, he then yanked Tobi's arm forward, effectively making him fly towards Naruto at point blank, already moving with the force of a hit from Gai.


Naruto punched Tobi in the masked face even harder than his earlier punch.

As a result Tobi was sent skidding across the water for hundreds of meters, even crashing through a few small rocks on the way.

'Damn am I glad he is tired already… but something seems off.'

In this distance he saw Tobi on one knee with his head down, before he raised his head to glare at Naruto, with the top left quarter of his mask was smashed off. His forehead had a little blood on it, and his entire Sharingan eye was in view.

"You really are the most obtuse Uzumaki I have met. My mask is laced with seals that restrict my power, so my body does not burn itself out. The more of it you damage or displace, the closer I am to ending your miserable life."

He stood up with this small speech, but when he looked up again Naruto was gone.

'Toad leaps! How could I be so stupid!?'

"Shut up!" He looked up to see Naruto coming in from above.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Tobi was forced downwards hard enough by the gravitational force that a gigantic crater formed briefly on the surface of the water before flooding back in.

Naruto stood on the ocean surface looking down.

Meanwhile the three Kyuubi forms were doing battle with Madara still.

The three of them they had killed him a few times already. With the slew of techniques flying around it wasn't tricky. There were two sides to the fight. They were trying to exhaust the man's chakra in quick burst so he couldn't use his techniques before it recovered again (a hard feat since an Edo Tensei soldier's chakra replenished at an unbelievable rate), and he was trying to get rid of them by finding a weakness.

All they needed was Naruto's signal.

With Naruto

'Damn it, where is he.'

Tobi still had not come up for air.

'He probably has...some kind of plan involving...the Rinnegan! Damn! I forgot he has that!'

In that instant it clicked in Naruto's mind that Tobi had most likely been biding his time to get a feel for Naruto's plan. In that same instant he saw a multitude of shapes moving under the water.

Naruto had no time to think as the water practically exploded with the amount of dark poles bursting from its surface.

He danced around the multitude of poles, more of a pattern of random evasive manoeuvres than actually being able to track every single pole. There were a few times when he had to save himself with a hastily summoned clone.

It wasn't too pleasant the first time he was impaled by these rods, and he doubted a repeat would yield different results.

He continued to hop around and try to avoid the spikes, but they kept coming.

"Enough! Chibaku Tensei!"

With that cry all of the spears came towards one spot in the sky. As they continued to fly out of the water they also continued to gather until there was a very large spiked ball in the sky.

"Very good Naruto-kun. Now why don't you just go to sleep and give us the Kyuubi."

Naruto blocked the blade coming from behind with a haraishin kunai.

"Don't think so. I know your plan with the moon, and it won't work." He was kicked back by Tobi, but the lead wasn't followed.

"And why is that, may I ask?"

"Cause the way I see it, the Sage of six paths split what chakra the Juubi had at the time to make individual demons that were stronger than most, right?" Tobi simply stared in silence.

"Then he used a Chibaku Tensei to create a prison for it, the moon. Chakra beasts can't die"

Naruto paused for a few seconds to let the fact sink in. "I think a thousand years is plenty of time to recover from chakra exhaustion. The Juubi is probably just sleeping in the moon. If you combine the chakra of each tailed beast to recreate a second Juubi and then focus its chakra at the moon it's probably gonna feel it." Naruto's voice took on a more hardened tone

"I can't speak for the ten tails, but you know what I think?" Tobi regarded Naruto carefully, curious as to what he was going to say.

"I think that if I woke up in a hunk of rock, and noticed my own chakra being thrown around far away, I wouldn't be too impressed. I'd find the impostor, and take my power back." Naruto stared at Tobi, expectant of a response.

Tobi did not let Naruto's argument get to him.

"I shall have all of the Bijuu within me. All will fall to the Tsukuyomi, including the ten tails, should it awaken."

Naruto couldn't help but let out a short laugh.

"Hah! You really are dumber than me. Only an idiot would think that would work. The Kyuubi has, like, twenty percent of the Juubi's chakra. That means that at full power it's as strong as five of Kurama, maybe more. It takes a Jinchuuriki most of their life to learn to control a single Bijuu. You're just a dobe if you think that you can control that much power right away. Even now, I still waste a lot of Kyuubi's power.

