A/N: Hey Everyone! It's been a while since I updated this story and my other one but I'm writing…slowly! I did post up a one shot but then it got removed because of –cough- mature content –cough- which really surprised me because that was the first time one of my stories actually got removed.

Please let me know if you guys want me to repost it though ;) Other than that I apologize for any mistakes, as always I have no beta and try to look over everything a zillion times but I can never catch them all.

Disclaimer: Don't own.

Chapter 10



"I'm glad to see that you've adjusted well Naruto," a strong voice filled the silent air. The blonde's hands continued to scribble down swiftly on the rough piece of paper with his quill pen. It was the fifth one he'd gone through that week seeing as he was quite far behind on his studies. His tutor was extremely proud that Naruto was being so studious but in truth, the prince was just trying to occupy his mind so thoughts of a certain someone wouldn't surface.

"Now after that paragraph I want you to skip to the next line and write down the facts in which I'm about to tell you. You'll be quizzed on them later this week so listen well," The elder man instructed, whilst pointing his finger down for extra effect. Naruto nodded and let his hand slide down to begin.

"Three months-

It's been three months since I've seen him…has it really been that long?

-is the average length of a season." The instructor spoke out loud. "The mating season usually begins around the spring. Life-"

Life seems stagnant…I feel like I'm going nowhere since I've met him…

"-Excuse me, many lives are born during this time, which allows plenty of time for nature to work its course and allow the young newborns to grow. I want-"

I want to see him….no…I can't…he's a bastard, one that doesn't deserve my sympathy.

"-you to record down some of the most common types of mammals and what their off springs are denoted as. Your studies will end with that today; we can continue with the history of neighboring Kingdoms tomorrow."

Naruto stood up and thanked his teacher properly before the old man walked out of the room with an armful of notes. Honestly, he really didn't need to know about different mammals and what they did. He'd much rather be doing some chores, anything else…but of course, the crown prince wasn't allowed to do that. The crown prince wasn't allowed to do anything but eat, sleep and study.

Naruto sighed loudly to himself; he was back at square one again. Being caged up in a royal palace, he felt as if he was suffocating with no purpose in sight. At least back at the orphanage everyday was unexpected albeit maybe good or bad, it was still unexpected. That's what Naruto loved about life there. Not having a schedule, not having to plan out what things were next after what. He just wanted that freedom back…

"Naruto," A calm voiced said from the open door. The blonde turned to see his mother with a concerned look on her face, stepping inside and closing the door with a soft thud behind her. "Are you okay sweetie? I knocked on the door a couple of times and called out your name…but you didn't seem to hear me."

"Oh, sorry mom, I just zoned out for a second but….I'm fine." The prince answered back with a forced grin. It seemed like he'd been doing a lot of that lately. "How's everything going with the new route system for importing spices?"

"It's progressing along but I'm still unsure about the details. Your father is in his study room right now if you want to talk to him? I'm sure he'd be ecstatic to know that you've taken an interest to the topic."

He nodded absentmindedly, pushing out from beneath the desk and stretched his sore limbs. It had been a good couple of days since he'd seen his father because he'd been so busy keeping his mind occupied. "I think I just might pay him a visit then." He stated casually to his mother. Walking towards the queen, he reached her within three strides and kissed her cheek lovingly.

"Naruto, I know that it's hard that you've been pushed back into this life but if you ever want to just talk, I'm here for you." His mother let out in concern. She held her right hand up to her son's scarred cheek and caressed it lovingly. "If there's anything you ever need to get off your chest, good or bad I'll always listen."

Naruto gave in to the touch but didn't let it linger too long as he clasped his mother's hand with his own and smiled. "I know mom, there's no need to worry about me."

With that said he dropped her hand back casually down her side and proceeded out the door. "I'm going to find dad to further discuss the trade route alternative." He didn't wait for a response as he stepped through the heavy wooden doors, closing it slightly behind him. The prince couldn't help but feel a bit distant lately from his parents…especially his mother. They were always so close in the past but even now, he couldn't find the place to voice his real opinions. He should be happy; being back in the palace…never having to portion his food out to last for the week. Never having to hear an earful from Sakura about mindless things nor wash the clothes for the little kids. Thinking back to the orphanage he realized how much he missed those times. The life of royalty was only a façade for people to desire. In all honesty, it wasn't as good as people made it out to be.

