The final chapter!

This is the moment of truth! The moment you have been waiting for!

And yes I know I'm updating later then I usually do, but I was really busy these last couple days, so calm yourselves.

I have been waiting to write this chapter since the beginning, the end is my favorite part! And it's really long!

Now you'll finally understand everything.

So whoever is left!

Enjoy yourselves to death!

'What?'Paul thought to himself as his eyes adjusted to the bright room around him.

He was still a little confused on what was going on, and not sure about the recent events. He noticed that to his right, Dawn sitting in a chair, with her head laying on the bed and her hand interlocked with his, which by the way was still burnt! Her eyes were closed and she kept repeating the words 'please wake up' to herself. Paul sat up and started rubbing his head.

'So that was all a dream' He thought.

As soon as he sat up, Dawn realized that he had waken up, and was beyond being in shock.

"P…Pu…Pual?" Dawn barely stuttered out.

He turned around and looked at her. Dawn couldn't believe it, she sat there starring at him, but it didn't comprehend. Her eyes widened, her mouth was gapping open, and her hair was practically sticking up. Paul just sat there unsure how to respond considering the fact that he didn't really know what was going on. He was about to say something when all of a sudden Dawn sucked in a giant gust of air, pulled her hands away from him and pushed them up against her chest.

"DOCTOR!" Dawn screamed at the top of her lungs.

The sudden screech of her voice startled Paul, and you could also guess the doctor too considering he came flying through the door as if his life depended on it.

"What happened, What happened?! Did somebody die?!" The doctor yelled in a panic.

"He's awake doctor He's awake! He woke up!" Dawn yelled as she through her arms around Paul's neck and pushed her cheek up against his in a hug. The doctor kind of sensed Paul's confusion and discomfort, so he decided that he would save him for the moment.

"Hey Dawn…" The doctor said.

Dawn turned her attention back to the doctor. "What is it David?" Dawn said in contempt, visibly angered by him interrupting her moment of excitement.

"How about you go get Reggie and let him know that Paul has woken up. I think he's at the snack machine in the front."

Dawn gasped in realization, "OH You're right! I've got to go tell Reggie!" She yelled as she sprinted out the door and down the hallway. The doctor shook his head and chuckled at Dawn's actions. He walked over and started to write some stuff on his clipboard.

"Good kid, you're lucky to have a friend like her. She's been here since you were admitted to the hospital. She's never left your side" He said and he began taking Paul's blood pressure.

'She's been here the whole time? But…why?" Paul thought to himself.

"Oh, by the way I'm Doctor Ryan." The doctor said as he shook Paul's hand.

'Ryan? That sounds familiar.' Paul thought to himself.

Paul turned his head, and looked out of the window. 'Yeah, that may have all been a dream, but…were my feelings fake too? I mean, in my dream…I seriously cared about her. And even more then that, I loved her. Is…that how I really feel? Do I…' He didn't even want to finish that question because in a way, he was afraid to know the answer. 'My…feelings for her pushed me out of my coma…or maybe it's just because her voice is really annoying.' He thought, but though he tried, he didn't really believe that. But being who he is, he doesn't like to think or show is emotions.

By the time that Dawn and Reggie came bursting back through the door, Paul was already out of bed stretching his muscles.

"Oh my god Paul you're really awake! I thought Dawn was lying again." Reggie yelled.

Dawn put her hands on her hips and puffed out her cheeks. "I never lied about that." She said. But as soon as she said that, she turned her head to the side and snickered to herself knowing that her previous statement was a complete lie.

"Paul I can't believe you're awake. You were asleep for so long that we thought that you would never wake up!" Reggie continued to rant on, but by now Paul had completely toned him out. His only focus right now was on Dawn.

'There's no way that I care about HER. She's, she's she's…HER! All kind and nice and…always smiling and…Besides she probably still hates me. Does she still hate me? But she can't, the doctor said that she's been with me the whole time. If she did hate me then she wouldn't have stayed. But if she doesn't hate me then is it possible that she…' Paul was so concentrated with his thoughts that he didn't realize that he was downright staring at her. Dawn being who she is didn't noticed and was more occupied with Reggie, who was making a scene. The doctor saw how conflicted Paul seemed towards Dawn and decided to once again save him.

