Dragon in the Cold

Chapter 12

Spike opened his eyes, only seeing blurriness of a dimly lighted room, he blacked out again. It felt like hours later, he opened his eyes, he saw a purple blur, he closed his eyes, he had a headache, and it was not getting better. His eyes slowly opened again, he saw a white, orange, purple, cyan, pink, and yellow blur, all mixed and mushed together. His vision slowly started to sink into the right place, started hearing blurry voices. When his vision was good enough, he recognized the six ponies around him. Twilight Sparkle, his best friend, they worked together, and she was finally out of house arrest. Rarity, a fashionista who makes dresses, Spike has a crush on her but gave up a while back, she would never love him back. Pinkie Pie, that crazy party pony, they had some fun time together, but he started to think she was crazy in the head. Rainbow Dash, was she the one that tackled him? All he remembered was a cyan blur with multiple colors, and red, then black. Fluttershy, man I love that pony, she is nice, kind hearted, and best of all, knows how to have better fun than Pinkie, (if you know what I mean). And Applejack, that son of a bitch knocked him into next week, he wanted to scorch her where she stood, but his mouth was muffled out by a mask, he tried to get up but he was strapped down. He could still talk through the mask thought.

"Applejack, and Rainbow, your DEAD TO ME! Do you know how much pain I took? Just to get me to come back to Ponyville, oh yeah that's a good reason to put me in a COMA!" Spike yelled as loud as he could, Applejacks expression turned from anger, to sorrow, to sadness, tears were lining her eyes.

"Spike… Were sorry, Rainbow, don't ya have something to say?" Applejack asked

"Um, what? Oh yeah, sorry I tackled you, looks like someone can't take a hit!" RD said laughing, Spike eyes took an angle, there was a small fire in his eyes, he started to hate Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, so clever Rainbow Dash! I can't take a hit huh? I heard the sounds of bones cracking when miss athlete of Ponyville kicked me! And at least I'm straight! You know, I never knew lesbians were so tough!" Spike yelled again. Rainbow Dash had tears running down her cheeks. She cried for about 30 seconds, until she looked at Spike, the fire in her eyes was strong, her face went red and she attempted to lunge at Spike. Twilight held Rainbow Dash in place.

"Let me at him! It's my choice in life! Spike your dead meat!" Rainbow Dash said. Applejack and the others stared dumbfounded at what Spike had said. Rainbow Dash eventually stopped trying to fight magic, and gave up, when she got back on the ground, she quietly sobbed.

"Ya don't just come here, and tell what a pony should do Spike." Applejack said angrily, Spike only made eye contact with her, not looking amused enough.

"Well then why did you break someone's bones? Just to get a friend back? I know you'd miss me, you all would, but it was the right THING. Get off my BACK about it, you must like me a whole lot more than a friend, because, a true friend would agree what is best for me. Looks like you all just let Applejack get leader position or, you all love me." Spike said, every pony in the room had their jaw open, Rarity broke the silence.

"Well, I have no interest in having a relationship with a dragon, I for one look for well-mannered colts." Rarity said, trying to sound exclusive, trying to also impress Spike. This only made Spike angrier.

"Oh yeah, I did you know I have a crush on you? No way! I come in, help you on your dresses, give you tips, beauty designs inspiration, and I take rejection, suck it up, and move on. YOU take it way to seriously! You become so dramatic, that everyone realizes that you are fine! You just want attention! Is that your game Rarity? Because if it is, you sicken me." Spike said, Rarity stood there, her jaw agape, she whimpered, and started to cry harder than Rainbow Dash. Spike thought, here she goes again. He suddenly felt a prick on his arm, he yelped in pain, he looked over, to see a needle in his purple arm, and a red liquid being sucked in, and a blue liquid being forced into his bloodstream, the blue liquid went against his bloodstream; pain went through his entire body, finally the pain stopped, he looked at Fluttershy, who gave him the shot.

"What was that?" Spike asked

"A medicine that will help you calm down, Twilight, you may proceed." Fluttershy said

"Wait what-" Spike tried to say, but a thin line of purple glow shot out of Twilights horn, it went into Spike's head, he saw something, it was tampering with his memories, the thing only took memories of Spike being hurt, and being with Endeen. Then, he didn't know where he was, he panicked, first minute he was at Fluttershy's cottage, now he surrounded by his friends, what was going on. Rainbow Dash and Rarity quietly sobbed, and Twilight had a confused look on her face.

"Do you think it worked Twilight?" Applejack asked

"What worked?" Spike asked

"Yeah, definitely" Twilight replied, looking smug that she had completed her goal. She got her friend back, she undid the straps. A smile on her face. Spike got off the table, looking confused, and headed towards the door, that he just noticed. He found the stairs leading up to the library, he went up to his room, got out his favorite adventure novel, and started to read. He didn't know what was going on, but he had never finished this novel, he decided to read it. He wondered how he got there, could it be that he had a memory, and it was taken away?

Twilight and the others were still in the library's basement.

"Well, that's over with…" Fluttershy said

"Rainbow Dash and Rarity, I'm sorry Spike said that, it wasn't him, he was scared." Twilight said trying to cheer Rainbow Dash and Rarity up. Rainbow looked up, her eyes were red and puffy.

"Well, I guess I understand. As long as he doesn't do it again." Rainbow said, Rarity nodded in agreement, she understood to.