Walking down the rich corridors, he tried to shake the pointless thoughts away. They were doing him no good anyway to be aimlessly complaining about what had happened. Letting out a small sigh, he continued forward to the grandeur double doors that signaled his father's study. The blonde prince hadn't really bothered to venture to the room since he was younger but knowing his dad, everything was probably still in the same place as it was years ago. He stopped right in front of the deep dark brown doors and lifted a hand to knock. Two knocks later and some scrambling from the other side, the door was opened effortlessly to reveal a disheveled king.

"Naruto!" Minato exclaimed, definitely surprised by his son's visit. "Um…come in."

His son only smiled at his lack of organization and moved forward. As expected, the long oval table in the room was littered with maps and foreign documents. Quill pins were scattered around the table sloppily, as well as partnering empty ink bottles. The prince let out a small chuckle at his father's messiness. Yes, nothing had changed at all about the room. The bookshelves that lined the walls of the huge study were still dusty from lack of reading. And if Naruto looked hard enough, he could probably still make out the ink stain under the table that he'd spilled years ago.

"Did you need something Naruto?" Minato asked, snapping him out of his reminiscence. He saw his dad scurry around, trying to tidy as much of the disorganized table as possible, which was a wasted effort.

"Actually, I wanted to-"

Before Naruto could even finish though, the door to the study was suddenly opened to reveal a brown haired guard captain. His hair was pulled up into a short pony tail that rested just on the top of his hair, giving off a pineapple like shape to his head.

"Oh, my apologies your majesty, I thought-"

"It's alright Shikamaru, I definitely lost track of time and forgot about the message. Please come in." The King motioned warmly to the visitor. Blue orbs focused on the other's figure as he shut the door behind him, noting the Oden emblem on the other's tunic. It was obvious that the man was a high ranking officer due to the crest seal he was sporting on the fabric.

"Oh, Shikamaru, I don't think I've had the pleasure of introducing my son to you. Naruto, this is Shikamaru Nara, Oden's guard captain and strategist. Shikamaru, this is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, prince of Lavonia."

"It's an immense honor to be finally meeting the ever so popular prince," Shikamaru stated with a respectful bow. "I've heard nothing but great things about you."

"Please, call me Naruto and the honor is mine to be meeting someone of such high standards as well as notable experience." The prince replied back with a nod of his head.

"Great, now that you two have been acquainted." His father stated casually. "What brings you here to us with such great emergency Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru cleared his throat, wondering idly if he should let the information slip to the younger blonde. Regardless, he was there on a mission and seeing as it was also Naruto's kingdom, he had a right to know as well.

"There's been a shortage of supply in Oden with the revolution going on. Not only are the soldiers not getting enough to eat but the citizens are starving as well. The resistance army is holding up better than we first thought and because of our underestimation, we're suffering." The brunette explained to the Lavonian King. "It wasn't written in the original contract but as our ally; please grant us some supplies and more reinenforcements to end this suffering."

There was a long silence held within the room as Shikamaru bowed his head down, pleading for help. Naruto looked to his father's calm and collected expression, wondering what could be going on in the man's head. It was true that they were allied with Oden but as King, his father would have to see how much supply was available to the Lavonian people first and as well as fighting bodies. He knew how much his dad hated unnecessary bloodshed but, could it be helped?

"How many men do you need?" The King answered at last with a different tone in his voice. Shikamaru whispered his thanks and looked up to the powerful man. "At least a hundred more your majesty, the resistance army has recruited and brainwashed many of the civilians to join their cause. It's not just men but women as well that are teamed up against us. We've forced a good bit into submission but many have died for this misguided justice. Oden is in complete disarray since Sasuke's return, battling for the Kingdom he's been injured multiple times and couldn't come face you himself. The travel here would have worn his body out more, so I came in his place."

Naruto's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Sasuke's name. Sasuke was hurt? Who could have done it? What was the situation now? All these thoughts and crazed feelings erupted inside the prince and he couldn't help but want to find a horse as quickly as possible to ride to Oden.

