Okay it's time it's time it's time.

I'm going to rush this coz I'm getting late for work but I really didn't want you guys to wait anymore for the chapter.

HUGEEEE ASSS thanks to all our girls, Mayar, Katrina, Cejsmom who've helped despite their busy schedules THNX GIRLSSS.

Special thnx to Ang our awesome prereader and to Mid Night-Cougar for her amazing help and just being the sweetest person on the planet.

Okay this is the awaited BPOV, hope it answers most of your questions and if you have any more don't hesitate to ask me or Reemy, here or on FB ... OOOHHH AND WE HAVE A TWWM GROUP NOWWWWW YAAAYYYYYY.

Also this is almost two chapters long, kinda early Christmas gift as Trisha suggested ;)

Okay gonna shut up now, ENJOY

Let's see what Bella's been thinking this entire time. We'll go back to the beginning…

Chapter seven

(My War)

Baghdad, Iraq

May 22nd 2004

The door bursts open with an explosive bang and my aunt lets out a terrified scream. No matter how many times they break in it is still as frightening as the first time, which feels like a life time ago.

I'm starting to believe they're doing it on purpose to scare us, but I've reached a point where I'm sick of being scared.

I'm sick of that feeling when your heart pounds so loud in your ears and feels like it's about to burst out of your chest, when you feel your knees go weak, your hands shake and your whole body breaks out in a cold sweat.

Your brain screams at you to run but your body is helplessly frozen.

They've done it so many times already that you tell yourself you should be used to it by now and just sit down and wait until the whole thing is over.

But you can't help it.

The moment they barge in, with their powerful bodies clad in uniforms and weapons, you can't help the terror that seeps into your bones, if not for yourself then for your loved ones. My eyes shoot to my aunt and I see her broken, terrified expression. She's also looking down at the floor and trying to look as small as possible, move as little as possible, and to make no sound at all. I know my aunt is a strong, brave woman but her girls are all she has and she'd sacrifice anything for them. She knows how much it cost us when someone stepped up to them. They never hesitate and we don't have anyone else to lose.

"Scan the second floor," the bigger one orders two of them with a booming voice. He seems to hold the highest rank, so in a second they're both on the stairs, half way there.

He turns to the translator. "Ask them if there are any men in the house."

I don't wait to answer, "It's just me and my aunt, like the last time and the times before that. There aren't any men left in this family because of you."

He takes one step in my direction and I stand tall and clench my fists, I won't let him intimidate me. My aunt, of course, can't take a chance of a confrontation between us so she steps in, trying to hide me with her body.

"Please, she's young. She doesn't understand. It's just us in the house," she says in a shaky voice.

He gives her a curt nod and starts talking in the walkie-talkie. As soon as two of them get out of the family room and give him the 'All Clear', he turns to us again. "Move in there and stay until the search is over."

I try to hold in my scream, biting my lip so hard and feeling my insides burning with the fire from my rage and humiliation. Who do they think they are, invading our homes, messing with our things and ordering us around?

My aunt has to practically drag me inside the room and we sit there stewing while they go around 'searching'. I only hear doors slamming, closet doors hitting the wall and our belongings being thrown and trashed. I bite on my lip again for my aunt's sake.

It doesn't take long for them to be done. And just like that, they leave.

My aunt moves to the living room to start sorting the mess. After taking a couple of minutes to calm down, I stop moping and go help her.

Thirty minutes later, a knocking on the door stops us. It's my out of breath cousin looking all nervous.

"Rita? What's wrong?" I ask her worriedly.

"I saw the hummers and figured they broke in again, so I hid in the Ammar's backyard until they left. I just… I can't deal with them again."

"Oh my God, Rita!" I cry out. That idiot.

"How many times have I told you not to hide out there? If any of them ever see you, someone's gonna put a bullet in your head, no questions asked. Are you that stupid?" My tone gets louder and louder and I know by the time I finish I'm close to hysterics.

"Bella, calm down, please. What matters is that we're all okay. We're safe and alive, so we should be grateful," my aunt says then turns to her daughter. "Rita, you will never ever do something like this again. If you find it so hard to be in the house when they're here, go to the Hammad's, but don't you ever hide outside like this again."

"Yes Mother. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, just don't do it again. We can't afford to lose anyone else in this family. Now enough of this and let's go finish sorting out this mess."

