I'm not sure where this came from but hopefully you'll like it.

I do not own Power Rangers Super Samurai or the characters associated with it.

Dear Emily,

Hi. I know you aren't expecting this, at all, but this letter will explain to you why I left. Emily, first off, I have been lying to you. It hurts me deeply to tell you this. I am not the real red ranger, nor will I ever be. I was a mistake, a second. I've always been the second. My older sister is the real red ranger and she is to take my place. I was simply leading the team will she trained and prepared for the sealing symbol. You all may think I've been training for the sealing symbol but not once have I ever practiced the symbol.

I never wanted to keep this from any of you but Mentor told me it would be best. I believed him. Now I'm not so sure. I've been so guilty for the past year and a half. I'm not sure if I can ever be trusted again. By you or myself. I'm truly sorry. I know you don't want a sorry though. You are probably looking for an explanation. Honestly, I do not have one.

I'm sure you are wondering why I wrote a letter to you and no one else. Emily, for the longest time I've have feelings for you. Strong feelings. You are the one who's kept me from screaming and pulling my hair out. You make me happy. You give me a reason to live my life. You give me a reason to look forward to every day. I'm the most guilty for lying to you. I will never forgive myself and I have a feeling you'll do the same.

That day when the nighlok said that I was a liar he was telling the truth. He's more truthful than I am. You told him that I had nothing to hide. That's when I felt the most guilt. You are the most loving person I have ever met and should never be wronged. That's one of the reasons why I have left.

I would just hate to watch my sister lead you all like I used to. It would tear me apart because I know she'll be a better leader. She's never lied before. I have. I have never been a hero. Just a temporary liar. I knew from day one that I would eventually leave the team. I knew that I shouldn't get attached. I thought it'd be easy to not get attached to any of the rangers, that is until I met you. You are the prettiest girl I have ever met.

Emily, I just want you to know that when my eyes first laid on you I fell in love. I know you love Mike, not me, but I want no more secrets between us. Don't think any of this is your fault. I was always meant to just be temporary any way. I know the team doesn't need me. I know you don't need me. Please tell the team that I am truly sorry.


Jayden Shiba

P.S.- Go into my closest. The small box in there is for you.

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