Lucy's POV

Lucy hugged Rachel for a long time, not wanting to let go.

Rachel spoke up with her head resting on Quinn's shoulder, "What does this mean for us?"

"It means whatever we want it to mean."

Rachel's POV

Rachel woke up happy for the first time in a long time. It's been a week since Lucy and herself were seeing each other. They haven't kissed yet but Rachel wasn't worried about it. They were taking things slow. Rachel got ready for school and was excited to perform in Glee club. Sectionals were close and she knew that every minute of practice with everyone was critical.

The day dragged on like usual. She was excited to see Lucy and to be in Glee club but it was taking longer than usual to get the ball rolling with that. English, Algebra 2, Spanish, History, lunch, Health then it was glee until 4. Her first 4 periods were the slowest it's ever been. It was finally lunch time and Rachel was already sitting at her usual table when Lucy came and joined her. Rachel was in a conversation with Blaine and Brittany when Quinn took her place next to Rachel and held her hand under the table.

"It wouldn't be a problem"

Blaine tried lowering his voice for the sake of someone else out of the group listening, "Yeah but a few people in glee might get offended"

"Then that's fine."

Lucy spoke up once she knew she couldn't catch up with the conversation, "What are you guys talking about?"

"I was just telling Rachel how a certain teaching assistant might get a little uneasy at practice if she plans on-"

"Blaine! Don't ruin it!"

Lucy smiled and squeezed Rachel's hand playfully, "Ruin what?"


Blaine blushed and rubbed his temple, "Sorry, I shouldn't have blurted anything out like that. But Rach, If your sure about this then by all means, I shouldn't stop you."

Lucy looked proudly at Rachel, "Everyone knows that you can't stop Rachel Berry.. The thing I admire most about her is that she's never apologized for her ambition, even for the smallest of things. I don't know what you guys are planning and I have a feeling that you guys don't want me to know yet so just let me know when you need me"

Rachel's face turned bright red as she tried to hide her smile by burying her head in Lucy's neck. She cleared her throat once she knew she wasn't going to squeal once her mouth opened, "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Once lunch ended they all headed towards their own classes. Just 40 more minutes Rachel. Health happened to be the longest class of the day for Rachel. She wasn't anywhere near paying attention to anything but the clock. The bell finally rung and Rachel bolted out of the door and practically ran into the choir room and waited for everyone else to show up. For once. Mr. Shue was one of the first to show up and asked Rachel what she was doing in front of the room.

"I'm just gonna do something really quick and then we could continue with this week's lesson."

Finn walked in and tried her best to brush past Rachel, "Hey Rachel."

"Hello Finn. How are you today?"

Finn rolled his eyes, "Peachy."

Once everyone was there Mr. Shue prompted Rachel to start whatever it was that she was doing, "Rachel has a few words to say before we begin today's lesson."

"Thank you Mr. Shue. As you know, sectionals are coming up. Now, I know what you're all thinking. 'Rachel wants the solo again'. That's not true. But I do want it for someone else. I think that Lucy should take it this year."

Everyone turned and looked at Lucy and back at Rachel.

Mr. Shue spoke up before anyone else did, "That's a good idea but why do you want her to take the solo?"

"Because I think that good talent in this room goes unseen and no one has even heard her sing yet. That is also why I prepared a song for her to sing with me."

Lucy was looking at Rachel with love filling her eyes, "Are you sure? I could sit this one out again, it's not a problem."

Rachel hushed Lucy before continuing, "You are the strongest person I know. You survived the most traumatic thing someone can go through and you managed to come out a better person. We all know that you can sing. You deserve to win us sectionals more than anyone else in this room. So you can come up here and help me sing or I can sing this myself if you want."

Rachel got two stools set up in front and started singing, knowing Lucy would join in.

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Lucy got up, joined in and began singing softly but got louder over time

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

They sang the song in perfect harmony and knew when to let the other sing solo for a bit. By the time they were finished Lucy was stroking Rachel's cheek while letting a few tears fall down her own.

Somewhere only we know.

Rachel gathered her courage, leaned into Lucy and kissed her.

Lucy's POV

Lucy slowly opened her eyes and waited a bit for her heart to start beating again. Everything was in slow motion again. She kept herself steady as she remembered things from her past. Mostly of Rachel Berry.

The first time she saw the brunette, the first time she spoke to her, and recalled the last thing she thought before the accident.

She loved this girl so much and no one could tell her otherwise. Time sped up and her heart started to speed up with it.

"What the fuck was that?"

Everyone looked at Finn and saw him standing up, not sure what to do.

"Is this why you didn't want me? Because you wanted her?!"

Rachel tried to calmly explain, "Finn, I told you that I wasn't interested over and over again. I didn't know what these feelings were till-"

"This is so fucked up Rachel. How could you only think about yourself?"

"What the hell Finn! Why can't you just be a human being for 2 seconds? She's being anything but selfish and if you talk down to my girlfriend one more time I'll make you wish you were never born. Do you understand? Either help us win or just leave."

Finn shut up and sat down while everyone tried to continue with the lesson.

Rachel pulled Lucy to the corner of the choir room, "You didn't have to do that... I would've defended myself."

"But I wanted to stick up for you and let everyone know that I'm there for you when you need me. One thing that people can't let go of is fearing me."

Night came sooner than later and Lucy was sitting on Rachel's porch holding her.



"Why did you decide to kiss me in front of everyone?"

Rachel sat up and looked at Lucy, "For the same reason you stuck up for me.. to let everyone know how I felt."

"Things have changed a lot since last year you know.."

"What do you remember?"

"Everything having to do with you. That's all I want to know."

Lucy tilted Rachel's face up and kissed her as gently as she could. Things were perfect for them and she wasn't going to have it any other way.