Because it's the three of us now, we clean faster. We leave our bedrooms to the end and by the time I head to my room, I'm exhausted and my feet are barely holding me up. I don't know how I'm going to have the energy to spend the whole day tomorrow at the hospital. Days like that are exhausting; I don't get to sit down for hours. And tomorrow is the day I finally meet the new team. A long sigh escapes me as I move my way up the stairs. Oh, it's going to be a long day, but I have to go, they don't have any translators. I can't even imagine how they'll get any work done with the patients.

I reach my room and pause at the door and take in the sight in front of me. To say the room is a complete mess would be an understatement. Clothes are thrown all over the place, the closet door is broken, the mattress is on the floor and the dresser with everything that ever existed on it is spread all over every surface in the room.

Gritting my teeth, I move inside and take a deep breath as I start assessing where I'm going to start. My blood turns cold when I see my jewelry box open with its continents scattered. No. My stomach tightens and instantly I drop to the floor beside it. My hands are shaking as I hold the box and look through and around it for what I'm searching for. I panic when I don't find it. I can't lose it I just can't.

There it is. Oh no.

My mom's antique crystal brooch; the only thing I have left of her. The frame is bent and flattened like it's been walked on by boots over and over again, and the small crystals that used to shape the swan over it are scattered around, crushed but still catching the light. They take me back to the times my mom showed it to me and told me the story of how my dad bought it for her when they both lived in Spain. How it was the first present he ever gave her, how he told her the swan reminded him of her because it looked graceful and held beauty that was timeless. I remember being a little girl fascinated by the way the crystals caught and reflected the light as I held it close to the lamp and listened while she told me the story again and again with the same dreamy voice.

Now it's gone. They broke it.

I squeeze my eyes shut trying in vain to hold the tears in. My body trembles and suddenly a sob breaks from my body as I clutch the only remnant I had of my parents to my chest. Suddenly, my aunt's arms wrap around me.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

"It's gone, they ruined it. Why are they here, why? Isn't it enough what they've already done?"

"What's gone?"

"I hate them. I hate them."


May 31st 2004

As I take the first step into the hospital, I feel fluttering in my stomach. I'm going to see him today.

Taking a deep breath, I try to look focused and not let my feelings for him show.

I say hi to Zaid first then move over to where Salma is standing. Salma has become such a motherly figure to me in such a short time. I feel such comfort in her and Zena's company. It feels like I can finally have friends again, or feel safe enough to be that close to someone without the fear of losing them.

I've lost so many people in the past year, more than I can count. You just never know who's going to be next. You sort of get used to it after the third or fourth one, like you expect it. It becomes a new constant in your life, and after a while it leaves you just...numb. You stop shedding so many tears and you stop asking why them, why you. You start wondering when it's going to be your turn after losing almost every single loved one you once had in your life. But maybe it's been long enough or maybe I just don't care and have had enough of being alone.

I can hear him before I enter the room. He's laughing. The fluttering in my stomach is back and in full force. His laugh makes warmth explode in my chest. My heart aches at the sight of him. He's so beautiful. Damn him.

I find him with his tall, over 6 foot, frame bending to rest his elbows on a little boy's bed. His light brown, reddish hair standing in every direction; it's short but I love it. The way it has a life of its own, the way he tugs on it unconsciously when he's frustrated. His face. His jaw. Never in my life did I ever think I could be attracted to a guy's jaw. But what a magnificent jaw it is.

I watch as he interacts with this little boy. God, why is he making it so hard to hate him? But how can I ever do, when his eyes shine with so much kindness like that? His beautiful, green eyes. At first they bothered me, they reminded me a little too much of my mom's green ones. I still thought they were beautiful, but they have this way of looking at you that bores into your soul.

He's ruining everything. Nothing works on him.

First I failed to hate him.

From the moment I saw him in the hospital weeks ago. I still remember it very clearly. The second I heard his American accent, I poured all my resentment, all the anger, hurt and fury I had in me and tried to blame him for every thing. Of course, it was fueled by the army's intrusion the day before and I finally saw my chance to take it all out on someone.

It's taken me a few weeks of watching how amazing he is with the kids to really stop and think. What has he ever done to deserve this? It makes me think, maybe I wasn't fair to him, but my pride won't let me show him my regret for how I've acted.

Then I've tried to ignore him, act professional; like he doesn't affect me, like he's not getting through to me. But man oh man, I am failing so badly.

