I'll Be There

Rating: T

Summary: Whenever the pain came, you came with soothing words. When I fell, your hand came to help me up. When I was alone, you came to give me company. But…you didn't have to...when, the car came, you didn't have to take the fall… unrequited RusAme. Shounen-Ai


Recommended Listening: "I'll Be There" by Tiffany Evans


When Alfred Foster-Abraham Jones, or more commonly known as simply Alfred F. Jones when he was older, was born; it was the start of his bittersweet life. First of all, when he was born, it was Independence Day and the exact day his mother became a widow when his father was killed in action. Don't get the wrong idea, Alfred's mother loved him very well much…well, that is, until Alfred grew older and his body showed off just who he would look like.

Then, she slowly increased the distance between the two of them. She grew a bit more hesitant to kiss him before he went to sleep, she didn't hug him as much, and she rarely sat by the window to watch him play. In fact, she hadn't come out of her room for more than a week. While, Alfred was afraid, he knew better than to come in. He still had the remnants of his punishment for coming in uninvited.

But one day, that very absence would be the very same thing to both mark that day as one of Alfred's scariest day in his little toddler days, more than anything else, and also the day to make him the happiest he'd ever been.

Alfred was playing, when the attention of blue eyes was taken from the red fire truck in his tiny hands to the pretty-pretty yellow butterfly. He hadn't even realized he had stood, left his shiny truck behind, and was chasing after it until he was well out of his mother's sitting window's sight.

He was laughing merrily into the warm summer day, and he hadn't even realized he was out of his family's property lines…and going closer to traffic. But, he hadn't even known it. He was busy chasing after the pretty-pretty butterfly to see the incoming grey car. He was busy hearing his own laughter to even hear the car's frantic honking.

It wasn't until the pretty-pretty was ultimately caught in the beak of a flitting local bird that Alfred realized he was well away from home. Oh, and that car was getting awfully close. He turned his head, blue eyes wide with terror, as his mouth opened in a scream—

When he was caught around the waist, and hoisted free from danger.

"Nyet, poor child," an accented voice asked, "Are you alright?" Alfred was too busy crying to answer. He barely found himself remembering opening his eyes, and seeing a pair of soft violet eyes looking back at him. His hero was male, with really pretty eyes, Alfred thought, with a sniffle. They also had a big nose, bigger than his little button one.

He felt himself whimper, as he was shifted in their arms, and fitted to their hip. They were still holding him. They were still holding him, despite how his mother didn't do it as much as she used to. Alfred found himself wondering why. His mother didn't hold him this long, if she could help it. That's why Alfred had taken to walking sooner than most kids. He just had to learn how to tie his own shoes. But it was okay. He was left on his own a lot, he would learn it himself eventually.

"Yao, look at him," he heard the man with pretty eyes say to a shorter man beside him. The one named "Yao" had strange and slanted brown-yellowish eyes and he was also pale. Yao's eyes widened slightly, as he shifted the small stuffed panda bear in his arms. "Ivan," he began to ask, his eyes taking on a worried look. "Where did you find him, aru? Where is his mother?"

Ivan- that was his hero's name- face turned concerned as well. Alfred began to grow afraid. He was having a bit of a hard time understanding them. But from their tones of voice, Alfred began to grow more afraid. Tears sprung to his eyes, once more, as he thought they were going to leave him in an unknown part of town.

He hadn't meant to run off. He wouldn't do it again, he would promise! He would even eat the green things he sometimes got at dinner, if it meant they wouldn't leave him all alone. He was sorry. He wouldn't do it again.

"Oh, he's crying again," Ivan said, and shifted Alfred to lay his head on his shoulder. Alfred was still crying, as Ivan tried to soothe him, and rub small circles in his back. Yao sighed, "We need to find his mother, aru…"

Alfred was scared, he was so scared. But soon enough, he found the tears to stop and turn to mere whimpers, as Ivan began some soft lullaby and rub circles in his back. He felt better somehow, hearing it, even though he couldn't understand it. Ivan was saying words he didn't know, was it English? It didn't sound like it, but then again, Alfred couldn't start school until August. Maybe, he would learn those words then.

Pretty soon, Alfred was silent, save for the occasional whimper here and there, as Ivan's lullaby continued. Yao had taken to scoping out the small area for any woman or young teenaged girl looking for a lost child. They only came across one woman, but she said Alfred wasn't hers. This saddened both Yao and Ivan. Alfred had to have come from somewhere.

