Rose Weasley's To Do List:

1. Finish potions essay on Everlasting Elixirs

2. Proof read Charms essay

3. Return books to library

4. Find out what the commotion down the corridor is

I know what you're thinking, find out what the commotion down corridor is? Seriously Rose? Class starts in ten minutes and you're going to risk being late just to poke your nose into somebody else's business? Fear not! Obviously, I wouldn't risk jeopardising my spotless reputation just to indulge in my harmless pastime of occasionally sticking my nose into other people's business. The reason for the gay abandon in which I leapt across the hallway to sneak a peak at what was happening is because I am now an almighty 6th year. A 6th year with FREE periods to study, or chillax as they say...Chillax? Oh Lord, I really am turning into a grandma, who says that these days? Maybe I should take an inch or two off my skirt to distract from my un-hipness...

"Dude! What's your problem?" An outraged voice resounded in the background. Dude! Now there's a word I could use, I'll keep that in mind to slip into conversation next time.

"My problem? I think we all know that the problem here is your inability to keep your hands off my girlfriend!" An equally irate voice thundered.

"Your girlfriend? What? I'm telling you, I have no idea what you're talking about!"I craned my neck to see over the crowd of people who had gathered.

"Don't even try Malfoy," A new voice entered the fray, "Sarah saw you last night." Oo, this sounded juicy! I elbowed my way through some first years. Dad always said my pointy elbows would have been great for Quidditch. Shame I didn't have a death wish. Such talent...gone to waste!

"You're her boyfriend? She had a boyfriend?" Malfoy's indignation was now tinged with confusion.

"Has." was the acidic reply.

"Well I didn't know! She just came onto me, I swear! How was I supposed to know she had a bleeding boyfriend?"

"Well how about we make sure you don't forget next time." I almost snorted at the cheesy line, but then I realised it was the voice of Ralph McLaggen. I should be supportive of a fellow Gryffindor, shouldn't I?

I finally edged my way in just in time to witness Scorpius Malfoy get punched in the face by McLaggen. Well now. That seemed a bit excessive. Before I could start feeling sorry for Malfoy though, he had already landed one on Ralph. Unfortunately for Malfoy, it was three against one, and each of Ralph's mates quickly put an end to the little spat by hexing him respectively. Fortunately and unfortunately, the brouhaha which would have most likely occurred was eliminated by the tell tale sound of McGonagall striding down the hallway in her sensible shoes.

A moment of silence.

Then mad panic as the words, oh shit, formed in everyone's minds as the students of Hogwarts all tried to escape at once. Revenge may have been sweet for the first years who I'd rudely elbowed in order to reach the scene of the crime, however they barely realised the pain they inflicted on me as they flailed past me in order to escape McGonagall's wrath.

You're probably thinking, what are you doing Rose? Get out of there! Use your glorious cobbing skills and get the hell out of there! I know that would have been the smart thing to do, but I couldn't help but think, well, that it wasn't really fair, was it? Three against one? And he didn't even know that the girl he was kissing had a boyfriend! Plus, he looked so helpless stuck in a body bind with his legs limp with the jelly legs jinx, all while his black eye was already starting to appear. I don't think I'd ever really see Scorpius Malfoy look so...un-Malfoy like. I also couldn't really believe that everyone had so willingly deserted! Didn't he have any friends with him that would have stuck around?

I considered legging it as everyone else had, but the sudden calm before the storm that came with the impressive evacuation of the hallway and impending wrath of McGonagall must have ogled my brains a bit.

"Malfoy!" I shook him, "Oi! Malfoy!" Please don't tell me he's being knocked out.

Grey eyes flicked open, "Weasley?" Ah, such gratitude, such appreciation! No matter, I shall let slide and be the bigger man this time.

Turns out, the fates were having a laugh at us as I literally had to be the bigger man. "Can you stand? I've done the counter curses." Apparently I hadn't done the counter curse for the jelly legs jinx as thoroughly as I would have liked as he slumped on my shoulder. Damn he was heavy, maybe I should've done Quidditch after all. The increasing sound of McGonagall's shoes must have spurred me on and granted me super human strength, because I somehow managed to drag Malfoy and myself along to the nearest tapestry and prop him up against the wall.

Any other professor would have merely strolled past on their merry way to the next class, not McGonagall, however. Not McGonagall. That woman can smell fear. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing my knees not to buckle under the weight, and praying to Merlin that we weren't creating a lump in the tapestry. Her steps slowed. My eyes met Malfoy's and mutual dread was shared and our bodies froze, melded together resembling something like the statue of Gunhilda of Gorsemoor.

