Geez, it's been sooo long. This is weird O_o. But I'm happy to be back for a spell! This is not one of my better chapters as I'm getting back into the swing of things, but I think a lot of you will like it. It's step back into the world of WWNHA.

Hope you all like it!

Disclaimer-Don't own.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, Angel," Jasper murmured, staring down at me from his perch on the edge of the tub.

In response to his words, I simply shook my head, continuing with my work. While I agreed with him, this I admit with mild conviction, I could not help but prove to myself that I could do this. "I can do it," I grunted, scooting closer to the icy pipes beneath the sink. They brushed my skin as I worked around them, wishing for more sleek artery beneath the almost twenty year old cabinet work. Charlie really needed to improve it under here.

The device in my hand was thoroughly creeping me out, but I was trying my hardest to keep the emotion out of Jasper's radar. An incredibly tiring feat. Looking down at the trap, I began to wonder if this actually was a good idea. I could tell now, it was definitely not one of my better ideas. Glancing in Jasper's direction, I traced his shiny black shoes from underneath the cabinet door, my face hidden in the confines of the woodwork. I reached to the back of the sink, pulling out the mousetrap I was trying to replace. To be truthful, I could handle a couple mice, no big deal. But, when they started rummaging through our groceries, touching the food, that's when I got antsy.

And so, to rectify this situation, here I am, working to rid the house of the little mice problem. Jasper would be more than happy to help, but I was on the verge of screaming for not being able to work on my own lately. Jasper had been spoiling me left and right, doing whatever I asked, and I was reaching the end of my tether for royalty life. Most women would kill for such a thoughtful guy, but mine was driving me insane. In doing this, I was helping myself work my way back to pure independence. To tell the truth, the whole thing was stupid, but I had to finish what I started.

Pulling the clamped trap out, I tossed it back behind me, smiling to myself as a miniscule amount of luck fluttered into the room for me. The trap plopped right into the trashcan, scraping against the garbage bag as it did so, alerting me of my small victory. I reached back again, grabbing the semi-opened box of traps and the cube of cheese next to it. I ripped the package open, thankful to have not cut my finger. I pulled the device out, sitting it in the same spot as where the old trap used to be. I slowly lifted the latch, waiting until it clicked into place. I grabbed the cheese, hesitating. Jasper must have felt the switch in emotion because I heard his rough dark jeans scoot across the ceramic as he sat forward, watching me.

"Need help?" he asked.

My eyes flashed under the cabinet just as I made the move to slowly, carefully set the cube on the trap. I caught sight of Jasper's eyes and wished that I had froze like I always did. But I'm never lucky enough for my body to do exactly what it's supposed. Only in non-deadly situations did my body act of its own accord and correctly. Shocked at his gaze, my hand slapped down on the trap, and I immediately let out a horrified gasp as the metal piece snapped back over my sensitive fingers. I dropped my head with a groan, pressing my teeth together. A low curse past through my lips in a breathy tone, and I used my other hand to free my fingers. Jasper came up behind me, bending down over my form with his hands on my waist. I forced the thing to release my fingers just in time for Jasper to pull me out from under the cabinet, twisting me over on my back on the cold floor. The frozen tile temperature sunk into my skin as my shirt had twisted up when Jasper turned me over, and I fell into the ice, grateful for the drastic temperature reaction.

I looked up into melting gold, the feel of Jasper's fingers on mine making me sigh with relief. I glanced down at my fingers to see the red skin glow against its white background. My jaw dropped slightly, my lips parting. Jasper's fingers followed the line of my knuckles delicately, shaking his head slightly.

"What?" I whispered in return to his shaking head, watching his movements, completely entranced.

He exhaled, his nostrils flaring. "You should have just let me help," he murmured, leaning forward to inspect my skin further. "You would hurt yourself doing something like this."

I smacked his shoulder lightly with my good hand. "Hey, it's not my fault that my luck is faulty. And anyone could hurt themselves by placing a mouse trap."

He glanced at me incredulously. "That may be true, but not everyone has an immortal vampire around to help them. You do, yet you insist on finding ways to harm yourself. Plus, I could have had it done faster."

I grumbled under my breath, looking away. "I just wanted my independence back. You've been coddling me too much lately," I muttered lowly, tracing the mismatch pattern in the floor beneath me.

He sighed, squeezing my fingers very lightly to draw my attention. I turned my eyes in his direction. "Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned. "I aim to please you. If you wanted some space, some independence, all you had to do was ask. But know that I never meant to become too clingy. I want to love you properly. I guess I was just trying too hard."

I squeezed my eyes, opening them to see his face turned away from me. I sat up, his hand falling from mine. I held my hand to my stomach, resting it on my skin. I placed a hand on Jasper's opposite cheek, trying to turn his face my way. He did not budge, would not give. I dropped my hand, tilting my head with a raised eyebrow.