However, the woman did say he looked familiar. After a moment of thought, she said she remembered Alfred from a friend of hers who lived in Alfred's neighborhood. It was pure chance, that Alfred and Ivan shared the same neighborhood. By greater luck still, Ivan was only a few houses down.

Yao was still dumbstruck by the turn of luck and odds, as all of them walked to put Alfred back where his mother was. "Well…" he began, "That was lucky, aru…"

Ivan giggled, as he agreed, "Da, it was good luck. We can take the little guy back where he belongs." The violet-eyed male smiled, as he smoothed Alfred's hair. The small laughter that rang out seemed almost angelic, as it came from the little blonde's mouth and made Yao and Ivan smile. But then, Yao frowned. "Wait, what if he ran away?"

Ivan paused, as he frowned, "What? Why would he do that? He's just a child, Yao…" Ivan was confused, and Alfred turned from playing with the pale scarf wound around Ivan's neck, to pay attention to Yao. "Just hear me out," Yao begin, "I think he may have run away. Maybe, it was unintentionally, but doesn't he look a bit skinny to you?"

Ivan blinked and then looked down at Alfred, blue eyes met violet hues, and Alfred laughed as he reached for the older male's nose. "You have a nose," Alfred chirped. He had only been trying to lighten up the other's sad face, and make the other stop making him sad, but his actions backfired.

His arm rose, and his shirt lifted up slightly. It was a bit baggy on him, since his mother often forgot to cook, during some of her frequent moods. She would forget about him, and Alfred would have to sneak downstairs to find something to eat when he grew hungry.

Ivan saw the somewhat too skinny belly and the slight impression of ribs on such an otherwise healthy little boy. "You are right, da…" Ivan said, looking to the other male. "Should we buy something for him to eat?"

"Like what?" Yao asked, but after a slight hesitation, he said, "We could feed him at your house. I don't think he should have my food just yet. He seems a bit young…" Ivan frowned, as he held Alfred tighter. He nodded, "Da, I can make something. My sister shouldn't mind the extra mouth. She likes cooking with me."

So, with that in mind, they kept walking. Alfred tried multiple times to make them laugh, to get those serious looks off their faces, but he found that he only succeeding before his plan backfired. He had tried playing with Ivan, but all that did was give Yao another piece of false evidence of child abuse, when he showed his slightly scarred hands and arms.

But, Alfred knew his mother didn't hurt him. At least, she hadn't meant to, when he didn't deserve it. Those scars were from when Alfred used to play with the neighbor's dogs. They had sharp claws, and sometimes he got hurt. He promised his mother didn't hurt him…when he didn't deserve it, for looking like someone he had never known.

By the time, the trio had made it to Ivan's house; it was growing closer to nightfall. Alfred didn't like the dark. It was scary, despite how often he was left on his own when his mother didn't show him how to turn on the night light or turn on the big lamp on the ceiling. It didn't help that his eyesight might have been slowly suffering from it.

Upon entering the house, Alfred felt himself snatched from Ivan by someone else. His first response was to cry. Blue eyes watered, and his mouth opened as he began crying. His cheeks flushed, as tears ran down them. A moment after he started crying, he heard someone else start crying.

Of course, it was Ivan's older sister, Katyusha. She had been told by Yao, via a text message, that he and Ivan had found a child on the way home and were bringing him over to eat something since he looked like he hadn't had a good meal in a while. She had immediately replied back, asking why was there a child without a parent, and if he was alright.

Yao told her that they didn't know who Alfred's parents were, but that they knew his address. Yao tried to slip something about Alfred's scars, but Ivan had told him not to. The other male would ultimately have to deal with his sobbing mess of a sister if Yao told her they had found an abused toddler by the crossroads.

"I'm sorry," Katyusha sobbed, as she tried bouncing Alfred in her arms. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! Please, stop crying, little one!" She was bawling, and Yao tried to reassure her, as he tried to take the child from her. Alfred reacted even worse to Yao's attempt than he had to Katyusha. He was struggling to get away, and weakly pounding his fists on all of the available places he could reach.

Although, though Alfred meant to be weak in his attempts to hit the other, he was actually creating the light beginnings of bruises in his wake. "Ow!" Yao cried, wincing with each blow, "Ow, ow, ow! Please stop, aru! Ow!"

