Summary: Allen's from Tamaran have taken over Earth when the JL is missing along with also most of the Young Justice. The only hero's left are Robin and Red Arrow. Only Robin is taken by the Allen's .What will happen when they come back and see what has happened to the earth. Has Mind Control, RobStar, Evil StarFire, mentioned of rape.

Do not own Young Justice or any characters in the story.

Tamaran Has Earth

Chapter 1-Start

The day started off as a good day for the heroes of Earth. There were little to no crime in all of their cities. Yes it was going good, that was until they got a distress signal form a plant far away plant. Batman looked up how long it would take to get to the plant and found out that would take about a week to get to for the heroes. They hoped that they could make it in time to help the people. They decided the people they would send on the mission to help the plant was Batman, Superman, Wonder Women, Flash, Aquaman, one of the Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Martian Manhunter. Batman also thought that it might be a good chance for some of the partners to come so that they can get a feel of what it's like to be on another world.

"We do not know the full situation at hand so we need to be very careful on whom we choose to send." Batman spoke in his normal mid-tone voice.

"That is true, but, we have to make sure this mission is safe for them to come along." Super-Man said.

The founding members looked at each other for a long time. "Remember who we do not choose will stay on Earth to maybe do missions that their full team would do. And then there is the fact that we cannot leave Earth without the entire league for too long." Wonder Women said looking at everyone at the table.

Batman sat in silent thinking to himself. "Then we take Miss Martian, SuperBoy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Artemis on this mission and leave the rest of the Justice League to take care of Earth and any missions for the team. Robin, Zatanna, Rocket and Red Arrow should be able to handle any missions the Justice League will give them. I'm sure Earth will be in good hands until we return."

Everyone in that room nodded to each other thinking that was the best idea, because Batman usually right anyway.

~Ten Months Later~

"Men that mission was long, too bad the rest of the team couldn't come with us. Why was that again?" Kid Flash asks his team and said it loud enough for the Justice League to hear him. He was a little mad about enjoying a mission without two of his best friends. Plus he wasn't there to protect them if they needed help and just thinking about one of his friends laying in a hospital bed because he was not there to save them is just tearing him up inside. At least he was able to protect his Girlfriend, Artemis.

"Will Batman say it was to better to splint all the teams, so that we could protect the Earth and that plant. No Matter how fast we are Kid we cannot be two places at once. Plus you're the people who came from this team are very lucky to have come;" Said the Flash, "Besides Bats has always been protective of Robin and wanted to keep him in the safes place possible." Flash whispered that last part, but with the glare he got form Batman said that the whispered did not do much.

"Ummm are you okay Uncle B?" Asked Kid Flash worried about his uncle, because his face turned pale for some reason. Was he running low on energy, did he need more food? When he got no answer he waved his hand in front of his face. Well theirs one more thing that has not failed him yet, "Hey when we get home you want to go out for pizza?" He said hoping that it still will not fail him.

"What? Oh sorry couldn't help but think of what me and my wife might do when I get back, hahahaha" Flash said while rubbing his head. "Besides I'm not the only one thinking about what they're going to do when they get home I mean look at Super-Man," everyone turned to see Super-Man staring off into space and drooling, "Guess he really happy that he will see his girlfriend." Flash was trying to get Batman's glare off him and on to someone else. 'Sorry Superman.'

"Hey, how long until we get home again?" said SuperBoy. Who just wanted to get home at this point and see wolf and his family that his father was introducing him to. Batman looked at him and said.

"About one hour." He said as if he didn't care, but the truth is he was worried for his baby boy. He was gone for TEN months. He wanted to make sure that he was not hurt while he was gone. Batman had a bad feeling in his gut and last time he got that feeling Jason was killed by the Joker. He made sure to tell the rest of the JL members to watch Robin while he was gone, but he will say, never out loud, because he is the BATMAN, he may, IS, a little over protective of his second son.

"Wow I cannot believe that it has been ten months, how'd that happen?" Kid Flash and Flash said shocked, because it felt like they'd been gone only a month.

"Yes it's been awhile. And we do have a lot to do when we get home as in to make sure the cave is clean and the rest of the team is doing fine and the been keeping up their training.", Said Aqualad attack like the leader of the team again. He has kind of missed that.

"Everyone we will be home in less than an hour, so everyone take a seat." said Superman. Everyone took their seats. They all were so happy to go home. It was a very long mission, but what they thought they were going to see, wasn't what they got. When they got home and saw what happened in that ten month they were gone. All of them will wished they never left.

~An Hour Later~

When they were ready to see the Justice League headquarters, only to find pieces left of the headquarters floating around in space. Everyone was quiet as they passed the, what use to be, headquarters of the Justice League, everyone was too shocked to say anything. They were trying to come up with a good reason that the tower was destroyed that did not mean the death of all the heroes they left on, but not one good thought came to their minds. They started to worry about what happened when they were gone on the mission. Flash feeling the fear and worry in the ship he decided to try and cheer them up.

"I'm sure everyone fine, most likely there was attack and no one had the time to repair/ rebuild yet," He said in his happy, but hopeful voice. If there was no one person in there group that is not hopeful, then hope will be lost. Someone has to stay positive that that no one would loss hope, because everyone just had to be fine, they had to be.

"He right it could be nothing, that's not worry too much right now," Said Kid Flash trying to help his Uncle Berry out because he saw what his Uncle Berry was trying to do .Plus, Wally was really hoping that his Uncle Berry was right and that nothing really bad happen and that his best friend and family were safe. Just waiting for them to come home and have fun together.

When they entered Earth's atmosphere they saw a big as Gotham city and just as dark too. The ship started to attack them in seconds. They were about to start firing back or move the ship out of the range, but one of the engines blew up and the whole ship was speeding towards Earth so fast that everything in the ship started to heat up. There was nothing they could do as they moved closer to crashing into the Pacific Ocean.

Rewrite I hope everyone one likes it.