"Hey Reggie, I need help getting something from the other room. Can you help me?" Doctor Ryan said.

Reggie instantly stopped his scene and looked at he doctor. "What do you need help with?" Reggie replied. Doctor Ryan didn't' even bother wasting time on thinking of a lie, so he just started pushing Reggie out.

"Something ok? Just…just…just get out." He said as Reggie and him finished leaving the room, leaving Paul and Dawn alone.

"How are you feeling Paul?" Dawn asked.

"Fine." He simply replied. That's when Dawn began to become nervous.

'I forgot he's like this' She thought to herself.

Paul, who had been lost in his thoughts, had one question that he was just itching to know the answer to.

"Why are you here?" He suddenly asked. The question threw Dawn off a bit; she started rubbing her arm and avoided Paul's line of view.

"Listen I know we don't talk a lot, and it must seem weird to see me here. But I wanted to make sure you were ok, I mean especially after the incident. I was really worried about you and…just wanted to make sure you were alright." Dawn sheepishly answered. Then Paul remembered the 'incident' and started scratching the back of his head.

"Oh yeah, about that. I…apologize for the way I acted. There was no reason for me to be that mean to you, even if I was in a bad mood. I guess what I'm trying to say is…I'd like to thank you for pushing me out of the way of that boulder." Paul bluntly stated with maybe 10% emotion on his face. Dawn tilted her head to the side in confusion, and blinked a couple times.

"Paul what are you talking about? YOU were the one that saved ME." Dawn said. "Don't you remember?"

Swivel swivel spin spin


Day 1:

"Team Rocket is blasting off again!"

And with a final twinkle in the sky, they were gone. But the explosion from the robot made the entire area around them shake. With all the commotion going on Dawn didn't notice the giant pile of rocks falling her way. Not one big boulder, but a bunch of medium sized rocks. Paul looks over and noticed the impending danger that is headed towards Dawn. Ash and Brock were to occupied trying to dodge the rocks that were also falling towards them, so they were in no position to help anyone. The thought of Dawn being crushed under a pile of rocks made Paul's heart rate skyrocket. Without even thinking, he started sprinting towards Dawn. An inevitably fate was going to plague one of them, and he would rather it be him then her.

"Look out!" He yelled.

"What?" Dawn said.

She had absolutely no time to figure out what was going on because as soon as she turned around, Paul shoves her. And I don't mean a little push out of the way, I mean a full on heavy shove. Enough to cause her entire body to go flying through the air and then proceed to roughly roll across the ground. Dawn groaned at the hard landing, sat up and rubbed the bruise on the back of her head. But the pain from her landing quickly went away when she realized what had just happened. Where she used to stand was now a pile of rocks and Paul was nowhere to be found. It doesn't take a scientist to put two and two together, so when Dawn realized what happened, her eyes widened and she gasped.

By now the ground had stopped shaking, and Ash and Brock reclaimed their composure. Their obliviousness to the situation behind them was torn straight in half, as Dawn screamed a high pitch scream that could probably kill a person.

"Help! Somebody help me!" She screeched.

Ash and Brock turned around and saw Dawn sitting there on the ground crying, and a pile of rocks. They ran over and started pulling rocks up, trying to get Paul out of there. They finally were able to move enough rocks out of the way, so they pulled Paul out of the wreckage. He was unconscious, his head was bleeding and he was covered in bruises. As soon as she saw the blood, Dawn turned her head and covered her eyes. She tried to control her hysterical crying, but the pain, grief, and guilt she was feeling were too much for her to handle.

An ambulance soon came and it drove them all to the hospital. When they got there, about 4 different doctors surrounded Paul's stretcher as they frantically pushed it down the emergency room hallway. Though most people were stopped at the entrance, Dawn was determined to stay with him until she knew he was ok. She ran right next to the stretcher and panic flowed through her as she looked upon his battered unconscious body. She ran so fast that she accidentally bumped a table and knocked over a vase, resulting in the sound of shattering glass to echo down the hallway.