Ultimately, Ivan tried to intervene, and his attempt shocked everyone with how suddenly Alfred lost his fight. He was still crying, but not sobbing like he had been and he wasn't hitting Ivan like he had done Yao. Instead, he was clinging to Ivan's shirt and trying to bury his face in said male's scarf. His crying soon turned to whimpers, and eventually sweet silence.

"Is he o-okay?" Katyusha asked, wiping her eyes hurriedly. "Did I hold him wrong?" She looked mournfully, down at her chest, "M-Maybe it was th-these, maybe he didn't l-like them." She began to start crying once more, "Wh-what did I do wrong? I-I thought I was good with children."

Yao didn't know what to say, but Ivan did and jumped at the opportunity to cease his big sister's crying and fears. "Nyet, no, you're very good with children, Katyusha. You probably just scared him, that's all…" He hoped his lie was believable enough to pacify his big sister. She was so emotional, and very easily upset. Most of her problems, she ended up blaming her breasts for. Like that one trip to the store and how she had cried about knocking over a magazine rack, when she leaned in to read one's title more closely…

"R-really?" Katyusha asked, with a hiccup, as she wiped her eyes once more. "You don't think it was all m-my fault?" Ivan nodded, his head, as Yao chimed in, "No, it was most certainly not your fault. He's probably also a bit cranky. He might be hungry, we should get dinner started."

Katyusha's light blue eyes lit up, as she remembered. "Oh right," she said, as she darted to the kitchen. "What should we have? Natalia is still getting over her loose tooth, so we can't have hard food." She looked to Alfred, who meekly smiled at her. He saw how brightly she smiled back, as she said, "We could have some pelmeni. Would that be okay?"

Ivan nodded, "The dumplings should be fine. I don't know how accustomed to hard foods, he is, but we'll be on the safe side." He smiled at Alfred, "Is that alright, little guy?" The gesture of warmth made Alfred smile back, and reach for his nose once more.

Ivan giggled, Yao rolling his eyes but eventually smiling at the cute scene. Ivan loved children, but unfortunately, due to some moments in his past he was afraid to have any. Katyusha was usually working to keep a roof over Ivan and their baby sister, and though she was constantly approached by men, she knew what they really wanted versus what she always hoped for.

She had decided after a recent let down, she was going to stop dating until she thought men would have more respect for her. So far, men still came up to her, but she kept turning them down, saying she wasn't interested in anything they had to offer.

Katyusha was busy talking to herself of what else to make, as Ivan turned to Alfred, and asked, "Little one, can you behave for my friend Yao, so I can help with dinner?" Alfred listened, but then shook his head. He had only heard the name Yao and said no. He didn't like Yao too much.

Ivan smiled sadly, and then asked, "Well, can you walk beside me, and try not to be accidentally step on?" Yao made a face at that, but at Alfred's giggle and nod, he calmed slightly. Ivan held his breath, and slowly eased Alfred down. At first, Alfred clung to his arms, as if afraid he would be dropped, but then his little sneakered feet touched the ground.

There was a slight pause, as Alfred kept one hand tightly clutched in Ivan's pant leg. Yao smiled, and Ivan giggled, "I think he likes me." Alfred smiled, staying within close range of Ivan, whilst still looking around. The room he was in looked like his living room, but it had different photos on the wall and there was a small dining table at the far end with four chairs.

He felt Ivan turn, and moved with him to follow, though it was somewhat difficult with long short his legs were compared to Ivan's. But, Alfred kept trying, and when Ivan stopped, he shadowed the action. Then, the smell of dinner caught around his nose and refused to let go. His mouth was already watering. At this point in time, he told himself he wouldn't mind eating a few green things if it tasted good.

It was while he was too busy paying attention to Ivan's hand motions on the counter that he missed Katyusha bending down and extending a little piece of food towards him. He inched behind Ivan, afraid, and only stopped to realize that the food smelled good.

He poked his head out, hearing Ivan chuckle, and saw Katyusha still extending the piece of food towards him. "Here you go," she said, softly, and Alfred felt himself smile a bit. She sounded so nice. She couldn't be bad, if she seemed nice, right?

Alfred reached out his hand, albeit shakily, and took the piece quickly. He looked at it, and saw it was just a warm white triangle in his hand. He frowned, and then shrugged as he popped the food in his mouth. He chewed, and then his eyes widened, as he found that the food tasted really good. It tasted better than it smelled!

