
Started up another intallment to my Criminal Minds series.

I'm also taking this oppurtunity to announce that I am moving to Tumblr also! I will contoniue posting here, but I'm moving my series and future stories to Tumblr also. So if it doesn't get updated here, check out my tumblr under the same name. It'll get updated eventually, but if you can't wait, my story is just a different click away.


Disclaim: Don't own Criminal Minds

"No!" Garcia gasped.

"Yes," Reid stated with a nod.

"I don't believe it!" Garcia leaned back in her seat. It was Monday morning and before the time that most of the agents arrived. She had emerged from her office ten minutes prior and found that Reid had arrived early as well and in good spirits. With coffees and a sugar dispenser in hand, she joined him at his desk and stole Morgan's seat from his desk.

"It's true. When Hotch gets in you'll see. He has plaster over his nose," Reid reported sipping his sweet coffee.

"I can't believe that Morgan would do such a thing," Garcia said, her disbelief reflected in tone and expression. She shook her head. "It's very out of character for him. I mean, he's protective and he can tackle anyone, but to punch Hotch in the face… that's just too much."

"Well, I remember him saying that he was going to go out with Emily and JJ." Reid's foot moved up and down as he thought aloud. "Maybe he had too much to drink. Then when he found out… well, his judgment was already ruined with alcohol, his anger probably didn't help much."

"I guess that makes sense," Garcia said thoughtfully. She shook her head and smiled. "I bet that was a downer on the evening. Morgan barging in and punching Hotch in the face."

"Well, it was a shock," Reid said as he flushed. He brought both his feet to touch the floor and fiddled with the sleeves of his collared shirt. "Although, it didn't dampen the evening."

Garcia laughed and patted Reid's back. Prentiss and JJ walked into the bull pen as Garcia stood and bid Reid farewell. JJ greeted her and waved to Reid before heading to her office. Prentiss headed to her desk and greeted Reid with a hello and, "How was your weekend?"

"Well, my Friday night was pretty interesting, other than that it was pretty much the usual," Reid reported as he pulled a small stack of folders towards him. "How about you?"

"Oh, same old," Prentiss said as she prepared her desk. "What made your Friday so interesting?"


"Oh my-." Prentiss craned over her desk and looked towards the door to the bull pen. Reid turned in his chair and smiled to himself. Hotch walked in, dressed in his usual suit, briefcase in hand, hair combed and tidy. His usual stoic expression was marred by a large bandage and plaster over his nose. Reid and Prentiss glanced at each other and shared a guilty smile.

Hotch looked over at them and dipped his head in a short nod. They waved and Hotch went to his office, shutting the door. Prentiss laughed to herself and shook her head. "What happened to Hotch?"

"You'll find out, I'm sure," Reid said with his cheeks heating up.

Morgan could see the door to the bull pen just a few feet away. He sighed and turned down a different hallway, catching sight of Garcia's door and heading for it instead. He entered and saw Garcia with her eyes transfixed on words spread over her main screen.

"Good morning, Gorgeous," Morgan greeted as he clasped her shoulders and kissed her cheek. "How was your weekend?"

"Morgan!" She cried, quickly minimizing the screen to show the Bureau's symbol on her desktop.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, catching the guilty look on her face.

"Oh, I was just reading the latest installment on Hade's Realms," Garcia confessed looking defeated. "It's this blog and the writer is really amazing. He's been writing these murder mystery and romance series and even I have trouble solving them sometimes. He's very clever." As she spoke, she brought up the page again.

"'Hade's Realms by Hal?' Very Greek themed," Morgan noted, reading a few lines of the newest chapter. "It's very descriptive. Almost poetic. Not too bad."

"The writer is Greek, but born in Britain. He's proud of his heritage and his birth." Garcia reported as she closed the blog site. "He's amazing. If I ever met him I'd totally do him!"

"T-M-I, Baby Girl," Morgan stated as she swerved her chair around.

"Sorry," Garcia said offhandedly and sounding as though she didn't mean it. She smiled mischievously up at him. "I heard something about you this morning. From Reid."

Morgan groaned and smacked his forehead. "I don't even want to think about that." Morgan growled. He looked at Garcia and shook his head. "I feel bad enough about it. I don't know what came over me, but I punched Hotch and it's over."

"According to Reid, you broke Hotch's nose."

"Great," Morgan mumbled. He sighed and looked defeated. "Now everyone's going to know!"

"Maybe not," Garcia said with a shrug. "Reid told me. I don't think Hotch has told anyone, except, maybe, whoever saw to his nose. They may not tell anyone else."

"And you won't tell anyone?"

"My lips are sealed," Garcia promised as she mimed a zipping motion over her mouth. She smiled and turned back to her computer. "Now go. Face the music. I'm sure they're wondering where you are and the longer you're gone, the more suspicious you'll look."

"Thanks, Gorgeous."

