It was all locker chatter. Stuff to fill the void in conversations. And you'd think that geniuses would have better things to talk about. But no they all have to sit around here and talk about Mello's sexual orientation. I didn't bother to get involved, because I knew he wouldn't have cared, he'd punch them in the face then laugh it off. It's strange, because Mello always seems to be the topic of interest. Whether it's because he's lucky that he's got his dad alive or because he beat Near up, or now apparently if he was gay, people just liked to talk about Mello. It's probably because no one really knew anything about him. I like to think that I have some sort of great knowledge of that crazy blonde chocoholic, but in reality I know only as much as everyone here. Okay that's almost a lie. I know something that no one else does. I remember when I first met caring Mello.

It was five years ago, wow that long? Well anyways it was five years ago, we were twelve. Mello brought up a question.

"Matty, why don't you try in school?"

I knew I couldn't lie to him, so why even try. "I stopped caring after mum died. I liked to make her smile." Then came the inevitable question.

"How did she die Matt?" He walked over, and I'm glad I decided to make eye contact with him, because in that moment I saw something in his ice blue eyes that I had never seen before. He genuinely cared. His blue eyes held sympathy and warmth, when they normally sent out messages to run. I ended up telling him everything. How my dad used to hit my mom. That we were going to get out, but then dad came home early and stabbed her, then himself. I was two. He held me the whole time and I didn't notice at the time but I was shaking.

"I'm sorry Matty, I really am." Then he did another unexpected thing. He got on his knees and clasped his hands together and started praying.

"Hey god, it's me again. I just heard a story from a friend. Please look after his mom up there, I know that's where she is. And keep an eye out on him too. Just please continue to bless."

It made me feel all warm inside, knowing he cared that much. That was also the day that I stopped creating scenarios of his past life. I asked him why he was here. He said.

"Don't all you boys know everything? My dad was diagnosed with a terminal disease and drove me here so I wouldn't have to see him die. That WAS the latest one, correct?" I could sense he was bitter when he said it. It was wrong, everyone including me decided that's what happened. It wasn't fair. "Besides Matt we're talking about you right now, not me"

I gave up. Not wanting to push any buttons. Because you know Mello is quite vicious.

So yeah I suppose I do know more than the people here. I know that Mello can actually give a shit about somebody, and lord only knows why that person is me. That day I started liking him. And I found his mysterious bad boy attitude less annoying and more sexy, I felt more curious, I wanted and still want to know what makes Mello tick. I really do hope that he is gay. But I would never say so here. The boys in my gym class don't tease Mello because they know that it's a sure fire way to lose a life. But me on the other hand, well no one even really knows who I am, except Mello, and I guess I kind of like it that way. But anyways point is, they're not scared of me. The bell just went, and I suppose I'm going to rush back to my shared room with Mello and pretend I got let out of gym early, when really I just want to see him sooner.

Coming in to see my half naked roommate working out was a mistake. There he was, abs crunching, biceps rolling. Damn. And he doesn't look muscular when he was walking around, he is thin but toned. It's November now and I don't want to say goodbye to him in a month. All kids get kicked out when they're 18, and its Mello's 18th birthday in early December. I turn 18 a few months after, but I still don't want to wait. I'm falling in love with him more and more each day. He drives me mad. He does. I want to unlock the mystery that is Mello. Too bad Wammy's doesn't have a course for that. Though I suppose one of the things we do take should help with it. If I knew where he was from I could find out. But Mello hasn't even told me that, which if you ask me is lame. Most people here at Least know who is from where, if not why they're here. But Mello won't say anything, like I said earlier, that's probably why everyone talks about him. Maybe if I asked him now? I mean his workout time IS his chill time. Oh never mind. He just broke the punching bag. That hardly ever happens. Got to go see what's wrong.

"Hey man, what's up." It's really hard to not just grab him in a hug, especiallt because now I see he's tearing up. Wait no, there's more. One half of his face looks like it was bludgeoned. I don't know how I didn't see it when I came in. Probably because I was checking out his abs. I feel bad for whoever did that to him. Because that sorry fellow had it coming.

"Nothing Matt, it's nothing" He hits the bag again and this time it flies back and hits me in the face. "Shit Matt, didn't mean to do that." He walks straight over to me and looks me in the eyes. "You okay Matt? I punched that pretty hard" Then he rested a hand to my face. The next words I tried to say were stuttered.

"I-I'm f-fine" I held back telling him I love him, something that gets harder each time I see him. "You okay though?" I indicate his bruises.

He shrugs, "Yeah I'm fine, you know me always the badass." He goes back to lifting weights. Because I'm hungry I go to the cupboards. Knowing Mello they were probably already empty, he eats a lot. Now that they're open I'm astounded that they're stocked, even chocolate. This is weird. It's been like this for three days now.

"Hey Mells, you not eating?"

"Not hungry" he grunts from underneath his weights.

"All week you haven't been?" I'm worried now. "C'mon Mells. Here." I toss him a chocolate bar. He unwraps it and eats it quickly. He smiles at me.

"I guess you're right, thanks Matt."