4 years later everybody! I'm so sorry guys!

You might be sort of confused, but just play along~

I don't own Hetalia, but I do own my obvious OCs.

'Ugghh... What time is it?' Groggily, Lovina sits up in her bed as she blinks into awareness. The 9 year old yawns as she stretches her arms. Her brown hair now reached to her elbows. 'I don't hear anything and it's Saturday- is everyone still asleep?'

As she turns to get off her bed, she frowns down at the small human weight on the right side of her before sighing and getting off the bed through the opposite side.

'I can't believe I still need this...' she thought, putting the step stool in front of the sink after she enters the bathroom near her room (not the one upstairs). 'Only because I have to reach the towel rack on the mirror though, not because I'm short!'

"Vina!" She hears him hiccup, sounding like he's about to cry. "V-Vina! Vh-where are you?"

After some shuffling from her room she hears him again. "Big sister...?"

"I'm not your sister!" Lovina shouts back in aggravation, before stuffing her mouth with her toothbrush and brushing vigorously.

"Found you!" she hears him giggle, one arm around her left leg.

"Yeah, yeah..." Lovina mumbles back before using her other hand to shoo him off her leg; she should have known he'd use that ploy to get her to reveal where she was. "Go wake up your parents."

'They... they'll stop after the third one... right?' Lovina couldn't help think after she heard the pitter-patter of his feet fade up the stairs. 'If he's like this, Lilliana will probably follow his example when she's able to run around.'


'Valentino's birthday is in how many months... I'm 9 so he'll be 3,' Lovina thought, looking at the calendar on her wall as she changed clothes. 'Should I start now to beat down the competition?' she was referring to her fellow cousins who decided to have occasional friendly competitions for the best gift. 'If I do though, then Lilliana will get jealous and think I didn't try hard on hers... She's not even 2 yet- should I just buy a duo gift like a baking play area?'

'Or...' She gets a fabulous idea. 'I'll install a playground that they won't be able to use yet- I'm a genius.'

Walking out to the kitchen, she lets out a yawn. Hearing Valentino's feet pitter-pattering on the living room hardwood floor as she poured herself some water she looks up to see the 2 year old running towards her with his socks on. "Vina!"

"Oy..." Lovina frowns, "How many times have I told you? If you run like that you'll-" he trips face first onto the kitchen's tile floor, "...Trip."

"Hg...hnn..." He looks up at her with his soft brown eyes that he inherited from his mother, begging to be helped up.

Her frown doesn't fade as she stays put in her spot. "You're a big boy, right? Get up."

He continues to stare at her with his teary eyes, hiccupping as the cries threaten to come out.

Sighing, she sets her glass aside before walking towards him.

She then trips face first on the tile in front of him. "..." Valentino's eyes grow wide in shock.


"...Vina?" Valentino whimpers after a few long seconds, seeing that she wasn't getting up. "Vina?"

She doesn't move, and he can't see her face since said face was facing the floor and her hair was in the way.

He begins to get worried. "Vina? Vina!" He finally cries, "Vina?!"

Sniffing, he tries his hardest to push himself up and crawl towards her. "Vina?"

Julius comes down, dressed and ready to make breakfast. "Good morning-" he stops seeing two of his kids on the floor.

"Papa!" Valentino cries, stumbling a little as he gets up and runs to him. "Vina is hurt!"

Instead of being concerned, Julius simply stares down at her curiously for an explanation. Not being able to see him but sense his presence, Lovina raises a hand and says, "Big girls can get up on their own."

"Okay then," Julius says in understanding, before going around her and getting out bread. Lovina gets up and dusts herself off before going back to her water like nothing happened.

"You okay, Vina?" Valentino goes to grab one of her arms. "Vina okay?"

"I'm fine," she says, before taking a sip of water. "I'm a big girl. Are you okay?"

"Okay?" he looks down at himself before realizing that he got up on his own and smiles. "Yes! I'm a big boy!"

"Good then... good," she mumbles in satisfaction, before greeting Luciana and the baby girl in her arms. "Morning."

