Love Within Fallen Snow

Part 1 Only the Beginning


With a soft crunch, Yukio stepped out of his house and onto the snow covered step. The small flakes stacked on top of each other so densely there was a blanket of snow covering the streets and sidewalks, making the bustling city look so peaceful and beautiful in the early hours. The sun peaking up over the horizon and rising for the day, make the brunette male smile and walk down the steps, enjoying the frigid weather as he headed down the sidewalk and to work. His shoulder bag hanging onto his right shoulder and his winter coat keeping him warm. The walk to his job was a short one, as he turned the corner and the high school came into view. The old brick building an umber color, as the sunlight hit the building and illuminated the windows. Yukio letting out a soft sigh as he crossed the street and walked through the entrance to the school grounds. The snow no longer on the pathways into the school, but shoveled and salted away. The grains of salt crackling under his shoes as he walked into the building and to the nearest staircase. The male letting out a sigh, when he realized the inside of the building didn't feel any different from the outside and knew they hadn't turned on the heat yet. This school was cheep in everything that it did, and probably wouldn't turn it on till the students came inside for school; which would be another half hour or so.

"Good morning, Okumura-san!" A cheery voice called, as Yukio made it to the top of the stairs.

The teacher looking toward the school's library to see Scarlett smiling and waving to him, a bundle of books in her other arm. Her bright red hair not in a ponytail for once and wearing a cream v-neck sweater and pink tank top under it, the school librarian daring to wear skinny jeans today; despite their dress code, and a pair of black fur cuffed boots.

"Good morning, Scarlett-sama." Yukio replied, giving her a smile and a slight bow.

"Honestly, Yukio, I thought I told you to call me Scarlett-chan." The redhead said with a frown. "You're always so formal."

"So are you." Yukio pointed out, as he turned the sharp corner and headed to his classroom.

"No I am not!" The female said with a whine, as she ran to catch up with him. "Honestly, you need to take a chill pill."

"I'm cold enough, thank you."

"You have no sense of humor." Scarlett said with a frown.

"I do, it just wasn't funny." Yukio said, as he stopped in front of his classroom and unlocked the door.

"Oh, did you hear there's a new kid in town? Scarlett asked, as the redhead followed him into his classroom. "I've hears he just moved here yesterday, because his older brothers got jobs here."

"No, I didn't." Yukio said, trying to ignore the female's rambling; as he took off his coat and set his shoulder bag on his desk.

"He's a pretty cute kid, if you ask me." The redhead continued. "Brown eye, pink hair, you can't miss him. Oh! There he is!"

Yukio turned his head and saw a young teenager standing in the doorway, looking from the paper in his head to the two adults in the room in pure confusion. His short pink hair a mess and brown eyes nervously darting back and forth from the paper to them. The kid wearing nothing more than a brown hoodie and jeans, his sneakers covered in melted snow and his cheeks still pink from the cold. The teen looking at them like a deer in headlights.

"Do you need something?" Yukio asked, the kid snapping to attention and nodding. "You lost?"

"Y-yes." The pink-haired teen stuttered, as he looked right at Yukio and completely ignored the red-haired librarian. "I'm new and I don't know where my first class is."

"Let me see, sweetie." Scarlett said cheerfully, as she walked over and the kid handed her the paper in his hand. "You're not lost at all. This is room 101, American History, and that guy over there is your teacher."

The librarian handed him the piece of paper back and left the two alone, giving Yukio a smile on her way out. The pink-haired teen nervously gripping one of the straps to his backpack and looking at him, his brown eyes turning a rich honey color in the brightly lighted room.

"I-it's nice to meet you, Sensei. I'm Renzou Shima." The teen forced out, as he gave him a nod of the head. "I just moved here yesterday."

"I heard." Yukio spoke, getting a weird look from the teen. "The woman who was here a few moments ago, Scarlett, she's the librarian here. She practically knows everything that goes on around here."

The teen gave a slight and tapped the in front of his shoe against the horrible colored tile, digging his shoe into the floor and nervously looking at the seats in the classroom. Almost as if the kid was afraid of how many people actually sat them, and if he'd have a place in the classroom. The room designed with Yukio's desk in front of the chalkboard and twelve desk, a few feet away, lined up in a row. An upper level built to hold another row of twelve desks and two other levels above that, only two of the three levels in actual use and the top row completely empty.

"I'm Yukio Okumura, by the way." The teacher said, the teen snapping out of his gaze and looking at him. "If you have any problems today, you can come talk to me."

