Who Can She Trust?

Chapter One

AN: Hi guys! This is my first Fanfic on here and I really hope you enjoy it! This takes place sometime after the events of 'Always'. Castle and Beckett are together. Kate has her job at the 12th back. How she got it back isn't important to this fic. It may be mentioned later, but for now, it's unimportant. Please leave a review telling me what you think!

Waking up that Thursday morning, Kate Beckett didn't feel any different. She woke up early, even had time to go for a run, made herself some coffee and toast, and then headed to her car to drive to the precinct. No body drops. She was happy for that. She had so much paperwork to get through, the last thing she needed was a-

*Ring ring*

Really? Kate sighed and pulled her phone from her pocket.

"Beckett." She answered, sitting her coffee on top of her car.

"Beckett," Answered Captain Gates. "I need you to come down to the precinct; we need to talk. Now."

Kate noticed the urgency in the woman's voice and grabbed her coffee from the top of her car so that she could climb inside. "Is everything alright, sir?" She asked, setting her cup in the holder and pulling out into traffic.

"I need to speak with you. How soon until you arrive?" She asked.

"I'm on my way now." Beckett answered.

"Detective Beckett," Captain Gates hesitated. "…you might want to call Castle."

Kate was surprised. Call Castle? She hated Castle. That thought alone worried her. What was so urgent? Why did Castle need to be called? "Okay, I'll call him and be at the precinct in about twenty."

"Okay." Captain Gates said before hanging up.

Kate grabbed her phone and quickly sent Castle a text telling him to meet her at the precinct.

They met outside the precinct. She was leaning against her car, scrolling through her phone when he approached with two coffees in hand.

She smiled and slid her phone into her pocket. "I said urgent, Castle. Was stopping for coffee really necessary?"

Castle smirked and handed her the coffee and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. "You and I both know that it was."

She rolled her eyes. "What did I say about kissing at the precinct?" She said, sipping her coffee and pushing off the car, leading Castle up the stairs to the precinct doors.

"We're outside, Kate." He said. "And besides, if you'd have stayed with me last night we could've taken care of this already."

Kate smiled. "Stop your complaining, you're spending the night with me tonight aren't you?"

Castle nodded as he pushed open the precinct door for her. "But we're still having dinner with my Mother and Alexis right?"

"Yeah." Kate said, giving the security man a wave and heading for the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, she looked over at Castle and hesitated before speaking. "Can we do dinner at my apartment?" She asked. "I'd really like to cook for them…have them over. They've never been to my apartment."

Castle couldn't help the ridiculous grin that spread across his face. This shouldn't make him as happy as it does. They've all been so wonderful about adjusting. Of course his mother adored Kate as always, but he had been nervous about Alexis. He knew that Alexis had mixed feelings about Kate ever since her shooting…and defiantly after she choose her Mom's case over him…when he quit. He never told Alexis what happened, but she'd pieced it together. But his worries seemed to be wrong. Alexis and Kate weren't instant best friends, they hardly spoke to each other, but Kate kept trying and trying until eventually one evening, well early morning actually, he woke to an empty bed and peered out into the living room to find Kate and Alexis sitting on the couch talking. Since that night they were good…great really. He'd never thank Kate enough for that. "Of course." He said, breaking her no touch rules for the precinct by reaching out and taking her hand.

She surprised him by not pulling away; instead she led him into the elevator.

They broke apart as they stepped out of the elevator. They sat their coffee on Beckett's desk and noticed that the boys were at their desks, not looking at them, which was odd.

"Hey guys!" Castle said, trying to get their attention.

They looked back at them and gave Beckett sheepish smiles. "Gates wants you." Esposito said.

Kate looked over at Castle. Something was wrong; something was very wrong.

They walked into Gates' office with Kate leading the way. "Good morning Sir." Kate said as Castle closed the office door behind them.

The Captain looked up from the papers on her desk. "You guys might want to sit." She said.

They both nodded slowly and took seats as Gates stood to walk in front of her desk. She took a seat on her desk, facing them. "Detectives Esposito and Ryan solved their case today." She began. "Paul Anderson, or at least that was the name he gave them. Turns out he was hired by Phil Wallace, a powerful man who has been ordering murders for years." She looked up to see the confusion still written on the detective's face. "They were able to track him down…but before they could bring him into custody, Detective Esposito had to shoot him."

Kate nodded. "Sir, what does this have to do with me?"

"Yeah," Castle said. "Why was this so urgent?"

Gates took a deep breath. "He was the one who hired your Mother's killer…the man who hired your sniper." She said in almost a whispered. "Esposito killed him."

Kate felt like she was going to pass out…or throw up…or both. Just like that? On a chance encounter, the man she'd dedicated years of her life to finding, was killed? "Are you sure?"

Gates slowly nodded. "He kept files of each murder."

Kate swallowed the lump in her throat and slowly stood. "Thank you for telling me…" She paused. "I need to go." And with that, she left Gates' office.

Gates' looked at Castle. "Go." She said. "Make sure she's okay and tell her she doesn't need to stay today."

