Love Within Fallen Snow

Part 3 The Reunion


Six Years Later

Shima let out a sigh, as he stepped out of the taxi and felt a smile stretch across his face. His old school standing where it had been six years ago, when he first walked through the doors; and the one place he knew the one person he had been waiting for was. The memory of that day with his teacher left engraved into his mind, and the promise he made.

Shima quickly paid the taxi driver, before he grabbed his bag out of the taxi and thanked the man. The door slamming behind him, before the taxi drove away and the male ran a hand through his pink hair. A grin stretching across his face, as he looked up at his school once more and took off into a jog to the entrance. It taking him no time at all to get inside the school, and up the stairs. Only to find the red-haired librarian walking out of the library with a stack of textbooks in her arms till she saw him. Scarlett's mouth hanging wide open in seconds, as she dropped the books in her arms. The pink-haired male biting his lower lip, before he quickly rushed over to her.

"Scarlett-san, are you alright?" The pink-haired male asked, looking at the older woman in worry.


The pink-haired male quickly covered Scarlett's mouth and quieted her, as he glanced over at his old history teacher's room a few doors down the hall. The old student trying his best to keep his location here a secret so his Sensei wouldn't realize he was here. After all, this was a surprise for his favorite teacher.

"Be quiet, Scarlett-san. I don't want Sensei to find me out yet." Shima spoke quietly, as he hushed her. "Sensei doesn't know that I'm here yet."

"Awww! Aren't you romantic!" The librarian squealed, before she pulled him into a hug. "And you've grown up so much! You look different. Did you get taller?"

"A bit." The male said, as the older woman let go of him, letting out a small laugh. "Just a few inches maybe."

"Maybe? You're taller than me!"

"I was taller than you before I went to college." The male said with a frown. "I think you got shorter."

"I'm still five foot two, thank you." The female said with a huff.

"Oh." Shima rubbed the back of his head and tried to come up with a something to cover himself up with. "Is that a new blouse?"

"It is! Do you like it?" She asked happily, as she smiled at him. "I just bought it yesterday."

"It suits you well, Scarlett-san." The male said with a smile, as he bent down and started picking up the books she dropped. "Does Sensei have a class now?"

"Yep. His sixth period American History class." She said with a smile, as she took the books from him. "The stubborn guy won't teach any other class, except American History. He's still stuck in the past."

"Then it's time I brought Sensei back into the present."

"And that's all for today's lesson. Are there any questions?" Yukio asked, as he set down the piece of chalk in his hand and turned to his class.

The student's giving him a few shakes of the head, while others were asleep despite the numerous times he had woken them up. At this point there was no reason to try anymore. They'd wake up when the bell rang and they'd head onto their next class.

"I have a question, Sensei!" A cheerful voice called from the door, making the history teacher's heart stop for a moment as he looked to the doorway.

Only to find Shima standing in the doorway with a duffle bag on his right shoulder and a grin on his face. His hair back to its pink color and grown a bit longer than it had been in high school. The male a few inches taller than when he had last saw him, and was about the same height as him now. His old student wearing a lavender V-neck and black skinny jeans, with some worn down shoes. Yukio unable to keep his eye off his old student, as he stared at him in shock and could barely believe his eyes.

"Wh-what's your question?" The history teacher finally forced out, trying to stay composed as all his students were watching them. Even the students that had been asleep were now wide awake and watching the two of them in curiosity.

"Did Sensei miss me?" The pink-haired male asked, looking at him in worry. Almost as if he was afraid that he had forgotten him.

In seconds Yukio was across the room, before he had his arms wrapped around his favorite and old student. A gasp of surprise leaving Shima, before he hugged him back. The two of them completely oblivious to the students in the classroom, as a rush of chatter filled the room. The history teacher tangling his fingers into Shima's pink hair and smiled at the male in front of him. His student gently nuzzling his neck in comfort, as the dark feeling that had been harbored in the teacher's heart lifted. The pink-haired male's presence easing his conscious, as his fears for his student's safety melted away. Shima back in his arms and unharmed, just like he had hoped and prayed for everyday.

"I missed you more than you'd believe, Renzou." Yukio forced out, as he finally released the pink-haired male from his hold. "I've been waiting for you to come back for a long time."