Oh, and did I forget to mention, the only seal able to hold the Kyuubi safely sacrificed the user's life. My father, the greatest seal master around, struggled to seal the Kyuubi. Are you really that good at sealing?" Naruto knew he would have to work on his speech skills for when he became Hokage, as Tobi was hardly even budged by his words.

Naruto stopped and stood, arms spread to the side.


Kyuubi launched into a one two punch combo on Madara. As this humanoid form was the fighting form, or hand to hand, the punches were devastating. Madara once again burst into dust. Then he heard the signal.

"Go ahead, take the Kyuubi from my seal"

It was time for the plan.

Kyuubi quickly appeared in front of the Madara, who was in the middle of forming a wood style jutsu. Typically, a shinobi battle was a push and pull situation, unless one participant was confident in their ability to immediately end the battle, or get the drop with an assassination technique. That was supposed to be the way a battle between two equal shinobi went. The longer the battle goes, the more a shinobi resorts to their deadly jutsu and premeditated traps and tricks. As two shinobi start to analyse each other's fighting style they can look for holes in the other's defence. To do anything else could be effective, but could also result in an untimely demise. After all, one combatant may have a back up assassination jutsu, and the time it takes for another to make the hand-seals for their favoured wide-area jutsu could be the perfect opportunity to fire off the assassination technique. A shinobi had to be vigilant and perceptive to the push and pull of the battle, the flow in one's attack patterns as things escalated. Madara and Tobi realised that apparently this was never the plan for the two, and were completely caught off guard by the shift in pace.

Kyuubi delivered a devastating uppercut to Madara, launching him up into the air. Within an instant the teen staff fighting form was up with him, driving a flourish of staff jabs into him. Each impact of the staff had bone-shattering force behind it. The staff wielder then slammed his foot into Madara's cheek, rocketing him away.

As Madara tried to right himself, the child sword form appeared spinning in front of him. His body was still trying to recover from the previous hits, but now it also had to deal with vicious slashes cutting through the thick ashen substance. The girl finished with a chakra-enforced drop-kick that sent him flying backwards at high speeds, before he impacted with a body.

With Naruto

Tobi rushed him, intent on taking advantage of his open guard. Heavily condensed blue lighting coated his palms, with what appeared to be a fire form of the chidori, meaning a multi element attack. He had jumped to a speed that Naruto shouldn't have been able to react to.

He was about to plunge the attacks into the blonde's chest. Foolish child believing he would show mercy.

To a bystander it would appear that Naruto had tried to spin under the attack and go for an elbow strike too early, however both combatants knew that was not the case. Though Naruto was too early to physically hit Tobi; a precaution which prevented him from being impaled, it did allow him to land a strike with his Toad Kumite, the sage aura around him making Tobi stagger back as it hit him in the face. Naruto went for a follow up sweeping kick, but it simply passed through Tobi.

This was the exact opportunity Tobi needed, and he plunged his jutsu towards the Jinchuuriki's chest.

To his shock, a one tailed cloak formed in an instant. Then with that it split from the host, passing through Madara as it turned into a red haired young woman with all of the Kyuubi's traits.

Tobi was only millimetres from killing Naruto, but he was thwarted when the female Kyuubi grabbed him in a full Nelson.

Naruto then continued to plunge punch after sage enhanced punch into his gut, causing massive amounts of damage while the masked man was at his mercy. Such was the power of the hits that the female Kyuubi was slowly sliding back along the water, holding the man while pumping him full of demon chakra to stop him being able to focus on his intangible technique, or any other technique for that matter.

"How do you like the demon chakra, huh?"

Naruto didn't even break from his flurry of punches.

"You think you can control that, well that's just a sliver of it."

Tobi knew he was in trouble now and he couldn't break the demon's hold. If he could just shake his head enough to dislodge his mask he would have a much greater chance. He started to gently shake his head in hopes of the mask slipping, even if just an inch.

"No you don't, you bastard!" Tobi took note of the large blue orb approaching his gut.