I know it when I find myself watching him when no one sees me; when my ears pick out his name in any conversation around me.

It's then that I know I'm fucked.

Whenever I feel like things are stable between us, it's like a war breaks out inside me. One side is outraged that I'm even talking to him and feels like I'm betraying my country for even being nice to him. It's telling me the solution is to get far, far away from him. The other side talks rationally, telling me that he's a good man and everyone can attest to that. Telling me that it can never be right to just hate all Americans, to blame a few individuals, including Edward, for something they had no hand in whatsoever.

Whenever a side wins a battle, it controls how I act around him.

I wonder if he might think I'm bipolar.

It's a relentless war within me, and the only victim suffering the consequences is Edward.


June 4th 2004

I'm driving home from the hospital and I can't hold the tears in. I need to stop crying and calm down before I reach home, or else my aunt's going to freak out. I can't tell her about Noor. Not now, not yet.

The mental image of Noor's black and blue face brings a new round of tears. It reminds me of another blue lifeless face, but I force it away and will my brain to focus on the road. I can't think about him now. Not if I have any chance of arriving home without completely breaking down.

I take a deep breath and try to distract myself with what I need to do to protect Noor and Omar. Tomorrow I'm going to call Jacqueline and tell her the whole thing. She'll know how we can locate their relatives. Maybe I can go to their house and look for any contacts. No. The bodies will still be there. I shudder.

Lots of phone calls are in order; the police, the funeral home, the kids' schools. I forgot to ask Edward how long it would take each of them to fully recover so I can arrange it with their schools.


Much nicer images rush to my head right now. The second he saw Noor's injured body and the way it was so clear to him she needed help, everything else in the universe ceased to exist but saving her. I remember the way he held her close the whole way to the hospital, never letting her go. His eyes never left her and my eyes didn't leave his. I was mesmerized. I've seen him work on kids countless times before, but this time was different. I don't know how or why, but it was.

I smile as I remember the second he burst through the room and how his eyes searched and found me. I could've spent ages simple looking at him and enjoying the…I don't know what it was that I saw in his eyes, but I know I enjoyed it. It wasn't only one thing; they were a mix of feelings; worry, fear, relief and, maybe even, protectiveness.

I still can't believe he really touched me and can't believe I let him, but I was so shocked and overwhelmed by the sensations he evoked that my body trembled the second his fingers touched me.

A huge neon sigh flashes inside my head with the words "HE CARES ABOUT YOU" brightly displayed.

No. He was merely in doctor mode. I know how much he cares about his job, I've seen it. He wouldn't let anyone hurt and bleed to death in front of him doing nothing about it, I know that much.


June 24th 2004

I can't sleep. I keep tossing and turning. I just can't turn my fucking brain off. I don't want to wake Zena up so I leave the bed slowly, put my jeans on and a cardigan over the top I wore for bed, wrap the scarf around my head, take a book and leave the room.

After I close the door behind me I lean on it, close my eyes and inhale. Maybe if I do some reading it will take my mind off things.

Against my will, the events of two days ago rush to my head…

I slowly put my key in the keyhole and as quietly as I can turn it and open the door. I peek in, hoping that my aunt has gone to bed. When I'm sure no one is there, I walk on my tiptoes to my room. I know my aunt will chew me another one for coming home this late and I'm really not in the mood for the it's-too-dangerous-for-us-women-at-night-and-I-could-be-kidnapped-or-killed lecture.



I turn with a smile, readying myself for what is sure to come, but I'm shocked to see a hesitant smile on my aunt's face. She looks almost…nervous.

I narrow my eyes. Something's up.

"Hey, Aunty."

"How are you sweetie? How was work?"

Not that my aunt has never interested in my job, but something feels off. Why do I feel like I'm the parent and she's the kid who's done something wrong?

"Okay, I guess?"

"Good, good. I stayed up, because I want to talk to you. Come sit, dear.

I have, um, some sort of news."

Here it is.

She goes and sits on the couch and pats the place beside her. She's back to that nervous smile, like she's afraid I'm gonna bolt.

I go and sit beside her. "What kind of news?"

"Great news. Guess who came by to visit us today?"


"Sarah from across the street and her two-year-old daughter. Oh, she is so sweet, that little girl, Bella. Adorable. Wish you had been here to meet them both."

That's what she stayed up to tell me? I'm too tired for this.

