Hey guys! SO I took your advice and started they story over! I hope this one will be much, MUCH better! This is a sneak peak, prologue, whatever you want to call it, but I hope you enjoy it! On with the story!

"Katniss Everdeen you better be up you don't want to be late!" My wonderful mother, Effie Everdeen screamed.

"Yes, god I'll be out in a second." I could hear her over exaggerated sigh through the door. I mean I know today is a 'big day' but can't a girl like finished getting dressed before she gets yelled at? Speaking of the 'big day', I can't tell weather to be excited or not. Today I am moving in with my father.

My parents aren't 'split up' but they both travel so much, especially my mom that we have two houses, and because I grew up here, in the Capitol, I stayed here with my mom. But both my parents have agreed now is the time to move me out to district 12. You see my dad, Haymitch Everdeen, is the only victor from district 12, he won the 50th Hunger Games. Scratch that, he is one of two victors.

The other victor won this past year, in the 75th games. He's my age, 17, and a little bit on the cute side. I've only met him twice, both very short meetings, but I can tell his is one of the sweetest people in the world.

But anyway my mom is the district 12 escort, the one who takes care of the tributes before, and if you're lucky, after the games. So of course I spend my fair share of time in the limelight, I don't like it but I do.

I do however appreciate that we here in the Capitol are not starving like some in the country, and have a few amenities that you can't find in most districts.


"Yes?" I say as I open my door, hauling my whole life in a couple bags.

"Good your ready come now the car is waiting." She whisks me away and into the car, another one of the Capitol perks. "I bet you'll love District 12, and your father said he had some people that were excited for your arrival."

"Yay." I say if halfheartedly, but it satisfies my mom so all is well."

Soon we are at the train station saying our goodbyes. Of course there are cameras here, documenting our life but I don't notice them anymore.

"I'm going to miss you so much! Please be good, and nice to your father, I know its hard sometimes but try ok?" I nod in response. I didn't think this would happen but my eyes start tearing up. Damn hormones. "I love you Katniss, and I promise I will come visit soon." She wraps me in a hug so tight I can't breathe. I get out an 'I love you without my voice cracking. I slip away and start walking towards the train as my mom calls out "Don't forget your manners!" I should have seen that line coming.

As I sit I take one last look at the city I grew up in. Now I am going towards the District I was born in. The one that is about to become my home.

You like? I hope so! Thanks so much for reading and supporting me! I know I'm frustrating right now, and I will explain my self later, I promise! And I will keep writing tonight, and once I have a few chapters for this story I will update my others! And sorry this isn't edited I was excited and wanted to post and my friend who will edit couldn't today. I love you guys thanks for reading! Please follow, favorite, and review, it means a lot to me! Thanks! Till next time!

~~~~~Choclate Lover~~~~~