"I understand." Was the only response his father could voice out. "I have complete faith and trust in you Shikamaru and in Sasuke as well. I know that if Oden can be revived, it will become a great Kingdom again like it used to be. For that, I will help out as much as I can."

It was hard for Naruto to keep quiet the whole time as the two continued discussing the impending aid that Oden needed. As much as the prince wanted to comment, his thoughts kept lingering on the fact of a wounded Sasuke.

"Father," Naruto said at last, stopping both of the men in mid-sentence. "I want to lead the reinenforcement troop to Oden."

Minato turned at his son's outburst, shocked that his son would willingly risk his life. "That's out of the question Naruto, as of right now, we are not in the best relations with the resistance army. Adding you into the mix would only cause more of a burden to the Oden army."

The shorter blonde flinched a little at the last statement, the harsh words really taking a sting. "I'm more than capable of such a task father, and I'm not stupid when it comes to battle tactics. I've been trained in this ever since I was young, just because of past events it doesn't change my intelligence, not to mention my skill level."

Electric cobalt eyes shot at the young blonde spouting such nonsense, the King's lips thinned out in a tight line wanting to retort to his son. "I don't doubt your intelligence Naruto, it's just that I don't want to risk your life for this trivial matter."

"This isn't a trivial matter father. I understand your thoughts but the revolution is partially my fault for not going through with the contract to ally our countries together. I want to make things right and fight to bring Oden back to the way it once was."

The king sighed loudly at his son's stubbornness. "Naruto, the fall of Oden had nothing to do with the contract. Rebels were already planning on over throwing the kingdom; it was only a matter of time before a revolution broke out so there's no need to play the scapegoat."

Naruto bit the inside of cheeks noting that his father wasn't giving in. At least bickering with Sasuke had somewhat of a positive that strengthen his ability verbal retaliation. "Father…I'm not trying to play at anything here. Didn't you once say that a prince's duty is to his Kingdom? You do whatever is asked to make sure the future of Lavonia never falters but only rises in glory? With Oden's help we can continue to thrive beautifully like we have before the mess began. Have faith in me your majesty…and let me go."

Shikamaru could only stare at the overdue conversation that the father and son were finally having. How troublesome that he had to be stuck in the middle of it though. "If I may, your highness, it would be an immense honor to have the Prince lead the Lavonian army to help achieve this victory. The Lavonian soldiers will only be more motivated to have their prince through fighting alongside with them."

The prince's eyes widened at the guard's response. He'd thank his lucky stares to have that guy on his side. Looking back at his father's face, he could tell that his father was contemplating the thought more, all thanks to the Shikamaru's opinion.

"I have to think this over, as well as talk to your mother Naruto. Please take Shikamaru to the guest room and help him with anything else he needs."

The prince nodded obediently while motioning the guard towards the door. The brunette bowed one more time to the king before following his son. Filing out, the doors were closed quietly behind them and Naruto began walking ahead, his mind drifting elsewhere.

"The room is just a little bit down the corridor to the left," he said, wanting to drown out his thoughts completely. All he received in return was a nod and thus the quietness resumed. It wasn't even a second later that Naruto surfaced another statement.

"If there's anything you need, I can send for a-"

"I know you want to ask about Sasuke," Shikamaru said to the blonde prince as they continued down the hall. Naruto couldn't help but smile at how different the guard was acting now that his father wasn't around. More over though, he was surprised at how well the guy could read him. It reminded him immensely of Kiba and the crazy attitude he had.

"That thought hasn't even crossed my mind," Naruto lied casually. Although anybody with a right mind would be able to see through the words.

"Che, that's usually the same response I get from Sasuke when it's about you."

"Doesn't surprise me one bit," the prince let out bitterly, sounding a bit resentful. "How's he holding up anyway?"

Shikamaru shook his head back and forth whilst letting out a soft chuckle. He wasn't an idiot as to not catch the undertone of concern in the other's voice. Sasuke and Naruto were so alike and yet, so different. "I thought you didn't care?"

"I….I don't. I'm just wondering about medical needs…. and what not…."

"And you both are equally bad liars but, he's fine. Just a few broken ribs, cuts on his lower abdomen…nothing too serious that can't be handled."

Naruto nodded in response and continued on quietly, glad that the brunette couldn't hear how fast his heart was beating. It was such a relief to hear that the Uchiha was okay…well okay enough.