Reid and Prentiss were hunched over files when Morgan walked in. He sat behind his desk and was greeted by Prentiss with the usual niceties. A 'hello' and a 'how was your weekend?' then he replied with a response that would defer from his guilty conscience. Reid just smiled and greeted him. There was no mention of Friday night. Morgan relaxed as he pulled the files on his desk to him and began work.

JJ and Hotch, along with Rossi, worked in their offices over similar folders. The only difference being content in JJ's folders and occasionally in Rossi's and Hotch's. In the bull pen more agents mingled in and took up their desks. The door opened and closed and repeat. The time ticked by and soon the bull pen was taken up with the usual faces.

Ten appeared on all the clocks. Some people made their ways to the break room for more coffee. A young woman appeared in the doorway wearing a visitor's badge. She was dressed in a gray dress with pleated skirt. A black messenger bag hung at her side. Her dirty blonde hair was straightened and pushed behind her shoulders. Her skin was sun kissed and her bright blue eyes darted around the room. She looked nervously around at the other agents as they passed by and paid no attention to her.

Reid had gotten up to refill his coffee cup for the third or fourth time that morning. He looked at her as he too passed and stopped beside her. "Um, excuse me? Can I help you?"

"Yes, I was looking for Jennifer Jarreau?" She asked looking up at him in surprise.

"Oh, just up the stairs, second door, she should be there." Reid directed, motioning up the stairs to the catwalk.

She thanked him and hurried away towards the office in question. Reid turned back to his desk and sat down with Prentiss watching the girl. She brought her gaze to meet Reid's. "Who was she?"

"I don't know. She asked for JJ," Reid said as he turned to look up and see the girl standing within sight behind the window of JJ's office.

JJ looked at the girl standing before her desk. All she knew about the girl was that she was eighteen and her name was Alice Shepherd. She stood nervously, looking around and waited while JJ finished talking on the phone. She hung up and looked at her. "Now, Ms. Shepherd, how can I help you?"

"Well," the girl sighed and looked down at her feet. "It's complicated. My little town, Fleeton, is one half of a small population. It's one side of a fork in the road, very remote with a sheriff's office between the two towns. The second town is the other half of the small population and on the other road on the fork. There's only two hundred people in Fleeton and recently there have been a lot of murders."

JJ's brows furrowed. "If murder is so uncommon, why hasn't the sheriff contacted us?"

"My father, the head of the sheriff's office, he refuses to admit there's anything wrong. He doesn't understand that theses are actually murders." She bit her lip. "There have been five deaths in the past three weeks, each found in either unusual or violent circumstances. Before this, there had only been five murders in all the history of Fleeton. He won't ask for help and my town is under an epidemic."

"Well, we can't come unless we're invited," JJ said as she leaned over he desk. She offered her gentle, apologetic smile to the young girl. "I'm sorry, unless the local law enforcement-."

"I have the case files!" Alice said suddenly. She dug through he bag and pulled out a small stack of folders. "I copied them. If you could take a look? Offer my dad advice? Please? My town was so pleasant before this happened and now everyone's suspicious of everyone else."

JJ sighed softly and nodded. "We'll take a look." She offered gently as she reached out.

Alice bit her lip and nodded. Her expression fleetly reflected disappointment, but she handed the stack over. JJ took the files and placed them on her desk. Alice smiled sadly. "I guess that's all I can ask for."

"I'm sorry we can't be more helpful."

"Thank you, anyways," Alice said. She turned and disappeared.

JJ watched her go and sighed. She pushed open the first case and read through it. She retained the information, glimpsed the crime scene photos. Sliding it aside she read through the other one. A flicker of panic started up inside her. Confusion shocked through and she quickly read through the third, fourth, and fifth. A gasp escaped her lips as she finished through the last. She looked towards the window and covered her mouth with her hand.

She collected the folders and hurried out of her office.

Garcia had found herself falling into work. She cleaned up some files and refigured some programs on the computer. She began going through cold cases that had been recorded. She sorted through them and sent them to where they needed to be. She had reached a stopping point and had turned to stand and search for a refill of coffee. However, she was stopped by JJ bursting in. "Garcia! I need something."

"Okay, what is it?" Garcia asked, taken aback by the sudden attack on her office. JJ stood beside her and turned her chair around to face the screens.

"You read Hade's Realms, right?" JJ asked, opening on of the folders in her arms and read over the summary. "Was there a story about an old woman killed by her parrot?"

"Yes, I believe so," Garcia said as she began searching. She pulled up a page of the blog and skimmed through it. "Yea, here it is."

"Okay, was there one about a boy stabbed in one place, bled out, then brought home and found the next day in his bed?" JJ asked, opening a different file.

"Yes, that was the first one Heracles ever wrote. JJ, what is this-?"

"And one about a boy who had a fit during a cross country meet and turned out to be poisoned?"

"Yes that was the third. The second was the parrot case. JJ-."

"Girl killed by her own tricycle."

"The fourth-."

"Man electrocuted by earbuds from MP3 player?"

"The fifth, but JJ! What is this about?" Garcia asked as she glanced at the folders than the screen.

"I think someone's bringing these stories to life."

Chapter 1- End


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