Rose Weasley's Thought Process:

1. Don't move, don't move, don't move, do NOT move!

2. You can do it, Rose! That's right, use your core!

3. Merlin, give me strength.

4. Scorpius Malfoy has nicely chiselled cheekbones.

5. Did I seriously just comment on Scorpius Malfoy's cheekbones at a time like this?

Scorpius Malfoy's possible Thought Process According to Rose Weasley:

1. Nghhrr I'll just rest here happily, oblivious to the pain I'm causing Weasley

2. What nice shoulders she has, perfect for dumping my entire body weight on

3. My eye hurts

4. My head hurts

5. My ego hurts

"Ah Minerva" A gravelly voice cut through the stifling silence, "I've been meaning to ask you about fixing up my office."

A swish of her robes as her predatory steps halted. "Mr Filch," McGonagall replied stiffly, "unfortunately I'm running late to my next class, talk to me later." Then like a miracle, she dashed off. Filch's odious presence prevails again! I never thought I'd be grateful for Filch, but I guess there's a first for everything. Apparently he used to be a right stickler, well I guess he still is, but his nose for sniffing out misbehaving students just isn't what it used to be.

My shoulders sagged in relief as the corridor cleared. This was an unfortunate move as Scorpius also relaxed, and we toppled into the tapestry causing a great layer of dust to smother us. Huh, didn't realise he was putting any effort into holding himself up that whole time.

"Sorry! You alright?" He asked as he scrambled off me.

"Fine" I rasped, slightly winded. "Are you alright?"

"Been better" was the reply as he gingerly felt his eye. "Thanks, by the way. For all that."

"Oh, no worries. It was nothing" Nothing? My body screamed at me, that was bloody well something! PAIN! Torture! "You didn't actually know Melissa was Ralph's girlfriend, did you?"

"No!" Was the outraged reply, "She was the one who kissed me!"

Ah, the woes of being Scorpius Malfoy, just can't fend off the ladies. Well, in all fairness, it was Melissa Green. She is quite wily... Argh, again with the ye olde words! What I mean to say is that, she is quite the...the sluz. Yep, what a sluz.

"Anyway," I cleared my throat, "Your eye... erm, do you think you should go to the hospital wing?"

"No!" The horror and disbelief in his voice quickly shut down the idea.

"Well you can't very well waltz into class looking like that!" I shot back.

"I know" Malfoy responded gloomily, "and I've got McGonagall as well."

"I do know a spell, I mean only in theory; I've never actually tried it on anyone, but..." I trailed off.

"Do it."

"What?" I asked.

"Just do it." He was resolute.

"But, I've never done it before! I couldn't! What if I botched it up and you end up missing an eye or something?" Oh man, I was starting to sweat.

"Well, if top of the class Rose Weasley can't do it then I'm pretty much screwed." How could he be so nonchalant about this?

And what did that even mean? Was that a compliment? Deep breaths Rose, focus, you can do this. "Okay" I said, trying to recall the exact wand movements. I grasped my wand tightly in one hand, and moved to clasp his chin with the other. My eyes widened slightly at the trust in his eyes as he watched me. I took a breath, "Episkey!" I braced myself for the worst. What would happen? Would he sprout another eye? Or perhaps I had just destroyed his eye sight! Oh Merlin! What had I done? I grasped my face in horror.

"Wow" My head flew up, Malfoy looked... fine. He looked fine! His eye had miraculously healed! Oh thank the heavens! "Thanks Weasley!"

"Wow" I repeated, "I did it! I did it!" I danced wildly around the hallway, I hadn't just seriously maimed my classmate!

"If I'd known how little faith you had in yourself I might not have let you do it." Malfoy's bemused voice cut through my jubilation.

"Oh shut up, Malfoy." Nothing could bring down the relief and joy of my accomplishment.

"Well, thanks, really. You saved my arse. I really have to go now though, I've got Transfiguration now."

Did I just say that nothing could bring down the relief and joy of my accomplishment? Oh, I weep at my naive optimism. "What?" I gasped, "Transfiguration?" My mind raced, there was only one transfiguration class this year. Wasn't it tomorrow though? I searched blindly in my bag for my timetable. Storm clouds gathered and the world around me collapsed as I realised I had read my timetable wrong. I didn't have a free period, I had...Transfiguration.

"Shit." I stared at the boy in front of me. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."

And that was how we ended up hauling arse after the teacher we had so valiantly hid from just a few moments ago. Ah, the bitter irony.

"So sorry, Professor!" I wheezed, as I burst through the doors of our classroom.

"Miss Weasley," She narrowed her eyes at me, "Take a seat." Phew, bullet successfully dodged. I scanned the room for empty seats, meeting a questioning glance from Albus, and an apologetic one from Ingrid as she glanced at what would have been my seat next to her. Giving her a quick smile, I all but dived into the empty seat.

"So nice of you to join us, Mr Malfoy."