"Oh, that's great, Aunty. Tell them I said hi when you see them again."

I move to get off the couch. I'm dead on my feet and I want to get some sleep, but my aunt's hand on mine, stops me.


I sigh.

"She has a younger brother, he's a civil engineer. Twenty six and good looking …." She tries to rush through all the information she's got. I'm already off the couch, walking back to my room huffing.

"Bella, I'm talking to you."

"But you know I don't want to hear it."

"Why not?"

"I told you before, Aunty. I will not get married this way."

"Who said anything about marriage? He will just come here and talk, get to know you and you him."

I stare at her with a look that says: "Are you kidding me?"

"Okay, but no one said anything about marriage right away," she says.

My jaw drops. She can not be serious.

"What? Don't look at me like I'm forcing you into an arranged marriage or something. I just want you to meet someone your age. You can get to know him and talk to him as much as you want."

I roll my eyes so hard I'm afraid they will fall off my head.

"Stop it, Aunty. You know I will never agree to this."

"Don't blame me for wanting to see you as a bride before I die. I just want us to be happy for a change."

"Well, first of all, I don't need a man to make me happy, and second of all, you have Rita. Focus on her, she's getting married soon."

"But I want you to be happy as well and you know damn well you're as much a daughter to me as Rita." She pauses for a second and continues in a shaky tone, "We've suffered so much and lost so many this past year, Bella. Is it really so bad that I want you to be happy again? It kills me to see you so lonely."

The broken look on her face drains any fight from me and she has the nerve to have tears in her eyes. She knows that's the only way to get to me, damn her.

"Okay Auntie, I'll think about it."

Ugh, just the idea of thinking about it revolts me. I'm glad my aunt let me stay with Zena while she and Rita visited Rita's fiancé Maged and his family. I'm not in the mood for social visits and I have work that can't wait, plus the added bonus of a break from all of their nagging.

A low sound distracts me enough to open my eyes, I shouldn't be thinking about this now. When I make my way down the hallway I see a black lump of a man lying on the ground.

Oh My God. I would recognize that hair anywhere.


Is he passed out or something? I drop my book and rush to his side. "Oh my God, Edward?"

Please let him be okay. "Edward? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

He's not answering and I'm starting to freak out. I want to make sure he's breathing so I try to turn him over on his back but God he's heavy. It takes a while, but I finally get him on his back and then he opens his eyes.

Oh thank God he's awake.

Those gorgeous rich green eyes are blood shot, glassy and lazy as he stares at me.

He opens his mouth to say something. Maybe he'll tell me what's wrong, maybe he needs his meds or something. "My…" he says breathlessly and I inch my head closer to hear him better. "My…beauty."

What the…

"Huh?" Is he hallucinating or something? What is he talking about? Nicky's face pops into my head and I feel my temper flare. I'm about to leave his ass on the floor and go back to Zena's room when he says, "You're my veiled beauty," in a breathy voice.

Wait, he's talking about…me? He thinks I'm beautiful? My eyes don't leave his, could it really be possible that he's talking about me? Suddenly I feel his fingers on my cheek. I blush and the fluttering in my stomach turns to hammering and thrashing.

He looks at me, really looks at me; like I'm the only thing in the world to see. His touch is so tender, soft and light. No one has ever looked at me this way or touched me like this. It's…weird, different.

I like it.

I don't want him to stop. But when he moves his fingers down and his eyes drop to my lips, my brain screams, "DANGER!"


I have to move away, and I do.

"What's wrong?"

"You're drunk!" The accusation is apparent in my voice. He might wake up in the morning and not remember any of this. This all might merely be his drunken brain running wild.

"My beauty." He sighs tiredly. "Stop being mad at me, you're always mad at me."

"Only when you're being an ass."

"I can't be an ass all the time, can I?" he asks and his eyes look up at me, hopeful, scared and innocent. It brings a smile on my face; I think I like drunken self-conscious Edward even more than sober Edward. The voice in my head asks suspiciously, "Hey, do you even like sober Edward?"

Focus, Bella!

"No, you're not an ass all the time."

His tired eyes close and a small satisfied smile graces his pink, perfect lips. I'm the one looking at his lips now but I'm safe because his eyes are closed so he can't see me. I'm simply curious; I think his lips are even fuller and pinker than mine.

"You're not planning on spending the night here, are you?" I ask chuckling.