Castle nodded and left the office to find Kate gathering her coffee and heading for the elevator. He jogged after her. "Are you okay? Where are you going?" He asked.

"Yeah," She whispered. "I need to go tell my Dad." She said as they boarded the elevator.

"Do you want to go alone?" He asked, knowing that she would. She would want to be alone with her Dad.

She shook her head. "No, Castle. I want you with me."

The doorman smiled at her and Castle as they approached the door. "Ms. Beckett." He smiled.

"Hi Mr. Duncan." She said with a warm smile as she passed him. They waited patiently for the elevator. She stared down at her hands nervously. She thought she would be much happier. She was happy; she just pictured herself to be happier.

Ever since the case with the sniper, she had been working to put her mom's death behind her, and she finally had. She felt as if weight had been lifted from her. She still missed her mother, but could accept the fact that she was gone. As much as it pained her to do it, she knew it was for her own good. Now with the events that had transpired, she felt images of her mother fill her mind.

"You okay?" Castle asked as they boarded the elevator.

Beckett nodded and smiled a small smile. "I just don't know how my Dad is going to take it."

Castle watched the nervous expression on her face. It was a side of her that no one saw very often. She wasn't frequently nervous or scared of anything. It was odd watching that side of her. "I'm sure he'll be happy and relieved. Isn't that how you feel?"

The elevator reached the sixth floor where he father lived. They stepped out of the elevator and Beckett stopped and turned towards Castle. "I don't know." She paused. "I'm happy that my Mom finally has justice, but I just don't feel the…happiness I thought that I would feel."

"Well, you've finally come to peace with the murder and put it behind you. It doesn't quite run your life like it used to. It's normal not to feel the same about something that you've put behind you."

Beckett nodded, still feeling nervous. They approached apartment eleven and Beckett raised her hand to knock on the door, she usually would just walk in, but this time, she forgot her key. As soon as she knocked she heard voices and shoes scuffling on the floor. She turned and looked at Castle, silently asking if he heard it too. Castle returned the confused expression, answering her question.

"Dad?" Beckett said, as she knocked on her father's door again.

"Uh, just a second." Came the muffled voice of Jim Beckett from behind the door.

Beckett listened closely when she heard more voices. It sounded like a woman's voice.

"Castle, does that sound like a woman's voice?" She whispered.

Castle nodded. "Sounds like your Dad has a new friend."

Beckett gave him a look before turning back to her Dad's door and knocked again. "Dad!" She said in a stern voice, knocking harder.

She stepped back from the door and sighed in frustration. She took another step towards the door to knock when it was swung open to reveal Jim Beckett. He stood with a nervous smile and was trying to catch his breath. "Come in." He said, gesturing them inside.

Beckett gave him a suspicious look before she and Castle walked past him inside the apartment.

Jim shut the door behind them and took a deep breath before turning to face them. "I didn't expect to see you today Katie." He said, walking over to a chair and sitting down.

Beckett followed after him and sat down on the sofa across from him. Castle, who had been following on Beckett's heels, sat down next to her.

"I know Dad. I usually call, but this is…really important."

Castle watched the expression of nervousness on Jim's face turn to curiosity and worry. His eyes glanced at Castle for a brief second before settling back on his daughter.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He asked with concern for his daughter. His fatherly instincts caused worse case scenarios of injury or illness flood into his mind.

Beckett smiled and nodded, looking down at the floor. "I'm fine Dad." She paused. "It's about a case that Esposito and Ryan have been working."


Beckett nodded. "Yeah. Uh, they solved the case…"

"They found the guy? That's great." Jim said. As much as he loved getting visits from his daughter, he was a little confused why she was telling him so much about the case; she never bothered to share the details of cases with him.

She nodded slowly and looked down at her hands. How did she say this? Did he even have to know? Yes, he did. She stole a glance at Castle who was seated next to her. Their eyes connected and he silently urged her on. She nodded; he helped. He always helped.

Just as she was about to say it, Jim spoke up. "Katie, why are you really here on a Thursday morning, because I know it's not about a case."

Kate sighed. "They found him, Dad." She said. "The guy who hired Dick Coonan…the guy who hired my sniper. Ryan and Esposito found him and killed him…they didn't know who he was at the time but, Espo shot him. He's dead."

Kate kept eye-contact with her father the whole time she was speaking and was surprised by his lack of emotion. He nodded but that was it. Granted, she hadn't shown that much emotion but she showed some, unlike her father who was sitting still and seemed unchanged.

"Dad," she started, but was interrupted by a sneeze from Castle. She turned to look at him. "Bless you." She muttered, turning back to her father.

"I didn't sneeze." Castle said.

"Yes you did." Kate said looking at him again. "It wasn't me or Dad."

"Well it wasn't me." Castle said.

Kate's eyes quickly scanned the apartment. "Someone is in here." She whispered. "Dad when we knocked on the door we heard you talking to someone. Is there anyone any this apartment that you know of?"

Jim shook his head. "I was, uh, talking to myself. There's no one here."

Kate and Castle shared a look. Castle looked at Jim and whispered. "Someone is in here…we just need to know if you know who it is."