"Look Naruto, don't worry so much." Shikamaru let out to the silent man. "Sasuke isn't weak; he knew what he was getting himself into by trying to restore the kingdom."

"I'm not worried about-"

"Look," the guard answered, stopping the prince mid-sentence in what he was about to say. The brunette halted and stared deeply into the others eyes. "You might not admit it but I know that you care deeply for Sasuke or else you wouldn't bother fighting your father to go. I just hope that you and Sasuke can both understand your feelings rather than be forced to confront it through drastic measures."

The blonde prince stared at Oden's strategist, not able to say anything because the other man was right. He noticed Shikamaru sighed and muttered something along the lines of troublesome before continuing on.

"Kushina, we need to talk," Minato began as he entered into the outdoor garden she loved so much. The sun was high in the sky, no clouds in sight and the wind was nicely breezing through the backyard space. The red head turned around and greeted her husband with a lovely smile before slowly trotting over to his tense form.

"What is it Minato?" She asked in concern as she saw the distant look looming in his eyes. Her husband and son were so easy to read, it was such a mess that they were ever so stubborn as to never let out their concerns.

"Naruto wants to head out with the troops to fight against the rebels in Oden."

"I don't think that it's such a bizarre idea Minato." The red head quickly replied back to her spouse. She could tell by the look on the King's face that he wasn't too happy with her answer. "Hear me out, Naruto is a growing boy…a man now. He needs to be able to make his own choices and seek his own life. The reason he ran away in the first place was because we were too strict and controlling…you need to let him go Minato. He needs to be treated like a man."

The king could only stare in awe at the words coming from his wife's mouth. How could she say such things about their little boy? He didn't want to throw Naruto out into such a cruel world and definitely not into Uchiha territory either.

"Honey, are you thinking about this logically. Naruto is our only son, why are you so eager to send him off to battle?"

The huffed in awe at her husband's naivety, she just want to hit him upside the head for being so inconsiderate of their son's feelings. Minato was so distraught over Naruto's actions years ago that he still couldn't forgive himself after their son's return. The king was so over protective of Naruto, that it created a massive blinding crutch. Kushina had long realized this mistake and knew that even if it was against her own personal wishes, she had to let her son do as he wanted. She had to let him make his own choices and learn from his own mistakes. That was the job of a parent.

"Minato," the red head began gently, taking in the King's rough hands. Squeezing them tightly she looked into the other's oceanic eyes and smiled caringly, trying to make him understand the situation. "Naruto isn't a boy any more, he's a grown man. When you were his age, you were already in line for the throne, trained to know what to do in times of crises. It's time to let Naruto do the same. He is more than capable of fighting and well informed of tactical decisions when it comes to war. He just needs the experience now, to prove his skills to you, your majesty. Please, have faith in your son."

It took a while for the words to sink in but Minato contemplated silently on the decision. It was true, Naruto wasn't that little boy he used to run chase around the gardens anymore. Heck when Minato was his age, God knows how much he had already done. There was no reason he should hold Naruto back from fulfilling his duties as king one day.

"You're right…I...I've been so blinded all this time not seeing that by protecting him…I've only been smuggling his emotions. I just wanted him to be safe…"

"But you have to let him make his own decisions, it's for the best." Kushina finished for him. Stepping closer to the love of her life, she lifted herself lightly to peck him quickly on the lips.

"I suppose you're right…it is for the best."

Naruto nearly jumped out of bed as soon as the sun's rays of light sneaked past the heavy curtains. Completing his normal morning routine with much controlled calamity, the blonde eagerly sought out his father after breakfast, wanting to get finality on the situation, The blonde's heart thumped with each step it took to get to those familiar doors. There was a high possibility that his father would refuse the thought all together but the prince had a good feeling. He just had to believe.

Not even bothering to knock, Naruto easily turned the bronze handle and let himself in. His father was standing beside Shikamaru, pointing at a random map, deep in conversation with the guard captain. The blonde prince cleared his throat to catch the two men's attention and when both pairs of eyes settled on him, he couldn't help but scratch at his head in embarrassment.

"So …father…" Naruto began, feeling butterflies all over his stomach. He had mentally prepared this whole speech but at the sight of his father's face, all the words just fluttered away.