'Why would he do that?! Why would he save me?!' Questions like these were just racing through Dawn's head. Her head was pounding, her vision was blurry, she was seeing black and white tunnel vision.

'Please be ok! Please be ok!' She yelled in her mind as tears ran down her cheeks.

'This can't be happening! This can't be happening!' She screamed to herself.

Beepers beeping, patients screaming, doctors running, cutting, pushing, yelling. "Oxygen! Oxygen!" It was complete chaos, but somehow it seemed like through all this chaos was a weird form of organization. The doctors ran into the emergency room, but Dawn was told that she had to wait outside. She walked back to the waiting room where everyone else waited. There was Ash, and Brock, and some other people, who had heard what had happened and went to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. Dawn slowly walk over to the group. She had dried tears on her face, and she wasn't really in the mood for talking too much.

"Is he going to be ok?" Ash asked in concern.

"I…I don't know. He just went into the emergency room but they won't let me in." Dawn softly replied.

Dawn slowly turned her head to Brock, and ran her hand through hair. "Does Reggie know yet?" She asked.

"Yeah, I called him on the videophone. He's headed over here now." Brock said.

Dawn walked over and sat in one of the chairs. She crossed her arms and sighed to herself. This really wasn't her day.

It had been hours before a doctor finally came into the waiting room with news.

Dawn was the first to run up to him, "Is he ok?" She frantically asked.

The doctor sighed, and that wasn't always a good sign.

"He's…alive but…He suffered from a very hard blow to the head and I'm afraid that he…" The doctor hesitated for a second, knowing that the people in front of him won't be too happy with the end of his sentence. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed again.

"It seems that he may have slipped into a coma."

Flashback Over

"OK, so maybe you don't remember ALL of that, but that's what happened." Dawn said as she finished her recollection.

"How long was I asleep?" Paul asked.

"About two weeks and a half." She answered.

Paul brushed back the bangs on his forehead. 'That was a lot to take in.' He thought to himself.

Dawn looked down at her feet, avoiding Paul's gaze, and blushed a little. "I…I never got to say thank you for saving me. I was sitting here waiting for you to wake up but it started to seem like that was never going to happen. But now that you're awake…" Dawn was about to finish her sentence when her emotions seemed to overtake her. She grabbed Paul, and wrapped him into a huge hug. "Thank you SO much Paul!" She yelled with great gratitude.

Paul was taken back, but he slightly hugged her back all the more. Dawn finally let go of Paul, took a step back, and smiled her platinum smile that Paul had always found quite enjoyable. Doctor Ryan and Reggie finally came back into the room.

"So Paul, how ya feeling?" Reggie said as he ruffled Paul's hair, much to Paul dismay. Paul pushed Reggie's hand away.

"I'm fine." He hissed.

Reggie laughed at his brother's reaction and smiled. "Yeah I know, don't want you're big brother in your personal space." Reggie chuckled.

"Or anyone else for that matter." Paul harshly added.

Reggie smirked at his brother's statement. "Yeah, well it seems you didn't mind when Dawn was in your personal space." He said.

"That's different, I was asleep, I didn't know she was that close." Paul said as he tried to defend himself.

Reggie laughed again, "Calm down, I'm just kidding. Besides you're lucky you were asleep. At least you didn't have to hear Dawn's constant talking. She talked none stop while you were asleep." Reggie said.

They both turned their attention to Dawn who was slightly offended, but at the same time embarrassed by the unwanted attention. She scratched the side of her cheek in an innocent sheepish manner.

"I thought that if I talked enough, that eventually something I said would get through to you." She reasoned.

Paul pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Yeah something got through, a lot got through." Paul said to himself.

"What?" Dawn questioned.

"Nothing." Paul said as he tried to lead away from the conversation.