"Oodama Rasengan!"

The orb ripped into the masked ninja and shredded through clothes, skin and organ alike.

Naruto knew Tobi had found a way of putting his healing rate on par his own, and this wouldn't keep him down, it would do though.

The female Kyuubi released her captive, and dropped to the floor quickly. Tobi flew away, spinning at a high rate until he impacted, back to back with Madara.

Naruto had to act fast, as even in their weakened state given a few seconds they would go all out and make this a lot harder.

"Chibaku Tensei!"

As he threw both arms back, the rising enemies were suddenly pulled back to back, crushed by the gallons of water and tons of rock slamming into them.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Hinata glanced at the kunai in her hand, seeing Naruto was about to put his plan into action. She winced, before redoubling her efforts, tearing a trench across the ocean. She saw the shoreline become coated in a multi-seal barrier in preparation, formed by clones and seal masters. She didn't have long left. She pushed herself up to the sixth gate for the extra speed.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Seeing the two foes prepare to escape the gravitational pull, all four Kyuubi forms and Naruto got into a five pointed position around the foes, leaving a large distance between each other and the targets. All of them simultaneously held their right hands to the side.

Naruto recognised the familiar feeling on his hand. The wind blades spinning around, chasing each other to form a deadly technique made of wind chakra. As more chakra gathered, a rasenshuriken grew into existence in his palm, with the exception of being twice the size of a normal one. The massive spinning wind shuriken blades whipped up gale force winds as small laser like wind blades spiralled around Naruto and his technique. His sage coat billowed out behind him, yellow rippled eyes glaring at the target. He called upon his own chakra to increase his strength, making his hair take on a feral spiked look similar to when he used the Kyuubi chakra. It was what happened when he used his own chakra to fully enhance himself, his chakra naturally tried to replicate the familiar boost of the Kyuubi's chakra. Being mixed with sage mode, this formed a slightly stronger form, and made him look much more dangerous. As powerful as he was, he was still childish in the way that he wanted to not only be the most badass shinobi in the war, but he wanted to look the part too.

Over with four tailed Kyuubi he felt a familiar heat in his hand. Packets of thermal energy swirled in his palm, forming a rasengan of intense heat. The orb then spontaneously combusted, before morphing into a dragon's head, red Rasengan glowing in its jaws. The flame beast roared with the fury of a forest fire, ready to be used by a true master of fire. The beast was around eight feet long and three wide, held to the side by the user, Kyuubi no Yoko fighting form, also known as Kurama and the current dominant Kyuubi personality.

The child Kyuubi focused on the nature around her, drawing in water for the needed move. It gathered and built up in her palm, until a pure blue rasengan formed. The water molecules slowly merged and gathered around it. The result was a massive tempest in her palm. The technique resembled a bird's-eye view of a hurricane with a blue Rasengan taking the place of the eye. It was at least twelve feet in diameter. The small girl raised it above her head, and was completely dwarfed by her technique. The water swirling around the girl's feet and the hurricane over head made for an intimidating sight. The hurricane swirled as gallons of water rushed around inside of it.

The staff Kyuubi form held his staff alone in his left hand, and his right above his head.

He closed his eyes and focused on friction, electrical energy and his own chakra. Sparks started running along his arm and up high in the clouds simultaneously.

Next, a purple rasengan formed about twelve feet above his arm. With a jolt, a massive lightning bolt shot from his arm and hit the orb, while another bolt came from the sky. There was a bright flash of light, and when it died down there was a new rasengan. The purple orb was surrounded by circles of lightning, being big enough to extend right down to the teen's elbow. There were three circles, overall looking like the structure of an atom. One ring was red, one purple and one blue. There were large but thin fields of electricity in between each ring, and bolts flying off around it. The teen Kyuubi opened his eyes, his calm orbs reflecting the Rasengan's glow. This was yet another imposing figure, one surrounded by the static power of raw lightning.

The female Kyuubi held her right hand parallel to the ocean surface.

This rasengan hadn't really had time to be improved yet, and in this environment wasn't too strong either, but the element still applied.

