Chapter One: The Chaotic Brothers.

"ANGELS!" Garterbelt yells as the angels sit in front of the television, trying to ignore him. "What is it this time, Garter? Another ghost?" Panty says, passively, really paying more attention to the program on screen.

"No, an even more urgent matter has come to our church."

Both angels raise and tilt their heads. "More important than ghosts?"



Garterbelt looks at them. "For once, Panty is right."

The angels look at each other in confusion. "Two new angels have been chosen to be sent to Daven City by the gods. In fact they should be here right about-" Garterbelt explains, and Lightning strikes Chuck, who explodes into Chuck-chunks, and smoke pours out, causeing everyone to cough.

"Gloves, why the FUCK did we come out of a damn mutt?"

"Well, if you would have read the damn file like I TOLD YOU TO, you would know that the way the heavens communicate to Daven is through the green mutt named Chuck. But the file also says the mutt will regenerate later, so no one really gives two shits about him."

Out of the smog steps two skinny and tall figures.

"Ah, right on time, Angels, meet the Chaotic brothers, Gloves and Leather Jacket."

Jacket: "Hey. I actually go by just Jacket." Gloves: "Sup."

The brothers stand side to side, Gloves in front of Stocking and Jacket in front of Panty. Gloves with his arms crossed, and while the brothers are exactly alike in stature, their appearences are quite different. Gloves, wearing all black, from his black leather boots with goth chains on them with a skull for each buckle, and his black skinny jeans, to his black longsleeve shirt with a big white skull across the front. The only colors on him that are not black is his pale pasty skin, his shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, and his peircing blue eyes, and the studded red leather belt across his waist.

Jacket, on the other hand, wearing a pair of white cargo shorts, and just his white leather jacket, open to his last rib, showing his toned skin, with no shirt under neath. His short cropped hair as black as obsidian, and his eyes a soothing dark green jade. His skin was tanned, unlike his brother's, and while his brother wore a necklace with a silver skull on it, he wore a simple necklace of white and blue beads, with a small gold medallion on it.

And of course, Jacket with his White leather jacket, and Gloves with his studded black leather gloves.

Garterbelt nods. "I shall leave you four to get acquainted with each other." He leaves, heading to his sanctuary under the pulpit of the church.

When he's gone, the girls oggle the boys, and the guys try to avoid doing the same, but seeing the girls' eyes wander over the guys' bodies. Chuck slowly reforms in the hallway behind them. Gloves scratches the back of his head and pulls a plastic wrapper out of his pocket, and opens it, putting a jawbreaker in his mouth, while stocking watches intently, eyes wide.

"I-is that a-a-a" She stammers, and Gloves chuckles and holds up the wrapper. "Yep. A King Sweet Jawbreaker from heaven. Want one?" He winks at her and pulls out three more out of his pocket. "I love them. I have a lot of heaven sweets in my bag, actually."

Stocking is rendered speechless and looks at the big black leather bag at his foot, with their luggage and looks up into his icy blue eyes. "C-can i?"

He smirks and opens a jawbreaker, "Open your mouth." She does, and slowly sticks out her tongue. He smiles and gently places the sweet jawbreaker on it, and she takes it into her mouth, her tongue bursting with sugary goodness, her eyes turning to hearts and holding her hands to her breast, over her heart. "MMMMMMmmmmm!"

Gloves smiles and picks up his bag. "Stocking, right? I remember reading you like sweets. I decided to take ALL of mine down with me. Maybe you can show me to my room, and I can share more with you?" She looks at him and his bag, her heart soaring and takes his hand and rushes away, her foot colliding with Chuck's head, sending him out through a window, and she slams the door behind them in Glove's room.

Jacket laughs. "They are going to get along just fine." Smirks as he looks over Panty's backside as she is turned to watch the other two take off. "Wow. They really weren't kidding about there already being angels here."

Panty flips her hair, trying to appear dissinterested. "Just, stay out of our way. We were having enough problemso collecting our own Heavens."

Jacket smirks. "Oh? Didn't you know? We have to get a total amount of coins. It's not every gender for themselves. We work together to get everything done now."

She whirls on him, "WHAT?"

"At least, that was what we were told while we were still up in heaven. Looks like we're going to be here for a while." He smirks and turns to walk away, but Panty grabs a handful of his white leather jacket, accidentally pulling the zipper all the way off, and revealing his toned abs, and a nice eight pack, which she stares at and he smirks at her.