"What?" He opens his eyes slowly and I guess for the first time tries to look around and finally sees where he is. "Hey, where are we? I was just gonna ask what you were doing in my room," he says looking back at me and grinning.

I laugh. "No, we're not in your room, we're in the hallway. Can you find your key so we can take you back to your room, though?"

I suddenly panic; what if he lost his key? What would I do then? I can't go to reception and ask them for it, and I don't think he can either. Any minute anyone can walk by and see us like this. What would people think?

While I go through my internal freak out, he awkwardly looks through his pockets then gives me the 'cat that ate the canary smile' and says, "TA DAAA," while stretching his hand holding the key my way. I take it when I see his hand flailing around in all directions, afraid he'll drop it. His room is two floors down. I start feeling nervous about the idea of him standing up on his own, but I have to ask him.

"Um…Edward, can you please stand up?"


"So you can go to your room."

"Are you coming with me? I'm only going if you're coming with me."

I bite my lip. I already had it in mind that I'll take him to his room. It's apparent he can't do it on his own, but when he asks like that it worries me.

"It's only the drunkenness talking, Bella," the voice in my head says again.

"Yeah, I'm coming with you, but you need to get on your feet first so I can come."

Suddenly his hands grab mine and he looks so deep in my eyes. He says in a low breathy voice, "I really, really want you to…come, my beauty."

I flush and swallow, he doesn't mean anything by that, right?

"Okay," I squeak and can finally breathe again when he lets go of my hands.

"Okay, my beauty."

I start looking around as he shuffles slowly and clumsily to his hands and knees. Thank God it's late enough that no one's still up. I only wish Edward would move faster so I can hurry and help him to his room, then get back to Zena's. I'm going straight back to bed, I've had enough excitement for today; I think it will knock me dead.

Looking back at him, I see that he has one hand on the wall and is slowly trying to rise up on his feet.

I watch wide eyed, praying that he won't fall down, because God knows I will not be able to pick him up. He's like thirty centimeters taller than me plus he's broad shouldered and has muscles. I'm like a small bird compared to him.

He's doing fine until he's not and almost falls. I jump forward squealing then slap my hand over my mouth and freeze when he catches himself.

I look around again. God I hate this feeling like I'm doing something illegal.

Thankfully he gets himself up, although he has both hands and head glued to the wall with his eyes closed. Uh oh. That's not a good sign.

"Edward? Are you okay? Are you dizzy?"

"Are we standing on a trampoline or something?" he asks then starts laughing loudly at his own question.

"Hey, hey. Shhhhh. People are sleeping. We need to keep it down, okay? Can you open your eyes please so you can see where we're going?"

He opens his eyes and stares deep in my eyes. "I think I'm in love with your eyes. Do you know how gorgeous they are? It's like they hypnotize me."

Not even everyone in the hotel waking up now can make me look anywhere else and for some reason I whisper, "I think your eyes are gorgeous too. They're so green and beautiful."

He's drunk, he won't remember all that tomorrow, right?

He reaches out for me again and the battle inside me begins, between craving his touch and the fear: the fear of the unknown, the fear of the feelings he evokes in me, fear of everything I was brought up thinking is inappropriate. "Edward, come on. It's really late."

He smiles. "You're a demanding little thing today, Beauty."

The football match in my stomach goes crazy when he calls me Beauty. I ignore it and say, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. At least you're smiling at me now."

Wow, was I really that awful to him before?

"Okay. We need to walk to the elevator over there, because you're two floors down and I don't think you'll survive the stairs."

I point to the elevator and he starts slowly in that direction, but as soon as there's no wall to support his tall frame, he starts swaying back and forth. Just when he's about to really fall this time, something in me drives my body at him and suddenly I've replaced the wall and he's heavily leaning all his weight on me. Shit.

. .

Both his arms are around me, his head's on top of mine and I'm surprised he hasn't taken us both down with his weight.

I'm screaming in my head "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT." I keep it all inside instead, but swallow and ask him, "Edward, Are you okay?" How many times am I going to ask this question today?


"Are you okay?" I ask a little slower this time, I think I'm shaking.

"How can I not be, you smell so good." His arms tighten around me then he inhales deeply. I shudder.

I am so fucked.

"Um…thank you, but um…we need to move now. Do you think you won't fall down again?"

He takes a huge breath and mutters, "Yes, I'm perfect."

