I am sorry that I have not uploaded anything, but to be honest. I need time and inspiration simultaneously. And I like reading all the other stories. So without further ado. A Date with Torture!

I was on my way to pick Annabeth up on a date, I got my phone to call her, to tell her that I was going to be late. I looked at my phone and punched in Annabeth's number."Hey, Wise Girl!" I said, using my nickname for her, "Sorry, but I going to be late. unless you want to meet at the place?"

"Sure, Seaweed Brain, that's fine." she said, I could almost hear the smile through the phone.

I kept walking, and soon I came to the place, I walked in and saw Annabeth, and walked over to her. "Hey. Thanks for meeting me here."

"What else would I do?" Annabeth said giving me a quick peck.

"How many?" the waiter asked. "Two please." Annabeth said. "Right this way." the guy said. As we walked to our table, I suddenly felt dizzy. "Whoa. . ."I said, grabbing onto the nearest table to steady myself.

"Babe, you alright?" Annabeth asked me, looping her arm around to steady me as we walked to our table.

"I'll be back to get your orders." the waiter said.

"Thank you." Annabeth said, seeing as I was trying to get one Annabeth into my vision, instead of three.

The next thing I knew Annabeth was bringing me to my feet. "Where. . . we. . . going?" I slurred, "No. . .eating."

"You won't keep anything down, and DON'T convince me you're fine. I KNOW you're not. " she said, "Come on, we're getting you back home."

I barely made it home, seeing as my girlfriend was pretty much keeping me upright. "Mrs. Blofis? Sally? Mr. Blofis? Paul?" Annabeth called, through the closed door.

I heard the apartment door open, and my mom and Paul hurry to help me to my bed. The only thought I had was, How did I get sick in a matter of five minutes? before I was placed on my bed, losing consciousness.

Later, I woke up to a cold cloth on my face, I unconsciously leaned into the coldness. I heard a gasp and footsteps, then a hand on my cheeks. "He has a really high fever still, Paul." a motherly voice said, "What do we do?"

I woke up enough to recognize my mom, "Mom." I piteously croaked.

"Percy, it's me. You're really sick with a very high fever. So just rest and we will help you get better." she said, smoothing my sweat soaked black hair off my forehead, before putting another cool cloth on it.

"Perseus? Can you wake up for me? It's Annabeth. Your Wise Girl." a kind voice said.

"Annabeth." I slurred pathetically, as I opened eyes as much as I could. I opened them and the minimal light assaulted my eyes.

"Percy? Are you alright?" Annabeth asked me.

"Light." That simple word received a little reward. I could open my eyes without being in pain.

"Can I take your temperature, Percy? I need to know how high your fever is." Annabeth said, walking out of the room to grab a thermometer. I didn't care so I just shrugged my shoulders. She apparently took this as a yes. She stuck the little cold thing under my tongue and waited. A minute later it beeped, and Annabeth took it out of my mouth. "Percy." she began. "Your fever is 103 degrees." Well, that explained why I felt horrible.

"I should tell your mom that we should probably get you to Camp." Annabeth said, gently covering me up, "Get some sleep, baby." she whispered, walking out of the room.

After she left I managed to get to sleep, unluckily I started to dream.

I was on Olympus, listening to my dad talking to Apollo.

"What's wrong, Apollo?" Dad asked.

"I don't know, Uncle." Apollo said, giving my dad a sympathetic look.

"Can you ask Annabeth to bring him to Camp when you check him next?" Poseidon asked.

"Sure." was Apollo said.

Then my dream shifted.

I was at Mount Tam, and I heard Atlas and someone else talking.

"I have word, master, that Perseus Jackson is ill." the man said.

"Good, Trey." Atlas said, "Now we will have revenge on the Savior of Olympus!"

Then my dream shifted, yet again.

I was at Olympus again, but it was near the end of the war with Kronos. He had just sent Annabeth into the thrones, but Kronos laughed and followed her.

"Poor little Annie." he said, looking down at her, "It's a shame. You could have joined me. Had revenge for your mother never caring for you. Well, the past is behind us. The future's bright, and you won't see it." (Yes. that sounds like The Lightning Thief. Sue Me!)

"No Luke." Annabeth said, standing up, "The new Age will come without YOU in it."

As I watched Kronos swung his scythe at her. I closed my eyes as the weapon connected with her chest. But I couldn't block out the scream that emitted from the blond haired girl now dead on the floor.

I couldn't help it. "NO! Annabeth! Wise Girl!"

"Percy! Percy! It's a dream!"

I gasped awake as a cold cloth was placed on my forehead again.

"Percy, your fever spiked again. We need to get you to Camp now. Paul is going to pick you up and bring you the car, okay Baby?"

I could only nod.

As Paul picked me up, my stomach lurched and I threw up on my step-father's shirt. "Oh my gods. Paul, I'm so sorry." I said.

"It's alright. You're sick. I'll look past it." he said, applying a gentle kiss on my burning forehead.

It was a few hours before I saw Thalia's pine tree on Half-Blood Hill.

"Hey, Perce." my mom whispered, wiping the sweaty hair off my forehead, "we're here. Chiron will be waiting at the top to take you to the infirmary, and Paul will carry you again. Try not to ruin another shirt." At that last comment I had to smile because I knew that Paul didn't care, nor did my mom.

"Alright, Percy. Let's get you better." Paul said, as he picked me up, and I was successful in not throwing up on his new shirt. Soon we were on our way to Chiron, who took me to the infirmary.

1092 words! Took almost a month! Well, better get started on Percy's recovery. or doom.