Noticing how nice in particular the way they were dressed, Lovina looks at them curiously. "Where are you guys going today?"

"This afternoon we have lunch with a business partner and his wife," Julius answers, before gently poking his baby daughter's cheeks.

"Oh, okay. I'm going to bike to Adriano's. Tino's having a little problem."

"What's that?" Luciana asks.

"It's really funny. Apparently when he was six and he was on a cruise, Suvi thought it would be funny to put him in a dress and walk him around- Säde and Adriano decided to play along ya di yadi yada- he meets a boy and said boy falls for him."

Lovina munches on a piece of bread and continues, "I think he said the boy was Swedish... Anyway, now the parents are asking for an arranged marriage."

"They do know Tino's a male, right?" asks Julius.

"Yeah... About that," Lovina says slowly, "They don't care."

"..What?" Julius says in surprise.

"I think it was also some business proposal or something like that... since they own a hardware store and the other a furniture store," she shrugs, "I don't know."

Bike riding, Lovina decides to take a break upon arriving her best friend's house. It normally takes her about half and hour on bike to get to Adriano's. She would also stop at Rio's workplace, and say her hellos.

Getting off her bike, she walks it to the stand as Maria, Antonio's mother, sold some 5 tomatoes. "Hi."

"Ah, Lovina!" Maria smiles. "He's been sulking lately, go wake him for me?"

"Okay," Lovina says, hiding her bike near the front door. Tino can wait a little for her- he was probably making breakfast at the moment.


"Toni," Lovina calls out, entering his room and staring at the lump under the covers. "Wake up!"


Huffing in annoyance, Lovina steps back a little before jumping onto him.

"Ai! Lovi, no!" Antonio complains as his stomach was jumped on. He groans in pain while he rolls to the side.

"Are you sick or something?" Lovina asks, feeling sort or guilty because normally he would jump right back up at her with a morning happy smile. Now he seemed in real pain.

"No! I- I mean, no, it's fine!" Antonio sits up with a smile. "Just a little headache. Are you going somewhere today?"

"Tino might get an arranged marriage with a guy he met on a cruise."


"I mean, I kind of understand Tino- if some guy I just met suddenly wanted to marry me, I'd be against it. I hardly know the guy, you know?"

"Yes," Antonio stretches, his eyes slightly narrowing, "I'd be against it too."

"What are you still doing in bed, Antonio?" They look to see Antonio's father, Amaranto. "Hello, Lovina."

"He's getting sick!" Lovina answers.

"I'm not!" Antonio counters, getting out of bed, shaking his head a little to rid of the headache. "Can I go play with Lovina today?" he asks Amaranto.

"Go ahead. Just eat breakfast first." he yawns, a bit skeptical of his son's health, "And be back around time for dinner." After Antonio goes into the bathroom he turns to Lovina. "Sick?"

Lovina shrugs, "He has a headache."

"Hm... Well, watch him for us then?"

"Of course," Lovina huffs, "I wouldn't leave him alone in his state."

Amaranto laughs as he goes to ruffle her hair. "We know."

Sorry this was short- I had trouble on how to start this... I debated on whether to put this in detail later or have it sort of established so I did that first.

I told you guys earlier Adriano's fiancée was Finnish- and she is (and some Swedish, paternally from their father's side). She and her twin sister are Tino's older cousins from his mother's side. Tino is about Yue's age... somewhere there.

Since about 4 years passed, Adriano is about 19-20, and so are his fiancée and her older twin. They're going to get married soon!

So, Lovina was 6 when Valentino was born... so when she turned 7 he then turns 1, then 8, he is 2, and then now she's 9 and it hasn't quite hit Summer yet so he hasn't turned 3 yet... He was born about a month early in August. Or maybe just in August.

Lilliana was conceived in November. Lilliana has Julius's blue eyes and Luciana's brown hair, and Valentino has Luciana's brown eyes and lighter brown hair, with texture that is like his grandmother Karen (or like his Canadian and French cousins)

Happy New Year!