The rocks around them started to turn to dust, before swarming into her palm like billions of tiny bugs. A dull orange rasengan formed with dust flowing around it. The amount of dust increased until it was like a localised desert storm around her palm, extending about three feet on either side. Eventually small spikes of iron, gold, diamond and other such minerals came from under the sea bed, forming a swarming, shredding gale of minerals made to rip through even the hardest of materials. The upside to this technique was once it impacted it would also behave like a Chibaku Tensei.

With all five individuals, mainly Kyuubi forms, holding an elemental rasengan, Naruto grinned. This would end two major players in the war.

"Katon: Rasen-raging Dragon!"

The older male Kyuubi threw the dragon. It shot towards the two enemy ninja, roaring loud enough to cause shockwaves along the sea. As it hit, a gigantic conflagration in the shape of a sphere formed. The thermal energy released hit everyone present like a punch to the face. The dragon flew out from the other end, before looping up and over to the top of the orb. Rasengan still in mouth, it plunged down into the centre of the fire, before an explosion was heard. The orb then doubled in size whilst crackling with incredible power.

"Suiton: Rasen-Tempest!"

The child threw her attack, the swirling hurricane disk spinning towards the fire orb. Instead of cancelling each other out, the attacks merged. Hundreds of gallons of the ocean around them rose into the air around the orb, flowing into the hurricane disk and turning the fire into and orb of massive amounts of fire and water chasing each other, the red and blue mixing well enough that the orb grew some more. Greater winds rushed the area, forming a full on gale around them, the waves swelled, looking like a massive storm was brewing. Vibrations shook the area, deep booming heard for miles.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Hinata sped on, trying to will her body faster. She couldn't let Naruto finish this, it wasn't worth the risk. She suddenly stopped and spun into a fighting stance as she felt chakra next to her. Sasuke appeared in a crash of lightning, his usual intense look fixed on his face. Hinata relaxed.

"Is he really going to do this?" She questioned the teen.

"If I know the dobe, it's certain. We can't let him do this, we need him. He is the only one who can beat Kabuto."

He put his hand on her arm and in a bolt of lightning ascending to the sky.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Konohamaru pounded against the barrier on the shore. Thousands of Shinobi had gathered at the barrier in hopes of seeing the battle. They couldn't actually see anything from this distance, but they still hoped.

"You can't do this Naruto! YOU AREN'T HOKAGE YET! WE NEED YOU, WE NEED YOU BROTHER! Come on guys!"

With that he settled his stance, hands behind him as five clones appeared behind him. Moegi also appeared next to him, knowing the plan, along with Udon. They could all just about manage combining basic element manipulation with their Rasengans.

Konohamaru, like his uncle, had an affinity for both wind and fire. Moegi had lightning and fire, and Udon water and wind.

The three shouted together.

"Wind, Fire, Water: Team Konohamaru Rasengan!"

The three rammed the attack into the barrier, hoping to get to their sensei. Despite the large tri element explosion, the barrier didn't even waver. Many Shinobi looked on at the young team with sorrow and pity, along with shock. Sorrow for the fact that they would see their sensei's end, but surprise at the sheer power the young teens possessed.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

It seemed everyone knew the danger of what Naruto was doing but Naruto himself, being dead set on saving everyone and not thinking of himself, as usual.

"Doton: Rasen-devil!"

The mineral storm flew at the monstrous orb, before joining it and adding a storm of dust and minerals, shredding the surroundings, before the dust became specks of magma, at this point already being one of the most powerful combination jutsu in history. Presumably by this point the figures trapped inside were taking heavy damage, but with the amount of tricks most shinobi of that level had, plus what Naruto had planned, they needed more.

"Raiton: Rasen-storm!"

As this next attack was launched, it grew to the size of the destructive swirling orb and merged with it, the truly vicious attack growing more intense. Hundreds of lighting bolts fell from the sky, coating the elemental orb in electricity.

Now for the final touch.

This was it. It was now or never. He was to end the war. With a pulse of chakra, many yellow flashes appeared all over the elemental nations. He had prepared clones to warp at least half of the opposing army into the sphere, and in turn bringing the war near its end. There was a brilliant flash, before many screams started originating from the sphere.