"Need something, Panty?"

She blushes and walks away. "I've got to go take care of some things. Find your room yourself, big boy."

He shrugs and zips his jacket back up, and Panty bites her lip in regret as Jacket picks up his bag and walks off, looking for a spare room.

Meanwhile, in Glove's room, his bag of sweets is open, and sorted on the carpet, and Stocking is oggleing him and his treasure, mouth watering.

"Here try this one." Glove holds out a piece of rainbow colored candy, which Stocking takes and pops in her mouth, moaning in delight. "MMMmmmmmm!"

Gloves laughs at her, good naturedly, and takes a few more jawbreakers and puts them in his pocket, holding out a Cherry Heaven Taffy which she immediately holds in her hand, still in the wrapper, looking into his kind, icy blue eyes, as he opens up his bag and reaches in. She smirks, "So what is your sin?"

Gloves looks at her. "Pardon?"

"Your sin. The reason yall have come down to earn your way back?"

"Oh….Envy...I sometimes wish I was my brother, Jacket. He always seems to know what to do, and I'm just the destructive one." He looks down inside the bag, frowning and sighs. "I just don't feel… wanted. And I really resent my brother for getting all the good looks."

Stocking tilts her head. "All the good looks? But your amazing, Gloves!"

He laughs and shrugs. "If you think so. By the way, someone up top said you were looking for one of these?" He holds up a Jean-Paul Heaven pudding.

Her eyes grow wide. "But the 500 year waiting list…"

He smirks and winks at her. "Special deal. I know a guy who knows a guy." Holds it out to her and she tackles him, and takes it, hugging him. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and draws back, blushing.

He blushes and takes out another, and smiles. "Let's eat them together."

She nods and they go out to the kitchen, grabbing spoons and sit on the sofa, slowly eating the pudding of dreams, smiling and laughing.

Jacket watches from behind the corner. He smiles, turning to walk away, but runs into Panty, knocking her to the ground. "Oh, sorry, Angel." Reaches out to help her up.

She frowns and pushes his hand away. "I don't need your help, I can manage my own."

He rolls his eyes. "Careful, or Vanity will also be your sin."

She snorts. "I got kicked out cause of Lust. I'm good on Vanity for now, I can control myself around anyone but those Demon Sisters. Especially that bitch, Scanty."

He smirks. "I know."

She looks up into his dark jade eyes and looks away as her legs melt. "So, what was your downfall?"

He smirks. "Pride. But who can't be when you look this good?"

She nods and laughs, putting a hand on his chest. "Mmmm…such lean muscles…" She bites her lip, getting wet.

He winks at her and smiles. "But that's not the only thing you want to touch. Is it?"

She nods and looks up into his eyes seductively.

He leans into her ear and whispers, "…Too bad. Maybe next time." He walks away, leaving her high and wet.

She growls and walks to her room, slamming the door. "Stand me up? Doesn't he know he'd be lucky to even attract my attention? How DARE he!" She mutters, taking off her panties and shooting a target full of holes in a horny rage.

The smoke from the gun clears and she falls back on her bed, looking up… "But those eyes…"

Jacket stands outside the door, listening to her vent and walks away, smirking.

Stocking finishes her last bit of pudding and leans against Gloves, smiling happily, and moaning in joy. He smirks and puts his jar on the table next to hers, leaning back. Stocking lets out a small burp and blushes, embarrassed. Gloves smirks and lets out a belch too, and winks at her.

Their moment together is interrupted by a Bolt of lighting hitting the church, and Garter's voice ringing out throughout the church. "ANGELS!"

_Author's note: Hey, its me again. DaXlyn. And no, im not dead. I WAS ACTUALLY working on my pokemon story, because I got my laptop fixed, and had written about 2 new chapters and it wouldn't connect to internet anymore. Then I decided: To Fking hell with it.

And grabbed a different computer to post this with. I was just super excited about this one, because ive been into panty and stocking lately. Btw, if anyone can give me a link in a comment to a nice Stocking LEMON, then that would be great.

This story of the two brothers are actually me and my best friend, Riccardo. Can you guess which one of us are which brother? And, YES, we are really like that in real life. Anyways, comment, question, like, favorite. Anything, below, story, now. Just no spam.