"Well, uh, what do we do now?" Applejack asked

"Well, we can go back to our normal lives; I let Spike keep the fun memories, if you know what I mean. Anyways, I am going to go talk to Spike, you guys can get back to your work. "Twilight said, all the ponies left back to their jobs. Rarity at her boutique, Applejack at the farm, Fluttershy tending to her animals, Pinkie at the bakery, and Rainbow Dash to take a nap, as usual. When they all left it was just Twilight, alone in the basement.

Twilight walked upstairs to see Spike reading a novel, it was Daring Doo and the Gold Egg, Spike liked the Daring Doo series, so did Rainbow Dash. Twilight sat next to Spike to talk to him.

"Hey Spike, can I talk to you?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Spike replied

"Well, when I was under house arrest, I had time to think. At first I thought that I needed you, but I realized after a while that it is your choice, you can bed whatever mare you want. I thought that I was putting you in an uncomfortable position, but I only did it to keep you alive."

"Well, I realize that, and just to confess, I kind of slept with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie." Spike said, he looked at Twilight, it looked like she was trying to hold her anger in, and she let out a sigh, and nodded.

"Like I said Spike, if you want to talk about it, or do it. I am always here to help you out." Twilight said, she smiled, and got up, and started to walk away, she lifted up her tail, giving Spike a glance at her pussy, she also walked in sultry way, and she opened the door, and closed it behind her. What was she trying to prove to him? He continued to read, he was not interested in any sexual things right now, but Twilight sure was. He felt like he knew someone, but it was at the back of his mind. He gave up trying to find the memory. He heard knocking at their front door.

"I'll get it!" Twilight said, she used her magic to open the door. There was a taller than average pony at her doorstep, it was Princess Celestia.

"P-Princess Celestia, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked, bowing before the princess.

"Stand up my student, I have some bad news" Celestia said

"What is it?" Twilight asked

Fluttershy walked back to her cottage, she fed the animals, and Angel was being picky again, so she insisted he ate some lettuce and carrots. When she finished, she decided to read a book. But she could not focus on the book, why couldn't she? The thought of Spike popped into her mind. The times they slept together, it was magical. She wanted him, more than ever. But she couldn't get him; he needed to recover from the spell Twilight casted on him. But she had this feeling that something bad would happen to Spike, that he would be taken away, forced to, fight. She didn't want to see him like this. She had visions; her eyes went white, visions of war, of white colts in bronze armor, fighting black colts, in bronze armor as well. But the black colts looked, hypnotized. She saw Celestia flying through the air, fighting, Luna. Then she saw a purple dragon, with iron armor, he had a bloody spear, and a sheathed bronze sword at his side. A colt charged him, but he easily rammed him with his bronze shield, and sobbed the black colt in the eye with his spear, he then threw the spear, it flew the through the air with so much speed and power, he pulled out his sword as a secondary weapon. The spear was heading towards Luna, Luna stopped the spear with her magic, and with a force greater than a bull stampede, the spear came directly back at Spike. It easily slashed through his armor, and cut so deep in his shoulder, that part of the spear head was coming out. Fluttershy couldn't watch anymore. She was back at her house, on her living room couch. She began to cry. Did she just see the future? Tears ran down her cheeks, she didn't want to, but she had to see more, she closed her eyes in a attempt to continue the vision, but saw nothing. What would happen to Spike?

Back at Twilights house, Twilight just heard the news. Her jaw was open.

"What did you say, again? Please I don't think I heard right." Twilight said

"Well, like I said, Princess Luna feels stressed, and feels like I am treating her terribly, I tried to comfort her. But she only ignored me. She started hypnotizing the guards, and our army. I was able to stop her, but she teleported away with half of our army. She is going to attempt to take over Equestria, she casted a spell so the Elements of Harmony won't work. So we have to defeat her the old fashioned way, full out war. What I am asking you is, we need Spike to fight. He is old enough, I heard he can cast pretty good magic, and he is a lot tougher than most of my colts. I would like to give you a choice, but I cannot, we have lost too many stallions, Spike will join us. Spike will be able to visit you whenever he has the time. I'm sorry." Celestia said, laying the bomb on Twilight.

"B-But isn't there another way? You can't take Spike away!" Twilight yelled

"I'm sorry Twilight." Celestia said as her horn glowed, Spike appeared next to her. He looked up and was confused.

"Wait, what's going on?" Spike asked

"I'll explain when we get there." Celestia said, and with that the two disappeared, Twilight was left, tears in her eyes. This had to happen, she lost her friend again. He was going to be put through war. Most likely most of the colts in Ponyville will be taken to. She then saw Fluttershy flying fast, like really fast. She stopped right in front of her with a loud stomp

"Where is he?" Fluttershy said, looking worried.

"The P-Princess just took him to fight. In a w-war. Spike might be able to v-visit." Twilight said, she started to break down and cry. Fluttershy didn't comfort her, her vision was correct, Spike will, and fall in deaths arm. She didn't tell Twilight about her vision that would definitely not help her stop crying. She tried to comfort her, but nothing worked. Twilight later explained the war that was destined to happen, Fluttershy was horrified. She just wanted to crawl in a bed and hide. Spike was going to war, and most likely, destined to die.

A:N And that's it! This story is over, but do not worry. The plotline will continue in "The Equestrian War". A war will break out between the two sisters, Celestia is forced to get as many soldiers as possible, and Luna hypnotizes her own army to fight for her. Endeen will pop up again, and this story will last longer than this one. Chapter one of The Equestrian War will be posted on tuned guys! If there are any recommendations for the next story I will take them. And there are other ways of contacting me to! I am a gamer, so you can add me on Steam: Vinyl_Scratch_7, .com. If there is any other game you want me to play, just message me. Alright then, see you guys later!