With a bell screech the attack flew towards the elemental sphere, cutting a path through the waves. Unseen to everyone, a lightning bolt crashed down behind Naruto, the sound covered by the attack.

Across the elemental nations millions tensed.

A five element attack powered by the strongest chakra beast and one of the strongest men in the world was something never seen before.

Everyone in the Elemental Nation held their breath. The continent itself stopped, everyone focused on the outcome, even nature paused due to the sheer concentration of chakra that could be felt around the globe.

The rasenshuriken cut into the giant sphere, reaching the centre and briefly showing the initial targets.

There was a deafening boom. The sound was heard throughout the entire Elemental Nations, causing minor earthquakes all over. The vibrations were felt all over the world. The skies shook.

The blast turned into a domed explosion, a mixture of white, black and red energy chasing around each other and sending more tremors out and huge pulses of energy. The dome covered at least ten miles in every direction, and pressed up against Naruto's protective barrier around the nations. Everyone in the world could feel the energy output, even those that didn't use chakra. The skies around the world briefly went a few shades lighter.

Then it faded.

There was nothing in the explosion site. No water, no rock. Just a crater that carved two miles down into the land, but it also rimmed up at the sides, so now water was flowing in except small amounts in cracks in the rim, forming natural rivers. The sides of the crater were steep, but for the most part it was a shallow incline. The crater reached around twelve miles diameter, which was why the incline could be shallow and still cover the area it did.

Luckily for the world the combination of elements just vaporised everything there, instead of turning it into ash that would cause a global blackout.

Maybe, given a few centauries, people would populate the crater, turning it into one of the greatest world wonders. No one could see any bodies in the crater on any surface as Naruto's barrier fell.

Many Shinobi shed a tear for their fallen hero. He sacrificed himself to wipe out the EN's worst and strongest enemies and their army.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

The entire Konoha 12, minus Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto stood at the window. There was a chorus of sobs and groans of anguish.

Sakura collapsed to her knees.

"No no no no." It started out as a whisper.

"No!" she smashed her fist into the floor, sending cracks around.

Most of the people there had similar reactions, though maybe not as intense.

Sai gulped.

Now he knew the sadness of losing a best friend, no, he remembered it once more.

Kiba stood, shaking.

"Get up!"

Everyone sat still. Most looked either angry or confused.

"Why!? Its over!" Sakura screamed.

"No. It is not over, and we will not let this be the end. We are gonna march on down to the cave. We are going to kill that damn snake! Then we head to the crater and find Naruto. He'd do the same for us. Get. The hell. Up!"

Anger replaced the sadness in everyone. They would end the last of the men that caused the world to lose Naruto Uzumaki.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Tsunade let out a roar as she punched her wall in anger. The entire side of the office flew of into the mountain beside it.

'Brat promised me he would make Hokage. Kabuto will pay!'

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Koyuki let tears fall from her eyes once again.


OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Team Naruto got up from the crater they had made, eyes wide.


They then charged off towards the distant crater, the lip of which was visible from the shoreline taking a large amount of the horizon.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Many felt deep sadness from Naruto's loss, everyone whose lives he had touched and even those who he hadn't.

Honorary statues, cities, wonders, products and other such things would be made to honour their hero across the nations, and even the rest of the world when contact was made and the story spread.

The story of Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki, saviour of the world, strongest man known to the world aside from the sage of the six paths. Many even thought he could have beaten the sage and outright killed the Juubi itself.

That week the Konoha 12 remainder plus team Naruto would end the war and annihilate Kabuto.

Maybe, in the far future, a monument would be built in the crater. Maybe a town would form around it as a united city for Shinobi forces that wanted to meet those from other villages.

Konohamaru would eventually become the Hokage.

Or maybe this is all a false fantasy, a comfort thought up by Naruto to concince himself that the Elemental Nations would be fine without him.