"Thank you, Sensei." The teen said with a relief, giving him a nice smile. "Do I need anything?"

"Yeah, let me get you a book." Yukio said, as he walked over to one of the bookcases and pulled out an American History Book. "We're on chapter five already, but I hope you won't get lost."

"I'll try not to, Sensei." Shima said, as he walked over and took the book from him. "Where do you want me to sit?"

"Wherever you want to, Shima. Everyone just sits where they want."

The teen gave a nod and voices started filling the once quiet school, as the closing and opening of lockers could be hear and a few students walked in. Shima looking at the student's nervously, and avoiding their gazes if they looked at him, the teen obviously nervous about his first day of school. Yukio stopping Bon and his friend Miwa, as they walked in.

"Suguro, could you show Shima around?" The teacher asked the teen, as he nodded to the nervous pink-haired student. "He just moved here and he's a bit nervous, already."

"Sure, Okumura-Sensei." The teen said, as he walked over to the teen and introduced himself.

Yukio smiling as Shima told them his name and Bon commented on his hair. The teen's lighting up in a smile, as he followed the two back to their seats to sit with them. The teacher glad he choose the right student for the pink-haired teen and headed back to his desk to get ready for his lesson.

"So, how's pinky doing?" The red-haired librarian asked, as the history teacher sat next to her in the teacher's lounge. "It's already been a week."

"He's doing a lot better, then I thought he would." Yukio replied, as he started eating his lunch. "I'm glad I picked Suguro to show him around. The two of them easily became friends."

The female gave him a small nod and poked at her salad, almost like she was debating on telling him something or not.

"Did something happen?" Yukio asked, looking at his friend.

"Shiratori." Was all that was said before Yukio let out a curse and looked at the table.

"What happened?"

"I don't know much myself." Scarlett confessed, looking at him. "One moment I'm putting away books and the next I hear Renji yelling his head off and a huge crash. By the time I got over there several bookcases were knocked over and Shiratori was glaring at Shima, who I can guess pushed him into them. Pinky looked scared out his mind."

"Is he okay?"

"A bit shaken up, but he'd alright. Renji walked off after that and pinky was up and apologizing to me. The kid didn't do a thing, but he stayed past the bell to help me pick up all the books. I even told him I didn't need help, but he insisted on it; he was late to his gym class."

"I bet Shura wasn't happy about that."

"Not very. I went with him so she wouldn't yell at him, but she gave him an extra lap around the gym."

"Maybe I should talk to him." Yukio spoke, as he looked at his friend. "Maybe I can help him.

"If anyone needs to be talked to its Renji!" Scarlett said with a huff. "That kid has got some discipline problems!"

"Honestly, Scarlett-sama, just get a counselor to help him."

"That's the problem! No one wants to help the kid! He's mental!"

"Either way, I'm talking to Shima. Do you know what class he's in now?"

"I thinks he's in Amaimon's chemistry class." Scarlett replied, as Yukio got up and left the teacher's lounge.


The pink-haired teen jumped slightly, as his name was called, and turned to see his history teacher calling out for him as he tried to get through the crowed halls and over to him. The teen shoving the rest of his stuff into his backpack and closing his locker, as his teacher finally got to him.

"What do you need, Sensei?" He asked, looking up at his history teacher. "Did I forget to turn in one of my assignments?"

"No Shima, you didn't, but I'd like to talk to you." His teacher replied, giving him one of his nice smiles.

"Then can we go to Sensei's classroom?" The teen asked, grabbing onto his teacher's dress shirt sleeve. "I feel more comfortable there."

"Of course, Shima." The history teacher said, with a smile, as he pulled Shima's hand off his sleeve. "If that's what you want."

"Thank you, Sensei." Shima spoke, as bit of disappointment in his tone as his teacher let go of his hand and he followed after him.

The both of them weaving through the crowd together, as they headed down the hall, and Shima caught sight of Renji. The guy leaning against his locker and glaring at the pink-haired teen, as if he wanted to tear him apart. His white hair and silver piercings making his glare intenser, as the smaller teen walked closer to his teacher and accidently grabbed his hand. The older male giving him an unapproving look and taking his hand back, as Shima turned back and saw Renji was gone; the hallway nearly empty. As he stopped and looked around for the white-haired teen, panic rising up in him as his body shook in fear and someone placed a hand on his shoulder. The pink-haired teen letting out a gasp in surprise and his whole body tensed, a worried and kind voice reaching his ears.