My arms are lying motionless beside me, but in order to keep our balance I have to move them around him.

What have I gotten myself into?

I consider calling out for Zena but when I imagine her in my place, I reject the idea, put my arms tightly around Edward and make the first small step toward the elevator.

It's awkward and not easy but we're moving.

Slowly but successfully I get him into the elevator. He hasn't let go of me. I've never had any man put his arms around me other than my father, and the last time that happened was when I was twelve. Then there's Sam. I swallow hard and push the memories away, this is totally different anyway.

My hand is shaking as I push the button for the third floor and pray to God no one will use the elevator now or be up on his floor.

When the doors open I don't move. Edward is mumbling quietly into my head. I try looking around for any movement on the floor, thankfully, I don't find any, but still, I don't move.

I'm scared of what's to come.

When the doors start to close, my arm shoots out and stops them. When they open again I nudge him a little and we make our way to his room.

The room key must have imprinted all its sharp edges in my hand from how hard I'm holding it. I feel like I'm moving towards my doom. It's silly, it's just a room, nothing will happen. He's too drunk to try anything, plus Edward is a good man, deep inside I know that even sober he won't try anything.

Okay, I have a plan; I will just push him onto the bed and leave, nothing wrong with that.

Okay, maybe I'll cover him first then leave.

Edward's weight is drooping heavily with every step and I'm considering the idea of dropping him with his key on top of his sleeping body beside his room when we finally reach our destination.

Hastily, I turn the lock and push the door open. "Okay, Edward. A couple of more steps. You can make it."

He doesn't answer this time but I try to move anyway and thankfully he does too.

As all the rooms have the same layout I know the way to the bed even with the lights off.

Slowly I move us and pray that he doesn't have any clutter to trip us on the way, but if he does I'll simply leave him, run out of the room and pretend like none of all this happened. Sue me.

Luckily we make it to the bed unscathed.

Now how to actually get him in bed?

"Edward, here's your bed. You can let go now."

No answer.


I brace my legs, tighten my arms around him and try to push and lean my weight against him so he'll fall onto the bed.

Of course, I intend to push him and remain standing, but apparently he has something else in mind.

His arms lock around me so when I push, he loses his balance, but takes me down with him and we fall together onto the bed.

I don't make any sound this time. I think the shock of lying in a guy's bed for the first time in my life has rendered me speechless.

Not only am I in his bed, but half his body is lying on top of mine with his long left arm draped over me and his right one under my shoulders.

My body is tense and clenched, my eyes wide and I think I stop breathing.

Edward seems to be sleeping and he's confusing me for his pillow. First he moves his leg on top of mine then his face is apparently looking for a gap in my veil.

The first touch of his lips on my neck snaps me out of it.

Somehow I find a way to push his arm and leg away and jump, but I end up falling on my ass on the floor. I stay there breathing hard for a second. What the fuck was he going to do next?

I get up and hurry toward the door but stop with my hand on the handle, I sigh heavily and rush back to him, drape the blanket over his body and watch him for a second in the dim light coming through the windows. He's breathing deeply. He's asleep. God he's beautiful.

The way he looks; all innocent and child-like brings a smile to my face, but I don't want to push my luck and risk him waking up again so I run out of the room and hurry to the elevator. I'm too keyed up to wait for it so I bounce to the stairs, make the two flights up in no time and soon enough, I'm back in Zena's room.

I'm panting but grinning. I don't know why but my veins are filled with adrenaline and my mouth seems to be in this permanent smile that won't go away.

Getting back into bed I pull the blanket up to my nose and lie staring at the window. I'm replaying all that's just happened. I can't wrap my head around everything.

He called me his beauty.

He held me. ME!

Said that I smelled so good.

My body is still tingling from his touch. God he was so cute, drunk like that. I giggle when I remember him inhaling and smelling me.



I bite my lip and say nothing.

"Bella, are you awake?" Zena asks sleepily.

I hold my breath in and wait. After a while I hear her turn to the side and go back to sleep.

As my night turned irrevocably upside down after all this excitement, I go to sleep easily and with a huge smile stuck on my face.

So ?
I pretty much fell in love with BPOV and I hope You guys enjoyed it too,
Would love to hear what you guys think, how you feel about this new information and plz share with us how you think we're doing with this story coz it's our first time and we can't make it better without ur insight ;)

*hugs and kisses*