Jim hesitated before shaking his head again. "I don't know."

Kate nodded and stood slowly, pulling her gun from the inside of her jacket. Castle was right behind her, telling Jim to stay where he was.

Jim quickly stood and pulled on his daughter's arm before she could disappear down the hallway. "What are doing?" He said loudly.

"Shh!" She whispered. "There's someone in your apartment that you don't know! What do you want me to do?" She paused. "Unless…you know the person and you're hiding them from me." She said. Kate knew her father was lying to her. She and Castle heard the voices…a female voice. Her Dad was hiding a woman from her.

Jim stared into his daughter's stare. "No…no," he said slowly. "I wouldn't hide anyone." He paused. "But can we not do this? Can you put your gun away and let me go back and handle…"

"What?" Castle and Kate said at the same time.

"Dad," Kate hissed. "You need to quiet down!" She paused. "And there is no way I'm letting you, a-a civilian go back there! What if he's armed?"

"I highly doubt she's…they're armed."

Kate froze. "You said 'she' Dad." She said. She couldn't help the small ounce of hurt in her voice as she said it. She didn't know what she was the most upset about, the fact that he had a woman over or the fact that he was hiding her from his own daughter. She felt Castle's hand at her elbow. Normally, she'd have pushed him away, but at the moment, she needed it.

"No…no I didn't." Jim stuttered.

"Jim." Castle said sternly. Castle couldn't stand seeing Kate like this. Her own father was lying to her. The older man's eyes locked with Castle's for a second. Jim didn't look angry, he was almost pleading with him to stop,

"Who are you hiding from me?" Kate whispered.

"No one." Jim said, looking back at his daughter.

Kate shook her head and took a deep breath before turning and walking slowly down the hallway. Jim quickly followed after her, telling her that there was no on to find.

Castle ran after them, needing to be by Kate's side when she found whoever Jim was hiding.

Castle had always liked Jim. He was a very kind man. Seemed like a great father. Kate adored him. But now? Castle was rethinking that.

They walked through the hallway, Kate glanced in each room. The bathroom, closet, and guest room were all empty. That left Jim's bedroom, which happened to be closed. Kate knew for a fact that her father kept his bedroom door open.

When she approached her father's bedroom, she glanced over her shoulder and looked at her father who was still telling her to go back to the living room. Her eyes left his and wandered to Castle's who had a worried expression on his face, but still nodded at her, silently telling her that he had her back.

She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the doorknob and pushed it open quickly. She peered inside to see a woman sitting on her father's bed, her back was to Kate.

Kate froze. She couldn't speak. Her father was hiding a woman from her.

"Katie," Jim whispered from behind her.

At the sound of Jim's voice, the woman quickly stood and turned to face Kate. Johanna Beckett's green eyes lit up as a huge smile spread across her face. "Katie!"

Kate's breath hitched and her hand, that she realized still held her gun pointed straight forward, started shaking. No. No. This can't be…no.

Castle inched forward and peered in the room. The woman was facing them. She spoke to Kate…called her Katie. Oh God. That was her. He knew her from the murder board he'd memorized. It was Johanna Beckett. "Kate." He whispered.

That did it for Kate; she turned and pushed through Castle and her Dad, her gun somehow ending up in Jim's arms. She went quickly down the hallway, through the living room, and then the door was slammed and she was gone.

Castle stood still for a second, stealing another glance at Johanna Beckett. His eyes also wandered to Jim who took a step forward to follow her.

"No," Castle whispered, running past Kate's father to chase after her.

Jim nodded and watched Castle disappear in search of his daughter. He looked down at his daughter's loaded gun that had been pointed at his wife. He sighed and walked into him bedroom, setting the gun down on his bed.

He looked up to see his wife's tear-filled eyes. He moved forward to embrace her. He pulled her to him and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "It'll be okay." He whispered. "Castle's got her."

Castle ran after her, watching as she ran quickly down the stairs, ignoring the waiting elevator. "Kate!" He yelled. "Stop!" He knew she was fast; very fast, but for once he was faster. He caught up to her and grabbed her arm gently, spinning her around to face him. He felt his heart crack at the sight of her tear stained face. "Kate…" He began gently.

"How could they lie to me for all of these years?" She choked out. "I took a fucking bullet for this…" She said, being interrupted by the tears streaming down her face.

Castle reached out and grabbed her arm. "I know you did, and it's going to be okay. I promise you…"

He wasn't finished speaking before he felt her in his arms. Her head was lying on his shoulder as she sobbed into his shirt, completely losing all self control. He stood shocked for a second before wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"I-I don't know…how I'm going to…do this. I finally…accepted her death…put the case behind me…" She said through muffled sobs.

"Kate, you're going to be fine. You can get through this; I know you can." He paused. "And I'm going to be by your side the whole time."

Beckett lifted her head from his shoulder and looked up and him, not pulling completely away from his embrace. "Really?"


I hope you all enjoyed this! I know in the end Kate may be a little OOC but we don't really know how she'd act in this situation. I'll try to update as often as I can. Please leave a review with your feedback. (: