Thanks for the reviews everyone! I love you all! Have you noticed that we are still alive? Pretty cool, huh?

EmilyJayden101- Thanks for reviewing and I feel the same exact way!

Megghs20- Thank you so much! Reviews like these just make my day. (:

Butterfly Dreamer767- When you're done with those darn midterms tell me how you think you did. And good luck if you're not done with them but I hope you are.

Jg13145- Thank you! I'm actually surprised at how much Spanish I've learned this year. I can actually some what hold a decent conversation. ¿Qué pasa?

Jemily fan- Thanks for your idea! I'll definitely consider it!

Little Refresher

"Staircase!" Her voice echoed as the symbols flew towards the rock wall and began to carve thick steps. She wiped her forehead. Antonio slowly and cautiously began to walk up the steps and Emily trailed behind just in case the gold ranger tripped.

Antonio went to stand on the next stair when all of the sudden….

Dear, Emily

Antonio went to stand on the next stair when all of the sudden a shot of pain ran up his body. He clenched a hand to his chest. His breathing became harder and he felt as if his insides were burning. "Antonio." He could hear the worry in Emily's voice. He began to see four of everything and the pain was almost unbearable.

"Guys?" He looked up to see four Kevin's grabbing a hold of his golden suited body and pulling him up the last step with Jayden still laying limp on his shoulder. Kevin let Antonio go and fell to the ground.

"Antonio." Kevin's voice was the last thing he heard before he saw black. It was everywhere. He could feel Jayden being pulled from him. The blackness ate him and he was gone. So far gone that he couldn't hear the nighlock attacking his friends. He couldn't hear anything, in fact. He let his eyes fall shut and his body shut down.

"Mia, Mike, get Antonio. Em, help me with Jayden." The yellow ranger nodded. The nighlock was not fazed by their element strike. He was already approaching them.

"With Jayden and Antonio down we can't take another battle. We'll finish him off later!" Kevin seemed to fill Jayden's shoes as they all ran from the scene.

"Cowards!" The nighlock screamed but did not bother following them.

Mentor was waiting for them at the gate. He would have received a dirty look from both Emily and Antonio if the gold ranger hadn't been knocked out.

"What happened?!" He rushed towards the blue and yellow rangers grabbing Jayden from their arms. He did not take a second glance at the injured gold ranger. For he was not his responsibility.

"Why do you care?!" Emily yelled back as she demorphed. The other rangers followed suit. Kevin couldn't help but notice the change in Mike's demeanor. His whole body went rigid at Emily's words, in Kevin's opinion, a sign of jealousy.

"Don't you talk to me like that, Emily. Get inside, everyone, it's getting late." They all followed their mentor's command. Emily stomped inside and Mike could not help but feel as though his insides were burning. Surely not the feeling Antonio had experienced but in the same sense.

Mike and Mia took Antonio to his room and laid him on his bed. Mia ran to grab a wet washcloth and Mike mumbled obscurities all the way to his room. Kevin took a deep breath before heading towards the training room. Emily tiptoed to Jayden's room, his lion zord jumping on her shoulder in anxiety.

He looked dead. Almost as if he had drowned but the tiny up and down moment from his chest said otherwise. She was sure that if she touched him he would break, just like a vase made of thin, thin glass. She had never thought of her leader in that way before and hoped to never have to again. She sat on the edge of his bed. The lion zord happily laid next to his owner on the fluffy pillow. It must have not sensed that Jayden, in fact, was not okay. He was not the normal boy who'd laugh only on occasions but was so dedicated to saving the world.

Emily never hated or was upset at Jayden for his secret. She understood greatly and felt for him. He had to carry the burden of hiding most of his identity, his life from the only friends he had ever known. He never had a childhood like the others did. She couldn't stand how he beat himself up over Lauren. Sure, it made Emily a bit jealous that they were so close but Lauren was sweet, no matter what the others say. Emily was upset to lose her friend and leader but it was never Lauren's fault. It had always been Master Xandred for starting all this mess. If it wasn't for having to save the world they'd all have normal, everyday lives.

Jayden would understand what living was. He'd have both his parents and he'd know how to have a little fun. But instead they were both stuck here. What if he received his father's fate? What if he too died at the battle scene? What if she did? Would anyone remember them? Would their images be painted on brick walls? Would there be statues in their appearances? Or would their faces ever be revealed to the public? Maybe they would never be recognized for their hard work but what does it matter? Master Xandred would have won if any of the rangers died no matter if they did win literally.

Emily had tears in her eyes as she reached to tuck a wet strand of hair behind the red ranger's ear. He did a job well done. He made her so proud. She softly ran a finger down his cheeks to his lips. "How cliché would it be if you woke up when I kissed you?" She whispered to the unconscious boy.

"Very." A scratchy broken voice responded. She jumped slightly but couldn't keep the giggles from escaping her lips.

"You're okay?" She whispered back in a grateful reply.

"Of course." He croaked.

"So…you….uh…don't mind if I…" She was cut off by a foreign feeling on her lips. She realized that it was only Jayden as she cupped his cheeks with her warm hands.

"No." He smiled softly as he fell back onto his pillow. It was his first kiss. And it was hers too. They both sat there for a while just staring at each other.

"I think he's happy you're home." She pointed at the lion zord with a giddy little smile on her flushed face. He was blushing too. A bright red tomato color. She didn't dare laugh though because she was sure she was just as bad if not worse.

"I'm happy I'm home." He was staring at her with those beautiful eyes of his and she couldn't help but be in a love struck trance.

"Me too." She whispered before leaning down pulling him into an unexpected kiss.

"I like you a lot, Em." He breathed heavily as they separated.

"I like you a lot too." She laughed.

"Stay here." It was more of begging than a question.

"In your room. Overnight?" She had a worried, nervous glint in her eyes.

"Yeah. Like a sleepover?" He was almost questioning himself.

"Aren't you sore?"

"I'll feel better if you stay."

"I don't know, Jay." She gave him a skeptical look.

"I have these nightmares. They're about a nighlock attacking and hurting you. I've had them every night for the past week. I'm begging you. Please stay with me." She gave in.

"Alright, scoot over." She smiled moving next to Jayden. They shared the pillow. Suddenly, a question popped into Emily's head.

"Soo….are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" She hoped it would be yes but from all those drama shows she used to watch she could never know.

"I'd like to. If you want to." He was nervous. She could hear the shaky tone he used and if made her want to dance all day.

"I'd love to." He flipped onto his side, after a few groans, and looked at her with a smile.

"You should do this more often."

"Get hurt? Thanks, Em. I'll see if that can be arranged." He laughed.

"No. Smile….and laugh. You should be happy more often." She placed a hand softly on his cheek.

"Especially with you around." He covered her hand with his and smiled one last time before closing his eyes.

"Goodnight, Jayden."

"Goodnight, Emily."

Pretty long. I know. (; Sooo…..tell me what did you think? Enough Jemily for your little hearts? (: Don't forget to review! Thanks for reading and have a great Christmas!