Soul was having a dream he didn't think he should be having. A dream about his Meister in a way that he was not used to. They had always been close friends but nothing more. So why was he dreaming about her lips against his in a tender kiss? Why was he thinking of how beautiful she was? Stop that Soul. Pull yourself together. He thought to himself, pushing his covers off and standing up. He examined his bare chest and traced the scar. He recalled the day he had protected Maka from the attack and took the force of it himself. The person on the other side of the mirror looked tired and sickly. Surely that isn't what I look like...He reassured himself. But as he moved the other did the same. He knew for a fact that was indeed what he looked like.

He tugged on his clothes and walked to the living room where Maka sat on the couch with her hair down. "Morning Maka." Soul stated, sitting down and yawning loudly.

"Good Morning Soul." Maka stated softly. She stretched and rubbed her shoulder.

"Are you in pain?" Soul asked worriedly.

"No." She laughed and shook her head. "I hit my shoulder on the doorframe this morning."

"Oh." Soul laughed. "You're a clutz Maka."

"I know..." Was her only reply. They sat there for a few moments in silence. Soul's stomach rumbled and he stood to retreat to the kitchen. He knew Maka wasn't the best cook...So he figured it would be best if he made breakfast.

"What do you want to eat Maka?"

"Anything is fine."

"Are you sure?" He looked up from the refrigerator and looked at the girl.

"Yeah." She stated.

"Okay..." He shrugged and began to cook. His eyes examined the stove as he did so, recalling his recent re-occuring dreams. His stomach flipped nervously as he glance over his shoulder at the girl on the couch. Nervousness. That was uncool. But it wasn't like he could control the way his body reacted to certain things. He sighed and finished his cooking. His hands shook a little as he picked up the two plates and walked to Maka's side, holding one out to her.

"Thanks Soul." She stated, either pretending or really not noticing his hand shaking. They sat in silence while they ate, neither of them looking at the other. "Soul, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Just wondering."

"Okay." They sat in silence again. Soul pondered his possibilities. He could tell his dreams to wasn't like he had a thing for her or something...At least...he didn't think he did. He sighed in confusion and rubbed his eyes, wondering if all this was happening because of his lack of sleep.

"You look tired Soul."

"I am..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Go back to sleep then. I'll take care of the cleaning for today okay?"

"Alright..." Soul stood tiredly and walked back to his room. His eyes drooped and he collapsed on the bed. He didn't even bother pulling up the blankets as he closed his eyes. He felt his dreams beginning to stir in his mind.

He dreamt of Maka again. His hands roaming her body, leaving no part of skin untracked. He explored and every now and then tasted her smooth skin. Her hair was always down in his dreams. Always curling just at the tips as though she had just taken a refreshing shower. Everything in his dream seemed so real. When he touched her, he could feel the heat of her skin. When he kissed her, he could feel her gentle lips. Everything was just...right.

Soul woke up a few minutes later with a raging heat in his pajama pants. "Dammit..." He sighed, rolling on his side in annoyance. He hated how he kept having these dreams. They were wrong...Soul knew he shouldn't be having these feelings for Maka. So why was he? Why...? In a way he wondered if it was just a phase. Something he'd grow out of within a few months. But he had been having these dreams for weeks upon weeks. There was no way this was just going to go away.

"Pull yourself together Soul..." He stated to himself, yawning and rubbing his eyes. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the image of Maka out of his mind. It was burned into the back of his eyelids. He saw it every time he closed his eyes now. Every time he even blinked the image would flash through his mind. Each image caused his stomach to flutter and his face get warmer. Was he blushing? That's not cool...

He sighed and lay on his back. Tomorrow he would tell her...He couldn't keep it inside anymore... If he did he would surely explode. Why was he getting so nervous about telling her about some stupid dream? It wasn't like he was in love. Well...Maybe he was...

Yazzy: Well, This is the first chapter. It's sort of short but I ran out of ideas (_ _|||)

Gally: Pff it's good either way though. But I get to write chapter 2 ;3

Yazzy: Oh no...It's going to be so perverted!

Gally: Ohohoho Yes :3