Doctor Ryan had been in his own world during this whole conversation, and they had assumed that he was doing doctor stuff. He wrote a few more things on his clipboard, scratched some things out, put some dots on it and then smiled and turned the clipboard around for everyone to see.

"Look everyone, I drew myself!" He yelled.

Giant sweat drops ran down the side of everyone's heads in a comical fashion. Dawn pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"Oh David." She said in shame.

Doctor Ryan pulled the picture over the top of the clipboard, that way he could see the papers underneath it.

"Ok, so Paul it says here that your all checked out and that you're perfectly healthy. So you are welcomed to leave at your earliest convenience. All of your stuff is in that closet against the wall over there." He walked over to Paul and shook his hand again. "It's been great being your doctor. Try not to get into any more comas ok?" And with that, Doctor Ryan walked out of the room.

Dawn walked over to the door and looked down the hallway. Doctor Ryan walked down the hallway in an odd fashion and was constantly looking in a handheld mirror. "Nurse Candy, get me some nachos will you?" He said. Dawn laughed at the notion and walked back into the room.

"So what now?" She asked.

Paul looked around the room and then looked down at himself. "I don't know about you, but I'm changing out of these hospital clothes, and getting something to eat." Paul replied.

Dawn and Paul walked down the stairs of the main lobby and started walking towards the front door. As usual, Paul had his hands in his pockets and Dawn was smiling to herself.

"So Reggie's going back to Veilstone?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, he needs to keep caring for the pokemon there." Paul answered.

They walked out the front door and stopped walking to say their goodbyes.

"So…I guess this is goodbye." Dawn said, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah." Paul replied in his normal emotionless way. The moment was awkward, because even though feelings for each other were obvious, neither one would admit it.

"So…bye." Dawn said as she heart crushingly waved. Paul responded with a small 'bye' and both turned opposite directions and started walking away from each other. The wind was blowing, and both of them felt a sense of unfulfillment. Dawn felt the pain deep in her heart. She was walking away from the boy she had spent the last two weeks worrying about. And even before the incident, she had always liked him in a way that no one else could. Even though he was a jerk, he was her jerk. And even though he had a totally hot appearance, she cared more about his personality. The one he hides beneath his hard exterior. She liked HIM, and now she felt like she was starting from square one, being alone.

Paul felt a lot different then Dawn did, he felt…confused.

'What am I doing? Am I letting her just walk away? I spent all that fake time chasing after her, worrying for her safety, and going through a lot just to find her. Now I have her, and I'm just letting her go. I'm giving everything I worked for up.' Paul stopped walking, 'Is this really what I want? I mean, if most of the things she said in real life transformed into my dream, then that means that she really meant most of the it. Even though I went though a lot to save her, she also went though a lot to save me. She's been stuck here at this hospital worrying about me just like I worried about her. I spent that entire dream trying to save her, but…I already did, before my coma. And she was never gone, or missing, or anything. She was with me the entire time. So what am I doing?' Paul turned around and saw Dawn walking away.

"Hey!' He yelled over to her.

She turned around and waited for what Paul had to say. But even though inner Paul had a huge realization about his major priorities in life, outer Paul is still Mr. cool and arrogant.

"You know you're probably going to get lost out here all by yourself. Especially without that loser Ash and that other guy with you. So you better stay with me until we reach the next city or something, becuase I ALWAYS know where I'm going." Paul said as he smirked.

Dawn's face lite up so bright that she was practically glowing. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to get lost or mugged or anything." Dawn playfully responded.

She ran over to Paul and they both started walking together to the next town.

"So what did you do all that time? I highly doubt you just cried the whole time." Paul asked out of pure curiosity.

Dawn turned her head to the side and smiled. "Oh you have no idea."


Day 2:

Ash, Brock and Dawn stood around Paul's hospital bed looking down at his unconscious body.

"Man, I can't believe this happened to Paul." Ash said in surprise.

"I know it's such a freak accident." Brock added.

Dawn raised an eyebrow and looked at Ash and Brock. "No it's not. I was in danger, and he pushed me out of the way, simple as that." Dawn said.