He smiled, chewing, and Katyusha smiled back. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, little baby," she said, as she reached out and touched his cheek. At first, Alfred stiffened, and then Katyusha frowned. She leaned a bit forward, and Alfred ducked his head. Ivan looked down, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"He's got bruises on his collar," Katyusha began to say, as some tears came to her eyes, "I can see them now because I was just going to touch his face." She sniffled, and Alfred tore her hand from him and hid behind Ivan. Said man looked down, and he could barely see, just underneath the collar of Alfred's shirt, the sight of old bruises.

He didn't know what to say, at first, but then he sighed. "Maybe, we should keep him." Katyusha looked up, "Ivan! He isn't a pet, he's a child! We can't—"

"I know," Ivan said, "But I don't think he's being treated very well at home." Katyusha said nothing, for a while, and Ivan continued, "What if we bring him back, and he comes back to us, big sister? What if it's worse?"

"We would still be suspects, Ivan, if we turn this into the police," she explained. "We are not family, and we are not friends of the family either. They could turn it against us." Ivan said nothing, as he just watched Alfred try to hide behind his leg. He sighed.

"Fine," he said, knowing it was for the best. "We'll give him back after dinner." Katyusha nodded, and then they both started, as Yao asked, "Wait…what if no one comes to the door, aru?" Both siblings were quiet, and then Ivan said, as he turned to Katyusha, "We can keep him then, da?"

Katyusha bit her lip, and after a few moments, said, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, alright?" Both Yao and Ivan nodded, deciding it was for the best not to worry. Alfred eventually came out of hiding, just as Natalya came in. She was still young, seeing as Ivan was in middle school and Katyusha in high school while their father was…away.

Natalya took one look at Alfred, and frowned, "Who is he, big brother?" Ivan looked down at his baby sister, albeit with slight fear, and said, "Just a little someone we picked up on the way home." Yao watched from a chair at the table.

Natalya raised a brow, "Like a hooker?"

Katyusha tried a disapproving glare, "Now, Natalya! You take that back, right now. That's not nice." Said child shrugged, and said, "Whatever, let me know when dinner is ready." Then, she turned and walked away. Alfred stared after her, like everyone else, deciding he liked her less than Yao. At least Yao tried to nice to him.

Dinner finished soon after, and while Yao went to Natalya, Katyusha was reminded of their chair problem. She turned to Ivan, "Do you mind? We're short of a chair…"

Ivan shook his head, "Nyet, it is fine." He sat in his chair, Natalya coming in to sit by his left, and Yao to his right. Alfred sat in Ivan's lap, eyeing the food in front of him. Katyusha sat at the head of the table, and immediately tried for light conversation. She was successful, for the most part, unless it was directed at Natalya unless Ivan asked her something to which she would always quickly reply.

But then…dinner ended, and Ivan felt a small disappointment, knowing what came next. Yao went with them, as Ivan promised to be quick and Yao said goodbye to go home after going with Ivan. The walk was quiet, as Alfred lay on Ivan's shoulder, falling asleep after a good meal.

Too soon, they came to the house, the woman told of. Ivan bit his lip, walked up the steps and then knocked on the door. Yao stood out at the curb, as Ivan waited for someone to answer. But after a few minutes of nothing, Ivan frowned and knocked again.

He waited longer and still nothing. It was already dark, and Ivan was growing worried. Was the family asleep? Could they hear him knocking? Ivan couldn't ask Alfred who he lived with, or if they were home at all, because the boy was asleep.

So instead, he sighed, and turned on a heel. He looked to Yao and shook his head, "No one answered." Yao frowned, as he looked back at the house. He could see dust gathering at the corners of the windows. Whoever lived there did not take very good care of it. He wondered how Alfred had lived…Then, after he had heard the slight words between Ivan and Katyusha on finding marks on Alfred, he decided he didn't want to know.

But still, the Asian frowned, as he saw how much Ivan was thinking about it as well. Both of their minds were wondering about the little boy currently sleeping innocently in Ivan's arms. Both wondered how the little boy had lived.

Both wondered if the boy had really intentionally run away…

How was it?

I had meant for this to be a one-shot, but it kept going on, and somehow ended up being like five chapters long…-_-

This will be short, and NO, they will be no smut between these two. I don't like pedophilia, and personally, I find it disturbing.

You'll find what I meant with the shounen-ai in the description later on in the story.


EDIT: I have no idea why this got rated as K+...I thought I put it as T. Huh, shows what I get for posting in the morning rather than my usual afternoons.