"Well, I'm back Sensei; and I'm never leaving you again." His favorite student spoke with a smile, as his cheeks turned pink. "I'll stay as long as Sensei wants me to."

"I'm just glad you're safe. I heard Reiji gave you some trouble in college."

"It wasn't much I couldn't handle. The seniors got pissed at him and took care of the guy. I just watched, but I'm glad you're still in your old room. I would've gotten lost otherwise."

"Oh, right! Class, this is-"

"Renzou Shima. I used to be a student here six years ago." Shima said with a smile, as he pointed to a guy sitting on the second level about two seats in. "I used to sit there everyday and listen to Sensei's class; and I never missed a single word he said."

The male turned back to Yukio and gave him a smile, as the girls shoved the poor boy out of the desk Renzou used to sit at. The lot of them practically at each other's throats, as they shoved and pushed one another around to try and sit in the seat.

"Sensei, do I finally get my kiss? I've been waiting six years for one." Shima innocently asked.

The whole classroom falling silent in an instant, as the girls stared at him in shock. Shima's face a candy apple red as he nervously looked at his history teacher and tried to ignore the stares. A smile stretching across Yukio's face, before he pulled his student in for a long awaited kiss they had both waited six years for.

The girls letting out squeals and gasps of protest at the sight of them, while the guys just sat there with either no expression at all or looks of disgust. Yukio finally separating for the pink-haired male's lips and smiled at the male's flushed cheeks.

"You should've come home sooner, Renzou."

Shima let out a groan as he collided with the wall to the brunette's entryway and the older male was at his neck. His lips brushing against his hot skin, and hot kisses setting his already hazy mind every deeper into lust, as their lips merged once again and he could feel his Sensei's body against his own. The males lips pressed against each other, and their long awaited reunion just beginning, as he felt Yukio push the pink-haired male's shirt up and his cold hands running up his chest. Shima letting out a moan as his nipples were tweaked and played with, as his body practically screamed in pleasure and his need to belong to his teacher heightening with his body temperature. The younger lacing his fingers into his teacher's hair, as he deepened the kiss they were sharing. The pink-haired male parting his lips and allowing his old history teacher access to the inside of his mouth.

A groan leaving the younger, as the wet muscle played with his own and the brunette slid his cold hands down his chest and across his hips. The two of them parting the next moment, and trying to catch their breath, as they looked into each other's eyes. Yukio giving him a soft smile, before he wrapped his arms around the younger in a calm embrace.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." Yukio spoke, as Shima looked at him. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever coming back."

"Of course I'd be back." Shima spoke, as he smiled at the brunette. "I made a promise to Sensei, and I intended to keep it. I want to belong to you Sensei."

His teacher gave him a pleased smiled, before he lifted the pink-haired male into his arms and carried him down the hall. The older not wasting anytime in getting the two of them into his room and dropping the younger on the bed. Shima landing with a bounce, as his teacher gave him a playful smirked and pulled off his glasses. The younger male automatically noticing the sudden change in his old teacher, as he nervously gripped at the sheets underneath him and the blush across his cheeks darkened. Just as Yukio advanced toward him and took no time in capturing his lips in a heart stopping kiss and catching the pink-haired male off guard.

The younger off his guard long enough for his teacher to pull off his lavender V-neck and run a hand across his chest. The brunette gently swiping his tongue across the younger's bottom lip, before he sucked on it and got a moan from his student. The younger practically wriggling under the brunette, as his body begged for the pleasure he was so close to getting. What he had been waiting six years for and no longer had the patience for, as Yukio pulled away from his lips and gave him a playful smirk.

"You seem a little impatient, Renzou." Yukio easily teased, as he played with the younger's hair. "Is there something bothering you?"

"I want to become Sensei's." The teen said with a slight whine. "I can't wait any longer."

Yukio giving him a seductive look, before unzipping the younger male's skinny jeans and pulled them off him. The older male admiring the bulge in his student's boxers, before he easily slipped them off and let the hardened erection free from the confines of the fabric. Shima letting out a gasp as the cold air touched his hot skin and his teacher's cold hand rubbed against his inner thigh. The pink-haired male looking up at the brunette in want, as his teacher leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.

"What do you want, Renzou?" Yukio asked, as he sat up and pulled off his shirt.