"Shima, it's okay." His teacher quickly said, before the teen could hurt himself any further. "It's just me."

"I'm sorry, Sensei." Shima spoke quickly, stepping away from his teacher so the history teacher didn't have to touch him. "You just caught me off guard."

"Shima, is something wrong?: his teacher asked, making the teen's heart stop for a moment. "You're more jumpy than your first day of school."

"Nothing is wrong, Sensei. You just scared me."

"Is it about Shiratori?"

Shima stared at his teacher in shock and quickly shook his head, Renji and what happened in the library coming back to the surface:

"You're Shima, aren't you?" A voice behind him spoke, as Shima dropped the book in his hand and turned around.

The white-haired teen glaring at him, his eyes burning holes into him, as the guys leaned a hand on the bookshelf near his head. The teen leaning in so they're faces were inches apart. Renji's black eyes looking into his brown ones and the smell of cigarettes coming off his black t-shirt and dark blue vest. The guy wearing beat up sneakers and skinny jeans, his outfit and attitude warning the new teen to behave and not talk back to him.

"Y-yes." Shima stuttered, backing up against the bookcase and giving him another inch of space.

"Are you trying to outdo me?" The teen growled, his eyes narrowing.

"O-out do you?" Shima repeated, confusion in his tone.

"Yeah, Pinky." The guy said before grabbing a fist full of Shima's pink hair and yanking his head back. "You trying to outdo me? You think you're better than me?"

"N-no." Shima whimpered, placing his hands on the guy's chest and trying to push him away.

"Then change it, before I shave it off." Renji threatened, pulling his head back more.

"I-I Can't." The teen said through the pain. "I-I just redyed it. I-It'll damage my h-hair and-"

"I don't give a fuck what it'll do to your hair. I want it changed."

"G-give me a week, please." The teen whimpered, as Renji's nails dug into his skull.

"One week. You don't change it, I'll hurt your precious little Sensei."

"P-please, leave Sensei out of this!" Shima whimpered and begged. "I'll change it, b-but leave Sensei out of this!"

"We'll see you runt." Renji growled, before he let go of his hair and pushed him into the bookcase.

The pink-haired teen letting out a yelp of pain and hitting the bookcase fairly hard. he bookcase teetering back till it hit the one behind it and hit the others, Shima on the floor the next moment and Akira glaring down at him.

"Get this, Pinky! I'm top dog around here and you go by my rules! There aren't big hot shot football jocks or cute and attention grabbing guys here! There's just me! You go by my rules, or you lose everything you have! That goes for your brothers too!"

"Leave them out of this!" Shima practically yelled. "My brothers and Sensei have nothing to do with this!"

"Then change it, or lose everything you have. You've got one week, Pinky."

"What's going on here?" Scarlett demanded, as she turned the corner and saw the destruction Renji had caused. "Who did this?"

"Don't know, but it wasn't me." The white haired teen said, as he gave Shima a warning glare and walked off.

"Renji has nothing to do with anything, Sensei." Shima spoke, lying to his teacher and protecting him from what Renji could do to him. "I'm just stressed out. I'm trying my best and I'm overworking myself."

"Don't work too hard, Shima" his teacher said, as he went to touch him and the teen backed away. "Shima-"

"I have to go." He quickly said, as he turned and ran out of the room.


Scarlett: *happily waves to all* hey guys! I finally finished typing this fic I've had in storage for god knows how long!

Akira: *frowns* took you long enough.

Scarlett: *smacks him in the back of the head* You try posting for several fics at once and doing requests. Getting this done was a headache in itself.

Akira: *readins rough draft* then why did Renji change to Reiji?

Scarlett: *glares at* cause the first time i saw your real name it was Renji when I wrote this, and then somehow it turned to Reiji. So just deal with it. I am so not going back through this and fixing it. *walks off to go find chocolate*

Akira: *shrugs and tosses rough draft* Enjoy guys

For more information and Updates about my fanfictions, coming straight from me, visit my author page and look under the Progression and Important Information section. I have updates about my current Ao no Exorcist fanfictions and a new one that has not been posted yet and is not finished. Stop by and check it out for the information.

Yukio and Shima do not belong to me.

These characters belong to Kazue Kato.

And to you guys, I've decided that inbetween some chapters, I'm going to be answering comments and any questions you have. I'll answer anything about the story, plot, realtionships on characters, or you can just me about myself. You can even ask Shima and Yukio. Anyway! Enjoy and review!