"You love me just enough, Jasper," I breathed. "You don't have to try hard to prove your love to me. If anything, the simpler the better. I'm not a romantic girl. I just need you to know that you love me, your presence. I can live without the presents and the coddling. Our movie nights I can live with, but stop with the candle lit dinners. I really don't like them. Every once in a while is fun, but it can't happen all the time. That's what pushes a couple apart." His eyes flashed to mine in fear, and I could see how that last sentence must have sounded to him. Thinking quickly, I turned the subject right around.

"You haven't pushed me away, Jasper. But I need space. And you need to let me spoil you a bit. It won't be much, but I can arrange a night by the river under the stars, just the way you like it, our songs playing in the background..." By this time, I was in his area. I was on my knees by him, leaning into him, smelling the sweet honeysuckle and musk scent that constantly circled him. His breathing grew sharper as he took in the scent of my blood, breathing me in. "We can make love under the night sky," I whispered, leaning closer, our faces so close that I could feel his icy breath on my lips. "Whatever you want, Jasper. Give me my independence and your help on my time, and I will give you the world. Anything you want. Love me like you want to, but let me love you back. It's not a one way street Jasper. It's you and me, no one else. That's how it works."

We were even closer now, his eyes blending together as one solid gold carat, our noses brushing one another with our breaths mingling together in the tight space. "And remember Jasper, I will worship you the way you want, whenever I want to, but you have to let me love you on my time. Don't do everything for me. I can take care of myself, so let me take care of you every once in a while."

We breathed and breathed, time slipping away before Jasper finally responded. "We'll make love under the stars?" he asked sweetly, albeit bluntly, staring into my eyes and hypnotizing me momentarily.

I gasped jokingly, slapping his shoulder again. "All those words and that's what you heard. Jeez, men."

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me, rubbing gentle circles into my back as he pressed his cold hands to my skin, lifting my shirt. "I heard every word. But, I've been wanting you all day, and I'm taking it as an invitation."

With that, his lips were on mine, pulling me straight into my nirvana. Our lips brushed and moved, his tongue meeting mine. The pain in my fingers melted away as I felt the temperature change. It paled in comparison to Jasper's icy skin, but everything around us heated as he ran through the forest, my hair whipping around us. Still, his lips never left mine. He released my lips soon after he began a slow walk, looking straight into my eyes. He switched me from my cradled position to standing on my own. My numb legs almost did not hold me. Of course, they did not have to hold me for long.

I found myself backed up against a tree with Jasper's darkening eyes leering into mine like a predator that had caught its prey. I looked up from under my lashes, burning into him with my gaze, flirting with my eyes. His body closed in on mine, and I almost gave up on breathing as my lungs fought for air. His predatory air was intoxicating and I was more than happy to be lost in it. Our eyes drew one another in, and our lips met again, melting together like fire and ice. My legs died beneath me, and I leaned against the tree, allowing Jasper to hold me. I reached up, resting my injured hand against the skin of his neck, my good hand twirling into his blonde locks. He traced his hands up my back, lifting my shirt from over my head. We parted long enough for the fabric to be discarded, but we were soon one again.

I breathed in between lip locks, taking in glorious, Jasper filled oxygen. He traced down my backside, gripping my thighs in his hands as he lifted me up. I clung to his body, my legs wrapping around his waist. His shirt was soon discarded, and everything else blurred into glorious memories. I remember seeing the sun fall, the stars popping out from their darkened confines. I saw Jasper's sparkle, his scars calling me. We touched again and again, our forms practically molding together as one solitary art piece. I could not get enough of him. The stars twinkled above us as we laid out on our outcropping rock, counting the shooting stars, forming our silent wishes. My wish? Well, my wishes simple.

I wish for the love from Jasper Whitlock always.

I wish for forever with the man I love.

I wish for his ring on my finger.

And what do you know? A few days later, there it was, right on my freshly healed finger. Now, as I look down on it, I imagine that night beneath the stars, loving every minute of it, feeling grateful that every night from now, that's exactly how it will be, filled with love and quiet touches. He was mine, and I was gladly his. We had our independence, but we were also the most dependent couple. But that was just how we were. We were the perfect love story.

We were our own fairytale.

There ya go! Just a little taste tester! If you have an idea for another outtake, let me know, and I will do my best to write it! I've really missed doing this. As weird as this feels, it's also really nice. :)

Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you have to say :) and sorry that this isn't quite as good as my other stuff. Still, hope you enjoyed it!

Like the VSA page on FB for updates on my novel, "Ask an Author" stuff, and so much more!

Love you all, and I hope you're all doing well!

Until next time...

~Much Love,