Ash scratched the back of his head in confusion. "Soooo…this is all you're fault?" Ash asked.

Brock and Pikachu face palmed at Ash's ignorant question. Dawn gave Ash a death glare, and allowed his stupidity to be his excuse.

"Shut up." She replied.

Day 3:

"Do you think he'll wake up anytime soon?" Ash through he question out, but didn't really care who answered.

"I hope so." Was Brock's answer.

"I don't want to think about it." Was Dawn's.

The group sat there, still saddened by the recent events. All of a sudden, they could hear a loud commotion coming from the hallway.

"He's in a what?!" Someone yelled down the hallway.

"Reggie's here." Brock stated.

It didn't take long for Reggie to come running into the room, panic stricken. "Oh my God! What happened to him?!" Reggie yelled to no one in particular. The doctor came running into the room soon after Reggie.

"He got crushed by a pile of rocks." The doctor informed him.

"What?! How did that happen?!" Reggie yelled.

Ash, Brock, and the doctor turned and looked at Dawn. That's when things got awkward. Dawn rubbed the side of her neck and turned her head to the side. "Iiieeeeee…."

Day 6:

It had been almost a week and people were losing hope. Ash and Brock visited every now and then, but Dawn was really the only one who stayed full time. Reggie was there a lot too, but he has a business to run. When no one was around, Dawn would cry to herself, and would beg Paul to wake up. But it was all in vein, or so it seemed. Dawn usually ended up alone, especially because Ash and Brock were taking care of her Pokemon while she was here, so most of the time it was just her.

Doctor Ryan nonchalantly walked into the room eating nachos. He walked over and looked at Paul's chart, wrote a couple things and then started walking back towards the door.

"Wait, Doctor Ryan, Do…you know how long he'll be in a coma?" Dawn asked out of concern.

He turned around and looked at Dawn. "Well, coma's are very sketchy. You can never tell how long a person will be asleep, he could be asleep for weeks, months, even years. He may not ever wake up! But negative thinking isn't going to get you anywhere and-awww man, I dropped my nachos."

Later that same night Dawn laid her head down on Paul's bed. She was tired, but she didn't want to go home knowing that Paul was in here mainly due to her. She interlocked her hand into his and smiled.

"I promise never to leave your side until you wake up Paul." She said.

A single tear escaped her eyes and it fell onto his hand, rolling off his skin and onto the bed.

"I promise."

Day 8:

Reggie had gone out for lunch about an hour ago, and was now headed back towards the hospital. He walked down the hallway and soon found himself at his brother's room. He walked in, looked over at Paul and noticed that Dawn was straightening her hair.

"Dawn, what are you doing?' He asked, not sure if he wanted to hear her answer. Dawn pulled the straightener away from her face.

"Straightening my hair silly." She replied as if nothing was wrong with her actions.

"But…but why?" Reggie asked.

Dawn put one of her hands on her hip and puffed out her cheeks. "Just because he's unconscious, doesn't mean that I don't have to look fabulous." Dawn pride fully stated.

Reggie raised an eyebrow at her as she tried to stare him down. Dawn stared as hard as she could until tssssss.

"Oh my God, I just burnt Paul's hand!" Dawn yelled as she pulled the straightener away from him.

Reggie's eye twitched a little and Dawn giggled to herself, "I'll just kiss it and make it all better." Dawn decided. She grabbed Paul's hand and kissed the burn mark.

"All better!" She yelled in triumph, and then she broke out laughing.

Reggie sighed. 'This is the girl watching over my brothers body, just great.' He sarcastically thought to himself.

Day 10:

It was late at night, and the hospital had settled down. Reggie had a friend watching over the pokemon at his house while he was away, but he frequently called to make sure everything was ok. And when he wasn't with Paul, he was helping out at the pokemon center. He had been at the pokemon center all day and decided to visit his brother before he went to sleep for the night. He also wanted to check up Dawn because he had heard that she hadn't slept in days.

'Not sleeping is really bad for your health, it can drive you crazy.' Reggie thought to himself.

