A/N: This is a very OOC story. Because it is AU.

You have been warned. So, on with the story people! =)))

Disclaimer: Yes. I own Harry Potter. Psh- As if! Well, if I am the amazing and ever gorgeous J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter would have been filled with Dramione goodness! HAHAHA! =)))


First Chapter.

"Hermione Jean Granger! Come down here this second!" Hermione's aunts' voice boomed through out the whole house.

Shit. Hermione muttered under breathe as she came down the stairs. I'm in big trouble. She read the letter.

"Yes Auntie Belle?" Hermione said in a sweet, fake voice while smiling.

"What is this?" Her Aunt asked loudly as she showed her a light blue envelope.

"An envelope and a letter." Hermione lied even if she knew what that letter was. A letter notifying that Hermione must find another school sooner because she must transfer for creating too much trouble for the school.

"Shut it. Don't play dumb with me." Her Aunt said as she glared at Hermione who shrugged and sat down on the couch. "What I mean is that, what did you do this time?" She said in an annoyed voice as she sat beside Hermione who was now fiddling with a loose thread from her shirt.

"Je viens de fumer une cigarette." Hermione muttered as her Aunt made a deep sigh.

"Oh yeah, and you just snogged a fellow girl student, you just cursed at a teacher because he failed your test for talking during it, and you just started a food fight three days in a row. The list goes on Hermione." Her Aunt as she emphasized the word 'just'

"Well. You can talk to the principal ag-" Hermione started.

"No." Her Aunt said.

"What?" Hermione said as she gave a nervous chuckle. "Can you um, repeat that?"

"I said no Hermione." Her Aunt said. "I already talked to the principal." At this Hermione let out a sigh of relief but her Aunt didn't stop there. "L'informant que vous êtes à transférer et à s'installer à Londres."

"WHAT?" Hermione shouted at the top of her lungs as she stood up from her seat and faced her Aunt who remained calm.

"Please Hermione. Don't tell me you've gone deaf now. And to answer your obvious question, yes. With your mum and dad." Her Aunt said as she crossed her arms.

"London? Why? I've already settled at Beauxbatons!" Hermione said, still shouting while flailing her arms.

"It's for the best and your mum misses you."

"Come on. We both know it's for the worst and do you really think mum misses me? After she kicked me out and sent me to you for accidentally blowing up the car? I was fucking eleven. I mean, who gets kicked out of their own house at eleven? I wasn't born knowing magic exists and not knowing how to control it. Of course I can create those accidents." Hermione said angrily, sitting down again.

"Hermione. I too wasn't born knowing magic exists and how to control it. Maybe she just panicked and sent you to me because I know magic. Also, you're 17 now, you are a grown lady. You're one of the brightest witches of your age and one of the most athletic. Everyone who watched you in a game says that you are the most talented girl seeker they have ever seen. The school even says so. You could be the perfect student if you just behave." Her Aunt said as she rubbed Hermione's arm. But still, Hermione ignored her. "I thought of a deal."

"Qu'est-ce beaucoup?" Hermione asked, intrigued as she faced her.

"If you tried to behave, have manners, respect your teachers, quit smoking, refrain from having relationships of the same gender, wear your uniform properly, and excel in your studies. I promise that you can return and live with me, as long as you like and..." Hermione's Aunt stopped as she thought for a moment. As if thinking if she's doing the right thing.

"And?" Hermione asked.

"You can have your own car." Her Aunt as said as Hermione screamed.

"Really?" As Hermione grinned.

"Yes." Her Aunt said.

"But Auntie! I think those requirement are too much. Can you lose the quit smoking and drinking bit?" Hermione said with pleading eyes, an act you rarely see her doing.

"What? No!" Her Aunt said still.

"Then the deal is off. Did you know that smoking is really hard to quit and drinking is too?" Hermione said as she started to walk away. "I guess you'll be stuck with me from now on. Me staying with you in this house because of not finishing my studies and not having a job because of that. Get used to my dirt and laziness from now on Auntie!" Hermione said as she smirked and counted in her head. 5. 4. 3. 2. And...

"Okay." She heard her Aunt said as Hermione turned around and hugged her Aunt tightly. "But don't get caught. Okay? If I hear some bad news, the deal is entirely off. You'll be stuck with your parents. Forever." Her Aunt said as she grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and looked at her in the eyes. "And also, act lady like."

"Yeah, Yeah." Hermione said with a flick of her wrist. "What's the name of the school anyway?"


A/N: How's that? I'm sure the French words above are wrong. I don't speak French. I translated the English words using translate google I'm guilty! I know!

I'm also gonna include some Italian words in the later chapters.

I know you are all thinking:
'Why did she even include French and Italian in her story if she doesn't even know how to speak them?"

Well, if you are thinking that, my answer is that it suits the story because Hermione came from Beauxbatons. Which is a French School and the... Oh! - You get the point!

I'll continue using translate google. I bet some of you will be thoroughly pissed because the translations are wrong but I'll just put the translations in the end part. I decided this because the two languages will only be used in some parts. Little conversation, thoughts and so. Please bear with me okay? Okay? =))

So here are the oh so wrong translations:

Je viens de fumer une cigarette - "I just smoked one cigarette."

L'informant que vous êtes à transférer et à s'installer à Londres - "Informing her that you are to transfer and move to London."

Qu'est-ce beaucoup? - "What deal?"