After gently making sure the Dragon Balls were together, Dende spoke the words of summoning, and Shenlon came forth from the orbs of power. He hovered high in the blackened sky above the two, staring down at them with his flaming red eyes. "Three wishes will be granted to you," came the voice made of thunder. Around him, the flaming, Saiyan-like energy sizzled like raw electricity, and the floor under Piccolo's feet still thrummed with the deepness of Shenlon's voice.

"I.." Piccolo faltered, and looked over to Dende. The guardian nodded sadly, and then closed his eyes. Piccolo steeled himself, and looked Shenlon's right in the eyes, "I wish to be able to weep as a human does..!"

A low humming could be heard, as if Shenlon was laughing a little, "It will be done as you say."

Behind his eyes, Piccolo could feel a slight tickling and a faint, piercing pain, and then that stinging of his eyes came about. He hurriedly blinked, not wanting to use this new ability in front of Dende. Dipping his head, Piccolo told the Dragon that he wasn't going to make any more wishes. Shenlon nodded, vanishing back into the Dragon Balls like water down a drain. The orbs shimmered for a moment, and then scattered, flying off the lookout and falling across the globe.

A moment of silence hung in the air, with Dende staring at the floor, and Piccolo staring down at Earth. After a few minutes, Dende cleared his throat awkwardly, "Well, I guess this means you'll be off now.."

"Yeah.." Piccolo murmured, turning his back toward the younger Namek. Not even nodding a farewell, Piccolo leapt off the side of the platform, hurling in a neat dive towards Earth. Without thinking of where he wanted to go, he found himself back in that same training place that he'd been only moments before. After landing on the ground, he took a moment to recap everything that had just happened to him. In such a short amount of time, he had finally admitted his feelings for Gohan to himself. Then he had unwillingly admitted them to Gohan himself. And then Gohan, the man he loved, proverbially spat in his face and left him in the dirt.

That was enough thought. Those tears, that newfound release of emotion, consumed the Namek, and he couldn't stand. His legs cut out from underneath him, and his hands covered his face. The tears were hot and they poured through his closed fingers, as he was unable to stop the flow. And he didn't want to. It felt nice to cry.. and cry Piccolo did. His body rocked back and forth as he wept, and his lungs seemed non-functional as his body was wracked with sob after sob. It felt so wonderful, and yet.. it was almost as if he was crying straight from his heart.. it beat like a dull drum, and each labored thump felt like a hammer in his chest.

And so the Namek wept, mourning the loss of his Gohan.