Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. It belongs to Tite Kubo.

Title: Rain

Pairing: Ichigo/Orihime

Inspiration: Rainy nights

Note: Please try to read this on a rainy night.


It washes away all our sorrows and mistakes, leading us to a better path. Let us stand in the rain.

It's raining.

It is not the heavy monsoon rains that wake Orihime Inoue up. It is a phone call.

Orihime reaches out to the nightstand and tries to find the ringing device in the dark. Thunder rumbles in the distance, causing the small apartment to shake.

"Hello?" Orihime draws out wearily after locating her cell phone.

"Orihime?" The person on the other end replies.

The chestnut haired girl sits up in her bed, enveloped in the darkness.

"Yes? Who is this?" Orihime clutches her arm holding the phone. She is worried because of all the unwanted attention she gets from men.

"Hey, it's me, Ichigo. I got into a fight with my dad and I need a place to stay. Can I crash at your place? I'll drive so you don't have to pick me up." His voice sounds different through a telephone.

"What time is it?" Orihime asks him.

"About 2 AM." He answers back. It sounds like he is packing up his things.

"God. When did you come home?" Orihime shifts her position.

"About half an hour ago. Got yelled at." Ichigo explains.

"All right, but I don't have a guest bedroom." Orihime gets up and walks to the bedroom's window. She watches as the rains pour down, washing away everything in its path.

Oh, how I love this pairing.