He peacefully walked down the long corridor until he reached Paul's room and saw the scene that was taking place. At first the only thing he could see was a crowd of people surrounding Paul's bed. He thought something was wrong so he pushed his way through the crowd in a panic and realized that Dawn had pretty much started a gambling ring around Paul. She and two other girls were playing poker and they were playing it on Paul's chest! They had the cards and the chips and everything! People were trading money and candy and I think someone traded their shoes.

"Dawn what is going on?!" Reggie yelled.

"Oh hey Reggie, wanna join?" Dawn innocently asked.

"No! Who are these people?!" Reggie yelled out of complete confusion and shock.

"Oh, this is Emily, and that's Claire. They are friends of the patient in the room next to us." Dawn nonchalantly answered.

"Yeah, our friend Stacy got attacked by an Ursaring." Claire said.

"So sad, so sad" The two girls said to each other.

The group all turned their attention back to the game. "I'm all in" Dawn said as she pushes all of her chips onto the center of Paul's stomach. Emily and Claire did the same as the crowd became more anxious for the outcome of the game.

"Alright girls, show your cards." Dawn said.

Emily smiled and threw her cards down. "Straight! Try and beat that!" Emily yelled in triumph.

Claire threw her cards down. "HA! I've got a full house!" Claire yelled. T

he two girls turned their attention to Dawn who sat there smiling. Suddenly she slammed her cards down onto Paul and laughed.

"ROYAL FLUSH!" She yelled.

The crowd went wild, people screaming, money being thrown here and there. It was crazy! Dawn stood up and threw her hands in the air in victory. Someone turned on a boom box and everyone just started dancing wildly. Dawn was just beyond out of control, she had the crowd going crazy.

"Maybe if we yell wake up loud enough, Paul will hear us!" Dawn yelled at the over excited crowd.

Everyone just starts yelling wake up along with the background music. People were dancing here and there, jumping up and down and all around. Food was being passed around and people were drinking shots of sugar. Reggie looked over and noticed that some of the doctors and nurses had joined this…party. Someone through glow sticks in the air and people started scrambling to grab some. This was absolute chaos. You'd be surprised that this didn't wake Paul up. Reggie stood in the doorway shaking his head.

'That girl really needs to get some sleep' Reggie thought.

He turned around and walked away from the room. 'I'll visit Paul tomorrow.'

Day 11:

Dawn slouched in her chair and laid her head on the bed groaning.

"Dawn, I can't believe you had a party last night and didn't invite us!" Ash yelled.

Dawn groaned again and rubbed the side of her head. "Ash…try not to talk to loud, I still have a headache." She said.

Ash crossed his arms and pouted. "I like to party too." He said to himself.

Dawn leaned over and started to braid Paul's hair. "Dawn, what are you doing?" Brock asked.

"Braiding his hair." She replied.

"Why?" Ash said.

"Because I'm bored and he has long beautiful hair." She responded.

She put a couple braids in Paul's hair and then marveled at her accomplishment. But about a minute after creating those braids, Paul turned his head to the side, which ultimately destroyed the braids. Dawn gasped in devastation and watched as her creation was completely destroyed.

"My braids!"

Day 15:

Dawn sat in her usual chair, eating barbeque ribs, and talking to Paul.

"Paul please listen to me. I know things seem really tough right now, and you may feel like it's impossible to do anything, but if anyone can do it, then it's you. You are so much stronger then this, and maybe it's because of the circumstances that you may be feeling out of character, but I know the real you is still in there. You can beat this because you are a strong person, even if no one else thinks so. I have known so many people who say that they can do anything they put their minds to, but you're the only person I know who actually does it. I don't care if you aren't a hero, you can be my hero. Please just…follow my voice" Dawn said as she talked on and on.

"I mean, you're the one who says that you can do anything, you're Mr. perfect and cool. No one can beat you." By now, Dawn was beginning to make herself angry.

"Who can beat you, nobody because you're Paul." She sarcastically commented on.