Minato didn't give an answer right away as he pushed the documents to the side. There was a tense silence that followed afterwards, azure eyes locked on to the king's every movement.

"Shikamaru…I'm entrusting my son's well-being to you, please take good care of him." The Lavonian King let out at last to the standing guard.

The brunette guard was caught off guard for just a millisecond before nodding with a reply. "It would be an honor and a duty that I hold myself completely responsible for your majesty, please have faith that you can count on me to safely bring Naruto back."

"As for you Naruto," The king muttered turning towards his only son. "My only condition is that you change your whole demeanor. No one in Oden has ever seen the Lavonian prince, so you will be disguised as a regular soldier to hide your identity. I've already sent a message over to Kiba to inform the infantry to keep your status a secret since our troop will recognize you. Please be careful my son."

The younger blonde was standing there in awe at the outburst, more than prepared to rebuttal his father's disagreement but this was unexpected! He didn't really think that his father would actually let him travel to such a dangerous place but who was he to argue.

"Thank you father," the prince responded with a beautifully lit smile.

Minato returned the smile automatically with one of his own. He was doubtful to let his son go but after seeing this reaction, maybe he needed to loosen up on Naruto a bit more. "Shikamaru can show you to the guard's main station so you can get changed; the day's still early so I'm sure you can get everything situated to go. I've already informed Captain Lee of the necessary items and plans, just meet up with him Shikamaru to discuss the rest."

"Yes your majesty." The guard replied, inwardly cringing at the thought of Captain Lee. How troublesome.

After finishing up with Minato, Shikamaru led Naruto way out towards the infantry field. They were all a total of four infantry bases that were located within the kingdom; one in the front of the gates, two towards the center and one a mile behind the castle. The main one where most of the supplies were held was conveniently placed closer to the home of the King; in case of a war it would be easier to defend. Both men didn't say much to one another, Shikamaru mainly explaining and asking the prince questions here and there about a soldier's duties. He pointed out the horse's stables, the weaponry where their own personal blacksmith worked, the practice areas, and the base house. It looked like the one that he had ventured to when they first arrived to Lavonian. He nodded, keeping up fairly well with the brunette's description. He didn't want to disrupt the man but he had already known most of what the guard was saying. This was where Naruto snuck out all those years ago to train, and even through the past few months, he had ventured over to see the war horses. Finally, after reaching their destination, Shikamaru quickly ushered the prince in to get changed, more than ready to get back to Oden.

"You know Naruto, you actually fit the guard part quite well," the captain plainly stated out as he finished tucking the light chainmail into the brown tunic.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult?" the prince answered back cheekily, a bit happy at the fact that he was bearing Lavonian's crest on his chest. He pushed a little at the sword by his side, smiling at the memory of when he had first met Sasuke. It had been a while since he'd held his sword but knowing his skills, it would all come back when it was out of the sheath. "Do you think I'll be able to handle it? This is the first time I'll be even close to a dangerous battleground. I'm just not sure how I'm going to react."

"Honestly," the brunette replied, not wanting to shield anything from the blonde. "It's not going to be a pretty sight. We've taken refuge in the Uchiha castle…what's left of it and tried to set up as best as we can there. Many soldiers are wounded and most civilians starved so…I hope you can bear to withstand these things."

The prince gulped down a lump in his throat, imagining all those things and worst. It didn't matter though, he was a prince and would one day take the Kingdom of Lavonia. He needed to learn the hardships that people faced as well as the pain of death. "I can do it."

Shikamaru nodded in encouragement as he receded to the wooden door. Unlocking the metal hinges, he pushed it opened to let in some fresh air. "The horses are about ready and so is the infantry your father has provided. If we leave by noon, we should be arriving a bit past nightfall, perfect for blending in with the night. The rebels will never know that we've gotten more aid."

"You know, you're not all that bad," The blonde responded back with a huge grin whilst following the captain out the door.

"…same goes for you too." Shikamaru mumbled lowly under his breath as the prince blabbered on behind him.

Even though it's troublesome bringing blonde along…you need him more than you're willing to admit, Sasuke.

A/N: I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please review and I will try to get the next chapter out as fast as possible. Have a good one! Til next time!