"I-I want S-Sensei." The younger stuttered, as he looked up at the brunette and couldn't stop himself from staring.

"You have me, Renzou." His teacher spoke; it obvious he was teasing him.

"Th-that's no what I meant." Shima said with a small pout.

"Then what do you mean?"

"I want Sensei to make l-love to m-me." The younger forced out, his face reddening in seconds. "I can't wait any longer."

"Alright, Renzou. You win." The brunette spoke, as he gave the younger male a smirk and reached into the drawer of the nightstand.

The older male pulling out a bottle of strawberry lotion and flipping open the cap to squirt some onto his fingers. Shima's face turning a bright red, as his teacher's fingers met his entrance the next moment and gently played with it. The pink-haired male letting out a moan and shuddering as one of his teacher's fingers pushed past the ring of muscles. A gasp leaving the younger as his teacher carefully stretched him and cautiously added a second finger. Shima wincing at the slight pain, before his teacher rubbed his fingers against a bundle of nerves that had him gasping out and moaning in pleasure. The brunette giving him a slight smirk and pulling out his fingers, as he quickly undid his belt and pulled off his pants and boxers. The male pulling the younger into a heated kiss to distract him, as he lathered his own throbbing cock with lotion and pressed his erection against the younger's entrance. A moan coming from the pink-haired male, as the older deepened the kiss and pushed the tip of his erection into the younger.

Shima letting out a gasp of pain and pleasure, as he let out a whine and tried to adjust to the older's length. The older giving his student a small smile, as he gently rubbed his hip and whispered a few reassuring words. It taking a few moments, before he gave his teacher the signal to continue and Yukio carefully pushed himself in till the pink-haired teen swallowed him whole. His student biting down on his lip to avoid the pain, before he leaned forward and gently kissed his lips.

"You keep doing that and you'll split your lip open." He spoke softly, as he captured the younger male into a heated kiss and listened to him moan. "I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Shima gave him a small nod and moved to signal his teacher to go ahead, as he wrapped his arms around the brunette's neck. His teacher giving him a gentle smile, before he took his first thrust and the younger's prostate on the first try. A loud gasp of pleasure leaving the younger, as he let out a whine and pulled his teacher down for a kiss. The brunette above him returning the kiss, as he started their pace out slowly and gradually quickened their pace till he practically slamming into the younger. Moans and whines leaving the younger, as he tried to push his hips down to meet the older's thrusts and gripped at his teacher's back. The both of them at their limits, as the younger let out a whine in warning and the older slammed into him. A silent scream of pleasure leaving the pink-haired teen, as he came and the brunette soon followed.

The both of them reduced to a panting mess, as his teacher gave him a soft smile and gently kissed the exhausted male. The older carefully pulling out of the younger, before he collapsed onto the mattress and ran a hand through his damp hair. Shima giving him a smile, as he rolled into the older's side and laid against him in pure bliss. Yukio gently laying his arm around the younger's waist, as he rubbed the male's hip and smiled at the exhausted and relaxed look on the pink-haired teen's face.



"I love you."

"So do I, Renzou."

Scarlett: *throws confetti* and it's done! That's on less fic on my list! *does a happy dance*

Yukio: *eyes twitching, while Shima is reading the chapter in lap* This was the test run?

Scarlett: *stops dancing and looks at* i did mention i edited it. It wasn't that descriptive in the beginning.

Yukio: you are so dead, demon *picks up Shima and sets him beside on the couch, before he gets up and goes after Scarlett*

Scarlett: *giggles and waves to camera* hope you loved this fic, my cute fans! *runs out of room, before yukio can shot her*

Shima: *whines* Sensei, can we try this?

Yukio: *instantly faints*

Shima: Sensei!

For more information and Updates about my fanfictions, coming straight from me, visit my author page and look under the Progression and Important Information section. I have updates about my current Ao no Exorcist fanfictions and a new one that has not been posted yet and is not finished. Stop by and check it out for the information.

Yukio and Shima do not belong to me.

These characters belong to Kazue Kato.

And to you guys, I've decided that inbetween some chapters, I'm going to be answering comments and any questions you have. I'll answer anything about the story, plot, realtionships on characters, or you can just me about myself. You can even ask Shima and Yukio. Anyway! Enjoy and review!