"I'm Paul, everyone but me is a loser because I'm perfect and better and you should all wish to be me because I'm so GREAT!" Dawn stood up and pulled her fist back ready to punch, and then she realized what she was doing and where she was. She laughed and pushed back the hair on her forehead.

"I'm arguing with an unconscious body, I'm seriously losing it." She said to herself. She sat back in the chair and laughed to herself.

"I hope Paul didn't hear that, well I mean the second part. The first part was pretty on target, I actually feel like that. It's just that sometimes he can be very mean and arrogant. You know what I mean?" She looked up and realized that she was talking to herself again.

"Aw man."

Day 18:

Dawn sat there punching the air.

"If that coma was a real person, I would, I would…punch it clear in the face. Yeah, punch it in the face, and then kick it or something, I would totally take it down." She said to herself.

Doctor Ryan walked into the room and laughed at Dawn. " Coma's aren't real Dawn, you can't hit them." He jokingly said.

"Yeah well it's real to him David." Dawn said back while she crossed her arms.

"Stop calling me that, my name is Doctor Ryan!" He whined.

Dawn raised an eyebrow at his childish response. "How are you a doctor?" She asked out of curiosity.

"That's not important!" He yelled and stormed out of the room like a little kid. Dawn decided that it would be best if she didn't think about how he made it out of medical school. She just shook her head and sighed, then sat back in her seat and started talking to Paul again.

Flashback Over

"And later that day you woke up. So we should probably go find Ash cause he has all of my Pokemon. Thinking about my Pokemon, I have to get piplup a new outfit to wear because…" Dawn became so side tracked that it got to the point where it annoyed Paul tremendously. She talked and talked and talked until Paul had had stopped walking, leaned over and kissed Dawn on the cheek. She immediately stopped talking and her face turned so bright red that you could mistake her for a cherry. Paul pulled away and Dawn put her hand on the spot he kissed.

He opened his mouth to say something, took a deep breath and…"You talk to much. And I'm not just saying that because it's a line from a movie. It's because you do. Do you hear yourself? Even in my coma, the only thing that I could hear was you talking on and on and on. Seriously, do you ever shut up? You're so annoying." He harshly said.

That blew Dawn's mind. 'WHAT?!' She screamed in her mind. 'He kisses me and then criticizes me! What is his problem?! I don't get this guy!' She yelled in her head.

Even though Dawn was freaking out in her mind, Paul just stood there staring at her as if he didn't say anything wrong. He lifted his hand up and stroked her cheek, which caused her to calm down.

"But I guess that's what I like about you." Paul said as he wrapped his finger around her chin and pulled her in closer. A smirk made its way across his face as he kissed Dawn, but this time on her lips. The sweet smell of her perfume filing his nose and he tasted the smooth cherry Chap Stick that laid on Dawn's soft lips. Anything that Dawn was thinking about faded away as she melted under Paul's touch. She had been waiting for this moment since day 1, and finally her dream was coming true. They slowly broke apart, and looked at each other. Dawn's face was redder then before and a slight blush tinted Paul's face.

"Tell that loser Ash about this, and you're dead." Paul said.

Dawn smiled and giggled a little. "You're secret is safe with me." she playfully responded.

They turned around and started heading off into the sunset together. Paul had his hands in his pockets as usual and Dawn was smiling and laughing to herself like usual. And Paul realized that he didn't mind all that much.

The sun was shining bright and the wind was blowing at the perfect speed. It was the perfect day to be outside traveling with someone you care about. It wasn't a normal day for Dawn, and you know what? She was loving every minute of it. 'Even if Paul is an arrogant jerk, who doesn't like showing his feelings or coming in close contact with people. I know that no matter what happens, he'll always be there to save me."

You know what that's called?! BEING A BEAST!

I'm so proud of myself for not giving up. But I've also gotta thank you guys cause your constant reviews kept me going.

I'm probably going to try and fix up the first couple chapters, but I don't know when that'll happen. But other then that, this story is done

That's the end, my big finale!

So thank you SO SO much for reading Save Me!

Love ya bitches!