Chapter Ten

POV: Lucy

Poor Steorraniht. In the week since Peter and Edmund brought him back from the sorcerer's castle, we had kept him unconscious. As long as he stayed sedated the sorcerer's spell could not continue to change him. Greenleaf and I had cut a hole in mask so that we could give him sleeping draughts regularly. Edmund and Peter had spent the entirety of the last week locked in the library with Cheroom attempting to find a cure to the enchantment. They had found nothing.

I had even tried a drop of the cordial. There was no change. His skin was still white as paper, and the beginnings of fangs protruded from his mouth.

"How is he Lu?"

I turned from my patient to see Edmund standing behind me. The black circles around his eyes made him look as though he'd been beaten by a mob.

"Still unconscious. How do you feel?"

"I'm alright."

"If you feel how you look, you're about to collapse."

"Peter looks worse."

I smiled in spite of myself.

"Of course he does. Do you honestly think this is what Steorraniht would want? Narnia needs her Kings Edmund. Western Wood is recovering slowly, and Susan has far too much on her shoulders with the three of us away."

"She would be helping too if she could. And honestly Lu, what else can we do? Let him shift and die? That I cannot allow."

"Edmund, I appreciate your loyalty. It isn't a question of him dying. It's a question of his waking up."

Ed sighed.

"After what he's done for us -and for Narnia- he deserves to wake up."

"After what he's done he deserves a Knighthood, but killing yourself won't help him. Have a seat Edmund. I'll ask Greenleaf to bring us some food."

I stepped into the hallway and made the request. My helpful handmaiden was gone in a thrice, and I returned to the sickroom. Edmund was already passed out in his chair.

"Oh Aslan, please. Please-"

Before I could finish my prayer, Greenleaf burst into the room.

"Queen Lucy! Come quickly!"

"What is it Greenleaf? What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Your Majesty. The Great Lion is in the courtyard, and he wishes to speak to you."

I fairly flew through the hallways and rooms of the Cair in my haste to reach the courtyard. I tripped at least twice, but Greenleaf caught me. As I reached the stairs I saw the most beautiful sight I have ever seen and shall ever see; The Great Lion, King above all High Kings. There He stood, His golden mane blowing majestically in the breeze as the sky glowed a blood red behind Him. Help had truly come.


I flung myself down the stairs and buried myself in His mane. He chuckled softly, His voice soft and soothing beyond all comprehension.

"Dear Heart."

"Have you come to help us Aslan? Can Steorraniht be healed?"

"He can."

My heart leapt with joy.


"You must give him an apple from the Tree of Protection. It will reverse all the evils of the enchantment."

"Oh thank you Aslan, thank you! Won't you come with me to give it to him?"

"No Dearest, I will be waiting for him on the Great Balcony. I must speak with him as soon as he is well."

"Thank you! I will tell him as soon as he wakes!"

I turned hurriedly and dashed for the gate, racing to reach the apple as quickly as possible.


I stopped so quickly that I nearly fell.

"Yes Aslan?"

"When you give him the apple, you must remove his mask."

I was puzzled at the request.

"But Aslan, he asked us not to remove it for any reason."

"And I am telling you to remove it Dear One. I am the one who gave him the mask, and I am the one who instructed him to never take it off. It has served its purpose, and now it shall be removed."

"As you say Aslan."

He nodded towards the gateway.

"Off you go then Beloved."

I sped away towards the Great River, only to remember that the tree was days away. It was then that I heard soft paws padding up behind me.

"Care for some company, Lucy?"

"Yes please Aslan."

"You may ride on my back if you like."

"Thank you!"

I have never made a day-or-more long trip with such speed. Riding on Aslan's back, I flew across Narnia. I could see everything we passed quite clearly, though we passed it at speeds that must have been upwards of two or three hundred miles per hour. Within five minutes we had reached the tree.

"Quickly Dear One."

I jumped to the ground and landed softly on the springy turf. The Tree looked beautiful in the twilight. The apples -and indeed, the leaves as well- glowed and shone like polished silver. As I reached the foot of the tree I was greeted by two nymphs, daughters of the River God who had been charged with caring for the Tree.

"May I pick one?"

"But of course Your Majesty. Aslan has commanded it."

I reached up and wrapped my hand carefully around the precious fruit. It was firm, just as fresh fruit ought to be. As I placed it in my pocket, I was nearly overwhelmed by the apple's delicious smell.

"Come Dear Heart. Steorraniht has suffered long enough."

When we reached the courtyard I jumped off of Aslan's back, gave Him a wave, and hurried back to the sick room. Greenleaf was waiting for me.

"We are to remove his mask Greenleaf. Aslan said to."

We took great care as we eased his head upward and tugged the mask off. As we finished I gasped in shock.


Unbelievable as it was, the prone figure before me was none other than my Head Knight and close friend, Sir Martin Cordial-taker.

"Queen Lucy? The apple?"

Greenleaf's words stirred me from my surprise, and I placed a slice of the apple between his teeth. Together we moved his jaw up and down, and then tilted his head back. He woke almost immediately. His voice was weak, but distinctly his own.


"Here Martin. Eat the rest of this. It will make you feel better."

He took the apple from my hand and munched quietly. It took him several minutes, but he finished it.

"Can you stand?"

He nodded, his movements possessing a little more of his usual strength.

"I think so."

"Aslan is waiting for you on the Great Balcony."

I looped one of his arms around my shoulder, and together we made our way to the balcony. I left Martin just at the entrance, and watched him as he exited and knelt before the Lion.

An hour later Martin returned looking hale and hearty, quite like his old self.

"Where is Aslan," I asked.

"He's left. Not a tame Lion, you know. It's a shame. I'd hoped he might stay."

"What did he say to you?"

He smiled broadly.

"He told me to name my sword Star-night. It'll be a constant reminder of the events of the past few months."

"Anything else?"

His smile faded.

"He said that the apple will affect me differently than it did Edmund. I'm originally from this world, and you Four are not. It merely healed Edmund. But it made me immortal."

My jaw gaped.


"'Fraid so."

"Alright. If Aslan says so, then it must be so. But how on earth did you end up in Western Wood? And what was the mask for?"

"Well, if you remember why I left two years ago, you'll know that I was chasing after a sorcerer who had been spotted in the north. I considered it a wild goose chase when I left, but when I arrived I found the reports to be true. I chased him into the mountains, where he flung down the mountainside. Apparently I developed amnesia. Aslan found me and brought me to Western Wood, where he told me my name, gave me my mask, and ordered me to keep watch on the vampires. The rest of the tale you already know."

"But why did He let the amnesia stand?"

"So I could forgive myself. I blamed myself for Matthias's death. The passage of time helped me heal."

A painful look came over his face.

"What's wrong Martin?"

"Nothing at all m'daer. But I don't think being immortal keeps one from getting hungry!"

The End

A/N: Well, Nightslayer is finished. I hope you enjoyed it. The Tree of Protection and it's affect on Edmund are references to elekctrum's magnificent story Into the West, which can be found here:


I've already finished the sequel to Nightslayer, which I shall upload today. It should tie up all the remaining loose ends between Nightslayer and Outcast.

Critiques, comments, etc. are appreciated.

God bless,