I looked up to see Malfoy strolling leisurely into the classroom and nod slightly at McGonagall. How could he be so nonchalant? How could he be so casual about the whole thing? (Although the overall image was ruined slightly by the light sprinkling of dust particles still in his hair)

Apparently McGonagall didn't appreciate it either as she barked "Faster Mr Malfoy."

To his credit, he did speed up considerably... wait, why was he walking towards me? No, stop what you're doing immediately, young man. I will not be tainted by your tardiness! Nooooooo!

By the time he had plopped down into the seat next to me, I had shuffled considerably towards the other side of the table. I would not be guilty by association! I glanced up at McGonagall, but she had turned to write on the blackboard. And then I realised that it was all very clever, this little ploy of his. This whole not walking in together thing...heh, right. I turned in my seat and gave him a sheepish smile.

His eyebrows rose, but he grinned back nevertheless.

Who would have thought, first I'm late to class – unheard of, and now I'm sitting next to Scorpius Malfoy. Who would have thought, Malfoy not as unfriendly and intimidating as I thought...though that may be because I just saved his butt...

"Split up into pairs and practice turning the rat into a tea tray." McGonagall said. I stopped furiously scribbling down the notes on the board to look at Malfoy.

"Hey partner" He said with a quirk of his mouth.

"Howdy!" Yes, I did just say howdy.

"I have to say, we pulled it off." He said conversationally.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"We pulled it off, made it to Transfiguration unscathed!"

"Oh right, that we did." I nodded, impressed despite myself. "Huh, good job! We make a good team, Malfoy."

He grinned back, before asking, "What?"

"What?" I echoed.

"Why are you staring at me strangely?" He asked staring at me strangely.

"Oh," I laughed, "just admiring my handiwork. I can't believe it worked! It's completely healed!" I leaned in to get a better look.

"Your handiwork, Weasley? Or perhaps, it was just my parents' handiwork." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ah yes, to think that the dastardly Ralph McLaggen almost ruined the face of an angel." I feigned relief, "And it's all really thanks to me that your modelling career is still intact. Never fear, Malfoy, you'll get your face on the cover of Witch Weekly yet!" I said bracingly.

"Oh Weasley! How can I ever repay you?" He asked clutching his heart, "A signed poster of my latest head shot, or perhaps a behind the scenes pass to my next nude photo shoot?" He grinned rakishly.

"What?" A new voice asked with a remarkably unfriendly tone, tainting the colour of the conversation. We looked over to our right. Oops, Ralph must've heard his name in our conversation. His jaw tightened as he saw Malfoy sitting to my left. "Something you wanted to say?"

"No!" I jumped in, "I was just um, saying how um, Alf Mac was blaggin'. In Quidditch. He fouled..." I trailed off lamely, scrunching up my nose. That was bad. That did not resemble his name at all! Well, maybe if you said it quickly...Ack, but in all fairness, what the hell rhymes with 'Ralph McLaggen anyway'? That's just a crap name; it has nothing to do with my rhyming abilities at all! Nothing at all!

"Alf Mac...?" Ralph asked, my stupidity seemed to have bewildered him. Luckily, it also seemed to have taken the edge of his anger.

Malfoy seemed to sense it was all going downhill and intervened quickly, "Yeah, Alf Mac, he plays reserve chaser for the Caerphilly Catapults...what a tosser." As much as we weren't trying to cause a scene, he couldn't help but add in, "Nice jaw."

I looked over at Ralph to see the remnants of a fading bruise running down his jaw line. I smirked slightly knowing that Malfoy's bruise had completely healed. Wait, why was I siding with Malfoy? Ralph was a fellow Gryffindor! A friend, almost! I shook my head, trying to get rid do these thoughts. Part of me, however, couldn't help but feel justified in my feelings, I mean, it wasn't very nice that Ralph had just ambushed Malfoy like that. Even though, Malfoy had kissed his girlfriend, but still...

"Don't worry Ralph, we weren't talking about you." I said earnestly.

"Whatever you say, Rosie." Ralph replied reluctantly, turning back around.

"The person you are currently working with" McGonagall's voice commanding voice successfully ceased all chatter, "will be your partner for your next assignment." My eyebrows shot up. "It is worth 60% of your overall mark."

Stunned, my eyes met Malfoy's and we both looked at each other questioningly. I guess we were both trying to decide if this arrangement was a good one or not. Despite having gotten along reasonably well moments ago, we didn't really know each other. At all. Hard to believe, really, seeing as we'd been going to school for six years together, but I guess being in different houses and moving in different circles just meant our paths never really collided. In fact I don't think I've ever said more than two words to him before today...

I guess there's a first time for everything! Carpe Diem and all that good stuff! No wait, what's that saying? Oh yeah- YOLO!

Just you wait, I'll be a super hip teenager yet!

Hey everyone! I haven't written anything in a while, so let me know what you think! All your opinions are greatly valued! :)