I don't own Gakuen Alice and I got the plot from a Manhwa although the story line is way different.

A ring. The sound of snores. A ring again. It's deafening. Steady breathing. Light snores. And the persistent ringing.

"What a moron" I mutter. The idiot puts the alarm next to his ear but continues to sleep like a grizzly.

"It never was easy to get him out of that bed" A complete idiot. He sleeps like he's dead. I stare at the alarm with its persistent beeping. It's a wonder he's not deaf yet.

Sigh. Some things won't ever change. I've been on this routine for about a year now but nothing in this guy's life ever changes. The alarm continues to ring until his roommate finally gets enough of it and turns it off. Then they all go to sleep and get up 5 minutes before class starts. They freak out and skip breakfast after barely making it in before the teacher. Of course it's not so bad; there is always a girl who's made a treat for them that they sneak into class.

The life and times of rich pretty boy Natsume Hyuga, my boyfriend. Or at least he was when I was alive.

Currently I am not alive. I died a year ago and came to heaven. I'm an angel in training. Yes, there is homework in heaven.

But it's not all bad. Of course you have to read the history of angels, practice magic, learn to fly, learn morals and ethics, read the rules and what not. But the good thing is you can do that at any time. It's not exactly school, it's something you choose to do and it's actually kind of fun. That could be the nerd in me talking though.

And once you've done all that, there is a lot to do. Shopping, playing, eating, exploring, you name it. That's the thing about Heaven, you never get bored.

I took the Keepsake crystal from Matrimony, the angel who unites soul mates after they are created so they can get married and spend their life together in happiness. The Keepsake crystal lets you see anyone on earth, you just have to touch it and think of the person. It helps if you use a memory of them. It's a habit of mine to check up on my old friends and boyfriend. I worry about them a lot, something I used to do a lot when I was alive. Old habits die hard.

Natsume isn't doing well. Late nights, short sleeps, no breakfast, catching on sleep in class and no social life. Not that he had that much of it when I was their anyway. Our relationship was more unbalanced then we let on. Natsume would be the awkward, jealous and possessive boyfriend who's mostly in a corner brooding or sulking. I'd be the eccentric girlfriend who'd baby him and act more like an overprotective mother then a girlfriend. Still our relationship worked that way.

He never told me he loved me or that he even liked me. But somehow I felt that he did. I felt his love with his every nod or stare or random comment about the weather. It was an unspoken truth. We understood each other.

I try my best to keep tabs on him but I have limited time with the crystal. It's only at times when Matrimony is sleeping or eating that I can take a peak.

And then theirs the fact that only Matrimony knows of this. When you die and move on to heaven or hell you loose your human memories thus cutting off all ties that you had with your life on earth. Every angel here has forgotten what it was like to be human; they've lost all memories of their death yet that is the most vivid memory I have.

I remember everything from what I got for Christmas when I was three to how I died and all the pain that came from death. Sometimes it feels like it happened just yesterday.

Matrimony thinks that within time my memories will fade. Which is also why my time with the Keepsake crystal is getting more and more limited. Despite all this I'm trying hard, I don't want to forget my human life, or the people I once held close to me. I'm scared to.

At that time I didn't know that very soon the wheels of fate will reunite me with my old life sooner then I could have imagined.

And so once again the wheels have started spinning.

A/N So it's my first Gakuen Alice Fanfic. Thoughts anyone? Good? Bad?