He had no way of knowing about the crack slowly spreading across the moon, nor the oppressive feeling that would slowly wash over the earth. A feeling that would have nature itself quivering in fear and screaming for the Child of Prophecy. Unfortunately, that child was nowhere to be found.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Somewhere in the middle of a large metropolitan city

There was a large crater in the middle of one of the busiest streets. In that crater lay a blonde human in his late teens and in an odd style of dress

He lay with his eyes closed, grimacing.

'Oh my fucking head. What happened?'

"Kit, don't move. It will be a few seconds before I have you fully repaired."


The blonde was definitely confused right now.

"Hey are you okay?" a soft voice spoke.

Then it all came back to him. The fight, the blast and the pain.


He bolted upright, the figure that had apparently been above him jumping back in fright.

The Jinchuuriki held his head and groaned. The crater was not deep, but cracks spider webbed out from the crater across the concrete. He held his hand up to the suns glare once his headache had passed.

She was a teenage girl in a blazer and knee length skirt, long brown hair, big brown eyes and a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine."

"Are you su-" She was cut off by a loud beep.

He scooted back, drawing a haraishin kunai in front of him.

"Amaterasu save me! What the hell is that thing!" He was throughly spooked. He was sure that he was relatively sane considering his line of work, so why did this metal carriage seem to be growling at him?

"You don't know what a car is?" The girl squinted. "You must've hit your head really hard, I'll take ya to hospital" She helped him up.

"No, no hospitals thanks. I'm fine. But seriously, a beeping metal box that just moved towards us, am I the only one not confused?." He gestured around while saying this, making the girl notice the knife.

"Hey! Why have you got some creepy big knife!? Put it away!" she started yelling.

"Ok, ok." He put the kunai away, slightly confused at the girl's reaction to a relatively well known ninja tool.

He heard a click.

"Hey, put you're hands above his head!"

Naruto glared at the man in annoyance. "Quit yelling." Naruto started to turn away from the odd man in uniform with a odd stick pointed at him.

"I said put your hands above your head freak! I saw you appear out of nowhere and blow those cracks in the ground. You don't look hurt at all. You freaky mutants are breaking the law if you cause property damage. Being a freak doesn't put you above the law."

Naruto just looked bored. The man had no chakra and the muscle composition of a civilian. A simple annoyance. Naruto took a step back.

"That's it!" Naruto heard another click, and saw an object fly from the stick. The object was tiny, and how could such a tiny object cause any damage. It was like a miniature senbon!

Then he got his answer. The object went into his shoulder, and came out the other side with a spray of blood. Although he could feel the Kyuubi's chakra already fixing it, there was certainly a lot of pain for such a small object. His eyes went wide.

"What the hell man! What was that little thing!?"

The man continued to wave the stick at him.

"How are you not down! Hands behind your head!" Naruto glared at the man, before hearing another click. In a blur he crouched, avoiding the bullet, before leaping forward and kicking the man in the chest, with only about 5% of his strength. The man went rolling down the street, unconscious.

"Are you ok!? You need to go to hospital!"

He turned to the girl and shook his head. He shook his shoulder as the wound started to close.

"Naah I'm fine, I'm just gonna explore." He then looked up at the buildings and his eyes widened.

'They are HUGE!'

Then, shocking everyone on the street, leapt around twenty feet into the air, before hitting the building ahead of him, and running up it.

Of course, Naruto completely missed the girl screaming at him. "Hey! Come back!"

Meanwhile, a man stepped out of an alley.

"Found the last one sir. Are we ready for action.?"

"Good work soldier. I am sorry to say we have to take them out, regardless of the damage to the city. Those people that appeared today, all have energy outputs that aren't far off of that of a nuke, and that last one has an energy output unlike that ever seen on a global scale. We cannot allow them to roam free. I am sending the men now."

The person on the other end of the phone then hung up. Everything was going great, and those freaks would be killed. They could not let such a threat to the world survive.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

Cliffhanger of doom!

To my knowledge what I actually did with lightning, water and earth rasengan is my own idea, and I haven't seen that done with them before. Also I think what I did with the Kyuubi was quite original, and sorta explains why the Kyuubi is different in everyones stories. He has split personalities, different genders and changes depending on who's in control for that millennia / AU.

Yaaay insane split personality Kyuubi!

Peace out!